European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-02-26
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] La Commission et l'OLAF agissent sur base d'allégations de mauvaise
conduite professionnelle
[02] Commission clears new ownership structure of CAT joint venture
[03] La Commission autorise la reprise de Schöller par Nestlé
[04] Commission clears inland tanker joint venture in mineral oils shipping
[05] Commission initiates formal investigation into the takeover of Dutch
sand-lime brick producers
[06] Commission clears acquisition of EP Europost by Hermes Versand
[07] Afghanistan reconstruction : Commission approves €57.5 million for
Initial Recovery Programme
[08] Maritime transport : Commission proposes to conclude agreement with
[09] Pascal Lamy visits Argentina, Brazil, and Chile to strengthen Europe's
regional and multilateral trade ties with region (27/03-04/03)
[10] Margot Wallström : "A wake-up call for global sustainability"
[11] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 26/02/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 26/02/2002
[01] La Commission et l'OLAF agissent sur base d'allégations de mauvaise
conduite professionnelle
La presse de plusieurs Etats membres s'est fait l'écho ces derniers mois
d'un document, rédigé par le fonctionnaire de la Commission européenne Paul
van Buitenen, faisant référence à des allégations de mauvaise conduite
professionnelle. Son document a été transmis le 31 août 2001 à l'Office de
lutte anti-fraude de l'UE (OLAF) et à la Direction Générale de
l'administration de la Commission (DG ADMIN). A ce stade, la Commission ne
peut pas dévoiler le contenu précis des allégations contenues dans ce
document, car elles doivent être vérifiées et cela pouvant affecter les
droits des individus mentionnés. De nombreux sujets évoqués dans le
document de M. van Buitenen ont déjà fait ou font actuellement l'objet
d'enquêtes ; d'éventuels faits nouveaux peuvent bien sûr entraîner de
nouvelles investigations. C'est pourquoi tant l'OLAF que la DG ADMIN ont
chacun entrepris leur propre analyse du contenu du document afin de
déterminer s'il contenait des faits nouveaux nécessitant une enquête
formelle. L'OLAF a maintenant soumis un résumé de ses conclusions à la
Commission et le Vice-Président Kinnock a fait rapport au Parlement
européen sur ce sujet. Une réunion aura prochainement lieu entre la DG
ADMIN et l'OLAF pour assurer le suivi approprié.
[02] Commission clears new ownership structure of CAT joint venture
The European Commission has granted regulatory clearance to a deal whereby
a consortium made up of British company Autologic Holding Plc, TNT Holdings
B.V. of the Netherlands and Wallenius Wilhelmsen Lines AS of Norway will
acquire joint control of Compagnie d'Affrètement et de Transport (CAT), a
company which provides logistics services to the automobile sector and
which was until last year fully-owned by Renault SA.
[03] La Commission autorise la reprise de Schöller par Nestlé
La Commission européenne a autorisé la reprise du groupe allemand Schöller
par l'entreprise suisse Nestlé S.A. La Commission a examiné l'impact de la
fusion sur le marché des glaces en Allemagne, aux Pays-Bas, en Autriche et
en France, mais a conclut à l'absence de problèmes compte tenu, notamment,
de la concurrence exercée par Unilever Plc qui reste le numéro un de la
glace en Europe et dans le monde.
[04] Commission clears inland tanker joint venture in mineral oils shipping
The European Commission has granted regulatory clearance to a deal whereby
the Vopak Group and Van der Sluijs, both based in the Netherlands, will
acquire joint control of the Interstream joint venture, which will be
active in inland mineral oil tanker transport.
[05] Commission initiates formal investigation into the takeover of Dutch
sand-lime brick producers
The European Commission has decided to carry out a detailed investigation
into the 1999 acquisition of the Dutch sand-lime brick cooperative CVK by
the German Haniel group and Dutch firm Cementbouw. The Commission has
doubts as to the competitive impact of this transaction on the wall-
building materials sector in the Netherlands.
[06] Commission clears acquisition of EP Europost by Hermes Versand
The European Commission has granted clearance under the Merger Regulation
to the acquisition of joint control in the the mail distribution sector of
the German undertakings EP Europost AG & Co KG and EP Europost
Geschäftsführungs AG (EP Europost) by the Dutch company City Courier
(Nederland) B.V., controlled by TPG N.V. (TPG) and Hermes Boten Service
GmbH & CO. KG, belonging to the Otto Versand Combined Group (Otto Versand).
(The operation was examined under the simplified merger review procedure)
[07] Afghanistan reconstruction : Commission approves €57.5 million for
Initial Recovery Programme
The European Commission has approved an Initial Recovery Programme for
Afghanistan worth €57.5 million. The aim of the programme is to support the
stabilisation of the country, assisting its new Interim Administration and
meeting primary needs. The main components of the package are : support to
public administration, rural recovery, mine clearance and basic urban
infrastructures as well as help with information and co-ordination
mechanisms to boster the reconstruction effort. Welcoming the adoption of
the programme, External Relations Commissioner Chris Patten stated : "The
aid approved today is another sign of Europe's substantial and sustained
effort to help rebuild Afghanistan's society and economy. The Commission's
contribution in 2002 amounts to €200 million : a clear expression of our
commitment to the Afghan people."
[08] Maritime transport : Commission proposes to conclude agreement with
Following the successful conclusion of negotiations last December in
Beijing, the European Commission has presented a proposal to conclude an
Agreement on maritime transport between the European Union and the People's
Republic of China. The Agreement covers commercial, safety and security
maritime issues and could be formally signed on the occasion of the EU-
China summit at the end of the year. "This agreement is of key interest to
European shipping companies", said Loyola de Palacio, Vice-President in
charge of transport and energy. "It is a very important step ahead which
paves the way to closer relations with one of our main non-European
commercial partners", she added. The proposal for a Decision to formalise
the terms of the Agreement negotiated between the Commission and China will
be submitted to the EU's Council of Ministers for adoption.
[09] Pascal Lamy visits Argentina, Brazil, and Chile to strengthen Europe's
regional and multilateral trade ties with region (27/03-04/03)
European Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy will visit Argentina, Brazil and
Chile from 27 February until 4 March. In Argentina, Mr Lamy will express
the EU's solidarity with Argentina as it strives to recover from the recent
dramatic economic and social crisis. On the eve of his departure, Mr Lamy
said : "We stand by Argentina when it most needs the support of its friends
and neighbours. It is at times like these that the value and importance of
being part of the Mercosur is brought into sharper focus. Our commitment to
strengthening the Mercosur family through our on-going negotiations is if
anything stronger now than ever." Mr Lamy's visit to Brazil will also serve
to underline the importance the EU attaches to the Mercosur negotiation as
well as to nurturing the excellent relationship struck up with Brazil in
the WTO context. In Chile, the Commissioner will attend the opening session
of the 9th round of negotiations for an EU-Chile Association Agreement that
both sides hope to conclude at the Second EU-Latin American Summit to be
held in Madrid in May. The visit will also provide an opportunity for the
EU and Brazil, Argentina and Chile to underline their commitment to the new
WTO round of multilateral trade talks agreed last year in Doha (Doha
Development Round). During his trip, Commissioner Lamy will meet President
Cardoso of Brazil, Argentine President Duhalde and President Lagos in
Chile. He will also meet his Ministerial counterparts, as well as
representatives of business, civil society and academics.
[10] Margot Wallström : "A wake-up call for global sustainability"
(! embargo 4 pm !) In a speech today to the European Policy Centre Dialogue
on sustainabilty and globalisation, European Environment Commissioner
Margot Wallström outlines her views on the outcomes that the Johannesburg
World Summit next August should include. She calls on all participating
countries to sign up to concrete action at the Summit. The Commissioner
says : "We do not need new statements of principles. We do need a concrete
Action Plan with deliverables upon which we can be held to account". She
continues : "We must inject a sense of urgency into our preparations for
Johannesburg. We must shake off any sense of complacency surrounding the
subject of global sustainability. We face enourmous challenges ... but we
cannot allow the enormity of the task to paralyse us into inaction."
[11] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by Mario Monti : "Competition and the Consumer : What are the aims
of European Competition Policy ?" at the European Competition Day in Madrid
Speech by Pedro Solbes : "Topical issues in economic policy" at the
Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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