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Cyprus News Agency: News in English (AM), 99-08-20

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


  • [01] Cypriot journalists - Turkey
  • [02] Cyprus - Doctors - Turkey
  • [03] US Senator - Letter - Clinton

  • 1140:CYPPRESS:01

    [01] Cypriot journalists - Turkey

    Nicosia, Aug 20 (CNA) -- The Union of Cyprus Journalists "expressed grief and deep sympathy" to Turkish journalists over Tuesday's fatal quake in the country and has sent financial assistance to the victims.

    The board of the Union of Cyprus Journalists in messages to the Journalists Syndicate and the Progressive Association of Journalists in Turkey, conveyed its "undivided solidarity and support" in efforts to help the thousands of victims of the catastrophic earthquake.

    It informed Turkish press organisations that it is participating in the international relief campaign with the donation of one thousand US dollars.

    CNA EC/GP/1999

    [02] Cyprus - Doctors - Turkey

    Nicosia, Aug 20 (CNA) -- A Cypriot delegation was due to leave for Turkey from Athens today to join rescue efforts underway following Tuesday's fatal earthquake.

    Speaking to CNA, Neofytos Xenofontos, of the local branch of Doctors of the World, said two doctors and a nurse from Cyprus will go to Turkey on a Greek transport plane which is carrying medical and other aid to the quake stricken areas.

    The Cypriot delegation visited this morning the Turkish Consulate in Athens where the relevant arrangements for the delegation's trip to Turkey were finalised.

    The local branch of the Doctors of the World has also launched a donation campaign with a local radio station to raise funds to purchase medical supplies which will be sent to Turkey via Greek Airforce transport planes.

    A second mission will arrive in Turkey later to replace the Cypriot doctors and nurse.

    CNA MK/EC/GP/1999

    [03] US Senator - Letter - Clinton

    Nicosia, Aug 20 (CNA) -- Now is the time for the US to exercise its role in bringing the two sides in Cyprus to the negotiating table, said Rhode Island State Democrat Senator Leonidas Raptakis.

    In a letter to US President Bill Clinton, Raptakis referred to his visit to Cyprus and Greece last month accompanied by other state senators from the Hellenic-American Coalition of New England, who are of Hellenic American descent.

    Raptakis said the delegation met with Greek and Greek Cypriot government officials, travelled to the dividing line and the Turkish- occupied north of the island.

    "Our delegation came away from our trip convinced that the time has come for the US to exercise a strong leadership role in encouraging both sides in the conflict to come to the negotiating table," Raptakis said.

    "While it may be tempting to accept the status quo in Cyprus, the lessons of our involvement in the Balkans should serve as a powerful reminder of the dangers of turning a blind eye to ethnic cleansing and regional conflict," he said.

    In his letter to Clinton, Raptakis encloses a briefing paper on the current situation in Cyprus which he has presented to the members of the Rhode Island Congressional delegation.

    Cyprus has been divided since 1974 when Turkish troops invaded and occupied 37 per cent of the island's territory.

    CNA EC/GP/1999
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