European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-10-11
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
Midday Express 11/10/2001
[01] Euro 400 million from the EU Budget for foot-and-mouth disease in 2001
Four EU countries will receive advance payments worth euro 400 million from
the EU Budget for veterinary measures taken in relation with foot-and-mouth
disease in 2001. These payments are broken down as follows : euro 355
million for the United Kingdom, euro 39 million for the Netherlands, euro
3.3 million for France and euro 2.7 million for Ireland. The disbursements
are equal to 60% of the eligible costs incurred by the Member States in
compensating owners for the slaughter and destruction of animals, the
destruction of milk, the cleaning and disinfecting of holdings, the
destruction of contaminated feeding stuffs (Cf. 90/424/EEC: Council
Decision of 26 June 1990 on expenditure in the veterinary field). These
euro 400 million have been available through redeployment of funds within
agricultural expenditures thanks to lower spending in some areas arable
crops (euro 50 million), dairy products (euro 250 million) and sheep meat
(euro 100 million). The budgetary authority (Council and European
Parliament) has approved the transfer proposed by Budget Commissioner
Michaele Schreyer. "By careful managing of the budget, the Commission can
make advance payments this year and, therefore, lessen the burden on the
2002 Budget", said Mrs Schreyer.
[02] FMD : some regions in Great Britain can restart export of pigmeat
The Standing Veterinary Committee (SVC) yesterday endorsed a European
Commission proposal allowing the United Kingdom for the first time after
the outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) to export, under strict
conditions, pigmeat from certain areas in Great Britain. The areas
concerned are the islands in the north of the UK, most of Scotland and
counties in the east and west of Great Britain. The restrictive measures in
Northern Ireland had already been lifted on 7 June 2001. The proposal still
has to be adopted by the Commission in the coming days and will enter into
force on 22 October.
[03] Arrêts importants de la Cour de justice sur les droits des apatrides
et des réfugiés en matière de sécurité sociale
La Cour de justice s'est prononcée le 11 octobre 2001 dans le cadre de
plusieurs litiges concernant le droit à l'égalité de traitement en matière
de sécurité sociale des apatrides et réfugiés qui résident dans un Etat
membre. La Cour a confirmé la validité de l'inclusion de ces deux
catégories de non-ressortissants communautaires dans le règlement (CEE) n°
1408/71 coordonnant les régimes de sécurité sociale des Etats membres.
Toutefois, la Cour considère la disposition d'égalité de traitement de ce
règlement comme n'étant pas applicable aux personnes ayant immigré dans un
Etat membre directement au départ d'un Etat tiers, sans s'être déplacées à
l'intérieur de l'Union, en l'absence de tout autre élément communautaire
[04] Second quarter of 2001 : euro-zone and EU15 GDP up by 0.1% ; +1.7% and
+1.8% respectively compared to the 2nd quarter of 2000
(! embargo 12 am !) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew by 0.1% both in the
euro-zone and in the EU15 during the second quarter of 2001, according to
revised estimates out today from Eurostat. Economic growth had reached 0.5%
for both zones during the previous quarter. In comparison with the second
quarter of 2000, the euro-zone and the EU15 GDP grew by 1.7% and 1.8%,
respectively, after an increase of 2.4% and 2.5% in the previous quarter.
[05] Commission welcomes agreement on Zanzibar and announces new NGO
Mr Poul Nielson, European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian aid,
today welcomed the signature in Zanzibar of the agreement between the CCM
(Chama Cha Mapinduzi) ruling party and the CUF (Civic United Front)
opposition party. The agreement marks the end of several months of talks
between the two parties on Zanzibar, which is part of the United Republic
of Tanzania. Speaking in Brussels, Mr Nielson said : "I welcome this
important agreement. I also congratulate the leaderships of both the CCM
and the CUF parties. Tanzania has once again shown its ability for peaceful
resolution of conflict. I encourage both sides to engage fully in the
implementation of this agreement."
[06] Poul Nielson to visit the Caribbean region from 14 to 19 October
Mr Poul Nielson, European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian aid,
will pay an official visit to the Caribbean region from 14 to 19 October.
His trip will take him to Suriname, Guyana and St Lucia. This is the first
visit to the region by Commissioner Nielson and is designed to promote the
objectives of EU development assistance. Mr Nielson will use the trip to
see first hand the need and impact of EU aid in the region. He will
underline that the main aim of the EC development cooperation policy to
foster sustainable development designed to eradicate poverty and to help
developing countries integrate into the world economy. Mr Nielson will have
discussions with political leaders and visit a series of EU funded
projects. In St Lucia, Mr Nielson will address the annual EC/Cariforum
[07] Autre matériel diffusé
Discours de M. Prodi : "L'Europe un mois après le 11 septembre: défis et
réponses" à la Confédération européenne des Syndicats
Speech by Mario Monti : "Competition and consumer: the case of
pharmaceutical products" at the European Competition Day (Antwerp, !
embargo 2.30 pm !)
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