European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 98-03-12
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[01] Business and Consumer surveys for February 1998 : further improvement
in the economic climate
[02] Commission approves merger in foundry equipment sector
[03] Commission approves joint venture in the modern retail sector (hard
discount) in Italy
[04] Mario Monti signe un accord d'assistance douanière en Albanie
[05] Aide humanitaire : nouvelles brèves
[01] Business and Consumer surveys for February 1998 : further improvement
in the economic climate
The latest results from the business and consumer surveys conducted by the
European Commission's Directorate General for economic and financial
affairs are published today. The economic sentiment indicator continued on
its steady rise (from 103.3 in January to 104.0), backed by the ongoing
strengthening of consumer confidence as well as improved industrial
confidence. This confirms an improving trend which has now lasted for 20
months. Consumer confidence rose mainly due to more optimism towards the
present economic situation, which is considered to be more favourable for
major purchases. The industrial sentiment indicator returned to its high
December level. This was primarily due to a considerably improved
assessment of order books and stable production expectations.
[02] Commission approves merger in foundry equipment sector
The European Commission has decided to approve an operation by which the
Swiss company Georg Fischer AG and the Danish company Dansk Industri
Syndikat A/S acquire joint control of Georg Fischer Disa Holding AG which
will take over all former activities of the parents in the foundry
equipment sector. In view of the market position of the joint venture in
foundry equipment and the presence of several large international
competitors, the Commission considers that the proposed concentration does
not create or strengthen a dominant position as a result of which effective
competition would be significantly impeded in the European Economic Area or
any substantial part of that area. However, the Commission has noted that
the transaction was concluded and put into effect several months before its
notification. Therefore, the Commission will consider to take appropriate
measures in this respect.
[03] Commission approves joint venture in the modern retail sector (hard
discount) in Italy
The European Commission has approved the creation of a joint venture
between the German company Tengelmann and the Italian company Gruppo PAM,
belonging to the GECOS Group. The joint venture is going to operate in
modern retail distribution in Italy, in particular in the "hard discount"
sector. The operation will not lead to significant market shares even on
the narrowest market definitions. It has therefore been declared compatible
with the common market.
[04] Mario Monti signe un accord d'assistance douanière en Albanie
Mario Monti, membre de la Commission chargé de la douane, doit signer ce
jour, à Tirana, une déclaration relative à la conclusion, par l'Albanie et
l'Italie, d'un accord sur l'intervention et l'assistance navale en matière
douanière. La Commission européenne soutiendra cette action par un
concours de 225.000 Ecus, dans le cadre du protocole d'accord sur la
mission d'assistance douanière à l'Albanie qu'elle a signé le 10 novembre
1997. L'accord en question prévoit la mise à disposition, par la Guardia
di Finanza, la police douanière et fiscale italienne, de deux navires
patrouilleurs afin d'aider l'administration douanière albanaise dans sa
mission de contrôle et de surveillance du trafic commercial maritime, ainsi
que de prévention de la contrebande. La mission européenne d'assistance
douanière de Tirana a été mise en place par la Commission en juin 1997,
entre autres mesures, en réponse à une demande d'aide lancée par le
gouvernement albanais à la communauté internationale, à la suite des
troubles qui avaient secoué le pays début 1997.
[05] Aide humanitaire : nouvelles brèves
La Commission européenne a approuvé une aide humanitaire d'un montant total
de 2,39 millions d'Ecus pour les réfugiés birmans en Thaïlande (1,39
million d'Ecus) et pour les Palestiniens de Cisjordanie et de la bande de
Gaza (1 million d'Ecus). Cette aide, gérée par l'Office humanitaire de la
Communauté européenne (ECHO), permettra à des institutions spécialisées des
Nations-Unies et à des organisations non gouvernementales de mettre en
oeuvre un certain nombre de programmes au cours des six prochains mois.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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