European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-01-17
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Programmes Urban II : €114.8 millions pour 10 villes italiennes
(Carrara, Caserta, Crotone, Genoa, Milan, Misterbianco, Mola di Bari,
Pescara, Taranto et Torino)
[02] Urban II programme : EU contributes €8.8 million to urban regeneration
in Carrara
[03] Urban II programme : EU contributes €15 million to urban regeneration
in Caserta
[04] Urban II programme : EU contributes €15 million to urban regeneration
in Crotone
[05] Urban II programme : EU contributes €10.7 million to urban
regeneration in the historical centre of Genoa
[06] Urban II programme : EU contributes €10.7 million to urban
regeneration in the north west suburban areas of Milan
[07] Urban II programme : EU contributes €15 million to urban regeneration
in Misterbianco
[08] Urban II programme : EU contributes €8.6 million to urban regeneration
in Mola di Bari
[09] Urban II programme : EU contributes €4.9 to urban regeneration in
[10] Urban II programme : EU contributes €15.1 million to urban
regeneration in Taranto
[11] Urban II programme : EU contributes €10.7 million to urban
regeneration in the "Mirafiori Nord" suburban area of Torino
[12] Commission clears purchase of European units of US telecoms company
Global TeleSystems by KPNQwest
[13] Conservation de la nature : la Commission approuve les sites devant
bénéficier d'une protection spéciale aux îles Canaries, aux Açores et à
[14] Traditional herbal medicines : Commission proposes harmonised
registration procedure
[15] Substances dangereuses : la Commission traduit la France devant la
Cour de justice
[16] Pressure equipment : infringement proceedings against Germany
[17] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 17/01/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 17/01/2002
[01] Programmes Urban II : €114.8 millions pour 10 villes italiennes
(Carrara, Caserta, Crotone, Genoa, Milan, Misterbianco, Mola di Bari,
Pescara, Taranto et Torino)
Michael Barnier, Commissaire européen responsable de la Politique régionale,
a annoncé l'approbation par la Commission de 10 programmes pour 10 zones
urbaines italiennes. Ces programmes ont été adoptés au titre de
l'initiative communautaire Urban II. Parmi les priorités figureront la
promotion de nouvelles technologies, l'amélioration de l'environnement
économique, l'insertion des groupes désavantagés dans le marché du travail
et le développement urbain.
[02] Urban II programme : EU contributes €8.8 million to urban regeneration
in Carrara
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has
announced the approval by the Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in Carrara - Italy. This Urban Community Initiative Programme
will provide €8.8 million from the EU over the period 2000-2006. The
European funding has attracted €18.3 million in further investment from the
public sector creating total resources of €27.1 million. Priorities will
include training, improvements of the natural environment, improvements to
the business environment and various measures to promote the inclusion of
disadvantaged groups, particularly in the labour market.
[03] Urban II programme : EU contributes €15 million to urban regeneration
in Caserta
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has
announced the approval by the Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in the city of Caserta - Italy. This Urban Community
Initiative Programme will provide €15 million from the EU over the period
2000-2006. The European funding has attracted €10 million in further
investment from the public sector, and €4.2 million from the private sector,
creating total resources of €29.2 million. Priorities will include training,
improvements of the physical and the business environment and various
measures to promote the inclusion of disadvantaged groups, particularly
into the labour market.
[04] Urban II programme : EU contributes €15 million to urban regeneration
in Crotone
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has
announced the approval by the Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in Crotone - Italy. This Urban Community Initiative Programme
will provide €15 million from the EU over the period 2000-2006. The
European funding has attracted €10 million in further investment from the
public sector creating total resources of € 25million. Priorities will
include training, improvements of the physical and the business environment
and various measures to promote the inclusion of disadvantaged groups,
particularly into the labour market.
[05] Urban II programme : EU contributes €10.7 million to urban
regeneration in the historical centre of Genoa
Michel Barnier, Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has announced
the approval by the European Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in the historical centre of Genoa. This Urban Community
Initiative Programme will provide €10.7 million from the European Union
over the period 2000-2006. The European funding has attracted €16 million
in further investment from the public sector and €2.8 million from the
private sector, creating total resources of €29.5 million. Priorities will
include training, improvements of the physical environment, improvements to
the business environment and various measures to promote the inclusion of
disadvantaged groups, particularly into the labour market.
[06] Urban II programme : EU contributes €10.7 million to urban
regeneration in the north west suburban areas of Milan
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has
announced the approval by the Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in the north west suburban areas of Milan - Italy. This Urban
Community Initiative Programme will provide €10.7 million from the EU over
the period 2000-2006. The European funding has attracted €16.3 million in
further investment from the public sector, creating total resources of €27
million. Priorities will include training, improvements of the physical
environment, improvement of the business environment and various measures
to promote the inclusion of disadvantaged groups, particularly into the
labour market.
[07] Urban II programme : EU contributes €15 million to urban regeneration
in Misterbianco
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has
announced the approval by the Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in the north west suburban areas of Misterbianco, Italy. This
Urban Community Initiative Programme will provide €15 million from the EU
over the period 2000-2006. The European funding has attracted €10 million
in further investment from the public sector, creating total resources of
€25 million. Priorities will include improvements of the natural and the
business environment and various measures to promote the inclusion of
disadvantaged groups, particularly into the labour market.
[08] Urban II programme : EU contributes €8.6 million to urban regeneration
in Mola di Bari
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has
announced the approval by the Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in Mola di Bari, Italy. This Urban Community Initiative
Programme will provide €8.6 million from the European Union over the period
2000-2006. The European funding has attracted €10.4 million in further
investment from the public sector and €2.8 million from the private sector,
creating total resources of €21.8 million. Priorities will include training,
improvements of the physical and the business environment and various
measures to promote the inclusion of disadvantaged groups, particularly
into the labour market.
[09] Urban II programme : EU contributes €4.9 to urban regeneration in
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has
announced the approval by the Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in Pescara (Italy). This Urban Community Initiative Programme
will provide €4.9 million from the EU over the period 2000-2006. The
European funding has attracted €7.3 million in further investment from the
public sector, creating total resources of €12.2 million. Priorities will
include training, improvements of the physical environment, improvements to
the business environment and various measures to promote the inclusion of
disadvantaged groups, particularly into the labour market.
[10] Urban II programme : EU contributes €15.1 million to urban
regeneration in Taranto
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has
announced the approval by the Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in Taranto, Italy. This Urban Community Initiative Programme
will provide €15.1 million from the EU over the period 2000-2006. The
European funding has attracted €16.6 million in further investment from the
public sector and €7 million from the private sector, creating total
resources of €38.7 million. Priorities will include training, improvements
of the physical and the business environment and various measures to
promote the inclusion of disadvantaged groups, particularly into the labour
[11] Urban II programme : EU contributes €10.7 million to urban
regeneration in the "Mirafiori Nord" suburban area of Torino
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has
announced the approval by the Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in the "Mirafiori Nord" suburban area of Torino (Italy). This
Urban Community Initiative Programme will provide €10.7 million from the EU
over the period 2000-2006. The European funding has attracted €16.1 million
in further investment from the public sector and €1.6 million from the
private sector, creating total resources of €28.4 million. Priorities will
include training, improvements of the physical environment, improvements of
the business environment and various measures to promote the inclusion of
disadvantaged groups, particularly into the labour market.
[12] Commission clears purchase of European units of US telecoms company
Global TeleSystems by KPNQwest
The European Commission has cleared the acquisition by KPNQwest NV of the
European operations of Global TeleSystems Inc. (GTS), a US-based
telecommunications operator. The Commission's review has shown that the
markets concerned, which range from data communications services to
Internet connectivity and access, would remain sufficiently competitive.
[13] Conservation de la nature : la Commission approuve les sites devant
bénéficier d'une protection spéciale aux îles Canaries, aux Açores et à
La Commission européenne a approuvé la première liste de sites d'importance
européenne à protéger conformément à la directive "Habitats" de l'Union
européenne (92/43/CEE). Cette liste couvre la région biogéographique de la
Macaronésie, c'est-à-dire les îles Canaries, les Açores et Madère. Les
sites en question, qui abritent des habitats naturels et des espèces
animales et végétales rares et menacés, font désormais officiellement
partie du réseau de sites bénéficiant d'une protection spéciale dans
l'Union européenne, le réseau Natura 2000. La Commission établira cinq
autres listes de ces sites, qui couvriront les cinq autres régions
biogéographiques de l'UE alpine, continentale, méditerranéenne, boréale et
atlantique sur la base des propositions qui seront présentées par les Etats
[14] Traditional herbal medicines : Commission proposes harmonised
registration procedure
The European Commission is to propose a specific registration procedure for
herbal medicinal products with a long-standing traditional use. The
proposal's rationale is to improve quality checks and market surveillance.
By creating a clear and reliable regulatory environment for these products,
it should benefit both patients and manufacturers, most of which are small-
and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).
[15] Substances dangereuses : la Commission traduit la France devant la
Cour de justice
La Commission européenne a décidé de saisir la Cour de justice au sujet de
la non-communication par la France des mesures nationales d'exécution
transposant la directive 1999/51/CE relative à la limitation de la mise sur
le marché et de l'emploi de certaines substances et préparations
dangereuses (pentachlorophénol et autres composés organostanniques).
[16] Pressure equipment : infringement proceedings against Germany
The European Commission has decided to take the Federal Republic of Germany
to the Court of Justice of the European Communities, following the failure
of the national authorities to notify the necessary measures for
transposing into national law the Directive on pressure equipment. This
Directive was meant to be transposed by the Member States by 29 May 1999 at
the latest.
[17] Autre matériel diffusé
Discours de M. Solbes : "Primer balance de las operaciones de introducción
del euro" au PE (16/01, Strasbourg)
Note sur la conférence ministérielle de Tokyo sur la reconstruction de
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
© ECSC - EC - EAEC, Brussels-Luxembourg, 1995, 1996