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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 96-09-11

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    Leykwsia, 11/9/1996 (KYPE) -- H apokalych ths taytothtas dyo apo toys ypoptoys gia th dolofonia toy Solwmoy Solwmoy, h episkech toy Eidikoy Antiproswpoy toy G.G. toy OHE Xan Soygk Tzoy sthn Kypro kai h dolofonia toy koyrdikhs katagwghs stratiwth sthn Axeritoy apasxoloyn to shmerino Typo. Proballontai epishs h synanthsh Klhridh-Kyprianoy, oi syzhthseis gyrw apo tis proedrikes ekloges kai h nea epixeirhsh ths Astynomias gia patajh twn paranomwn stoixhmatwn.

    "O Agwn" grafei oti h kybernhsh mporei na proxwrhsei sthn ekdosh diatagmatos syllhchs twn dyo dolofonwn toy Solwmoy Solwmoy afoy exoyn anagnwrisqei, kai einai o legomenos ypoyrgos gewrgias toy ceydokratoys, Kenan Akin, kai o dioikhths twn eidikwn dynamewn ths paranomhs astynomias toy katoxikoy kaqestwtos, Erntal Emanet. Proballei dhlwseis toy GG toy DHSY D. Sylloyrh oti qa dhmioyrghqei problhma an o Proedros Klhridhs ypobalei ypochfiothta gia tis proedrikes ekloges afoy to DHKO qa exei na lysei to qema ths paramonhs twn Ypoyrgwn toy sthn kybernhsh.

    "H Alhqeia" grafei oti o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos G. Kasoylidhs epibebaiwse plhrofories oti o Akin kai o Emanet einai oi dyo drastes ths dolofonias toy S. Solwmoy, paroysiazontas fwtografies kai alla stoixeia. O Eidikos Antiproswpos toy GG toy OHE Xan Soyngk Tzoy, poy brisketai apo xqes sthn Kypro gia epafes, epidiwkei koinh h estw jexwristh dhlwsh toy Proedroy Klhridh kai toy katoxikoy hgeth gia apoklimakwsh ths entashs.

    "H Maxh" anaferei oti h kypriakh kybernhsh esteile kai xqes mhnymata apoklimakwshs ths entashs kai opws dhlwse o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos o Proedros Klhridhs qa apanthsei stis prosklhseis Ntentkas kai twn Toyrkwn. Grafei oti Klhridhs kai Kyprianoy den diapistwsan kanena problhma sth sygkybernhsh afoy kai oi dyo ekpempoyn sto idio mhkos kymmatos oson afora tis ypochfiothtes gia tis proedrikes ekloges toy 1998.

    "H Shmerinh" grafei oti ajiwmatikos toy Koyrdikoy Apeleyqerwtikoy Stratoy toy RKK einai jadelfos toy koyrdikhs katagwghs stratiwth poy dolofonhqhke sthn Axeritoy. Alloy anaferetai sthn prospaqeia twn Toyrkwn na prowqhsoyn tis qeseis toys sthn perioxh twn Kentrikwn Fylakwn kai stoys neoys trampoykismoys nearwn T/K kai epoikwn, opws grafei, sthn perioxh toy Lhdra Palas, meta thn khdeia toy stratiwth poy dolofonhqhke sthn Axeritoy.

    O "Fileleyqeros" grafei oti h Elegktikh Yphresia epeshmane me elegxo poy dienhrghse se diafores kratikes yphresies, forologika systhmata poy nosoyn, aneparkeies se nomoqesies kai polyejodes paratypies. Alloy anaferetai se nea aifnidiastikh alla kai epeisodiakh, opws thn perigrafei, epixeirhsh ths Astynomias gia patajh twn paranomwn stoixhmatwn, skylodromiwn kai ippodromiwn mesw doryforoy apo thn Agglia.

    H "Xaraygh" proballei dhlwseis toy G.G. toy AKEL Dhmhtrh Xristofia, o opoios kalei ta Hnwmena Eqnh na analaboyn perissotero tis eyqynes toys, ypogrammizontas oti h thrhsh twn iswn apostasewn den einai h swsth politikh otan o Raoyf Ntenktas emmenei sthn anagnwrish toy ceydokratoys. Alloy grafei oti dyo eqnofroyroi breqhkan sta proqyra aytoktonias kai tritos ypesth katagma spondyloy apo banaysh kakometaxeirish ajiwmatikwn.

    H "Cyprus Mail" grafei oti yper ths ypoxrewtikhs strateyshs twn gynaikwn tassetai o Ypoyrgos Amynas Kwstas Hliadhs shmeiwnontas omws oti mia tetoia kinhsh qa prepei na exei thn yposthrijh olhs ths politikhs hgesias. Alloy grafei oti me grapth dhlwsh ths h PEO diaceydei isxyrismoys toy katoxikoy hgeth Raoyf Ntenktas gia kakometaxeirish T/K ergatwn poy ergodotoyntai apo E/K stis eleyqeres perioxes.

    H "Financial Mirror" proballei to proteinomeno programma apo to Sygkrothma ths Trapezas Kyproy gia enisxysh ths kefalaioyxikhs toy bashs. Alloy grafei oti h rwssikh trapeza MENATEP poy egkainiase thn prwth ths yperaktia trapezikh monada sthn Kypro sxediazei na dieisdysei sthn yperaktia agora. (KYPE/MX/MM)

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