European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-02-05
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Commission authorises acquisition of the German Bewag by the Swedish
energy group Vattenfall
[02] La Commission propose que la Convention de Rotterdam sur les produits
chimiques dangereux soit ratifiée par l'UE
[03] December 2001 : euro-zone unemployment stable at 8.5% ; EU15 steady at
[04] January 2002 : euro-area business climate indicator up + 0.19
[05] Commission gives €5.5 million in humanitarian assistance for the
victims of the conflict in FYROM and Kosovo
[06] Commission allocates €300,000 to help contain Ebola outbreak in Gabon
[07] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 05/02/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 05/02/2002
[01] Commission authorises acquisition of the German Bewag by the Swedish
energy group Vattenfall
The European Commission has authorised the take over of the German Berliner
Kraft- und Licht Aktiengesellschaft (Bewag) by the Swedish energy group
Vattenfall AB (Vattenfall). Through the operation, Vattenfall will acquire
full ownership and control over Bewag. The Commission has concluded that no
competition concerns arise from the transaction.
[02] La Commission propose que la Convention de Rotterdam sur les produits
chimiques dangereux soit ratifiée par l'UE
La Commission européenne a décidé de proposer au Conseil d'adopter une
décision relative à la ratification de la Convention de Rotterdam sur la
procédure à suivre dans les échanges internationaux de produits chimiques
dangereux. Les pays qui sont parties à la Convention de Rotterdam ont le
droit de refuser des importations de certains produits chimiques dangereux.
Les exportations de ces produits chimiques ne peuvent avoir lieu que
lorsque le pays importateur a donné son feu vert ("consentement préalable
en connaissance de cause" ou PIC). En outre, la Convention instaure un
système d'échange d'informations sur les produits chimiques dangereux. La
Convention présente donc un intérêt particulier pour les pays en
développement puisqu'elle leur garantit le droit d'avoir les informations
nécessaires, et qu'elle leur donne le pouvoir de décider quels produits
chimiques ils veulent accepter et de refuser ceux qu'ils ne sont pas en
mesure de gérer en toute sécurité. Parallèlement, la Commission a décidé de
proposer un règlement détaillé pour l'application des dispositions de la
Convention en remplacement des dispositions communautaires actuellement en
vigueur concernant l'importation et l'exportation de produits chimiques
[03] December 2001 : euro-zone unemployment stable at 8.5% ; EU15 steady at
Euro-zone seasonally-adjusted unemployment stood at 8.5% in December 2001
unchanged compared to November, Eurostat reports today. Between December
2000 and December 2001, the unemployment rate has varied between 8.4% and
8.5%. The EU15 unemployment rate was 7.8% in December, unchanged compared
to November. It was 7.9% in December 2000. Lowest rates were registered in
the Netherlands (2.2% in November), Luxembourg (2.5%), Austria and Ireland
(4.2% each), Portugal (4.3%), and Denmark (4.4%). Spain's 12.9% remained
the EU's highest rate.
[04] January 2002 : euro-area business climate indicator up + 0.19
The Business Climate Indicator (BCI) increased by almost 0.2 point in
January compared with past December, reaching the value of -1.03. Such
favourable developments were mainly driven by positive production
expectations. Full document available on the following address :
[05] Commission gives €5.5 million in humanitarian assistance for the
victims of the conflict in FYROM and Kosovo
The European Commission has allocated €5.5 million for basic assistance to
refugees, internally displaced people (IDPs) and other vulnerable groups in
the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) as well as to vulnerable
minorities in Kosovo. In FYROM, following the signing of the Framework
Agreement in August 2001, tens of thousands of displaced people were
encouraged to return to their homes. However, an estimated 30,000 IDPs and
refugees have yet to return and their numerous needs still have to be
addressed. In Kosovo, minorities (in particular Serbs and Romas) also
require aid. In FYROM, the projects include continuing to provide further
support for humanitarian actions in the fields of nutrition, water and
sanitation, health and education. The continuation of food assistance will
be carried out in close co-ordination with the International Committee of
the Red Cross (ICRC) and ECHO partners, targeting IDPs, returnees,
residents in the conflict-affected areas and up to 5,500 social case
families. This action is foreseen to continue until summer 2002. Support
will also be provided to the agricultural sector (livestock food) to
facilitate a return to normal agricultural activities in the spring.
Emergency rehabilitation of schools and health facilities will take place
throughout the year. Support to the remaining caseload of refugees from the
Kosovo crisis will also be provided. In Kosovo, specific protection actions,
undertaken by UNHCR, will target vulnerable minorities living in enclaves
or in isolated areas. The money is channelled through the Humanitarian Aid
Office (ECHO) which comes under the responsibility of Commissioner Poul
[06] Commission allocates €300,000 to help contain Ebola outbreak in Gabon
The European Commission has allocated €300,000 to help tackle an outbreak
of Ebola in Gabon. This is the fourth time in ten years that the country
has been struck by the deadly haemorrhagic fever. The latest outbreak of
the disease, first reported in December, had claimed 25 lives by mid-
January in the country's North-Eastern province and in the neighbouring
Republic of Congo. The money will be channelled through the Humanitarian
Aid Office (ECHO) which comes under the responsibility of Commissioner Poul
Nielson. The funds are directed towards the installation and management of
a quarantine line in the affected area. The project is being implemented by
Medecins Sans Frontières (Belgium).
[07] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by Romano Prodi : "Implementation of financial services legislation
in the context of the Lamfalussy Report" at the European Parliament
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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