European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-12-03
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
Midday Express 03/12/2001
[01] Romano Prodi condemns the terrorist attacks in Jerusalem and Haifa
The President of the European Commission Romano Prodi yesterday sent a
mourning telegram to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon : "On behalf of
the European Commission and myself, I would like to express my firm
condemnation of the odious terrorist attacks in Jerusalem yesterday and
Haifa today, and I offer my sympathy to the victims, their families and the
people of Israël. Once again, the European Commission wants to make clear
its full rejection of any act of terrorism and underlines the urgency of
resuming the dialogue in view of restoring peace."
[02] World Aids Day : Those suffering are not forgotten
Commenting on World Aids Day on 1st December, Romano Prodi, President of
the European Commission, reconfirmed the Commission's commitment to the
fight against HIV/AIDS : "We have succeeded in raising the international
profile of HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. We will step up our work and
improve our performance. This year alone, five million people are infected
with HIV. 40 million people are living with HIV/AIDS, 28.1 million people
in Africa. We must not abandon those suffering or at risk from life-
threatening communicable diseases."
[03] Services financiers : la Commission appelle les Etats membres et le
Parlement européen à légiférer dans les temps
La nécessité de l'intégration du secteur financier européen se fait plus
que jamais sentir, souligne la Commission européenne dans son dernier
rapport intermédiaire sur la mise en œuvre du plan d'action pour les
services financiers. Le passage aux billets et pièces en euros, le
ralentissement économique, l'ébranlement des marchés financiers à la suite
des événements tragiques du 11 septembre et la lutte contre le terrorisme
sont autant d'éléments qui exigent des mesures urgentes en vue de protéger
les marchés financiers de l'instabilité, de renforcer la confiance des
consommateurs et de stimuler la croissance. Le rapport passe en revue les
progrès réalisés en vue d'atteindre les objectifs formulés lors des
Conseils européens de Lisbonne et de Stockholm pour parvenir à
l'intégration des marchés financiers de l'UE dès 2005 et des marchés de
valeurs mobilières dès 2003. Il note avec satisfaction les progrès
importants qui ont été réalisés dans les domaines législatifs et non
législatifs : l'adoption de la directive antiblanchiment, l'accord sur le
règlement relatif aux paiements transfrontaliers, l'adoption du statut de
la Société européenne, l'accord politique sur la directive sur la
commercialisation à distance et la création, dans le secteur des valeurs
mobilières, des comités préconisés dans le rapport des sages (Lamfalussy)
sont les principales avancées enregistrées au cours du dernier semestre.
Toutefois, il n'est pas encore certain que les délais fixés par le plan
d'action pourront être respectés. En effet, les propositions sur les fonds
de retraite, les prospectus, les conglomérats financiers et les normes
comptables internationales, de même que la nouvelle proposition sur les
offres publiques d'acquisition présentée à la suite du rejet de la
précédente par le Parlement européen en juillet, sont autant de mesures
clés qu'il sera indispensable d'adopter avant la fin de 2002 pour pouvoir
assurer leur transposition dans les délais prévus.
[04] Urban II programme : EU approves euro 9.9 million support for urban
regeneration in Dortmund 'Nordstadt', Germany
Mr Michel Barnier, member of the European Commission, responsible for
Regional Policy, has announced the approval by the Commission of a
programme for urban regeneration in Dortmund in the state of Nordrhein-
Westfalen, Germany. This Urban II Community Initiative Programme will
provide euro 9.9 million from the EU over the period 2000-2006. The
European funding has attracted about euro 18 million in further investment
from the public sector and euro 0.8 million in private investments,
creating total resources of about euro 28.7 million. Programme priorities
will include improving the quality of urban infrastructure and spatial
planning, supporting the local economy, preventing social exclusion, and
supporting local inhabitants' networks.
[05] Programme Urban II : l'UE apporte une contribution de 9,9 millions
d'euros destinée à revitaliser les zones urbaines de Bremerhaven (Brême,
M. Michel Barnier, membre de la Commission européenne responsable de la
Politique régionale, a annoncé que la Commission a approuvé un programme
pour la revitalisation des zones urbaines de Bremerhaven dans le Land de
Brême, Allemagne. Ce programme, adopté au titre de l'initiative
communautaire Urban II sera doté de 9,9 millions d'euros accordés par l'UE
pour la période 2000-2006. Le financement européen ayant attiré 9,9
millions d'euros dans des investissements complémentaires provenant du
secteur public, le total des ressources s'élève à quelque 19,8 millions
d'euros. Parmi les priorités figureront le renforcement de l'économie
locale et la création d'emplois, la promotion de l'égalité des chances et
la prévention de l'exclusion sociale, l'amélioration du cadre de vie et des
possibilités récréatives, l'accroissement de la compétitivité de la région
et la remise en état de bâtiments historiques en vue d'une utilisation
[06] Urban II programme : EU approves euro 14.9 million support for urban
regeneration in Luckenwalde, Germany
During his visit in Luckenwalde today, Mr Michel Barnier, member of the
European Commission, responsible for Regional Policy, has announced the
approval by the Commission of a programme for urban regeneration in
Luckenwalde, Germany. This Uurban Community Initiative Programme will
provide about euro 14.8 million from the EU over the period 2000-2006. The
European funding has attracted about euro 5 million in further investment
from the public sector, creating total resources of euro 19.8 million.
Priorities will include support for new economic activities and job
creation, improvement of the urban infrastructure and fabric as well as of
the environment and measures against social exclusion.
[07] Grèce : feu vert pour un programme de développement rural Leader+ d'un
montant de 392,614 millions d'euros
La Commission européenne a approuvé le programme relatif à l'initiative
communautaire Leader+ en faveur de la Grèce. Se félicitant de cette
décision, Franz Fischler, membre de la Commission chargé de l'agriculture,
du développement rural et de la pêche, a déclaré : "Ce programme vise à
mettre en œuvre des idées nouvelles, afin de soutenir la mise en place,
dans les zones rurales grecques, d'une société, d'une économie et d'un
environnement plus durables. Nous souhaitons améliorer la qualité de vie
des habitants des zones rurales. Leader+ contribuera à valoriser les
produits locaux et à tirer le meilleur parti possible des ressources
naturelles et culturelles". Pour la période 2001-2006, le montant total des
crédits affectés au programme sera de 392,614 millions d'euros. Cela
comprend une contribution publique de 251,182 millions d'euros, à
l'intérieur de laquelle la contribution communautaire est de 182,90
millions d'euros.
[08] La Commission se propose d'approuver l'accord de conférence de ligne
TACA dans sa version révisée
Au terme d'une longue enquête, la Commission européenne a annoncé qu'elle
se proposait d'exempter de l'application des règles de concurrence le Trans-
Atlantic Conference Agreement (TACA), groupement de compagnies maritimes
qui fournit des services réguliers de transport de marchandises
conteneurisées entre des ports du nord de l'Europe et les Etats-Unis.
L'approbation sera subordonnée au respect de certaines conditions. La
Commission considère que, compte tenu des modifications apportées à la
conférence et de l'évolution du marché, l'accord remplit les conditions
d'exemption. Toutefois, avant d'adopter une position définitive, la
Commission invite les tiers intéressés à présenter leurs observations sur
un projet publié au Journal officiel C 339.
[09] UK requested to change rules on parallel imports of pesticides
The European Commission has sent the UK a formal request to amend its
administrative procedures for the parallel import of pesticides, herbicides
and other plant protection products. The Commission considers the
procedures constitute a barrier to the free movement of goods. The formal
request, in the form of a so-called reasoned opinion, is the second stage
of infringement procedures under Article 226 of the EC Treaty. Failing a
satisfactory response within two months, the Commission may decide to refer
the Member State concerned to the Court of Justice.
[10] Pre-accession farm aid for Latvia : go-ahead payments for euro 22.2
million Sapard programme
The European Commission has today decided to confer the management of
Sapard aid to the Latvian authorities, enabling Latvia to commence the
implementation of its Sapard programme. Under this scheme, Latvia will now
be entitled to euro 22.2 million annually. Payment of the first advance can
now be made (maximum 49% of the annual amount). Latvia is the fourth
candidate country to move into the operational stage of the innovative
Sapard initiative. This first decision on the provisional conferral of
management of aid covers the following main measures of the Latvian Sapard
programme : "Modernisation of agricultural machinery, equipment and
construction of buildings" ; "Afforestation of agricultural land" ;
"Improvement of agricultural and fisheries product processing and
marketing" ; "Development and diversification of economic activities
providing for alternative income" ; "Improvement of general rural
infrastructure" and "Training".
[11] Commission refers review of Haniel/Ytong deal in German building
materials sector to Bundeskartellamt, deepens probe into Dutch market
The European Commission has referred the part of the proposed acquisition
of the German cellular concrete producer Ytong by the Haniel Group which
relates to Germany to the German Competition Authority, the Bundeskartellamt.
At the same time, the Commission decided that the deal's effect in the
Dutch wall building materials sector requires further review and started an
in-depth investigation. This approach is similar to the one adopted in
October of this year in respect of Haniel's proposed acquisition of the
German wall building materials company Fels.
[12] Commission gives a further euro 7.5 million for humanitarian aid
operations in the Northern Caucasus
The European Commission is providing a further euro 7.5 million in
humanitarian assistance for the victims of the ongoing Chechen crisis. This
additional support will help to continue covering the most urgent
humanitarian needs of the victims throughout the winter. The aid is aimed
at internally displaced people (IDPs) returnees and vulnerable groups in
Chechnya, Ingushetia and Daghestan. The aid will be given in the form of
food, medicine, household and school items and shelter. Channeled through
the humanitarian aid office (ECHO), which comes under the responsibility of
Commissioner Poul Nielson, this decision brings the amount allocated by the
Commission since the start of the current outbreak of conflict in September
1999 to almost euro 60 million, making the EC the largest donor in the
[13] Poul Nielson on humanitarian mission to Afghanistan and Pakistan from
3-7 December
Poul Nielson, European Commissioner responsible for Development and
Humanitarian Aid, is to visit Afghanistan and Pakistan from 3 to 7 December
2001. This visit is to show the European Union's continuing support for the
Afghan people affected by years of neglect, drought and conflict. On the
eve of his departure, Mr Nielson stated : "The main objective of this trip
is to get a clear picture of the humanitarian situation and needs in
Afghanistan. The Commission stands ready to continue providing humanitarian
and food aid to the Afghan people in these diificult times." Mr Nielson
will visit Kabul on Tuesday where he will meet with some of the
Humanitarian Aid Office's (ECHO) implementing partners and members of the
Northern Alliance. He will also visit a series of humanitarian aid projects
and will assess progress being made in the re-establishment of a Commission
Aid Office in the country. Mr Nielson also commented : "I will pay tribute
to the Afghan aid workers employed by international aid organisiations who
continued to carry out activities as best they could since 11 September.
They are the unknown heroes and heroines. Their efforts have been
remarkable." He will use the opportunity to underline the humanitarian
principles to which all parties in the conflict should adhere. These are
the requirements to allow free humanitarian access to people in need and
the obligation to guarantee the security and independence of humanitarian
actors as they carry out their tasks of evaluating needs and implementing
relief operations. The main concern at the moment in the delivery of
humanitarian aid is the lack of secured access.
[14] Pascal Lamy and Chris Patten visit Russia on 5 December to promote
greater EU-Russia integration : a future common European economic space and
Russia's accession to the WTO
The EU and Russia are genuine strategic partners. The relationship
encompasses trade and economic relations, a broad-ranging political
dialogue, cooperation on justice and home affairs and security and defence
cooperation. EU-Enlargement will bring the EU and Russia even closer
together. The EU is not only Russia's largest market but also its largest
trading partner. As the EU enlarges to take new members from Central and
Eastern Europe in the near future, the EU could well become the destination
of over 50% of Russia's exports. "It is undoubtedly in our mutual interest
to nurture the continued growth of bilateral trade relations, to stimulate
greater European investment in Russia and to support Russia's WTO
accession", European Trade Commissioner, Pascal Lamy said before leaving
for Moscow.
[15] L'UE envoie 170 jeunes volontaires venus de 20 pays à Bruges, capitale
européenne de la culture 2002
Alors que Bruges sera, avec Salamanque, Capitale européenne de la Culture
en 2002, la Commission soutient dans le cadre du programme Jeunesse (2000-
2006) un projet combinant culture et échanges de jeunes. Grâce à ce projet
(qui recevra 380.000 euros de la Commission), 20 jeunes participeront à
l'organisation et au bon déroulement des activités qui auront lieu dans le
cadre de Bruges 2002. Ces jeunes volontaires viennent d'arriver à Bruges et
seront reçus à l'occasion du conseil informel des ministres de la Culture
demain à Bruges par le Bourgmestre et Viviane Reding, Commissaire
européenne à la Culture. En outre, et toujours dans le cadre de ce projet,
150 jeunes venant de 20 pays se rassembleront en août prochain à Bruges
autour d'une rencontre culturelle de 8 jours qui consistera en la création
d'oeuvres, suivie d'une exposition. La presse pourra assister à la
rencontre avec le Bourgmestre et Viviane Reding de ces jeunes volontaires
venus notamment d'Autriche, Finlande, France, Allemagne, Italie, Espagne,
Estonie, Lituanie, Lettonie, Pologne, République tchèque, Roumanie,
Slovaquie, Slovénie et Suède. La rencontre aura lieu demain à 11h00 à la
mairie de Bruges.
[16] Prix du film européen de Berlin - Viviane Reding félicite Jean-Pierre
La Commissaire européenne à la Culture et à l'Audiovisuel, Viviane Reding,
a adressé hier ses félicitations au réalisateur français Jean-Pierre Jeunet,
dont le film "Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain" a obtenu samedi soir à
Berlin le Prix du Film européen. "Le succès de Jean-Pierre Jeunet, mais
aussi la grande qualité de la sélection de cette 14ème cérémonie de remise
des Prix du film européen montrent le dynamisme de nos cinémas européens.
Je souhaite que cette cérémonie, diffusée dans plus de 30 pays, donne envie
à plus de spectateurs européens d'aller voir les films d'autres pays
européens. C'est aussi le but du nouveau Prix Media de l'Union européenne,
qui sera remis pour la troisième fois en mai prochain à Cannes" a déclaré
Mme Reding. Parmi les films récompensés hier soir figure le film de Michael
Haneke, "La Pianiste", qui a bénéficié du soutien du programme Media de
[17] Round table on food and agriculture in Copenhagen : strategic re-
thinking of food production in terms of quality, safety and costs
At a high level round table today in Copenhagen, David Byrne, European
Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection, discussed the future of EU
food and agriculture policy with leading Danish farming representatives,
food producers, retailers, consumer experts and scientists. The debate
focused on a strategic re-thinking of food production and food policy in
terms of quality, safety and cost. Mr Byrne underlined the need for shifts
in attitudes of both consumers and producers if the high expectations for
food quality and the ambitious objectives of good agricultural policy are
to be met. Industry, consumer and agricultural sector representatives
welcomed the initiative as timely and of strategic importance. Participants
also insisted on the early establishment of an independent European Food
Authority as a key step for putting the new EU approach to food safety into
practice. Commissioner Byrne emphasised the importance of fostering social
acceptance of GMOs by guaranteeing a high level of health and environmental
protection, consumer's freedom to choose and transparent, uniform and
efficient authorisation procedures.
[18] Anna Diamantopoulou wants concrete results from European Year of
People with Disabilities 2003
Anna Diamantopoulou, European Commissioner in charge of Employment and
Social Affairs, is set to applaud the decision of the Employment and Social
Affairs Council today when it approves the Commission's proposal to make
2003 the European Year of People with Disabilities. A year-long campaign,
for which the Commission has proposed a budget of euro 12 million, will
seek support from political and business leaders and personalities from the
world of entertainment and sport. As many as 10,000 events to promote the
year are expected to be organised at European, national, regional and local
levels. The Commission is also supporting, for the ninth successive year,
the European Day of Disabled People today 3 December.
[19] Afghan Women's Summit for Democracy (04-06/12, Brussels) - Fifty
Afghan women leaders to attend
An Afghan Women's Summit for Democracy will meet in Brussels this week to
act as a sounding board for women in the discussion about the rebuilding of
a new Afghanistan, and in particular about women's participation in the
decision-making process. The summit, organised by the European Women's
Lobby, UNIFEM and Afghan women themselves, is to be opened by European
Commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs Anna Diamantopoulou and will
give a chance to fifty Afghan women's leaders to make their voice heard.
Women leaders involved in conflict-resolution from around the world will
attend and support the event. Following the summit, a delegation of Afghan
women will carry the message of the summit around the world, starting with
the European Parliament and including expected meetings with US Secretary
of State Colin Powell and the UN Security Council.
[20] New report on employment, cohesion and growth
European Commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs Anna Diamantopoulou
today issued a new report plotting achievements in EU employment and social
affairs policy since the start of the Commission's term of office in
October 1999.
[21] Autre matériel diffusé
Communication sur la politique d'asile commune introduisant une méthode
ouverte de coordination
Note sur la préparation du Conseil Ecofin
Note sur la préparation du Conseil Energie
Speech by Erkki Liikanen : "Towards the knowledge-based economy and
society" at the IST Conference 2001 (Düsseldorf)
Speech by Chris Patten at the OSCE Ministerial (Bucharest)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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