European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 00-06-07
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] Commission proposes amendments to VAT treatment of electronically
delivered services
[02] La Commission entend proscrire le harcèlement sexuel sur le lieu de
[03] Commission unveils new arsenal in fight for EU-wide sex equality
[04] Commission fines ADM, Ajinomoto, others in lysine cartel
[05] Commission proposes more competitive rice market
[06] Décollage de l'initiative de la Commission pour réduire les retards
des vols en Europe
[07] Commission proposes increased market access for products from Western
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[08] Franz Fischler meets CEEC farm ministers : "SAPARD can be showcase for
[09] La Commission se réjouit de l'accord rapide intervenu sur les règles
en matière de discrimination raciale
[10] Volume of retail trade down by 0.3% in the euro-zone ; EU15 up by 0.5%
[11] UN reviews how the world treats women : Anna Diamantopoulou speaks at
Beijing+5 conference
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] Commission proposes amendments to VAT treatment of electronically
delivered services
The European Commission has presented a proposal for a Directive to modify
the rules for applying value added tax (VAT) to certain services supplied
by electronic means as well as subscription-based and pay-per-view radio
and television broadcasting. The objective of the proposal is to create a
level playing field for the taxation of digital e-commerce in accordance
with the principles agreed at the 1998 OECD Ministerial Conference and to
make compliance as easy and straightforward as possible. The proposal
mainly concerns the supply over electronic networks (ie digital delivery)
of software and computer services generally, plus information and cultural,
artistic, sporting, scientific, educational, entertainment or similar
services. The proposal would ensure that when these services were supplied
for consumption within the EU, they were subject to EU VAT, and that when
these services were supplied for consumption outside the EU, they were
exempt from VAT. The changes modernise the existing VAT rules to
accommodate the emerging electronic business environment and to provide a
clear and certain regulatory environment for all suppliers, located within
or outside the EU. The proposal also contains a number of facilitation and
simplification measures aimed at easing the compliance burden of business.
The full text of the proposal is available on the Europa Internet site:
[02] La Commission entend proscrire le harcèlement sexuel sur le lieu de
La Commission européenne a adopté une proposition visant à interdire le
harcèlement sexuel au travail. Ce projet de directive, qui met également la
vieille directive de 1976 sur l'égalité des chances en accord avec les
arrêts de la Cour de justice européenne et les dernières propositions de la
Commission en matière de lutte contre les discriminations, présentées en
vertu du traité d'Amsterdam, constitue une première tentative de mettre fin
au harcèlement sexuel par le biais de la législation communautaire. Il est
dit dans la directive que le harcèlement sexuel est une forme de
discrimination fondée sur le sexe et qu'à ce titre elle peut engager la
responsabilité des employeurs qui négligent de rendre leur lieu de travail
exempt de harcèlement.
[03] Commission unveils new arsenal in fight for EU-wide sex equality
The European Commission has adopted a memorandum for a broad-ranging EU
framework strategy on gender equality for the years 2001-2005. The
comprehensive strategy aims to tackle gender inequalities in economic,
political, civil and social life as well as gender roles and stereotypes.
The strategy builds upon the experiences of the past equal opportunities
programmes, which suggest a more ambitious approach involving all EU
policies. A specific programme will accompany the overall strategy by
providing support for awareness-raising campaigns, better data-gathering
and transnational projects.
[04] Commission fines ADM, Ajinomoto, others in lysine cartel
The European Commission has fined Archer Daniels Midland, Ajinomoto and
three other companies a total of almost euro 110 million for operating a
global price-fixing cartel for lysine. The decision highlights the
Commission's determination to fight cartels, the most damaging of all anti-
competitive practices.
[05] Commission proposes more competitive rice market
The European Commission has adopted a proposal to reform the Common Market
Organisation for rice. Aimed at restoring balance in the European rice
market, the reform strives to increase the competitiveness of European
rice. The reform is based on two components. An increase of the direct aid
for the rice producers and the abolition of the intervention mechanism.
Private storage is foreseen to protect farmers from market disturbances.
The proposal further helps to ensure the continuation of rice growing in
areas where it is beneficial for the environment and foresees a report from
Member States by the end of 2003 on the environmental situation of rice
production with special reference to the development in traditional zones.
[06] Décollage de l'initiative de la Commission pour réduire les retards
des vols en Europe
L'été approche et de nombreux voyageurs seront de nouveau victimes des
retards des vols, qui ont atteint en Europe un niveau inacceptable, ce qui
a conduit la Commission européenne à faire de la réforme de la gestion de
l'espace aérien une des ses priorités. Mme Loyola de Palacio, vice-
présidente en charge des transports et de l'énergie, a informé aujourd'hui
le Collège des premiers résultats très encourageants du Groupe de Haut
niveau qu'elle préside sur la création du Ciel Unique européen. Le rapport
intermédiaire qu'elle a présenté confirme le soutien de tous les pays à
cette initiative et décrit le consensus au sein du Groupe à Haut niveau sur
la nécessité d'une gestion intégrée de l'espace aérien européen,
l'engagement des autorités civiles et militaires et le renforcement des
questions de sécurité.
[07] Commission proposes increased market access for products from Western
The European Commission has decided to propose an extension of the existing
EU autonomous trade preferences for Western Balkan countries. Trade
promotion and cooperation is one of the core elements in the EU policy
towards the Western Balkans, which is embodied both within the EU
Stabilisation and Association Process and the Stability Pact for South-
Eastern Europe. It is proposed to abolish remaining tariff ceilings for
certain industrial products from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and
Croatia and to improve market access for agricultural products, to extend
these preferences to Kosovo, to grant tariff quotas for Montenegrin
aluminium products and to streamline all trade preferences in a single new
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[08] Franz Fischler meets CEEC farm ministers : "SAPARD can be showcase for
Speaking at a conference with the agriculture ministers from the Countries
of Central and Eastern Europe (CEEC) on the implementation of the EU's pre-
accession instrument SAPARD yesterday, Franz Fischler, European
Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries, welcomed the
progress made in the Central and Eastern European applicant countries.
SAPARD foresees the delegation of substantial responsibility to the
candidate countries regarding the management of EU funds for rural
development. "Exchanging views, keeping the information flowing is key to
successful enlargement. Our common goal is to make the euro 520 million per
year available as soon as possible. Speed is important, but we also need
efficiency and controls. In the run-up to accession the candidate countries
still have to overcome huge structural weaknesses in their agricultural
sectors. Although SAPARD cannot be the solution, it can be the showcase how
to face this challenge and how EU payments could be used also after
accession : focusing on investments to improve the competitiveness of the
sector also after the accession", he said.
[09] La Commission se réjouit de l'accord rapide intervenu sur les règles
en matière de discrimination raciale
La Commission européenne se félicite de l'accord auquel a abouti le Conseil
des ministres sur une directive interdisant la discrimination raciale sur
le lieu de travail et ailleurs. Mme Anna Diamantopoulou, Commissaire en
charge de l'emploi et de la politique sociale, a déclaré : "Cet accord, qui
survient un an seulement après l'entrée en vigueur du traité d'Amsterdam,
témoigne clairement de l'engagement des institutions européennes pour la
défense des droits fondamentaux de l'homme. Cette directive renforcera la
protection contre la discrimination raciale dans l'ensemble de l'UE et
montre que nous pouvons apporter des changements concrets et positifs dans
la vie quotidienne de nos citoyens".
[10] Volume of retail trade down by 0.3% in the euro-zone ; EU15 up by 0.5%
(! embargo 12 am !) In March 2000, as compared to March 1999, the volume of
retail trade declined by 0.3% in the euro-zone and increased by 0.5% in the
EU15, Eurostat estimates today. Compared to February, sales fell by 0.7% in
the euro-zone and 0.5 in the EU15. This decline should be seen on the
background of an upward revision of the February 2000 data and of the
effect of Easter sales falling into April this year. The decline was
significant in the "textiles" sector (-5.1% in the euro-zone, -2.7% in
EU15). The other sectors showed still positive growth. The "household
goods" sector increased by 2.1% in the euro-zone and 3.6% in the EU15.
Sales in the "food" sector rose by 1.4% in the euro-zone and by 1.5% in the
[11] UN reviews how the world treats women : Anna Diamantopoulou speaks at
Beijing+5 conference
Anna Diamantopoulou, European Commissioner for Employment and Social Policy,
will on Friday speak for the European Union at the UN 'Beijing +5' world
conference on women in New York. She will update the conference on progress
for women in Europe since the last conference in Beijing in 1995, stressing
the importance of the Amsterdam Treaty and pointing forward to the planned
new gender equality programme, but will say that equality between women and
men cannot come as a result of economic and social development but needs to
be a central part of it. Mrs Diamantopoulou said : "We must redouble our
efforts to bring about the structural changes needed for gender equality in
practice. We face the incontrovertible evidence of the structural nature of
discrimination against women : persistent pay gaps, under-representation in
decision-making in politics and business, violence against women and other
human rights abuses".
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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