European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 98-03-11
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] Commission backs New Transatlantic Marketplace
[02] La Commission rejette la clause d'exclusivité imposée par Unilever sur
le marché irlandais des glaces
[03] Public procurement : Commission Communication outlines policy
[04] Commission proposes to streamline system of weekend lorry bans
[05] Commission proposes random road checks on commercial vehicles to
enhance safety and environmental protection in the EU
[06] Commission adopts measures to improve the welfare of laying hens
[07] Great Britain : European Social Fund - Objective 4
[08] Commission takes further legal action against Member States' "Open
Skies" agreements with the United States
[09] La Commission examine certains aspects du programme allemand de 1994
d'achat à prix réduit de terres nationalisées par l'ex RDA
[10] Commission opens procedure regarding state aid to the Sican group for
R&D in microelectronics
[11] La Commission demande des informations supplémentaires sur les mesures
de soutien à Banco di Sicilia et Sicilcassa
[12] Commission decides to investigate state aid to Océ N.V.
[13] AutoEuropa : closure of file after satisfactory cooperation between
the Commission and Portuguese authorities
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[14] Wolters Kluwer and Reed Elsevier abandon their projected merger
[15] La Commission a autorisé la prise de contrôle de Guilbert par le
groupe Pinault-Printemps-Redoute
[16] Commission partially refers to the Italian authorities the proposed
acquisition of GS by Promodes and Schemaventuno
[17] Reduced CO² emissions from cars : Commission acknowledges new proposal
from ACEA
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] Commission backs New Transatlantic Marketplace
The European Commission proposed to the Council of Ministers the creation
of a New Transatlantic Marketplace (NTM) - a wideranging proposal to remove
trade barriers between the European Union (EU) and the United States (US).
The NTM provides for action in four key areas : (a) the Widespread removal
of technical barriers to trade through increased mutual product recognition
and/or harmonisation ; (b) a political commitment to eliminate all
industrial tariffs by 2010, as long as a critical mass of other trading
partners also agree to do so ; (c) the creation of a free trade area in
services ; (d) and further liberalisation of investment, public procurement
and intellectual property. Independent economic analysis suggests that the
benefits of the NTM to Europe alone will be ECU 150 billion per annum after
the first five years. In 1996, two way trade in goods and services between
the EU and the US amounted to more than ECU 355 billion. The proposal to
create the NTM was first set out in the 1995 New Transatlantic Agenda,
which established a pattern of cooperation and joint action between the EU
and the US governments at all levels.
[02] La Commission rejette la clause d'exclusivité imposée par Unilever sur
le marché irlandais des glaces
La Commission européenne a adopté une décision condamnant la condition
d'exclusivité imposée par Unilever en Irlande pour la mise à disposition de
congélateurs, dans le but de faciliter l'accès d'autres fournisseurs au
marché des glaces destinées à la consommation immédiate. Unilever est le
principal fournisseur de glaces en Irlande, avec une part de marché
supérieure à 85%. Unilever dispose d'un vaste parc de congélateurs qui sont
mis à la disposition des détaillants sans aucun frais direct, à condition
toutefois de n'être utilisés que pour entreposer les produits de la
société. La Commission estime que cette condition d'exclusivité a pour
effet de contraindre de nombreux points de vente bénéficiaires à ne
proposer à la vente que les glaces d'Unilever. Les concurrents d'Unilever
n'ont donc pas accès à ces points de vente. La Commission estime que la
condition d'exclusivité enfreint l'article 85 du traité CE. Elle considère
en outre qu'Unilever abuse de sa position dominante sur le marché
[03] Public procurement : Commission Communication outlines policy
Priorities for public procurement policy have been outlined in a
Communication adopted by the European Commission. The latter intends to
propose amendments later in 1998 to the existing Directives concerning
their scope (notably to take account of utilities operating in an
effectively competitive environment following liberalisation and establish
uniform rules for concessions) and to introduce greater flexibility as
regards dialogue between purchasers and suppliers and the use of framework
contracts. In addition, the Commission will clarify its position on
interpretation of the current Directives and ultimately combine the
Directives on works, supplies and services procurement into a single
consolidated Directive. The Communication also outlines other initiatives
to improve immediately enforcement of the rules on open and competitive
procurement, including faster infringment proceedings and encouraging
Member States to respect the existing rules (eg through independent
authorities). Other initiatives would facilitate access to procurement
market for small and medium-sized enterprises, encourage the use of modern
information and communications technologies to promote electronic
procurement and to identify synergies with other policy objectives of the
European Union such as defence, the environment and liberalisation of world
[04] Commission proposes to streamline system of weekend lorry bans
Seven of the 15 Member States of the European Union (EU) ban lorries
through their territory for part of the weekend and during public holidays -
but the dates of holidays, the start and duration of the weekend ban,
exceptions to it and even the definition of what constitutes a lorry on an
international journey, differ. The resulting confusion has made it
difficult for hauliers to plan their journeys properly and several Member
States have asked the European Commission to draft legislation to
streamline the system. The Commission believes that a EU framework must
respond to the needs of users - in this case the citizen as much as the
road haulage industry. So, in making its proposals today, it has tried to
balance the need for a transparent system that guarantees the single market
principle of freedom of movement, against the equally important right of
Member States to restrict lorry traffic, when necessary, for environmental,
social and safety reasons. The proposal, which will only apply to
international lorry traffic travelling on the TransEuropean road Network,
allows national authorities to impose a ban between the hours of 07h00 to
22h00 on Sundays and public holidays. Any Member State, however, that
wishes to extend that period may do so if it can justify the need on
objective environmental, safety or social grounds. Moreover driving bans on
noisy trucks can be imposed at night - as is currently the case in Austria -
and exceptions to the general rule will be permitted in specific
circumstances (eg a smog alert, a period of particularly heavy traffic bad
weather conditions or the need for road maintenance). On all other roads
and for all non-international traffic, Member States will continue to have
the right to set whatever driving bans they wish. The Commission estimates
that by streamlining the system the savings to industry will be some ECU 1,
500 million.
[05] Commission proposes random road checks on commercial vehicles to
enhance safety and environmental protection in the EU
The European Commission proposed a draft directive requiring Member States
to supplement the annual roadworthiness test on commercial vehicles with
random roadside inspections. Recent surveys indicate that annual
inspection on these vehicles does not guarantee an acceptable standard of
maintenance throughout the year. Given that the road haulage market
becomes fully liberalised as of 1 July 1998, and that heavy goods vehicles
already cause around 20% of the annual 45,000 deaths on the roads of the
European Union, action is needed now to improve road safety and air quality
as well as to create the conditions of fair competition by ensuring that
all vehicles are maintained to similar standards.
[06] Commission adopts measures to improve the welfare of laying hens
The European Commission proposed to the Council of Ministers a new
Directive aimed at improving the housing conditions for laying hens. The
Directive lays down minimum protection rules for laying hens kept in
various forms, including cages. The new requirements would apply to newly
built or rebuilt systems from 1 January 1999 and from 1 January 2009 for
all housing systems and propose in particular to increase the minimum areas
per hen in battery cages from 450 cm² to 800 cm². The proposal also
stipulates minimum management requirements as well as other factors
affecting the hens environment such as temperature, lighting and
ventilation. A revision on the basis of new scientific data is required by
2006 in order to prepare if necessary the phasing out of housing systems
which do not meet animal welfare requirements.
[07] Great Britain : European Social Fund - Objective 4
The European Commission has approved the Single Programming Document (SPD)
providing European structural assistance for Great Britain under Objective
4 of the European Social Fund (ESF). Assistance from the ESF for 1998 and
1999 under this SPD amounts to ECU 247,4 million. European intervention
under Objective 4 of the ESF seeks to facilitate the adaptation of workers
to industrial change and to changes in production systems. The SPD (a
document drawn up jointly by the Member State and the Commission) sets out
the priorities for assistance and the resources required. The priorities
which form the basis of assistance from the ESF under the Objective 4 SPD
for Great Britain are : (1) to develop anticipation tools used in the
development of training programmes ; (2) to target training on those
individuals within companies who do not have relevant up-to-date skills and
who risk becoming unemployed ; (3) to fund the development of innovative
training systems ; to encourage improved networking between SMEs and SMEs
and large firms and the dissemination of results of research.
[08] Commission takes further legal action against Member States' "Open
Skies" agreements with the United States
The European Commission decided to proceed with its legal action against
eight Member States who, in violation of the law of the European Union (EU),
have concluded aviation agreements with the United States. At the
initiative of Neil Kinnock, Commissioner for Transport, a 'reasoned
opinion' will now be sent to Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany
Luxembourg, Sweden and the United Kingdom. According to the Commission,
the signing of bilateral aviation agreements with the US has a negative
impact on the operation of the liberalised EU market in civil aviation and
is thus an infringement of European law. To ensure that aviation
agreements negotiated with the US guarantee free and fair competition for
all EU air carriers, the Commission has asked for, and been granted a
mandate to negotiate such an agreement on behalf of the EU. At present,
Member States have limited the scope of the mandate and without immediate
change, it is in the Commission's view, impossible to open a dialogue with
the US. The Member States concerned have two months in which to reply to
the reasoned opinion. If the response is not satisfactory, the Commission
may subsequently decide to take the case to the European Court of Justice.
[09] La Commission examine certains aspects du programme allemand de 1994
d'achat à prix réduit de terres nationalisées par l'ex RDA
La Commission a eu aujourd'hui un débat approfondi sur la loi allemande de
dédommagement et de compensation, Entschädigungs- und Ausgleichsleitungsgesetz
(EAGL), de décembre 1994 qui prévoit un programme d'achat à prix réduit de
terres nationalisées par l'ex RDA. La Commission est arrivée à la
conclusion que le principe de cette loi ne pose pas de problème, mais qu'au
titre du droit communautaire, il y a lieu d'examiner les cas de rachat
préférentiel dans lequels les acheteurs n'ont pas de lien avec les terres
concernées. Ces cas pourraient effectivement constituer des aides d'Etat
et poser des problèmes au titre des dispositions des articles 92 à 94 du
Traité. Afin de pouvoir examiner ces cas et compte tenu des nombreuses
plaintes auxquelles elle est confrontée, la Commission s'est mis d'accord
sur le principe d'ouvrir la procédure d'aide d'Etat. Il s'agit, pour la
Commission, d'être en mesure de faire la part des choses entre les aides
acceptables et non-acceptables dans le cadre de la loi EAGL. L'ouverture
de la procédure permettra à toutes les parties concernées de faire valoir
leur point de vue auprès de la Commission. Celle-ci définira l'objet exact
de l'ouverture de la procédure dans les jours à venir et prendra à ce
moment sa décision formelle.
[10] Commission opens procedure regarding state aid to the Sican group for
R&D in microelectronics
The European Commission has decided to open the procedure according to
Article 93(2) EC-Treaty for aid to the Sican group of companies. The Sican
group, based in Hannover, was created in the early 1990s to undertake
research in the area of microelectronics. It has carried out research
projects together with, and under contract to, enterprises in
Niedersachsen. Following complaints, the Commission has established that
the German authorities have not notified aid of more than ECU 100 million.
Neither has the Commission received sufficient information to ascertain the
compatibility of the aid with the Common market. Although favourable to
state aid for the promotion of research and development, the Commission has
opened the procedure given its serious doubts as to this compatibility.
[11] La Commission demande des informations supplémentaires sur les mesures
de soutien à Banco di Sicilia et Sicilcassa
La Commission européenne a demandé aux autorités italiennes de fournir des
informations supplémentaires afin de déterminer si l'opération de création
d'une pole bancaire régional en Sicile est réalisée avec des aides d'Etat
compatibles avec les règles communautaires de concurrence. Il s'agit en
particulier des mesures de soutien de la reprise par le Banco di Sicilia
des actifs et des passifs de la banque Sicilcassa qui, en septembre 1997, a
été placée en liquidation forcée administrative. En même temps, la
Commission a autorisé une intervention pour 1.000 milliards de lires du
fonds de tutelle des dépôts dans la liquidation de Sicilcassa.
[12] Commission decides to investigate state aid to Océ N.V.
The European Commission has decided to investigate the Dutch government's
proposal to give aid of ECU 23 million to Océ N.V. for the development of
colour ink-jet printers. In 1994, Océ received a grant of ECU 3,2 million
for an ink-jet project of duration 1994 to 1996 under a Commission approved
scheme. The new project, of duration 1997 to 2001, presented as being
largely research and development - does not appear to be eligible for
public funding within the meaning of state aid rules. The work described
corresponds to a product development work programme aimed at developing
prototypes to maturity and readying them for series production. As such,
no 'incentive' effect of the proposed aid - i.e. an inducement for the
company to carry out research which it would not otherwise have pursued -
appears to exist. The Commission has given the Dutch authorities one month
to reply.
[13] AutoEuropa : closure of file after satisfactory cooperation between
the Commission and Portuguese authorities
The European Commission and the Portuguese Government have reached
agreement on the repayment of training aid to AutoEuropa, a Ford/Volkswagen
joint venture at Setubal in Portugal, which produces the Ford Galaxy, VW
Sharan and Seat Alhambra models. The company was created in 1991 with
investments, some of which were provided in the form of regional funding
(for investment) and social funding (for training purposes). The
Commission approved these measures in 1991 and has since monitored their
application. The Commission found that AutoEuropa was still receiving
public funds for training purposes after the launch of production in 1995
exceeding the applicable ceiling (50% of total cost for basic training
purposes and 25% for job specific training). Portuguese authorities have
cooperated fully with the Commission to ensure prompt repayment of the
excessive aid. The Commission has therefore decided today to close the
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[14] Wolters Kluwer and Reed Elsevier abandon their projected merger
On 10/11/1997, Reed Elsevier and Wolters Kluwer notified to the European
Commission under the rules established by the European Union's merger
control regulation their intention to merge. On 11/12/1998, the Commission
decided to open an in-depth investigation of the merger, given its
implications for competition in a number of national markets for
professional publishing. The Commission adopted then the preliminary view
that the merger between these two leading publishers could create a
dominant position in the world-wide market for academic publishing
(scientific journals and books), in the markets for publications for
professional use in the areas of law and tax in the Netherlands, in the
United Kingdom, in France and in Italy, in the market for publications for
primary and secondary schools (educational publishing) in the United
Kingdom, in a number of markets for business publications in the
Netherlands, in the market for Dutch dictionaries and in the European
market for the services provided by transport databases. Following an in-
depth enquiry of the Commission which confirmed its preliminary view that
the proposed merger would result in a significant impediment to competition
in those markets and objections raised on competition grounds in a
statement to Wolters Kluwer and Reed Elsevier on 20/02/1998, the latter
have announced on 09/03/1998 that they had decided to abandon their current
project to merge.
[15] La Commission a autorisé la prise de contrôle de Guilbert par le
groupe Pinault-Printemps-Redoute
La Commission européenne a autorisé une opération par laquelle le groupe
Pinault-Printemps-Redoute, par l'intermédiaire d'Artémis, acquerra le
contrôle du groupe français Guilbert par voie d'offre publique d'achat
amicale. Le groupe Guilbert est actif dans la distribution directe, aux
entreprises, de fournitures et matériel de bureau. Pour sa part le groupe
Pinault-Printemps-Redoute est présent dans la distribution "grand public"
(Le Printemps, Conforama, La Redoute et La Fnac), la distribution aux
professionnels du bâtiment (Pinault Distribution et Rexel), le commerce
international (CFAO) et le crédit à la consommation. Les deux groupes
étant actifs dans des secteurs différents de la distribution, la Commission
a considéré que l'opération ne conduisait pas au renforcement ou à la
création d'une position dominante.
[16] Commission partially refers to the Italian authorities the proposed
acquisition of GS by Promodes and Schemaventuno
The European Commission has decided to refer partially to the competent
Italian authorities ("Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato")
the examination of the acquisition by Promodès of joint control with
Schemaventuno (holding belonging to Benetton and Del Vecchio families) of
GS, company formerly solely controlled by Schemaventuno. With a second
decision adopted the same day the Commission has declared the rest of the
operation compatible with the common market. The Commission has decided to
refer the case for the effects of the operation on some local markets and,
in particular, Torino, Vercelli and Aosta. As far as the rest of the case
is concerned, the Commission has considered that the notified operation
does not raise any serious doubts at the national level.
[17] Reduced CO² emissions from cars : Commission acknowledges new proposal
from ACEA
Ritt Bjerregaard, European Commissioner for Environment, and Bernd
Pischetsrieder, President of the European Automobile Manufacturers
Association (ACEA) met in Strasbourg on 10th March to discuss an
environmental agreement on CO² emissions from passenger cars. Mr
Pischestsrieder presented to the Commissioner a new proposal which had been
adopted unanimously by the ACEA Board - composed of the CEOs of the
European car manufacturers - on 4th March. Under this new offer the
Industry would commit itself to reduce the average CO² emissions of its new
cars sold in the European Union to 140 g/km by 2008, corresponding to 6
l/100 km for petrol cars and 5.3 l/100 km for diesel cars. This represents
a reduction of 25% compared to the 1995 baseline of 186 g/km. Mrs
Bjerregaard welcomed the fact that ACEA had made a new proposal. "The new
proposal is clearly an improvement. I am very pleased that the European
Car Industry is showing that it takes its environmental responsibilities
seriously. We will study the new offer with an open mind and discuss it
with the Member States at the Environment Council on 23rd March", the
Commissioner said.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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