European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 98-11-25
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] La Commission adopte un rapport sur les perspectives d'emploi dans la
société de l'information
[02] Fourth report on the implementation of the telecommunications
regulatory package
[03] La Commission fait le point sur la mise en œuvre du paquet fiscal
[04] Commission adopts UK Date Based Export Scheme
[05] Commission clears Enso/Stora merger
[06] La Commission invite les partenaires sociaux à prendre l'initiative
pour moderniser l'organisation du travail
[07] Commission agrees a Communication on the Single Market in
[08] Commission assesses the Dutch stability programme
[09] Commission assesses the Danish convergence programme
[10] Commission presents "Northern dimension" report : enormous potential
[11] Convention de Lomé - clôture des consultations avec le Togo
[12] La Commission interdit de nouvelles aides à Enirisorse
[13] Commission clears aid to Draiswerke GmbH
[14] Commission investigates aid to Belgian fibres producer
[15] La Commission adresse une injonction informative au gouvernement
italien à propos de Seleco Spa
[16] La Commission approuve l'extension d'un régime d'aides pour le
maintien de l'emploi en Italie
[17] La Commission approuve des aides à la production cinématographique aux
[18] Commission decides to open a State aid procedure into Kvaerner Warnow
Werft GmbH
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[19] Commission clears acquisition of Hoechst's polyethylene business by
[20] Commission authorises Koch Industries (US) and Saba (Mexico) to
acquire parts of Hoechst's (Germany) polyester assets
[21] EU requests panel against US 1916 Anti-Dumping Act
[22] Bulgarie : la Commission européenne a alloué 1,5 million d'Ecus pour
l'aide humanitaire
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] La Commission adopte un rapport sur les perspectives d'emploi dans la
société de l'information
Dans le cadre de la stratégie européenne pour l'emploi et en préparation du
Conseil européen de Vienne prévu le mois prochain, la Commission européenne
a adopté un rapport sur les perspectives d'emploi dans la société de
l'information. Ce rapport, qui avait été demandé par les chefs d'Etat et de
gouvernement lors du sommet sur l'emploi de Luxembourg, en novembre 1997,
conclut que le secteur est prometteur pour l'emploi - à condition que
l'Europe s'engage résolument à tirer le meilleur parti du potentiel de
cette industrie, qui se développe et évolue rapidement. Il faudra déployer
des efforts accrus afin de promouvoir une culture d'entreprise au sein de
l'Union européenne, élaborer un cadre d'action souple, mais énergique, et
investir davantage dans l'employabilité et l'adaptabilité des ressources
humaines pour que tout cela devienne réalité. Le rapport plaide en faveur
d'une action concertée à tous les niveaux pour relever ce défi et propose
un calendrier permettant de réaliser le suivi et une analyse comparative
des progrès réalisés.
[02] Fourth report on the implementation of the telecommunications
regulatory package
The European Commission adopted its fourth report on the implementation of
the telecommunications regulatory package in the Member States. It is
focusing on the main provisions of the package, such as national regulatory
authorities, licensing, interconnection, universal service, tariffs,
numbering, frequency and rights of way. The report finds that the national
regulatory authorities (NRA) have begun to implement the principles laid
down in the regulatory package in all Member States, and are cooperating
and exchanging information on a systematic basis with each other and with
the Commission. The national licensing frameworks appear to be functioning
well, with the procedures applied in practice conforming broadly to the
requirements of the package. Interconnection regimes are also operating
well in most Member States. The Commission thinks it inevitable that with
an extensive legislative framework to put in place, the detailed
implementation in the Member States is bound to show a number of
shortcomings. These points are examined in detail in the technical annexes
to the report. The main message remains clear, however, that the bulk of
the European rules has been taken over into national law and is being
applied effectively in the Member States, with tangible benefits for the
whole European economy.
[03] La Commission fait le point sur la mise en œuvre du paquet fiscal
La Commission européenne a adopté un rapport sur l'état d'avancement des
travaux en matière de fiscalité directe qui sera présenté au Conseil des
Ministres de l'économie et des finances du 1er décembre 1998. Un an après
l'accord unanime du Conseil sur une action coordonnée au niveau européen
pour lutter contre la concurrence fiscale dommageable, la Commission dresse
un bilan positif quant à sa mise en œuvre. Le Groupe "code de conduite"
(fiscalité des entreprises), créé par le Conseil, a procédé avec l'aide de
la Commission à un examen des mesures potentiellement dommageables ayant
trait aux services intragroupe et aux services financiers, ainsi qu'aux
sociétés offshore. Les négociations au sein du Conseil sur les
propositions de Directive concernant la fiscalité de l'épargne et de
paiements d'intérêts et de redevances entre entreprises ont bien progressé
et il a été convenu de traiter rapidement la question de la dimension
externe. Le Conseil est invité à confirmer son engagement à trouver un
accord sur ces Directives, ainsi qu'à demander au groupe de suivi du Code
de conduite de s'efforcer d'achever l'évaluation des régimes préférentiels
existants, d'ici la fin de juin 1999.
[04] Commission adopts UK Date Based Export Scheme
The European Commission has adopted a decision on the Date Based Export
Scheme for UK beef following the support by the majority of member states
for the proposal in the Council on the 23 November. As soon as the UK
Government informs the Commission that they are ready to export, the
Commission will carry out an inspection on the application and control of
the different aspects of the scheme and subsequently inform the Standing
Veterinary Committee. If the Commission is satisfied with the inspection
results it will then set the date for exports to recommence. This scheme
will apply only to deboned meat and meat products obtained from animals
born after the 1 August 1996 (the date on which it is considered that the
meat-and-bone meal ban in the UK was fully effective) and which are over
six months and under thirty months of age. The scheme also includes the
slaughter and destruction of offspring from Bovine Spongiform
Encephalopathy (BSE) infected animals and verification that the dam of the
animal concerned has lived for at least six months after birth and not
developed BSE. Strict rules on the identification and traceability of
animals and meat are also included. It should be stressed that meat from
animals over thirty months of age will continue to be excluded from all
markets including the domestic UK market.
[05] Commission clears Enso/Stora merger
Following an in-depth investigation, the European Commission has decided to
authorise the merger between the Finnish paper and board company Enso OYJ
(Enso) and the Swedish paper and board manufacturer, Stora Kopparbergs
Bergslags AB (Stora). The merger will create the number one paper and
board manufacturing company in the world. However, the Commission's
investigation showed that the merger will not create or strengthen a
dominant position on the newsprint and magazine markets. As to thick paper
for the production of materials to package liquids ('liquid packaging
board'), the merged entity will face countervailing buying power from
packaging materials producers. This power will be increased by Enso's
divestiture of links with one producer, Elopak and by the parties'
agreement not to treat any one producer more favourably than others unless
warranted by objective cost justifications. Moreover, third-country
imports will further increase competition on the market. The merger will
not therefore create or strengthen a dominant position on the liquid
packaging market either.
[06] La Commission invite les partenaires sociaux à prendre l'initiative
pour moderniser l'organisation du travail
La Commission européenne a adopté une Communication sur la modernisation de
l'organisation du travail qui invite les partenaires sociaux à faciliter et
compléter la mise en oeuvre du pilier "adaptabilité" des lignes directrices
pour l'emploi. Intitulée "Moderniser l'organisation du travail - une
approche positive du changement", cette Communication vise à encourager et
renforcer le partenariat pour la modernisation de l'organisation du travail,
ainsi qu'à élaborer un cadre d'action aux niveaux appropriés.
[07] Commission agrees a Communication on the Single Market in
The European Commission has adopted a Communication on the Single Market in
pharmaceuticals. Although there are a number of developments underway
towards a Single Market in Pharmaceuticals, like the introduction in 1995
of a common central evaluation and marketing authorisation by the European
Medicines Evaluation Agency or mutual recognition between Member States,
the Single Market for this sector is far from being complete. This is
mainly due to the fact that Member States have exclusive responsibility in
the field of healthcare and have different price regimes to control overall
health costs. The Communication seeks to put forward some options for the
future which respect the principle of subsidiarity and take into account
the totality of the regulatory, social and industrial interests in play.
The options have to ensure that patients and consumers have access to the
pharmaceuticals they need at affordable cost, the need to enhance
competition and that appropriate incentives are available to encourage
innovation and industrial developments.
[08] Commission assesses the Dutch stability programme
The European Commission has made a recommendation to the Council of
Ministers on the Dutch stability programme. The Commission conclusion is
that the budgetary policy presented in the stability programme of the
Netherlands is in line with the requirements of the Stability and Growth
Pact and the Broad Economic Policy Guidelines agreed at the Cardiff
European Council. Based on the Coalition Agreement reached by the
government in August 1998 the programme extends to broad economic strategy
of recent years to the period 1999-2002. In essence this implies that
budgetary reform will be implemented in conjunction with substantial
reduction in the tax burden. This approach, applied within a context of
wage moderation and social consensus, has proved to be successful. For the
next four years, the Dutch authorities intend to allocate substantial
resources to the improvement in the global efficiency of the economy, while
maintaining sound public finances. The programme presents three basic
macroeconomic scenarios where annual average real GDP growth is expected to
reach 2¼%, 2¾%, 3¼% respectively. The corresponding government deficit
falls to 1% of GDP in the cautious scenario to ¼% of GDP in the middle
scenario and turns into a surplus of ¼% of GDP in the optimistic scenario.
The stability programme establishes all the detailed public finance
projections on the basis of the cautious scenario. On the basis of the
Commission recommendation, the Council is expected to adopt a formal
opinion on the Dutch stability programme on 1 December 1998.
[09] Commission assesses the Danish convergence programme
The European Commission made a recommendation to the Council of Ministers
on the Danish convergence programme. The recommendation was made in
accordance with the new reinforced procedures of the Stability and Growth
Pact for the monitoring of the economic and budgetary policies of the
countries of the European Union. The general government budgetary position
of Denmark complies with the requirements of the Stability and Growth Pact.
The primary objective of the Danish convergence programme is to continue
budgetary consolidation, underpinned by structural reform. The Danish
government aims to increase the budget surplus from 1.1% of GDP in 1998 to
2.6% of GDP in 2001 and further to 3.5% of GDP in 2005. The general
government gross debt level, which is expected to fall below the 60% of GDP
reference value in 1998, is targeted to decrease further, reaching 49% of
GDP in 2001 and 37% of GDP in 2005. The programme is consistent with the
Broad Economic Policy Guidelines agreed at the Cardiff European Council.
On the basis of the Commission's recommendation, the Council is expected to
adopt a formal opinion on the Danish programme on 1 December.
[10] Commission presents "Northern dimension" report : enormous potential
The European Commission adopted a report on the European Union's (EU)
"Northern Dimension", which seeks to ensure that the EU's activities and
available instruments continue to take account of issues facing northern
Europe. The Commission produced this report at the request of the European
Councils at Luxembourg (December 1997) and Cardiff (June 1998). It will be
discussed by EU Heads of State and government at the Vienna European
Council in December 1998. The report sets out operational recommendations
in the fields of energy, environment, nuclear safety, cross border
cooperation, trade, transport, telecommunications and health. It
underlines the fact that these recommendations are to be implemented within
the framework of existing contractual relations, financial instruments and
regional organisations. The report also proposes that the northern
dimension should be discussed with the countries concerned, as well as in
relevant international organisations, such as the Council of Baltic Sea
States and the Barents Euro Arctic Council.
[11] Convention de Lomé - clôture des consultations avec le Togo
La Commission européenne a approuvé une proposition visant à clôturer les
consultations avec le Togo engagées suite aux élections présidentielles de
juin 1998. Elle estime que malgré tous les efforts, aucune solution n'a
été trouvée à la situation de manquement aux obligations de l'article 5 de
la Convention de Lomé qui stipule que "le respect des droits de l'homme,
des principes démocratiques et de l'Etat de droit (…) constitue un élément
essentiel de la présente Convention". La Commission propose donc que la
coopération avec le Gouvernement togolais reste suspendue. Cependant,
l'Union européenne évitera de pénaliser la société civile et contribuera à
promouvoir une situation de respect de l'article 5 de la Convention de
[12] La Commission interdit de nouvelles aides à Enirisorse
La Commission européenne a déclaré incompatibles les aides octroyées en
1997 par l'Italie à Enirisorse pour un montant de 133 milliards de ITL (65
millions d'Ecus). Ces aides ont été versées de façon illégale au-delà du
plan de restructuration d'Enirisorse, approuvé par la Commission en 1997.
La Commission est parvenue à la conclusion que les recapitalisations
effectuées par l'Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi (ENI) en 1997 ne peuvent offrir
une rentabilité financière suffisante, compte tenu de la liquidation, à
brève échéance, d'Enirisorse. Le gouvernement italien devra maintenant
récupérer les aides illégales auprès de la société.
[13] Commission clears aid to Draiswerke GmbH
The European Commission has authorised aid granted for the restructuring of
the special machinery manufacturer Draiswerke GmbH, Germany. The
Commission approved a DM 0.8 million (ECU 0.4 million) loan provided by the
City of Mannheim in August 1996 for ten months and a 50% guarantee in
respect of loans of DM 6 million (ECU 3 million) provided by
Landeskreditbank Baden-Württemberg ("LAKRA") from August 1996 until June
1998. The aid measures are compatible with the Commission's guidelines for
rescue and restructuring aid.
[14] Commission investigates aid to Belgian fibres producer
The European Commission has decided to open an in-depth investigation into
aid which Belgium intends to award to Decochim S.A., a new company located
in Mouscron, Wallonia, in connection with an investment to produce flame
retardant polyester yarn. The planned aid, which would include co-
financing from the European Regional Development Fund, amounts to about BEF
330 million (ECU 27.2 million) in support of an investment totalling BEF
1.1 billion (ECU 8.2 million). In addition the company would benefit from
an exoneration from property tax for a period of five years.
[15] La Commission adresse une injonction informative au gouvernement
italien à propos de Seleco Spa
La Commission européenne a adopté une décision enjoignant le gouvernement
italien à lui fournir les informations nécessaires lui permettant d'adopter
une décision finale sur la compatibilité avec le marché commun des aides
octroyées par la Région Friuli-Venezia-Giulia et le Gouvernement italien à
la société Seleco Spa (Pordenone) active sur le marché de l'électronique de
consommation (téléviseurs couleurs, décodeurs, projecteurs et moniteurs),
déclarée en faillite le 17 avril 1997.
[16] La Commission approuve l'extension d'un régime d'aides pour le
maintien de l'emploi en Italie
La Commission européenne a approuvé la prolongation pour les années 2000 et
2001 d'un régime d'aide italien, portant sur des dégrèvements de charges
sociales pour travailleurs à basse qualification occupés à la date du 1er
décembre 1997 ou embauchés après le 1er décembre 1997 dans des entreprises
des régions Sicilia, Sardegna, Calabria, Basilicata, Campania et Puglia.
La Commission considère les aides compatibles avec le traité de l'Union
européenne car destinées à favoriser le développement économique des
régions concernées.
[17] La Commission approuve des aides à la production cinématographique aux
La Commission européenne a décidé de ne pas soulever d'objections à l'égard
d'une aide de 15 millions de NLG (6,275 millions d'Ecus) sur 5 ans du
gouvernement néerlandais à la production cinématographique par le biais
d'une fondation Mez-Stichting qui aura pour objet de gérer la participation
publique dans une société opérationnelle dénommée Film Investors
Netherlands B.V. La Commission estime que le régime d'aide n'altère pas
les conditions des échanges et de concurrence dans une mesure contraire à
l'intérêt commun.
[18] Commission decides to open a State aid procedure into Kvaerner Warnow
Werft GmbH
The European Commission has decided to open a procedure pursuant to Article
93(2) of the EC Treaty to examine whether Eastern German shipyard Kvaerner
Warnow Werft GmbH has exceeded its yearly shipbuilding capacity ceiling. A
total amount of DM 1,247 million (ECU 638 million) of restructuring aid was
approved to the privatised shipyard by several Commission decisions in 1993-
1995 (IP/95/78, IP/95/1010, IP/93/1210, IP/93/123). The approval of the
aid under these decisions is subject to a yearly newbuilding capacity
limitation of 85.000 cgt. The regular monitoring report of the yard of
30.6.1998 indicated that this limit will be considerably exceeded in 1998
and 1999. Due to this excess output, the aid cannot any longer be
considered in line with the provisions of Directives 92/68/EEC and
90/684/EEC on aid to shipbuilding.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[19] Commission clears acquisition of Hoechst's polyethylene business by
The European Commission has approved the planned acquisition of the
European polyethylene (PE) and world-wide PE technology licensing business
(PE business) of Hoechst AG (Hoechst) by Elenac SA and Elenac GmbH (Elenac),
jointly controlled by the Royal Dutch/Shell group and BASF AG. Given the
presence of a number of strong competitors, the Commission considered that
the concentration does not raise serious concern for competition on the
Western European PE market and on the worldwide market for PE technology.
[20] Commission authorises Koch Industries (US) and Saba (Mexico) to
acquire parts of Hoechst's (Germany) polyester assets
The European Commission has approved the acquisition by Koch Industries,
Inc. (Koch) and Imasab S.A. (Saba) of certain parts of the polyester assets
of Hoechst AG (Target). The acquired asset includes Hoechst's polyester
activities (formerly known as Trevira) in terephthalates, certain polyester
polymer resins, industrial fibres and textile filaments. Also included in
the deal are three subsidiaries of Hoechst (Hoechst Trevira Vlissingen B.V.
Industrialpark Bobingen GmbH & Co. KG and Industrial Park Vlissingen B.V.).
For the Commission, the transaction does not lead to a foreclosure effect
or other vertical concern. Consequently, since there is no addition of
market shares either, the proposed transaction is agreed.
[21] EU requests panel against US 1916 Anti-Dumping Act
The European Union (EU) today requested a World Trade Organisation (WTO)
panel against the United States (US) over its 1916 Anti-Dumping Act. The
EU believes the legislation breaches WTO anti-dumping rules and threatens
European exports. The EU investigated the 1916 Act following a complaint
made in January 1997 by the European Confederation of Iron and Steel
Industry under the Trade Barriers Regulations (TBR) procedure and concluded
that the legislation should be repealed. Bilateral discussions and WTO
consultations have failed to resolve the issue and the EU has therefore
requested a panel under the WTO dispute settlement procedure. This is the
first time a TBR procedure has led to a formal WTO panel request.
[22] Bulgarie : la Commission européenne a alloué 1,5 million d'Ecus pour
l'aide humanitaire
La Commission européenne a alloué 1,5 million d'Ecus pour l'aide
humanitaire destinée à ceux qui ont besoin de médicaments et de produits
alimentaires de base en Bulgarie. Ces fonds, gérés par l'Office
Humanitaire de la Communauté Européenne (ECHO), permettront la réalisation
par des ONG européennes d'un programme d'aide d'urgence pour une période de
9 mois.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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