European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 96-06-11
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News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
11 / 06 / 1996
[01] Mario Monti se félicite de l'adoption du règlement visant à mieux protéger
les inventions dans le secteur phytopharmaceutique
[02] Commission adopts regulation on UK gelatin, tallow and semen
[03] Transatlantic Summit to review progress on closer ties
[04] Social security: Padraig Flynn praises the Nordic countries
[05] Monika Wulf-Mathies: The Information Society needs to become an
integrated part of European structural policy
[01] Mario Monti se félicite de l'adoption du règlement visant à mieux protéger
les inventions dans le secteur phytopharmaceutique
Le Conseil des Ministres a adopté, hier, le règlement visant à harmoniser la
durée des droits de propriété industrielle en faveur des produits
phytopharmaceutiques (insecticides, fongicides et herbicides). Ce règlement a
pour objectif la création d'un nouveau titre de propriété industrielle, le certificat
complémentaire de protection, qui donnera aux produits phytopharmaceutiques
une protection supplémentaire de cinq ans après l'expiration du brevet. Le
règlement entrera en vigueur six mois après sa publication au Journal officiel.
"Ce nouveau règlement est une contribution utile pour l'établissement, dans
l'Union européenne, d'un environnement juridique adapté aux industries de haute
technologie" a commenté M. Monti. "En raison des longs délais qui s'écoulent
entre la demande d'un brevet et la commercialisation effective d'un produit
phytopharmaceutique - plus de dix ans en moyenne - une amélioration de la
protection des droits de propriété industrielle s'imposait. L'industrie européenne
des produits phytopharmaceutiques devrait ainsi être en mesure de récupérer les
investissements considérables qu'elle fait dans la recherche et le développement
et d'assurer son avenir comme source de nouveaux produits sur les marchés
[02] Commission adopts regulation on UK gelatin, tallow and semen
The Commission has decided to adopt the regulation which specifies particular
processing techniques and controls which must be introduced in the UK in
relation to the manufacture of gelatin and tallow before the export of these
products can recommence. It has been concluded by the European Union's
scientific experts and endorsed by the World Health Organisation that these
processing techniques inactivate any potential infectivity that may exist in the
bovine material and therefore ensure that the resulting gelatin and tallow products
are safe. The regulation stipulates a certain number of controls to be put in place
in the UK including in particular that these products may only be manufactured
in specified establishments under veterinary control; that the products are
accompanied by a health certificate issued by an official veterinarian when
dispatched to other member states; that the products are labelled to show the
method and establishment of production, that the bovine raw material should be
obtained only from animals which are less than 30 months of age and should
exclude certain tissues such as the brain spinal cord.
[03] Transatlantic Summit to review progress on closer ties
President Jacques Santer and Trade Commissioner Sir Leon Brittan arrive in
Washington tomorrow with the Italian Presidency to hold the European Union's
biannual Summit with President Clinton, the first since the EU and US heralded
a new era in their relations by signing the New Transatlantic Agenda last
December. The Summit will take place in the White House. It will give the
leaders the chance to review progress made in implementing the New
Transatlantic Agenda, as well as to set new priorities for work in the second half
of this year. The aim of the New Transatlantic Agenda is progressively to build
stronger ties between the EU and the United States in four key areas of policy
so that they can take joint action rather than just consult each other: promoting
peace, stability and development worldwide; tackling crime, drugs, pollution and
other global challenges; promoting science, education, cultural and business links
across the Atlantic and creating a "New Transatlantic Market Place" by removing
barriers to each other's business while working to expand world trade.
[04] Social security: Padraig Flynn praises the Nordic countries
In a speech today in Reykjavik to the Nordic Ministerial Conference, Employment
and Social Affairs Commissioner, Padraig Flynn, highlighted the way in which the
Nordic countries have led the way as regards policy development in social
security matters.
[05] Monika Wulf-Mathies: The Information Society needs to become an
integrated part of European structural policy
The opportunities offered by the Information Society need to be put to full use for
the development of European regions, said Regional Policy Commissioner
Monika Wulf-Mathies today at the "WZB-Open" of the Wissenschaftszentrum in
Berlin. The European Commission has introduced a number of political
measures to strengthen the role of the Information Society within European
structural policy. These range from pilot projects to guidelines in which the
Member States are being asked to use the potential of the modern information
technology to support structural change and the development of industrial growth.
Mrs Wulf-Mathies announced a conference to be held in 1997 in order to promote
the Information Society as part of regional initiatives.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://www.cec.lu/
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