European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 00-07-20
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
[01] La Commission autorise, sous certaines conditions, l'opération de
concentration entre les producteurs de boîtes pour boissons Rexam et
American National Can
[02] New report calls for stronger impetus behind EU research
[03] La Commission met sur pied un registre des émissions polluantes
[04] Evolution of gas prices for industrial consumers and households over
the last two years
[05] GDP of Candidate countries down by 0.2% in 1999
[06] Public procurement : Commission refers United Kingdom to Court
[07] Franz Fischler calls for tighter fisheries controls
[08] Middle East : Commission allocates euro 8.5 million for humanitarian
programmes in West Bank and Gaza Strip, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria
[01] La Commission autorise, sous certaines conditions, l'opération de
concentration entre les producteurs de boîtes pour boissons Rexam et
American National Can
La Commission européenne a autorisé le projet d'acquisition du producteur
américain de boîtes pour boissons American National Can Inc par
l'entreprise britannique Rexam Plc, groupe actif dans le domaine des
emballages pour produits de consommation. Dans l'Union européenne, où les
activités des entreprises se chevauchent pour ce qui est de la fabrication
de boîtes pour boissons, elles ont accepté de céder trois de leurs usines
[02] New report calls for stronger impetus behind EU research
A new evaluation report into research in the European Union warns that
there is a danger of Europe falling behind other economic areas and losing
its place as a centre of excellence for the creation of knowledge if
European leaders do not place research at the right political level. The
report, addressed to European Commissioner for Reseach Philippe Busquin,
states that EU research programmes alone will not be enough to meet the
challenges faced by European research and that demographic changes and
decreasing reseach budgets will make a major policy review necessary. "This
is exactly why I proposed a strategy for a genuine European Research Area",
says Mr Busquin, adding that "networking and better coordination of Member
States' research policies could be tools to tackle the problem". The report
also assesses programme performance and administration and calls for
greater flexibility to meet new challenges such as new diseases and food
[03] La Commission met sur pied un registre des émissions polluantes
La Commission européenne a adopté une décision concernant la création d'un
registre européen des émissions de polluants (EPER). Ce registre, dans
lequel seront consignées les données relatives aux émissions de 50
substances polluantes provenant de quelque 20000 installations
industrielles dans l'ensemble de l'Union européenne, jouera un rôle capital
en tant qu'instrument public. Il contiendra en effet des informations
accessibles et comparables sur les émissions de polluants provenant de
l'industrie. Tant le public que l'industrie pourront utiliser les données
de l'EPER pour comparer la performance environnementale d'installations ou
de secteurs industriels donnés dans différents pays. Quant aux pouvoirs
publics, ils pourront utiliser les données enregistrées pour surveiller les
progrès réalisés dans le respect des objectifs environnementaux fixés dans
les accords et protocoles nationaux et internationaux.
[04] Evolution of gas prices for industrial consumers and households over
the last two years
(! embargo 12 am !) According to a study of gas prices in national currency
published by Eurostat, after a strong decrease of natural gas prices
(excluding taxes) for industries between January 1998 and January 1999 in
most of the EU Member states, prices went up notably between January 1999
and January 2000. Gas prices for households have overall been more stable
than prices for industrial users.
[05] GDP of Candidate countries down by 0.2% in 1999
(! embargo 12 am !) According to a Eurostat report, the Candidate countries
(CC-13) registered in 1999 at constant prices a negative growth rate of -
0.2%, after +2.8% in 1998. The 1999 GDP data paint a contrasted growth
picture, as rates for Candidate countries range from Turkey's 5.0% to
Slovenia's +4.9%. The data confirm the downward trend in the overall growth
performance of the CC-13, with CCs' growth rate dropping below the EU's
rate in 1999 for the first time since 1994. The publication also gives
growth rates for all Candidate countries since 1993, as well as GDP figures
since 1995 expressed at current prices and per head in euro and in
purchasing power standards (PPS).
[06] Public procurement : Commission refers United Kingdom to Court
The European Commission has decided to refer the United Kingdom to the
European Court of Justice in three separate cases involving infringement of
Internal Market rules requiring Member States to ensure that public
procurement contracts are awarded under open and competitive conditions. In
all three cases, the Commission does not agree with the UK authorities'
interpretation of the public procurement Directives concerning supplies,
works and services. The first case involves a contract awarded by the Home
Office for the provision of a radio communications system and related
equipment for the police based on a specific standard. The Commission
believes a public authority is not entitled to reject tenders on the
grounds that they are not based on a specific standard. The second case
concerns the minimum number of firms that must be selected for a tender.
The third case involves conditions for the awarding of tenders under
framework agreements.
[07] Franz Fischler calls for tighter fisheries controls
On the occasion of his visit to the German harbour of Bremerhaven, Franz
Fischler, European Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development and
Fisheries, underlined the importance of controls in the Common Fisheries
Policy : "Monitoring of fishing activities is crucial to effective
fisheries management", he said. "Hence we have to encourage compliance and
deter fraud. In addition, control plays a central role in ensuring
sustainable fisheries". Mr Fischler announced that the Commission will be
organising an international conference on control on October 24 to 27 in
Brussels. The aim of the conference will be to compare the various
monitoring systems applied in Europe and in third countries, and to
identify best practices.
[08] Middle East : Commission allocates euro 8.5 million for humanitarian
programmes in West Bank and Gaza Strip, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria
The European Commission has approved funding for humanitarian operations
worth euro 8.5 million in the Middle East (West Bank and Gaza Strip,
Lebanon, Jordan and Syria). Channelled via the Humanitarian Aid Office
(ECHO), this aid will enable international organisations and NGOs to assist
the Palestinian refugees as well as the most vulnerable sections of the
population in West Bank/Gaza, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria. Assistance will be
provided in the following sectors : support for refugees and victims of
conflict, shelters and shelter rehabilitation, health care and water
supply. The objective of this programme is to focus on assisting the most
vulnerable people targeting emergency relief and humanitarian needs at
regional level. The following priorities will be addressed: upgrading the
shelter of those living in the most inadequate housing in the refugee camps,
assisting the West Bank Bedouin community victims of drought and forced
displacement, setting up an emergency response system in the conflict zone
of southern Lebanon. This priority action will strengthen first aid centres
and national institutions with medicines and consumable commodity supplies.
The Lebanese Red Cross will benefit of new ambulances to be used in the
conflict zone. ECHO's support to Palestinian refugees started in 1993.
Previous ECHO funding made available between 1993 and 1999 for the Middle
East amounts to euro 68 million.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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