European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 97-04-03
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[01] Commissioner van den Broek welcomes Lithuania's plans to speed up
reforms: Nuclear safety a priority
[02] Infringements in the Social Field
[03] Forum européen sur la Cohésion relever: les défis du futur
[04] Commission declares RSB PSG/TENEX nuclear forwarding joint venture not
to be a concentration under the EC Merger Regulation.
[05] La Commission donne son feu vert à l'entreprise commune entre Cereol
et Ösat
[01] Commissioner van den Broek welcomes Lithuania's plans to speed up
reforms: Nuclear safety a priority
At the end of a 2 day visit to Lithuania, Hans van den Broek European
Commissioner i.a. responsible for relations with Central and Eastern Europe,
expressed support for Lithuania's application to join the EU and urged the
government to speed up preparations for membership. " We pointed out areas
of progress as well as areas where work is needed and reiterated that
assistance through the Phare programme is available", the Commissioner said,
adding: "Implementation of the government's reform package with its focus
on enterprise privatisation, price liberalisation and banking sector reform
will be crucial if Lithuania is to compete in the internal market. The
fight against corruption and the security of what in the future will become
the Union's external borders are important elements in preparing for
[02] Infringements in the Social Field
The European Commission has decided to take further steps in three
infringement proceedings against Member States in the social field.
Reasoned opinions are to be sent to France, Italy and Greece, for their
failure to apply Community law. The French case concerns failure to
respect the principle of equal treatment in social security. The Italian
case concerns discrimination based on nationality, and the Greek case
concerns equal treatment between women and men in social security systems.
These Member States now have two months to react.
[03] Forum européen sur la Cohésion relever: les défis du futur
Du 28 au 30 avril 1997, se tiendra à Bruxelles un vaste débat sur la
cohésion économique et sociale en Europe. Cette rencontre, organisée à
l'initiative de Mme Monika Wulf-Mathies, Commissaire responsable pour la
politique régionale et la cohésion, permettra d'examiner les résultats des
politiques de l'Union en matière de cohésion, d'étudier les possibilités
d'amélioration de ces politiques et d'envisager leurs adaptations face aux
défis du futur. Plus d'un millier de représentants des institutions
européennes, des autorités nationales, régionales et locales ainsi que des
opérateurs économiques, des partenaires sociaux, et d'instituts ont été
invités. Les pays d'Europe Centrale et Orientale seront aussi représentés.
[04] Commission declares RSB PSG/TENEX nuclear forwarding joint venture not
to be a concentration under the EC Merger Regulation.
The European Commission has decided that the nuclear forwarding joint
venture between RSB Logistic Projektspedition GmbH & Co. KG ("RSB PSG") and
AO Techsnabexport ("TENEX") is not a concentration within the meaning of
the Merger Regulation. The joint venture will provide logistic services and
transport of products used in the nuclear industry mainly in trade with
Russia and has been notified by RSB PSG and TENEX under the Merger
Regulation. According to the Commission's analysis, the joint venture will
not be a full function one. It lacks the necessary assets such as special
transportation equipment, specialised staff or know-how which would enable
it to provide forwarding services for nuclear products on the market. The
joint venture will provide its services mainly to the parent company TENEX.
[05] La Commission donne son feu vert à l'entreprise commune entre Cereol
et Ösat
La Commission européenne a donné son feu vert à l'acquisition par Cereol,
filiale du groupe agro-alimentaire Eridania Béghin-Say, du contrôle en
commun de Ölmühle, jusqu'ici filiale de la société holding autrichienne
Ösat. Cereol est active dans les secteurs de la trituration d'oléagineux et
le raffinage d'huiles végétales, dans cinq pays de l'Union européenne. Ösat
est contrôlée conjointement par des coopératives et organisations
autrichiennes d'agriculteurs et de négociants en produits agricoles, ainsi
que par un producteur de sucre et d'amidon (Agrana). L'entreprise commune
prévoit d'augmenter son activité actuelle de trituration de semences de
tournesol et de colza. Ölmühle produira des tourteaux, de l'huile végétale
et du biodiesel, principalement à destination du marché autrichien.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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