European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 98-11-27
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[01] La Commission prend une décision partiellement négative à l'égard
d'une aide en faveur d'Addinol Lube Oil GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
[02] Green light for aid to Infraleuna (Saxony-Anhalt)
[03] La Commission adopte le rapport "L'emploi en Europe" 1998
[04] EU highlights continuing US trade barriers
[05] Emma Bonino annonce une formation des associations de consommateurs
sur l'euro
[06] Mario Monti : "Future tax coordination should concentrate on shifting
the tax burden away from labour"
[07] Ritt Bjerregaard on protection of animals
[01] La Commission prend une décision partiellement négative à l'égard
d'une aide en faveur d'Addinol Lube Oil GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
La Commission européenne a estimé que l'aide de 22 millions de DM (11,2
millions d'Ecus) octroyée par le gouvernement allemand à Addinol Mineralöl
GmbH était compatible avec le marché commun. En revanche, l'aide à la
restructuration de 47,05 millions de DM (24 millions d'Ecus) envisagée en
faveur d'Addinol Mineralöl GmbH et d'Addinol Lube Oil GmbH & Co. KG,
société nouvellement créée, n'est pas compatible, étant donné qu'elle
menace de fausser la concurrence.
[02] Green light for aid to Infraleuna (Saxony-Anhalt)
The European Commission has decided that financial assistance to InfraLeuna
Infrastruktur und Service GmbH (Infraleuna) does not constitute State aid.
InfraLeuna receives financial backing in order to finalise the
Bundesanstalt für vereinigungsbedingte Sonderaufgaben (BvS) task of
privatising the chemical site in Leuna, clear the site of environmental
damages of the past and set up an infrastructure which allows commercial
operations on the site. The Commission has, however, considered it
necessary to impose conditions to assure that the measures do not convey
profits to any of the parties involved.
[03] La Commission adopte le rapport "L'emploi en Europe" 1998
La Commission européenne a adopté la 10ème édition de son rapport annuel
"L'emploi en Europe", qui s'inscrit dans l'ensemble des éléments destinés à
préparer le Conseil européen de Vienne, en décembre. Le rapport 1998
présente les dernières tendances de l'Union européenne en matière d'emploi
et de marché du travail et fournit une base analytique à la révision de la
stratégie pour l'emploi et à l'adoption des lignes directrices pour
l'emploi en 1999.
[04] EU highlights continuing US trade barriers
The European Union (EU) today published its fourteenth annual report on
United States (US) barriers to trade and investment highlighting continuing
US trade barriers for European exporters. Long-standing problems include
high tariff levels, complex customs procedures, restrictive export
regulations and a non-recognition of certain EU product standards. New US
trade barriers are also identified, notably the extraterritorial provisions
of sub-federal US legislation which restricts the ability of EU companies
dealing with certain third countries from bidding for contracts in various
US States and cities. Unilateralism in US trade legislation remains a
serious concern, particuarly in the light of the recent US threat to
introduce unilateral sanctions against the EU in the ongoing banana
dispute. The EU is firmly committed to addressing these issues through the
appropriate bilateral or multilateral channels, and in a comprehensive new
round of World Trade Organisation (WTO) negotiations. The EU will consider
action through the WTO dispute settlement procedure if the US trade laws
assessed in the report break internationally-agreed rules.
[05] Emma Bonino annonce une formation des associations de consommateurs
sur l'euro
Une trentaine de jours avant le démarrage de l'euro, 210 formateurs des
associations de consommateurs recoivent une formation sur tous les aspects
importants pour les consommateurs lors du passage à l'euro. Au cours de
trois sessions de deux jours pendant les mois de novembre et décembre, ils
seront préparés à donner leur propres explications sur l'euro et à pouvoir
répondre à toutes les questions pratiques qui se posent aux consommateurs,
a annoncé Emma Bonino, Commissaire européen de la Politique des
Consommateurs lors de la conférence "Le passage à l'euro" ce vendredi à
Vienne. Le programme inclut les aspects juridiques et économiques ainsi
que psychologiques et sociologiques de la monnaie unique. L'objectif est
donc de faire une formation complète sur l´euro adressée aux personnes qui
seront inévitablement appelés à donner des formations ou des conseils au
sein des associations et auprès des consommateurs. La Commission finance
le programme avec 200.000 Ecus.
[06] Mario Monti : "Future tax coordination should concentrate on shifting
the tax burden away from labour"
(! embargo 3 pm !) "There is no single miraculous solution to unemployment
in Europe. The answer lies instead in finding a mixture of policies which
combine macro-economic stability, a functioning Single Market, active
labour market policies and welfare reforms, as well as coordinated, better-
balanced and efficient tax systems. Today, there is every prospect that
Member States are ready to renew their commitment towards a more employment
and growth-oriented Union" pointed out European Commissioner for Internal
Market, Mario Monti, addressing the Kangaroo Group today in London. In his
speech on "EMU, Taxation and Competitiveness", he outlined future
priorities for the two areas which have a great deal of potential for
improving the employment situation : the Single Market and tax
coordination. "There is no question of increasing the overall tax burden
in Europe, if we want to boost the EU's competitiveness in the global
economy, especially in view of job creation. Rather than thinking of a
minimum rate of company taxation, which would be in any case premature, it
is important to fully implement the agreed package on harmful tax
competition, including the adoption of the savings tax directive. The real
challenge is to shift taxation away from labour (hitting workers as well as
companies, through social security contributions) to other sources, be
these capital income, consumption or energy taxation. To achieve this goal,
we have still a long way to go", concluded Mr Monti.
[07] Ritt Bjerregaard on protection of animals
European Commissioner for Environment Ritt Bjerregaard introduced the main
areas for action to the Eurogroup for Animal Welfare : "The Commission has
been active in several areas concerning the welfare of animals. We have
made substantial progress in the Council on the Proposal for zoos. We are
finalising the draft 7th Amendment to the Cosmetics Directive. And
finally the issue of the use of non-human primates as laboratory animals is
on track." On zoo's : "I hope that the Directive can be adopted early next
year. I will use my best endeavours to ensure proper and quick
implementation by the Member States and I count on Eurogroup and its
national member organisations to assist me in that task." On the revision
of the Cosmetics Directive : "The key elements include an immediate ban on
animal testing for the finished cosmetic products, a ban on animal testing
for ingredients when alternative methods become available and the European
Union to take the lead in the acceptance of alternative methods. We hope
that the example set by the EU will speed up discussions in the OECD in
order to gain global acceptance of these methods." On Non-human primates :
"Some key elements include proof of origin and transport of the animals,
control of breeding establishments, ban on the use of wild-caught animals
and guidelines on housing and care of non-human primates." Finally
Commissioner Bjerregaard underlined "how encouraging it is for me
personally to see that we share common objectives in this area and are
working together productively to achieve our goals. This makes my job as
Commissioner much easier in terms of taking a strong stand on these
important matters. I am confident that together we can make a major
contribution to the welfare of animals."
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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