European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 96-07-10
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News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
10 / 07 / 1996
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour -
Outcome of today's Commission meeting
[01] Pour une recherche européenne au service du citoyen, de l'emploi et de la
[02] Commission proposes to relate truck charges more closely to the cost of
road usage
[03] A global framework for all Community actions in favour of SMEs
[04] Commission adopts groundwater action programme
[05] The situation of the European Union automobile industry
[06] Fusions et concentrations d'entreprises: la Commission propose de revoir
les règles
[07] Lutte contre les cartels: la Commission prévoit de réduire ou de supprimer
les amendes pour les entreprises qui dénoncent des ententes illicites
[08] La Commission interdit les concertations tarifaires dans le domaine du
transport aérien de marchandises
[09] Agri-monetary compensatory aid in Belgium
[10] EU-Georgia and EU-Armenia interim agreements
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[11] Franz Fischler: urgent action is needed to rebalance beef market
[12] SMEs transnational development and the supporting role of the banks -
"Partnership '96" (Luxembourg, 11-12 July)
[13] La Commission lance les premiers projets de service volontaire européen
[14] Visit of Dick Spring and Hans van den Broek to Sarajevo, Zagreb and
[15] Balkan mothers: Commission backs support for women of Srebrenica
[16] EU pledges long-term future for ties with Hong Kong
[17] Humanitarian aid to Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire and Bangladesh
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour -
Outcome of today's Commission meeting
[01] Pour une recherche européenne au service du citoyen, de l'emploi et de la
Pour être utile et efficace, la recherche européenne doit se rapprocher davantage
des préoccupations des citoyens, exercer un effet positif sur la compétitivité et
l'emploi, et continuer à faire avancer la connaissance sur un certain nombre de
questions-clés. Dans une communication au Conseil qu'elle a adoptée
aujourd'hui, la Commission européenne considère qu'il s'agit là des principes
fondamentaux qui devront guider sa future politique de recherche. Ce document
amorce la réflexion sur le 5e programme-cadre de recherche et développement
technologique qui prendra, à partir de 1999, le relais du 4e programme-cadre en
cours. Une proposition formelle sera soumise par la Commission à ce sujet au
printemps 1997.
[02] Commission proposes to relate truck charges more closely to the cost of
road usage
The European Commission today published a proposal to amend the existing so-called Eurovignette directive - which lays down Community-wide rules for truck
taxes, charges and tolls - in order to better relate truck charges to the costs of
road haulage. The proposed changes would give road hauliers incentives to use
cleaner trucks and vehicles that do less damage to the road infrastructure and
have a small marginal impact on transport costs (with an effect on final good
prices of 0.008%). These results would be achieved by modifying the structure
of road taxation, without raising average tax levels. It is, however, proposed to
provide Member States with the ability to levy higher toll charges for trucks on
heavily congested routes or in environmentally sensitive areas, provided that
alternative ways of shifting freight are available. The Commission estimates that
this proposal will lead to significant reductions in emissions, cut down congestion
on sensitive routes and generate infrastructure cost savings of ECU 1,600 to
4,000 million.
[03] A global framework for all Community actions in favour of SMEs
The European Commission adopted today an Integrated Programme for SMEs,
which is a direct follow-up to the European Confidence Pact for Employment and
provides a comprehensive framework to facilitate coordination, coherence and
greater visibility of the total effort in favour of the European small and medium-sized enterprises and the craft sector.
[04] Commission adopts groundwater action programme
With the adoption today of an action programme for protection and management
of groundwater, the European Commission has taken one step further towards
strengthening Community water policy. As the main thrust of the programme
Member States are requested to draw up national action programmes
implementing by 2000 the actions of the programme while adjusting to the
particular situation in the regions of the Community. Focus has been put on
integration and improved planning and management. National programmes will
include identification and mapping of groundwater resources, identification of
pollution sources from urban, industrial and agricultural sources, focus on spatial
planning and the importance of groundwater protection including designation of
zones where groundwater is particularly important or particularly threatened and
increased monitoring of groundwater quantity and quality in order to allow for an
early detection of signs of deterioration.
[05] The situation of the European Union automobile industry
The European Commission today adopted a communication on the European
Union automobile industry. The Commission came to the following main
conclusions: since 1994 sales of new cars and light commercial vehicles have
slowly but steadily recovered from the 1993 slump ; great strides have been
made in productivity and quality ; the industry has been successful on the main
international markets. Despite this, it is not a growth sector as far as employment
is concerned. On the contrary, new production concepts and the trend to low-cost locations outside the EU will lead to further job losses in Member States.
While increasing competitiveness is primarily a matter for the industry itself, the
EU can help create a favourable business environment. To this end, it will
continue its strategy of promoting intangible investment, in particular in R&D and
training, ensuring strong competition, developing industrial cooperation and
modernizing the role of the public authorities.
[06] Fusions et concentrations d'entreprises: la Commission propose de revoir
les règles
Après un large débat public lancé depuis la fin du mois de janvier 1996, la
Commission européenne propose aux Etats membres de revoir notamment les
seuils, en termes de chiffres d'affaires, à partir desquels de telles opérations de
concentrations doivent obligatoirement recevoir le feu vert de la Commission.
Ainsi, les seuils en question passeraient de 5 milliards d'Ecus, actuellement, en
chiffre d'affaires cumulé au niveau mondial à 3 milliards d'Ecus et de 250 millions
actuellement de chiffre d'affaires au niveau européen à 150 millions d'Ecus. En
outre, pour les opérations de fusions/concentrations dès lors qu'elles devraient
normalement être notifiées auprès de trois autorités nationales différentes, il est
proposé une formule de "guichet unique" plus efficace et plus rapide permettant
une seule notification auprès de la Commission, pour toute opération atteignant
des seuils de 2 milliards d'Ecus de chiffre d'affaires mondial et de 100 millions
d'Ecus de chiffre d'affaires européen.
[07] Lutte contre les cartels: la Commission prévoit de réduire ou de supprimer
les amendes pour les entreprises qui dénoncent des ententes illicites
Dans sa - difficile - bataille contre les cartels que certaines entreprises
organisent de manière de plus en plus sophistiquée, la Commission européenne
a décidé de réduire, voire de supprimer à certaines conditions les amendes
normalement imposables aux entreprises qui dénoncent certains types d'ententes
illicites. En fonction de la dénonciation après ou avant que la Commission ait
procédé à une vérification, le réduction de l'amende peut aller de 50% à 100%,
pourvu que certaines conditions soient remplies.
[08] La Commission interdit les concertations tarifaires dans le domaine du
transport aérien de marchandises
La Commission européenne a décidé de supprimer l'exemption dont bénéficient
les compagnies aériennes pour les concertations tarifaires dans le domaine du
transport de marchandises à l'intérieur de l'Union Européenne. Les compagnies
disposent d'un délai jusqu'au 30 juin 1997 pour se conformer à cette décision.
[09] Agri-monetary compensatory aid in Belgium
The European Commission decided to raise no objections to agri-monetary
compensation in Belgium in 1997 and 1998 (plus a supplement for beef in 1996)
of BF 1046 million (ECU 25.6 million). Of this total BF 240 million will be
nationally financed, the rest will be financed by the EC budget. The aid is
granted by the application of the Council regulation on compensation for
reductions in the agricultural conversion rates of certain national currencies. That
regulation set the maximum level of aid which could be granted in, inter alia,
[10] EU-Georgia and EU-Armenia interim agreements
The European Commission has adopted today proposals for a Council and a
Commission Decision - each respectively taken their own competence, the EC
Treaty and the ECSC Treaty - respectively concluding Interim Agreements with
Georgia and Armenia. These Interim Agreements will provisionally apply the
trade provisions (tariffs, abolition of quantitative restrictions, etc.) and flanking
measures (safeguard clause, anti-dumping rules, etc.) of the Partnership and
Cooperation Agreements signed with Georgia and Armenia in Luxembourg on
22 April 1996.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[11] Franz Fischler: urgent action is needed to rebalance beef market
Intervention stocks of over 600,000 tonnes; a decline in beef consumption of
11%; an increase in EU budgetary expenditure of ECU 1,500 million; serious
economic problems for beef producers and probably many farmer bankruptcies;
this according to Agriculture and Rural Development Commissioner Franz
Fischler will be the legacy of the BSE crisis in 1996. In the absence of radical
and immediate action the situation will deteriorate further as the restoration of
consumer confidence and consumption will take time. Rebalancing the beek
market must be a priority which on the one hand involves increasing consumption
and on the other reducing production as rapidly as possible and Mr Fischler
indicated today in Brussels his intention of bringing forward proposals in this area
as soon as possible. In the context of increasing consumption Mr Fischler
criticised beef traders and retailers for not passing the price reductions being
experienced by producers on to consumers as this would contribute towards
increasing consumption.
[12] SMEs transnational development and the supporting role of the banks -
"Partnership '96" (Luxembourg, 11-12 July)
European SMEs must be helped in a concrete way in order to contribute to job
creation and economic growth but also to internationalise their strategies and
businesses. This being the objective, the European Commission took the
initiative to organise a first meeting between representatives of small and
medium-sized enterprises, of the existing cooperation networks BC-NET and
BRE, as well as of European banks with the aim to discuss how the financial
institutions could help SMEs to exploit opportunities of cooperation and expansion
of their activities in third countries.
[13] La Commission lance les premiers projets de service volontaire européen
Lancé il y a cinq mois par Edith Cresson, commissaire européen à la recherche,
l'éducation, la formation et la jeunesse, le service volontaire européen se met en
place. La Commission européenne a en effet approuvé une première série de
projets qui permettront à quelque 200 jeunes de partir, dès le mois d'août, dans
un autre pays de l'Union européenne pour y effectuer des tâches d'intérêt
général: aide sociale, animation culturelle, protection de l'environnement ou
encore préservation du patrimoine. Pour l'assister dans le développement du
service volontaire, la Commission a mis sur pied un groupe de personnalités
présidé par M. Hans Koschnick, ancien maire de Brême et ex-administrateur
européen de la ville de Mostar en Bosnie-Herzégovine.
[14] Visit of Dick Spring and Hans van den Broek to Sarajevo, Zagreb and
The President of the Council, the Irish Foreign Minister, Mr Dick Spring, and
Commissioner Hans van den Broek are paying a joint official visit to Sarajevo,
Zagreb and Belgrade from 10-12 July 1996. The purpose of this mission is to
meet the main political leaders in the three capitals in order to assess the state
of play of the implementation of the Dayton Agreements including the full
cooperation of the parties with the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague.
Furthermore, the meetings scheduled will provide an opportunity to discuss the
preparations of the elections, the return of refugees and the reconstruction effort.
[15] Balkan mothers: Commission backs support for women of Srebrenica
Emma Bonino, European Commissioner in charge of Humanitarian Aid, will join
tomorrow in Tuzla a group of international women leaders and 6,000 women of
Srebrenica to mark the anniversary of July 11, 1995. That was the day the
women and children of Srebrenica were bussed out of town before a massacre
in which up to 8,000 unarmed men and boys died in ethnic cleansing. One year
later, the women leaders will launch programmes including humanitarian aid
worth ECU 2 million from the European Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO).
[16] EU pledges long-term future for ties with Hong Kong
Chris Patten, the Governor of Hong Kong, yesterday held a full day of talks with
the European Commission, as part of the process of developing long-term ties
between the EU and the territory. During talks with President Santer, Vice-Presidents Brittan and Marin and Commissioners Gradin and Monti, key themes
included Hong Kong's central position in the EU's policy of closer relations with
Asia, the options for practical cooperation between Hong Kong and the EU in the
public and private sector, and the concern that Hong Kong passport-holders
should enjoy visa-free access to EU Member States. Progress towards Hong
Kong's transfer of sovereignty in 1997 was also discussed in detail.President
Santer said: "I look forward to the healthy development of future relations, and
am confident that the autonomy, economic freedom and legal rights of Hong
Kong will be maintained as vital components to the lasting success of the territory
after the handover in 1997."
[17] Humanitarian aid to Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire and Bangladesh
The European Commission has approved humanitarian aid grants worth a total
of ECU 780,000 for projects to be carried out in Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire
(refugees from Liberia) and Bangladesh. The projects are being channelled via
the European Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO). Members of the Red
Cross family, specialist agencies of the United Nations and non-governmental
organisations will carry out the practical work in the field with ECHO funding.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://www.cec.lu/
© ECSC - EC - EAEC, Brussels-Luxembourg, 1995, 1996