European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 96-11-04
From: HR-Net News Distribution Manager <dist@hri.org>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
04 / 11 / 1996
[01] Great Lakes crisis: Emma Bonino calls on the Kigali government to ensure
the safety of civilian populations and for the urgent opening of supply
[02] Karel Van Miert links Deutsche Telekom's new business user tariffs to
comprehensive network access
[03] Commission authorizes the acquisition of Mercantile & General Reinsurance
Company by Schweizer Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft
[04] João de Deus Pinheiro propose l'"écogestion" entre le Nord et le Sud pour
préserver les ressources environnementales de la Planète.
[01] Great Lakes crisis: Emma Bonino calls on the Kigali government to ensure
the safety of civilian populations and for the urgent opening of supply
The European Commissioner for Humanitarian aid, Emma Bonino, called on
Sunday on the Kigali government to assume its responsibilities concerning the
safety of the refugees and to abide by international human rights conventions.
Mrs Bonino also called for the urgent opening of supply routes to channel
emergency aid for nearly 1 million Hutu refugees in Eastern Zaïre, in particular
to the Mugunga camp with a safe passage through both the Kivu Lake and the
Goma airport.
[02] Karel Van Miert links Deutsche Telekom's new business user tariffs to
comprehensive network access
Karel Van Miert, the European Commissioner for Competition, has agreed that
the German Federal Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (BMPT) grant
Deutsche Telekom's application for certain new business customer tariffs by 1
November 1996. His agreement is conditional on the conclusion of retroactive
network access agreements between DT and its competitors by 31 December
1996 and on the BMPT taking additional regulatory steps required for competitive
network access in the German market before that date.
[03] Commission authorizes the acquisition of Mercantile & General Reinsurance
Company by Schweizer Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft
The European Commission has approved an operation by which Schweizer
Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft will acquire sole control of Mercantile & General
Reinsurance Company (M&G). M&G was previously owned by the British
Prudential Group. Schweizer Rück's worldwide market share will be below 15%.
The acquisition of M&G will therefore not lead to the creation of a dominant
[04] João de Deus Pinheiro propose l'"écogestion" entre le Nord et le Sud pour
préserver les ressources environnementales de la Planète.
João de Deus Pinheiro, Commissaire européen au Développement, a proposé
aujourd'hui que la préservation des forêts tropicales fasse l'objet d'une
coopération accrue entre les pays développés et ceux en voie de développement.
Dans un discours prononcé devant la Confédération européenne des Industries
du Bois, à Viana do Castelo, Portugal, le Commissaire a constaté la nécessité
d'agir pour préserver les ressources forestières de la planète en associant les
notions d'environnement et de développement. "L'environnement est devenu une
véritable dimension du développement', a-t-il dit. João de Deus Pinheiro propose
que le partenariat existant notamment au sein de la Convention de Lomé
s'applique au domaine environnemental en mettant en place une "écogestion"
basée sur des principes politiques, sociaux, économiques et environnementaux
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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