European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-04-27
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
Midday Express 27/04/2001
[01] Statement on behalf of Chris Patten on press reports regarding alleged
EU funding for text books used by the Palestinian Authority
"Yesterday's European Voice (26 April 2001) contained sensationalist
allegations that the Commission has backed an 'anti-Jewish hate campaign'
through its financial support for Palestinian school books. These
allegations are totally unfounded. They have been answered by Commissioner
Patten in several written replies to Members of European Parliament as well
as in two Plenary debates in the European Parliament on 13 December 2000
and 31 January 2001. The facts are as follows : the Commission has never
allocated funds for the development of new school curricula, nor for the
printing and distribution of school textbooks."
[02] Commission proposes more protection for cod and Northern hake stocks
The European Commission has adopted a proposal to strengthen the existing
EU Regulation on the control of fishing activities. This amendment requires
Member States to prohibit the use and the keeping on board of fishing gear
likely to catch stocks subject to a recovery plan when the fisheries
relating to these stocks have been closed because the quotas have been
caught. "Given that in EU fisheries several species are caught together, we
need to ensure that when the quotas of stocks subject to a recovery plan
have been exhausted, no fish from these stocks are caught afterwards by
accident but stay in the sea to replenish depleted stocks. I realise that
this measure will create some hardship for fishermen, but we must do all we
can to rebuild these commercially valuable stocks", Franz Fischler,
Commissioner in charge of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries
[03] Semaine verte : la Commission décerne le prix de l'environnement à 12
jeunes citoyens de l'UE
Le Commissaire européen pour l'Environnement, Margot Wallström,
récompensera aujourd'hui 12 jeunes citoyens de l'UE pour leur participation
à un concours organisé dans le cadre de l'initiative "Semaine verte" (voir
IP/01/582). Le concours, qui comprenait cinq catégories (peinture,
rédaction de récits, rédaction d'exposés, photographie et vidéo), était
destiné à faire appel aux qualités créatives des jeunes. Les douze travaux
récompensés, qui sont exposés tout au long de la Semaine verte dans le
bâtiment Charlemagne à Bruxelles, ont été choisis parmi des milliers
d'autres qui ont été envoyés de tous les coins de l'Union européenne. Les
gagnants ont été invités à Bruxelles pour recevoir leur prix des mains du
Commissaire lors d'une cérémonie organisée ce soir. Mme Wallström a déclaré
: "Les concours de la Semaine verte ont montré que les jeunes citoyens de
l'UE sont sensibles aux problèmes qui touchent actuellement notre
environnement. Leur engagement à le protéger et le préserver pour les
générations futures est évident."
[04] Commission authorises BP's acquisition of sole control over
The European Commission has approved the proposed acquisition of sole
control over German petrochemicals company Erdölchemie GmbH by Deutsche BP
AG, the German subsidiary of UK-based BP Amoco. Erdölchemie was previously
a 50/50 joint venture between BP and Bayer AG.
[05] New euro 3 million Phare project on migration, visa and external
border control management in the Candidate Countries
On 3-4 May 2001, the French Ministry of the Interior will host a conference
in Paris launching a new euro 3 million Phare project to support the
Central European Candidate Countries in adopting and implementing the body
of the European Union law in the field of migration, visa and external
border control management. Cooperation in this area is an important part of
the EU's agenda for the creation of an area of freedom, security and
[06] Commission welcomes UNSG AIDS-appeal launched in Abuja
The European Commission has welcomed the call for action to address the
global developmental, economic and social crises caused by HIV/AIDS,
tuberculosis and malaria launched by the United Nations Secretary-General,
Mr Kofi Annan on April 26, in Abuja (Nigeria) on the occasion of the
African Summit on HIV/AIDS. Mr Annan highlighted the need for massive and
sustained resource mobilisation and called for the creation of a global
health fund. The focus today is on HIV/AIDS and Africa ; the issues are
common to all major communicable diseases in all needy countries.
[07] Autre matériel diffusé
Discours de Mme de Palacio : "The importance of Galileo for Europe" au
Internationaler Kongress Kommerzielle Anwendung der Satelliten-Navigation
(26/04, Munich)
Discours de Mme de Palacio : "Quelles solutions à la dépendance énergétique
europénne ?" à la Conférence sur l'organisation des marchés pétroliers
(Institut Universitaire de Florence) (! embargo 20h00 !)
Note sur le séminaire ministériel Marché intérieur/Consommateurs (27-28,
Calendrier du 30 avril au 6 mai
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