European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 00-02-09
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Parole 09/02/2000b
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] Commission unveils its five-year strategic objectives
[02] La Commission adopte un Livre vert sur l'assistance judiciaire en
matière civile
[03] Fonds structurels : la Commission approuve les documents de
programmation de l'objectif 1 pour la Finlande orientale et septentrionale
pour la période 2000-2006
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[04] Commission statement on the violent incidents in south-east Spain
[05] Un Forum pour étendre la coopération entre l'UE et la Mauritanie dans
le secteur de la pêche
[06] Conflict in Angola : Commission clears humanitarian aid worth euro
13.5 million
[07] Commission study looks into the future of Europe until 2010
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] Commission unveils its five-year strategic objectives
The European Commission has agreed a key policy document outlining the
strategic objectives that will guide its work over the next five years. It
argues that the need for Europe has never been greater : democracy needs
strengthening within the EU to reassure those who fear its resilience can
no longer be taken for granted ; instability beyond the EU is compelling it
to act decisively in foreign affairs ; globalisation is changing the way we
communicate and do business, but many people feel disenfranchised ;
meanwhile, people's daily lives are compounded by concerns over the food
they eat or the air they breathe. More than ever before, collective
problems require united responses, but at a time when public faith in the
EU is at a low ebb. The paper outlines the Commission's answer to these
challenges under four key headings : creating new forms of European
governance, giving Europe a stronger voice in the world, promoting a new
economic and social agenda, and improving quality of life.
[02] La Commission adopte un Livre vert sur l'assistance judiciaire en
matière civile
La Commission européenne a adopté un Livre vert intitulé : 'L'assistance
judiciaire en matière civile : problèmes rencontrés par le plaideur
transfrontalier'. Ce Livre vert représente la première étape vers la
réalisation de l'objectif énoncé dans les conclusions de la réunion
spéciale qui s'est tenue à Tampere les 15 et 16 octobre 1999 consacrée à la
création d'un espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice dans l'Union
européenne, où le Conseil européen a invité le Conseil "à établir, sur la
base de propositions faites par la Commission, des normes minimales
garantissant un niveau approprié d'aide juridique pour les affaires
transfrontalières dans l'ensemble de l'Union".
[03] Fonds structurels : la Commission approuve les documents de
programmation de l'objectif 1 pour la Finlande orientale et septentrionale
pour la période 2000-2006
La Commission européenne a approuvé deux projets de documents uniques de
programmation (DOCUPs) pour le financement des programmes de développement
régional pour la Finlande orientale et septentrionale pour les sept ans à
venir. Les deux programmes concernent l'objectif 1 (régions en retard de
développement) et représentent 948 millions d'euros de financement
communautaire, dont deux tiers pour la Finlande orientale et un tiers pour
la Finlande septentrionale. Il s'agit de la mise en œuvre des premiers
programmes des fonds structurels pour la période 2000-2006.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[04] Commission statement on the violent incidents in south-east Spain
Romano Prodi, President of the European Commission, expresses his deep
concern at the race-related incidents of violence which have taken place in
south-east Spain over the past days. The President welcomes the statements
and actions of the Spanish authorities which are designed to calm the
unrest. The President wishes to condemn in the strongest possible terms any
expression of racism or xenophobia. Such behaviour is contrary to the very
principles of the European Union.
[05] Un Forum pour étendre la coopération entre l'UE et la Mauritanie dans
le secteur de la pêche
Un Forum pour le partenariat dans la filière pêche, organisé du 7 au 8
février à Nouakchott sous le parrainage de l'Union européenne et de la
République Islamique de Mauritanie, a ouvert la voie à de nouvelles
relations entre les acteurs respectifs du secteur de la pêche. Il s'agit
d'une action novatrice et originale visant à apporter des bénéfices aux
filières pêche des deux régions et à assurer de véritables transferts de
connaissances à travers le développement de partenariats commerciaux et
techniques. L'UE et la Mauritanie encouragent ainsi toute initiative
positive visant à la concrétisation de tels partenariats.
[06] Conflict in Angola : Commission clears humanitarian aid worth euro
13.5 million
The European Commission has cleared a further package of humanitarian aid,
in the framework of the 2000 Global Plan, worth euro 13.5 million for
victims of war in Angola. The country's long-running stop-start war
escalated recently, driving over a million people from their homes. This
funding, channelled via the European Commission Humanitarian Office (ECHO),
will enable relief workers to reach civilian victims of the conflict with
aid to help them survive. "Angola may not be making headlines, but that is
all the more reason for us not to forget the civilians, especially the
women and children, who are the people hardest hit by this conflict. We
continue to provide humanitarian aid to help them survive and to help
alleviate their suffering", said Poul Nielson, Development and Humanitarian
Aid Commissioner. About eight million Angolans - up to 70% of the
population - have no access to primary health care, or access to clean
drinking water. ECHO plans to support humanitarian projects providing
emergency medical aid, food aid, shelter and water/sanitation facilities
for them. The aim is to reduce preventable deaths and disease among those
most vulnerable, that is, women and children. ECHO is negotiating with up
to 25 partner organisations to carry out programmes over the next year.
[07] Commission study looks into the future of Europe until 2010
Tomorrow, the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) in
Seville, which is part of the European Union's Joint Research Centre, will
present the results of a major study examining how Europe is going to look
in the year 2010. This so-called Futures Project examines the key driving
forces of change that will affect our daily life and society over the next
ten years. These include information and communication technologies and
life sciences, the single currency, globalisation, the ageing population,
the emerging 24-hour society, increased health cost and educational
investments, enlargement, and environmental changes.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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