European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-05-08
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Valeurs mobilières : la Commission lance de nouvelles consultations
sur les informations à fournir par les sociétés dont les titres sont
négociés sur des marchés réglementés
[02] Commission suspects Deutsche Telekom of charging anti-competitive
tariffs for access to its local network
[03] Commission clears take-over of Enterprise Oil by Shell
[04] Interreg : l'UE accorde une aide de 108,2 millions d'€ à la
coopération entre la France et le Royaume-Uni
[05] Interreg : EU grants €119 million for transnational cooperation in
"Atlantic Rim" area
[06] Commission offers financial assistance for initiatives to improve
democracy and human rights
[07] La Commission envisage de réexaminer certaines mesures antidumping
pour s'assurer de leur conformité avec les recommandations de l'OMC
[08] Thailand : Commission adopts framework for cooperation (Country
Strategy Paper)
[09] Malaysia : Commission adopts framework for cooperation (Country
Strategy Paper)
[10] La Commission octroie 2 millions d'€ d'aide humanitaire en Amérique
[11] EU grants €6.5 million in food aid to people in Zimbabwe
[12] Commission provides further €3.5 million in emergency humanitarian aid
for the Palestinian Territories
[13] Life sciences and EU citizens : European think tank fosters better
understanding between bio-sciences and society
[14] La Commission lance un bulletin électronique donnant un résumé de
l'actualité agricole
[15] Reports from new Observatory of European SMEs shed new light on small
business in EU
[16] Gert-Jan Koopman appointed Head of Cabinet of Vice-President Kinnock
[17] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 08/05/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 08/05/2002
[01] Valeurs mobilières : la Commission lance de nouvelles consultations
sur les informations à fournir par les sociétés dont les titres sont
négociés sur des marchés réglementés
Les services de la Commission européenne ont lancé un second et dernier
cycle de consultations sur l'actualisation des règles existantes concernant
les informations à fournir par les sociétés dont les valeurs mobilières
sont négociées sur des marchés réglementés, tels que les bourses de
valeurs. La Commission entend soumettre une proposition législative au
Parlement européen et au Conseil à la fin de 2002. Le dernier document de
consultation présente diverses approches possibles, revues à la lumière des
90 réponses reçues lors des premières consultations lancées en juillet de
l'an dernier (voir IP/01/1861). Ce document tient également compte des
recommandations faites en juillet 2002 par le Groupe de haut niveau
d'experts en matière de droit des sociétés présidé par le Professeur Jaap
Winter (voir IP/02/24). Ce dialogue de grande ampleur mené avec les parties
intéressées est conforme à l'approche en matière de législation sur les
services financiers convenue avec le Parlement européen et le Conseil et
fondée sur les recommandations du Comité Lamfalussy sur la réglementation
des marchés européens de bourses de valeurs (voir IP/02/195). Le dernier
document de consultation est disponible sur le site Europa à l'adresse
suivante : http://europa.eu.int:8082/comm/internal_market/fr/finances/mobil/transparency/index.htm.
Le délai pour la réception des commentaires est le 5 juillet 2002.
[02] Commission suspects Deutsche Telekom of charging anti-competitive
tariffs for access to its local network
After a careful investigation, the European Commission has sent Deutsche
Telekom AG (DT) a statement of objections setting out the preliminary
conclusion that the German incumbent telecommunications operator has abused
its dominant position through unfair pricing regarding the provision of
local access to its fixed telecommunications network (local loop). The
Commission is concerned about DT's practice of charging new entrants higher
fees for wholesale access to the local loop than what DT's subscribers pay
for retail access. This discourages new companies from entering the market
and, therefore, creating new jobs, and reduces the choice of suppliers of
telecoms services as well as price competition for consumers. The
Commission's action, which stems from complaints by Mannesmann Arcor and
local and regional carriers in Germany, follows the sending of statements
of objections to France Télécoms's subsidiary Wanadoo, over predatory
pricing for high speed Internet access services, and to Dutch incumbent KPN
over the price charged to terminate calls on its mobile network.
[03] Commission clears take-over of Enterprise Oil by Shell
The European Commission has authorised the proposed take-over of UK oil and
natural gas company Enterprise Oil Plc by Anglo-Dutch oil group Shell. The
operation will not create anti-competitive effects, including on the
markets for the transport by pipeline of either crude oil or unprocessed
natural gas from off-shore fields in the UK North Sea or for the processing
in the UK of crude oil or natural gas markets which were particularly
assessed by the Commission.
[04] Interreg : l'UE accorde une aide de 108,2 millions d'€ à la
coopération entre la France et le Royaume-Uni
M. Michel Barnier, membre de la Commission européenne chargé de la
politique régionale, a annoncé l'approbation par la Commission d'un
programme de coopération entre la France et le Royaume-Uni, qui sera
financé par l'initiative communautaire Interreg III A. Le programme est axé
sur le renforcement de la coopération transfrontalière et le développement
durable de l'économie régionale. L'UE y contribuera à hauteur de 108,2
millions d'€. A ce montant s'ajoutera une contribution financée par les
budgets nationaux et régionaux de 98,7 millions d'€ et une participation du
secteur privé de 36,3 millions d'€, le total des ressources s'élevant ainsi
à 243,2 millions d'€.
[05] Interreg : EU grants €119 million for transnational cooperation in
"Atlantic Rim" area
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for Regional Policy, has
announced approval by the Commission of a programme for the "Atlantic Rim"
cooperation area to be financed under the Interreg III Community Initiative
(Strand B). The EU is giving €119 million for the programme and the total
amount available up to 2006 will be €204 million, the remaining €85 million
coming from national and regional budgets. The main purposes of the
programme are to boost the Atlantic Rim's cohesion, improve its economic
competitiveness in order to overcome the handicap of its peripheral
location by comparison with the more central regions of the Union, seek
routes to sustainable development by integrating strategy and territorial
development, and harmonise social, economic and environmental objectives
while preserving and capitalising on the Rim's cultural, historical and
environmental heritage and assets. The area has a total population of 76.1
[06] Commission offers financial assistance for initiatives to improve
democracy and human rights
EuropeAid has launched four new calls for proposals under the European
Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR). In May 2001, the
European Commission adopted a policy statement, or Communication, on the
EU's role in promoting human rights and democratisation in third countries.
In particular, this Communication recommended focusing EIDHR financial
support on thematic priority areas. The four calls for proposals are aimed
at the following areas : (1) support for the abolition of the death penalty,
(2) fighting impunity and promoting international justice, (3) combating
racism, xenophobia and discrimination against ethnic minorities and
indigenous people, (4) prevention of torture and the provision of support
for the rehabilitation of torture victims. Established in 1994, the main
aim of the EIDHR is to promote human rights, democracy and conflict
prevention in third countries by providing financial support for activities
supporting these goals.
[07] La Commission envisage de réexaminer certaines mesures antidumping
pour s'assurer de leur conformité avec les recommandations de l'OMC
Dans un avis publié aujourd'hui, la Commission européenne a annoncé qu'elle
allait réexaminer, sur demande, toutes les mesures antidumping fondées sur
des méthodes déclarées incompatibles avec les règles de l'OMC dans
l'affaire du linge de lit originaire de l'Inde. L'UE a déjà pleinement mis
en œuvre la décision de l'OMC concernant cette affaire. Ces réexamens
constituent donc une mesure supplémentaire visant à confirmer que toutes
les autres mesures antidumping existantes respectent les règles de l'OMC.
[08] Thailand : Commission adopts framework for cooperation (Country
Strategy Paper)
The European Commission has adopted the Country Strategy Paper, which sets
out a five year (2002-2006) strategy for its financial assistance to
Thailand. At the same time, it announced that over the next three years,
2002-2004, an indicative sum of €10 million has been earmarked to finance
this strategy. The paper has been prepared in consultation with the
Government of Thailand and EU Member States.
[09] Malaysia : Commission adopts framework for cooperation (Country
Strategy Paper)
The European Commission adopted Country Strategy Paper, which sets out a
five year strategy (2002-2006) for its co-operation with Malaysia. At the
same time, it announced that over the next three years, 2002-2004, an
indicative sum of € 3.5 million has been earmarked to finance this
strategy. The paper has been prepared in consultation with the Government
of Malaysia and EU Member States.
[10] La Commission octroie 2 millions d'€ d'aide humanitaire en Amérique
La Commission européenne a alloué 2 millions d'€ d'aide humanitaire en
faveur des populations vulnérables du Guatemala, Honduras et Nicaragua
victimes d'une crise nutritionnelle. Les opérations financées visent à
dépister et traiter les cas de malnutrition aiguë et à lutter contre les
principales causes de l'insécurité alimentaire. Au total 150.000 personnes
bénéficieront de l'aide mise en œuvre via l'Office d'Aide Humanitaire, ECHO,
placé sous la responsabilité du Commissaire Poul Nielson. Depuis 1999, ECHO
a alloué plus de 58 millions d'€ à cette région régulièrement frappée par
les catastrophes naturelles.
[11] EU grants €6.5 million in food aid to people in Zimbabwe
The European Commission has approved food aid worth €6.5 million for the
population of Zimbabwe. This decision is designed to ensure that some of
those in need have access to minimum food supplies in the coming months.
This assistance will fund the purchase of 8,070 tons of maize, 1,500 tons
of pulses (beans) if possible at the regional level and 600 tons of
vegetable oil. This food will be distributed among the poorest families in
19 districts of the country severely affected by food shortages due to
climatic problems faced in 2001 as well as the worst economic crisis
Zimbabwe has ever faced. This initiative constitutes the contribution of
the Commission to the emergency programme launched by the World Food
Programme (WFP) in late 2001, as a consequence of the deterioration of the
food security situation in the country.
[12] Commission provides further €3.5 million in emergency humanitarian aid
for the Palestinian Territories
The European Commission has adopted an emergency decision to provide relief
worth €3.5 million to victims of the conflict in the Palestinian
Territories. This is on top of the €5 million in humanitarian aid allocated
at the beginning of April. The funds are managed by the Humanitarian Aid
Office (ECHO) and are being channelled through seven of ECHO's experienced
NGO partners in the region and the International Committee of the Red Cross
(ICRC). ECHO is a Commission department which comes under the
responsibility of Commissioner Poul Nielson.
[13] Life sciences and EU citizens : European think tank fosters better
understanding between bio-sciences and society
At a meeting in Granada on 7 May, the European Group on Life Sciences
(EGLS), reporting to European Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin, set
its agenda for the year to come. EGLS work programme is based on the
assumption that a major effort to fund science (particularly in connection
to human health) is necessary to make the most of life science research in
Europe. Issues addressed by EGLS included the role of Life Sciences in
sustainable agriculture, especially in Developing Countries, life science
communication in the media, and the interaction between new biological
knowledge and culture. A particular attention should be devoted to
encouraging young people to engage in scientific careers : young scientists
should be fully involved in achieving the March 2000 Lisbon European
Council objective of turning the EU into the most competitive knowledge-
based economy in the world. EGLS analyses developments in life sciences and
contributes to EU policy debate. It aims at fostering dialogue between
researchers, policy makers and society on life sciences. EGLS welcomed four
new members and inaugurated its new president .
[14] La Commission lance un bulletin électronique donnant un résumé de
l'actualité agricole
La direction générale de l'agriculture de la Commission européenne vient de
lancer un nouveau service de messagerie électronique. Il s'agit d'un
bulletin qui fournit aux abonnés un résumé des informations concernant
l'agriculture et les activités de la Commission dans ce domaine. Pour
pouvoir bénéficier de ce service gratuit, toutes les parties intéressées
peuvent s'inscrire sur la liste d'adresses par la voie de l'internet. Ce
service n'est actuellement disponible qu'en anglais. Inscription à
l'adresse: http://europa.eu.int/comm/commissioners/fischler/mail_en.htm
[15] Reports from new Observatory of European SMEs shed new light on small
business in EU
The first three reports from the new Observatory of European small and
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have been posted on the European
Commission's enterprise web pages. These reports provide a large amount of
information about the structure of businesses in Europe, and on the
challenges facing business people. All three reports can be downloaded free
of charge from: http://europa.eu.int/comm/enterprise/enterprise_policy/analysis/observatory.htm
[16] Gert-Jan Koopman appointed Head of Cabinet of Vice-President Kinnock
Mr Gert-Jan Koopman, Commission official of Dutch nationality, has been
chosen by Vice-President Neil Kinnock to replace Mr Philip Lowe as the Head
of his Private Office. The appointment became effective on 1 May 2002.
[17] Autre matériel diffusé
Note sur les résultats du Conseil Ecofin
Calendrier du 13 au 19 mai 2002
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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