European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-06-04
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Economic sentiment indicator remained on a rising trend in the EU
[02] The Business Climate Indicator for the euro area resumed upward trend
in May
[03] Avril 2002 : le chômage dans la zone euro en hausse à 8,3% ; l'UE15 en
hausse à 7,6%
[04] La Commission soutient la généralisation des jumelages scolaires par
[05] Pressure equipment : new EU Directive will improve safety standards
and market access
[06] La Commission se félicite de la nouvelle politique de l'UEFA en
matière de commercialisation des droits médiatiques sur la Ligue des
[07] Franz Fischler in Moscow : "Russia and the EU : partners in peace,
partners in trade"
[08] Third Conference for Innovating Regions in Europe Network : regional
innovation policies to boost Europe's competitiveness
[09] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 04/06/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 04/06/2002
[01] Economic sentiment indicator remained on a rising trend in the EU
The economic sentiment indicator for the EU increased by 0.1 percentage
points in the EU reaching a value of 100.1. In the euro area, the economic
sentiment indicator resumed its upward trend and increased by 0.4
percentage points, from 99.4 in April to 99.8 in May. The change in the
economic sentiment indicator between April and May was positive in Belgium,
Greece, Spain and Italy (0.4 percentage points), France (0.3) and Ireland
(0.1) while it remained stable in Germany and Austria. The decreases were
particularly significant in Portugal (0.8), Denmark (0.6), the United
Kingdom (0.5) and the Netherlands (0.4), and to a much lesser extent in
Sweden and Finland (0.3 and 0.2 percentage points respectively). Full
document available at 12.00 hrs on : http://europa.eu.int/comm/economy_finance/indicators/businessandconsumersurveys_en.htm
[02] The Business Climate Indicator for the euro area resumed upward trend
in May
The Business Climate Indicator for the euro area increased by 0.4
percentage points between April and May, reaching a value of -0.24. This
increase was mainly driven by an improvement in order books, including
export order books, as well as in opinions about production trends in the
recent past, while stocks of finished products fell only slightly and
production expectations remained unchanged. Full document available at
12.00 hrs. on : http://europa.eu.int/comm/economy_finance/indicators/businessclimate_en.htm
[03] Avril 2002 : le chômage dans la zone euro en hausse à 8,3% ; l'UE15 en
hausse à 7,6%
Selon les données publiées aujourd'hui par Eurostat, le taux de chômage de
la zone euro, corrigé des variations saisonnières, s'élevait à 8,3% en
avril 2002, par rapport à 8,2% en mars 2002. Il était de 8,0% en avril
2001. Le taux de chômage de l'UE15 était de 7,6% en avril comparé à 7,5% en
mars. Il s'élevait à 7,4% en avril 2001. En avril 2002, les taux les plus
bas ont été enregistrés au Luxembourg (2,2%), aux Pays-Bas (2,7% en mars),
en Autriche (4,0%), au Danemark (4,1% en mars), au Portugal et en Irlande
(4,4% chacun). Le taux de chômage de l'Espagne (11,3%) est resté le plus
élevé de l'UE.
[04] La Commission soutient la généralisation des jumelages scolaires par
Préparé pour le Conseil européen de Séville, le rapport adopté par la
Commission européenne sous la responsabilité de Viviane Reding, commissaire
en charge de l'Education et de la Culture, propose que, d'ici la fin de
2006, chacune des 150.000 écoles secondaires qui existent dans l'UE conclue
une convention de jumelage par Internet avec une ou plusieurs écoles
d'autres Etats membres voire de pays tiers dans le contexte du dialogue
entre les cultures. Ceci permettra à chaque jeune Européen de participer à
un projet éducatif par Internet au cours de sa scolarité. La réalisation de
cet objectif suppose notamment un effort de formation des enseignants et la
mise en place de services de support à ces jumelages. Parmi les thèmes
possibles pour ces jumelages, la Commission suggère notamment
l'apprentissage des langues, les échanges culturels, la citoyenneté
européenne ou encore l'éducation à l'environnement.
[05] Pressure equipment : new EU Directive will improve safety standards
and market access
Thousands of pressure equipment products, from pressure cookers to divers'
air bottles to non-nuclear power stations, will be subject to strict new
safety standards from 30 May 2002, when a new Directive is fully
implemented across the EU. Pressure Equipment Directive 92/23/EC will
replace product-specific national rules with European safety rules focusing
on hazards, managed in terms of permitted pressure. Conformity with the
directive's essential safety requirements will be assessed within a range
of hazard categories. Products that meet these requirements will be CE-
marked and may thus be sold throughout the Union, the European Economic
Area and those EU candidate countries which have already transposed the
directive into their national laws. This allows easier access to the single
market for manufacturers of pressure equipment across the EU. At the same
time, some 50 new European pressure equipment product and material
standards, including EN13445, the single most comprehensive standard ever
devised by the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN), will make it
easier for manufacturers to comply with the directive's essential
[06] La Commission se félicite de la nouvelle politique de l'UEFA en
matière de commercialisation des droits médiatiques sur la Ligue des
La Commission européenne entend adopter une position favorable à l'égard
des nouvelles règles que se propose d'adopter l'UEFA, organisme régissant
le football en Europe, concernant la vente des droits de radiodiffusion et
autres droits médiatiques relatifs à la Ligue des champions. La Commission
s'était opposée aux règles actuelles qui lui avaient été notifiées pour
approbation en application des règles de concurrence, au motif qu'elles
étaient restrictives de la concurrence. Elles faussaient la concurrence
entre radiodiffuseurs, encourageaient la concentration dans le secteur des
médias et entravaient le développement des services sportifs sur l'Internet
et de la nouvelle génération de téléphones mobiles, en empêchant l'accès à
un contenu essentiel, au détriment des amateurs de football et des
consommateurs en général. Les nouvelles règles de l'UEFA mettront les
droits médiatiques sur la Ligue des champions à la portée des fournisseurs
de contenus Internet et des opérateurs UMTS ainsi que d'un plus grand
nombre de chaînes de télévision et de radio. Au lieu de vendre les droits
en un lot unique à un seul radiodiffuseur par pays, l'UEFA les vendra en
plusieurs lots, pour des périodes plus courtes, et les clubs de football
auront également la possibilité d'exploiter certains des droits au profit
de leurs supporters.
[07] Franz Fischler in Moscow : "Russia and the EU : partners in peace,
partners in trade"
Speaking to the press in Moscow, Russia, yesterday, Franz Fischler,
European Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries,
hailed the effort made by the Russian people to restructure their economic
system. "Russia has come a long way, including in the farm sector and the
European Union (EU) recognises the progress that has been made. The EU has
played it part by providing 70 billion Roubles (€2.4 billion) to assist the
restructuring process, from which 4.3 billion Roubles (€153 million) went
to the Russian farm sector. I think that in the future TACIS money could
usefully be directed in particular to support the development of
institutions providing credit for investment by farmers, because more
investments are key to further improve quality and productivity. Fischler
said that the EU and Russia were not only partners in peace, but also
increasingly important partners in trade. "We have significantly
strengthened our ties last year. Our bilateral trade volume has doubled in
the last years from 864 billion Rouble (€30 billion) in 1993 to 1.880
billion (€65 billion) in 2000. Also Russian farm exports to the EU have
skyrocketed in the last three years, increasing by 80%. Yet, we can do
better. Only last week, the EU/Russia summit has reaffirmed our intention
to continue making an effective use of the Partnership and Cooperation
Agreement (PCA) in order to contribute to developing trade and investment",
he pointed out.
[08] Third Conference for Innovating Regions in Europe Network : regional
innovation policies to boost Europe's competitiveness
The Third Conference for the Innovating Regions in Europe (IRE) network
will take place on 17-18 June 2002 in Stratford upon Avon (United Kingdom).
It is organised by the European Commission in cooperation with the Regional
Development Agency for West Midlands, Advantage West Midlands. UK Minister
for Science and Innovation Lord Sainsbury, European Commission Director
General for Enterprise Fabio Colasanti, Director for Regional Policy
Community initiatives and innovative actions Elisabeth Helander, and other
innovation specialists will present their views on innovation policies,
along with the latest trends and developments in support for regional
innovation in the European Union and in EU Candidate Countries.
[09] Autre matériel diffusé
Mid-term review of the Prodi Commission
Speech by Mario Monti : "Review of the EC Merger Regulation - Roadmap for
the reform project" at the Conference on Reform of European Merger Control
organised by the British Chamber of Commerce
Discours de M. Busquin : "La recherche européenne des transports se met en
mouvement" à la conférence 'Surface Transport Technologies for Sustainable
Development' (Valence)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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