European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 99-06-25
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Parole 25/06/1999b
[01] Three BSE tests show remarkable effectiveness
[02] EU inspection on date based export scheme finalised
[03] Commission clears acquisition of LG Semicon Co. Ltd by Hyundai
Electronics Industries Co. Ltd (both Korea)
[04] L'inflation annuelle de la zone euro en baisse à 1,0% en mai 1999
[05] Industrial production declines slightly
[06] Kosovo : Commission announces emergency support to journalists and the
[07] Maritime Industries Forum
[01] Three BSE tests show remarkable effectiveness
An important step forward has been made in the fight against the mad cow
disease. Three rapid post-mortem BSE tests have shown remarkable
effectiveness and achieved a 100% success rate in distinguishing animals
clinically affected with BSE from healthy animals. The Commission has
presented yesterday the report on the evaluation of the BSE tests to the
Scientific Steering Committee. In its statement the Scientific Steering
Committee considers that the objectives of the evaluation have been
achieved in showing that these tests can identify animals clinically
affected with BSE ; however, the results, given that they were obtained
from animals showing clinical signs of BSE, cannot be extrapolated to
animals in a pre-clinical phase of BSE. Therefore this new development does
not necessitate any changes to our BSE related legislation at this times.
The Committee also recommended the Commission to have the results of this
evaluation published in the peer reviewed scientific literature as rapidly
as possible. The statement of the Scientific Steering Committee will be
available under the following Internet addresses: http://europa.eu.int/comm/dg24/health/.
[02] EU inspection on date based export scheme finalised
The European Union veterinary inspection report on the United Kingdom date
based export scheme has been finalised and put on the internet. The full
inspection report as well as the comments of the UK authorities are
available on the internet under the following address: http://europa.eu.int/comm/dg24/health/vi/reports/united_kingdom/index_en.html
[03] Commission clears acquisition of LG Semicon Co. Ltd by Hyundai
Electronics Industries Co. Ltd (both Korea)
The European Commission has approved the acquisition of a majority stake of
Korean semiconductors manufacturer LG Semicon Co., Ltd by Korean electronic
manufacturer Hyundai Electronics Industries Co. Ltd., a subsidiary of the
Hyundai group. The concentration does not create or strenghten a dominant
[04] L'inflation annuelle de la zone euro en baisse à 1,0% en mai 1999
(! embargo 12h !) L'inflation annuelle pour la zone euro est tombée à 1,0%
en mai par rapport à 1,1% en avril, c'est ce qu'indique aujourd'hui
Eurostat, l'Office statistique des Communautés européennes à Luxembourg. Un
an auparavant, le taux était de 1,3%. Le taux d'inflation annuel de l'Union
européenne (UE15) est tombé à 1,1% en mai par rapport à 1,2% en avril. En
mai 1998, il était de 1,5%. Le taux d'inflation annuel de l'Espace
Economique Européen a baissé de 1,2% à 1,1%. Les taux annuels les plus
élevés ont été relevés en Irlande (2,3%), en Grèce (2,2%), en Espagne, aux
Pays-Bas et au Portugal (2,1% pour les trois). Les taux les plus bas ont
été enregistrés en Suède (0,3%), en Allemagne et en Autriche (0,4% pour les
deux). Par rapport au mois d'avril, l'inflation annuelle a baissé dans huit
Etats membres, a progressé dans cinq et est restée inchangée dans deux. Par
rapport à l'année précédente, les hausses relatives les plus fortes ont été
constatées au Danemark (de 1,4% à 1,6%) et en Espagne (de 2,0% à 2,1%) ;
les diminutions relatives les plus fortes ont été relevées en Suède (de 1,
6% à 0,3%) et en Autriche (de 1,0% à 0,4%). Les taux moyens les plus bas
sur une période de 12 mois (incluant le mois de mai) ont été enregistrés en
Suède (0,4%), en Allemagne, en France et en Autriche (0,5% pour les trois).
Les taux les plus élevés ont été enregistrés en Grèce (3,8%), au Portugal
(2,6%) et en Irlande (2,4%).
[05] Industrial production declines slightly
(! embargo 12h !) Euro-zone and European Union (EU15) industrial production
trend fell by -0.2% in the period February to April, compared to the
previous three months, Eurostat - Statistical Office of the European
Communities in Luxembourg - estimates today. This follows a downward
revised -0.4% for both the euro-zone and for EU15 in the three months up to
end-March. Industrial production adjusted for working days in April was
down 0.7% for both euro-zone and EU15 compared to April 1998. Growth in
March has been a revised 0.1% for euro-zone and EU15. For the period
February 99-April 99, output advanced in Finland (2.1%) and Greece (1.1%).
It declined in Germany and United Kingdom (both -1.0%). Production in Italy
(-0.3%) is still falling albeit on the smallest rate since April 1998.
Industrial output in the Netherlands edged up 0.1%, the first increase
since six months. USA was up 0.9% and production in Japan recovered with
0.3%, the first positive growth rate since August 1997. Compared with April
1998 growth was specially strong in Finland (7.7%), Denmark (6.8%) and
Greece (4.6%). While Spain saw a slight fall (-0.2%), France (-1.0%),
Netherlands (-1.4%), Germany (-1.7%), Italy (-2.3%) and UK (-2.4%) were
markedly down.
[06] Kosovo : Commission announces emergency support to journalists and the
An emergency amount of euro 700,000 in aid is announced by the European
Commission to support displaced journalists and to ensure the provision of
accurate information to the citizens of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
(FRY). Although a political agreement on Kosovo has been reached, the
situation for journalists remains critical. Journalists who have fled from
Kosovo and are trying to re-establish newspapers are faced with a serious
lack of funds. At the same time, there is a shortage in the supply of
information for refugees who are anxious to return home. In Serbia,
independent journalists have been jailed, newspapers are censored, radio
and television stations remain under State control, all unable to relay
free information to the citizens of the FRY.
[07] Maritime Industries Forum
The tenth plenary session of the European Union (EU) Maritime Industries
Forum (MIF) took place in Southamton on 23rd/24th June under the
chairmanship of European Commissioner for Industrial Affairs, Martin
Bangemann, in the presence of over 150 senior participants from industry
and Member States. Faced with heavy distortions in the international
maritime markets, the forum received a report from Mr Bangemann on his
recent visit to Korea. He emphasised that the Commission will continue its
efforts to persuade Korea that the actions of its shipbuilding industry
should not result in any distortion in that market. Mr Bangemann said that
the Council should take the Korean problem into account when future EU
policy for shipbuilding is discussed at its meetings in July and November.
Other issues discussed by the MIF were Short Sea Shipping initiatives,
research and development issues, training aspects and the shortage of
skills together with the importance of marine resources. Reviewing the
success of the Forum over the past decade, Mr Bangemann pointed out that
the dialogue has brought about considerable synergies amongst the
industries involved. He went on to say "the maritime industries are no
longer seen as sunset industries".
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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