European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 98-10-08
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[01] Le logo "on accepte l'euro" dans les commerces
[02] Genetically modified potato under discussion
[03] La Commission engage une procédure d'infraction à l'encontre de neuf
Etats membres pour manquement à l'obligation de présentation de rapports
sur la conservation de la nature
[04] Faits marquants sur le chômage des jeunes
[05] Commission organises round table on business preparations for EMU
[06] Demographic changes in Europe and their effects on social systems
[07] Joint EU-US Conference on health and safety (Luxembourg, 13-16 October
[01] Le logo "on accepte l'euro" dans les commerces
Un logo "unique", pour le double affichage des prix à la consommation, en
euros et en monnaie nationale, a été mis au point sous l'impulsion de la
Commission européenne. Il sera mis à la disposition des commerçants des 11
pays de la zone euro. Le logo, qui va permettre de "parler euro" aux
citoyens et aux commerçants, est le résultat d'une négociation au niveau
européen entre les consommateurs, d'une part, et les professionnels du
commerce, du tourisme, de l'artisanat, d'autre part. "Ce logo reflète
l'intérêt commun des consommateurs et des professionnels à établir un
climat de confiance lors du passage à l'euro et constitue un pas
supplémentaire dans la mise en place de la nouvelle monnaie", a souligné
Emma Bonino, Commissaire pour la politique des consommateurs. Yves-
Thibault de Silguy, Commissaire chargé des affaires économiques, monétaires
et financières, a déclaré que "le double affichage des prix en euros et en
monnaie nationale est indispensable afin de permettre aux citoyens de
s'habituer à la nouvelle échelle des valeurs".
[02] Genetically modified potato under discussion
For the first time the European Commission's Scientific Committee on Plants
has expressed doubts on the safety of a genetically modified organism. For
the high-starch potato notified by the Dutch enterprise Avebe an
insufficient risk assessment had been carried out with respect to specific
genes or gene elements incorporated into the genetically modified lines,
concluded the 15 independent scientists in their opinion from 2nd October.
This is particularly the case for one of the genes which is resistant to
amikacin, a clinically important antibiotic. Without an adequate risk
assessment of the potential consequences of horizontal gene transfer from
the genetically modified plants to humans, animals and the environment, the
safety of the transgenic potato line cannot be fully assessed, said the
scientists. The potatoes themselves are not intended to be sold as a
consumer product. However, their starch is to be used as any other potato
starch in the potato starch industry, in food as well as in animal feed.
The assessment relates to the placing on the market of the transgenic
potato according to Directive 90/220 on the deliberate release into the
environment of genetically modified organisms. To date, the Scientific
Committee on Plants has given favourable opinions for 11 genetically
modified plants. At the moment one demand is pending.
[03] La Commission engage une procédure d'infraction à l'encontre de neuf
Etats membres pour manquement à l'obligation de présentation de rapports
sur la conservation de la nature
La Commission européenne a décidé d'envoyer une lettre de mise en demeure à
la Grèce, à l'Irlande, à l'Italie, au Luxembourg, aux Pays-Bas, au Portugal,
au Danemark, à l'Allemagne et à l'Espagne, car ces Etats membres n'ont pas
transmis les rapports requis par les directives "Oiseaux sauvages" et/ou
"Habitats" de l'Union européenne (UE). Ces rapports sont importants car
ils facilitent le suivi des progrès réalisés dans la mise en œuvre des
Directives, permettent de recenser les problèmes pratiques rencontrés et de
vérifier que les objectifs des Directives ont été atteints. Ils aident
également la Commission à élaborer les rapports transmis, au nom de l'UE,
aux instances internationales de conservation de la nature, notamment la
Convention de Berne qui régit les questions de conservation de la nature
dans toute l'Europe.
[04] Faits marquants sur le chômage des jeunes
Selon un rapport publié aujourd'hui par Eurostat, l'Office statistique des
Communautés européennes à Luxembourg, les perspectives sont relativement
meilleures, dans l'Union européenne, pour les jeunes sans emploi que pour
leurs aînés. Si les jeunes ont plus de probabilités d'être au chômage, ils
restent sans emploi pendant des périodes plus courtes. L'enquête sur les
forces de travail du printemps 1996 révèle que 62% des chômeurs de 15 à 24
ans étaient à la recherche d'un emploi depuis plus de six mois, contre 68%
pour les 25-59 ans. Toutefois, la moitié des 15-24 ans qui étaient au
chômage au printemps 1995, l'étaient encore un an plus tard, même si
certains d'entre eux ont pu trouver un emploi entre ces deux dates. Au
Danemark, en Autriche et en Finlande, plus des deux cinquièmes des jeunes
chômeurs étaient sans travail depuis moins de trois mois, ce qui indique
que la recherche d'un emploi est relativement courte. Ce chiffre contraste
fortement avec les 7% enregistrés en Italie et aux Pays-Bas. En Grèce et
en Italie, plus de la moitié des jeunes chômeurs étaient sans emploi depuis
plus d'un an.
[05] Commission organises round table on business preparations for EMU
The European Commission is organising a workshop on "How large companies
could help their small suppliers and distributors change over to the euro"
in Brussels on 5 November. The opening address will be given by
Commissioner Yves-Thibault de Silguy, responsible for economic, financial
and monetary affairs. Organised jointly with the Association for the
Monetary Union of Europe, the workshop will bring together 150 managers
from large companies, along with representatives of small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs), to discuss information exchange programmes on the euro.
The objective is to raise awareness among large companies of their self-
interest in having their small business partners (both suppliers and
distributors) adequately prepared for the euro, and that they should launch
information programmes to achieve this end. Six large companies will
present case studies of their ongoing information programmes on the euro
for their SMEs partners. They are General Motors Europe, Elf Aquitaine,
Siemens, IBM Europe, Auchan France and Sonae Investimientos. On the basis
of these case studies, best practice guidelines for information exchange
programmes will be identified and published, which it hoped will encourage
other large companies to launch similar exercises.
[06] Demographic changes in Europe and their effects on social systems
On 12 and 13 October 1998, at a Symposium entitled "A Society for All
Generations", to be held at the Vienna Stock Exchange, over 300 European
politicians and scientists will address the issues of employment, health,
security in old age and solidarity between the generations in the light of
demographic changes. The following topics will be addressed in the working
sessions : the effects of demographic changes on the labour market of the
future ; the significance of demographic changes for the development of
social systems ; the consequences of ageing for aspects of health and care
; and pension reform and solidarity between the generations. The
Conference will be opened by the Federal Minister for Social Affairs and
European Union's (EU) Council President, Eleonora Hostasch and European
Commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs, Padraig Flynn. Guest
speakers from the world of politics will include the French State Secretary
for Health, Bernard Kouchner, and the Finnish Minister for Health and
Social Affairs, Sinikka Mönkare. A detailed programme is available upon
request. For further queries please contact : Dr. Gisela Kirchler-Lidy,
Federal Ministry for Labour, Health and Social Affairs, Austria, tel: (+43
)1 71100 6155.
[07] Joint EU-US Conference on health and safety (Luxembourg, 13-16 October
The European Commission is organising a joint European Union (EU) - United
States (US) Conference on health and safety in the workplace, from 13-16
October in Luxembourg, to examine ways of improving conditions for workers
on both sides of the Atlantic and of demonstrating that such concerns can
be of benefit to both employers and employees. The bi-annual Conference is
being organised in the framework of the New Transatlantic Agenda, which was
formally endorsed in December 1995 by Jacques Santer, President of the
Commission, and President Bill Clinton of the US. The main themes to be
explored during the four-day Conference include information sharing, risk
assessment and risk-management practices, rulemaking, enforcement and
innovative compliance techniques. Padraig Flynn, Commissioner with
responsibility for health and safety matters, will be a keynote speaker at
the opening session on the afternoon of 13 October, whilst Allan Larsson,
Director-General of DG V (Social Affairs, Industrial Relations and
Employment), will conclude proceedings on 16 October by identifying
priorities for future cooperation between the EU and the US. The
Conference takes place in the Commission's Jean Monnet Building, Plateau du
Kirchberg, Luxembourg. Representatives of the media are invited to attend
in the opening session on 13 October. Further details from : Mr J. R.
Biosca de Sagastuy, European Commission, Unit for Health, Safety & Hygiene
at Work, Luxembourg. Tel: (+352) 4301.34988 - Fax : (+352) 4301.34259 - e-
mail : Jose.Biosca de Sagastuy@lux.dg5.cec.be
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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