European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-06-05
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
Midday Express 05/06/2001
[01] Commission approves a euro 33.9 million plan for Ireland labour market
Anna Diamantopoulou, European Commissioner for Employment and Social
Affairs, has signed a decision approving the new EQUAL Community Initiative
Programme for Ireland for the period 2001-2006. Under the programme, the
European Social Fund (ESF) will provide euro 33.9 million to develop new
ways of fighting discrimination and inequality in the field of employment.
[02] Commission to negotiate agreements with Cyprus, Malta and Turkey for
their participation in EU programmes
European Union's Council of Ministers today gave a mandate to the European
Commission to negotiate "framework agreements" with Cyprus, Malta and
Turkey for their participation in EU programmes, like the Research &
Development Programme or education and vocational training programmes.
These countries are already participating or preparing to participate in a
number of programmes. However, the proposed "framework agreements" will
greatly accelerate the procedures needed to start participating other
programmes. In addition, these agreements will allow Cyprus, Malta and
Turkey to participate in all programmes open to the candidate countries of
Central and Eastern Europe, including those for which they were not
previously eligible.
[03] La Commission alloue un montant de plus de 9 millions d'euros
d'assistance humanitaire au Timor oriental
La Commission européenne a décidé d'allouer presque 9,3 millions d'euros
d'assistance humanitaire au Timor oriental. Ces crédits, gérés par l'Office
d'aide humanitaire (ECHO), sont destinés principalement à la remise en état
de réseaux d'adduction d'eau et d'équipements sanitaires des écoles. La
décision considérée porte le montant total affecté à l'aide humanitaire au
Timor oriental à 38,8 millions d'euros depuis la consultation populaire
d'août 1999.
[04] April 2001 : Industrial producer prices rose by 0.3% in euro-zone ;
prices up by 0.2% in EU15
(! embargo 12 am !) The euro-zone industrial producer price index rose by
0.3% in April 2001 compared with the previous month, Eurostat estimates
today. It increased by 0.1% in March. EU15 prices rose by 0.2% in April,
they were stable in March. In April, the evolution of the different sectors
was similar in both the euro-zone and the EU15. Prices for non-durable
consumer goods increased by 0.3% and for capital goods by 0.1% in both
areas. Intermediate goods posted a gain of 0.4% in the euro-zone and of
0.3% in the EU15. The index for durable consumer goods increased by 0.2% in
the euro-zone and by 0.1% in the EU15. In April 2001 compared to April 2000
industrial producer prices increased by 4.1% in the euro-zone and 3.6% in
the EU15. Prices for intermediate goods rose by 5.7% in the euro-zone and
by 5.4% in the EU15. For capital goods, durable and non-durable consumer
goods the annual rates were identical to those in the previous month or
increased slightly in the euro-zone and in the EU15.
[05] May 2001 : Economic sentiment indicator goes down for the fifth
consecutive month
(! embargo 12 am !) The economic sentiment indicator went down in May in
both the euro-area and the EU by 0.4 points. The most important decreases
were produced in Belgium and Germany with -0.7 points decline each,
followed by France with -0.6 points. By contrast Ireland, Spain, Italy and
the Netherlands displayed increases. A drop in confidence has been
registered in all components. The retail trade and service sector
confidence indicators have also been slightly lower this time round.
[06] La Commission ouvre une enquête approfondie sur l'acquisition du
contrôle conjoint d'Hidrocantábrico par le groupe Villar Mir et la société
La Commission européenne a décidé d'engager une enquête approfondie sur le
projet d'acquisition du contrôle conjoint de la compagnie électrique
espagnole Hidroeléctrica del Cantábrico S.A. (Hidrocantábrico) par le
groupe espagnol Villar Mir et la société Energie Baden-Württemberg (EnBW).
La Commission estime que le projet de concentration soulève des doutes
sérieux, dans la mesure où il pourrait consolider la position dominante
collective qui existe actuellement sur le marché espagnol de l'électricité.
Elle examinera également dans quelle mesure la position dominante
d'Electricité de France (EDF), qui détient le contrôle conjoint d'EnBW,
pourra être renforcée. Le gouvernement espagnol a demandé le renvoi de
l'affaire, mais du fait que la Commission va procéder à une enquête
approfondie, il n'est pas nécessaire de statuer sur cette demande.
[07] Commission clears acquisition by Lufthansa Service Holding of sole
control of Onex Food Services
The European Commission has cleared the acquisition by German in-flight
catering company Lufthansa Service Holding AG (LSG) of sole control of US
company Onex Food Services, Inc. The Commission examined the deal's impact
on competition in Europe for the provision of in-flight catering services,
but found no reasons for concern.
[08] Illegal US wheat gluten quota likely to fall : Commission welcomes
"intelligent decision"
The European Commission welcomed the US decision not to extend the wheat
gluten quota. The Commission will not now renew the EU tariff on imports of
US corn gluten feed, which was applied partially to rebalance for the lost
trade resulting from the wheat gluten quota.
[09] Margot Wallström welcomes world environment day
At the occasion of World Environment Day 5 June European Environment
Commissioner Margot Wallström said : "The worldwide environment day puts
the spotlight on burning issues that we need to tackle to live on a healthy
planet. On the other hand I would prefer all days to be 'environment days',
as I believe that the decisions that politicians, industry and citizens
take on a daily basis have the greatest impact on our environment."
[10] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by Franz Fischler : "The future of the Common Fisheries Policy" at
the hearing on the European Commission's Green Paper (5-7 June)
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