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Cyprus News Agency: News in English, 96-10-16

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  • [01] US condemns killing of Greek Cypriot by Turks
  • [02] President receives Hungarian Minister
  • [03] House President invited to Hungary
  • [04] Russia denounces murder of unarmed Greek Cypriot
  • [05] Hungarian FM hopeful on EU enlargement
  • [06] Cyprus Stock Exchange
  • [07] British MPs condemn the murders of Greek Cypriots
  • [08] Euro-Mediterranean meeting ends

  • 0915:CYPPRESS:01

    [01] US condemns killing of Greek Cypriot by Turks

    Washington, Oct 16 (CNA) -- The United States regrets and condemns the murder of a Greek Cypriot man by the Turkish occupation troops last Sunday in Cyprus.

    Asked by CNA the State Department's spokesman Nicholas Burns said ''the United States deeply regrets and condemns the use of deadly force on this incident.

    ''Although the Greek Cypriot civilian had crossed the cease-fire line into the area controlled by the Turkish Cypriots, the use of deadly force under the circumstances was unwarranted and unnecessary.''

    Turkish troops shot and killed 58-year-old Petros Kakoullis, a refugee retired fireman, when he strayed a few metres into the Turkish-occupied territory while collecting snails, with his son-in-law Panikos Hadjiathanasiou, 27, near the British Base Area of Dhekelia.

    Kakoullis is the fourth Greek Cypriot killed by the Turks in the last four months.

    The State Department spokesman urged all sides in Cyprus to avoid violence, to work closely with the United Nations, to establish mechanisms for peacefully addressing events along the buffer zone.

    Asked by CNA whether the United States have any plan or take any specific actions right now in order to defuse the tension, Burns said ''we have said many times in the past we are active, talking to all sides, and we can be helpful, we will be.

    ''Ultimately, these problems must be resolved by the communities in Cyprus, by the Cypriot government, by the Greek and Turkish governments. And that's where their responsibility lies for resolving the problems. ''

    He said the United States have talked to all the parties the last two days about the need to go beyond this kind of political violence, and get back to a peaceful discussion of the problems that are separating the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities.

    Turkish troops have been occupying 37 per cent of Cyprus territory since 1974, in violation of repeated UN resolutions calling for their withdrawal. CNA/DA/GP/1996


    [02] President receives Hungarian Minister

    Nicosia, Oct 16 (CNA) -- President Glafcos Clerides received here today Hungary's Foreign Minister Laszlo Kovacs, on a two-day official visit to Cyprus, at the invitation of his Cypriot counterpart Alecos Michaelides.

    Present at the meeting were Hungary's Athens-based ambassador to Cyprus Janos Herman, Michaelides, Undersecretary to the President Pantelis Kouros and other officials.

    Before the meeting, Kovacs laid a wreath at the statue of the late President of Cyprus Archbishop Makarios III at the Presidential Palace.

    The two Foreign Ministers are scheduled to have talks later today and sign a cooperation protocol.

    Kovacs leaves later today.

    CNA MM/GP/1996

    [03] House President invited to Hungary

    Nicosia, Oct 16 (CNA) -- President of the House of Representatives Spyros Kyprianou has accepted an invitation by his Hungarian counterpart, Zoltan Gal, to visit Hungary.

    The invitation was conveyed to Kyprianou by Hungary's Foreign Minister Laszlo Kovacs, who is currently visiting the island.

    Accepting the invitation, Kyprianou said the visit will help promote further existing cooperation between the two countries.

    Kovacs told the press that he discussed with Kyprianou ''bilateral relations with particular attention to parliamentary relations'', noting that they ''certainly contribute to bilateral cooperation.''

    He expressed the hope that the common foreign policy targets of Cyprus and Hungary, which is accession to the European Union, will be promoted through close cooperation between the two countries.

    Kovacs also met with acting Nicosia Mayor, Andros Michaelides, and visited the demarcation line in Nicosia, the world's last divided capital.

    ''I think that this division is a shame to mankind and I do hope that one day I could return and visit again this beautiful city and this beautiful island which will be reunited'', Kovacs said.

    Turkish troops have been occupying 37 per cent of Cyprus territory since 1974, in violation of repeated UN resolutions calling for their withdrawal.

    CNA KN/MCH/GP/1996

    [04] Russia denounces murder of unarmed Greek Cypriot

    Nicosia, Oct 16 (CNA) -- The Russian Federation has strongly denounced the murder of 58-year-old refugee Petros Kakouli, shot in cold blood by the Turkish occupation forces last Sunday.

    Speaking during a press conference, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Gregori Tarasov, described the murder as ''unprecedented, unacceptable and barbarous'' and stressed that it should be denounced in the most resolute manner.

    Calling both Greek and Turkish Cypriots to refrain from actions that might lead to an escalation of violence, the Russian official stressed that recent events in Cyprus reaffirm the need for effective efforts for a just and viable settlement of the Cyprus problem that would benefit all Cypriots as well as peace and security in the Middle East.

    CNA MCH/GP/1996

    [05] Hungarian FM hopeful on EU enlargement

    Nicosia, Oct 16 (CNA) -- Hungary considers that Cyprus should not be held to ransom by the European Union because of the continuing division and partial occupation of the island.

    Hungary also considers that Cyprus stands to gain more than just economic integration from eventual EU accession, which will serve regional stability.

    ''I hope the division and occupation of Cyprus will certainly not block the way of Cyprus to the EU. It would not be fair that Cyprus would be punished for something that was not caused by the Cypriot people,'' Hungarian Foreign Minister Laszlo Kovacs said, in response to press suggestions that Hungary had an advantage over Cyprus as far as EU membership was concerned because of the political problem on the island.

    ''I would not say that Hungary has the upper hand over Cyprus on this matter. Cyprus needs a shorter period of preparation for accession while it will be a bit more difficult for Hungary in economic terms,'' the Minister said here today after signing a political cooperation Protocol with his Cypriot counterpart Alecos Michaelides.

    He said experiences on accession prospects will be shared between the two countries and expressed the hope that Cyprus and Hungary will be EU members by the year 2000.

    European security, and Hungary's desire to join NATO were also on the agenda of today's talks, he said and added that enlargement of both will contribute to stability.

    ''Therefore we think Cyprus' accession to EU is much more than an issue of economic integration. It certainly serves stability in the Mediterranean area, in which we are very interested,'' Kovacs remarked.

    He expressed hope that Cyprus' EU accession will contribute to a settlement of the Cyprus problem and announced that Hungary will increase its own contribution to the UN peace-keeping force here, in a bid to help maintain peace and security.

    ''We hope when our two countries join the EU, this will happen simultaneously with a Cyprus solution,'' Kovacs said.

    Hungary, he said, believes the solution of the Cyprus question should ensure the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Cyprus, and should be based on a bizonal federation of the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities and provide the rights of these two communities.

    Kovacs expressed the hope that the international community will make ''intensive effort'' to facilitate a Cyprus solution.

    The Minister said there is now more potential for increased cooperation and welcomed the political cooperation Protocol signed today.

    Hungary, he noted, wants to boost political cooperation and increase cultural, economic and trade links with Cyprus.

    In his remarks, Michaelides said Cyprus and Hungary have a lot in common and welcomed the Protocol signed. He noted that other agreements on economic, maritime, and taxation issues are under consideration at present.

    ''We aim to further our friendly ties which we would like to expand,'' he said.

    ''We exchanged views about our common effort to become members of the EU and the Minister briefed us on Hungary's efforts to join NATO, a very interesting move which seems to be moving on a positive side,'' Michaelides said.

    The Cypriot Minister thanked Kovacs for his country's troop contribution to the UN peace-keeping force and said Hungary intends to establish its own contingent of around 100 men.

    He said Cyprus and Hungary have embarked on a road for ''closer and concrete cooperation'' and said at the end of October some 50 Hungarian businessmen will be on the island as part of a large trade delegation to help boost commercial links.

    On the issue of EU accession, Michaelides said ''we were very interested to hear Hungary's objectives on this particular issue.''

    CNA MM/AP/1996

    [06] Cyprus Stock Exchange

    Nicosia, Oct 16 (CNA) -- The Cyprus Stock Exchange (CSE) All Share Index closed at today's stock exchange meeting as follows:
    CSE All Share Index                    84.03 (-0.69)
    Sectural Indices
    Banks                                  91.51 (-0.54)
    Approved Investment Companies          75.74 (-0.90)
    Insurance Companies                    60.97 (-0.72)
    Industrial Companies                   84.30 (+0.66)
    Tourist Industries                     73.41 (-2.03)
    Commercial Companies                   68.52 (-2.57)
    Other Companies                        81.00 (-1.65)
    Trading Volume                         CYP 521996.808
    * The difference in brackets represents the percentage increase (+) or decrease (-) of the index from the previous stock exchange meeting.
    CNA MCH/1996

    [07] British MPs condemn the murders of Greek Cypriots

    Nicosia, Oct 16 (CNA) -- British MPs have signed a notice of motion condemning the murders of four Greek Cypriots by the Turkish occupation forces along the UN-controlled buffer zone and the occupied areas in recent months.

    Condemning the ''illegal killings'' the motion underlines that ''Tasos Isaac, Solomos Solomou, Petros Kakoullis and Stelios Panayi, were unarmed at the time of their killings and gave no indication whatsoever in their behaviour that they posed a danger or were engaged in anything that could endanger the lives of others.''

    Reference is also made to the murder of ''Turkish Cypriot journalist Kutlu Adali, a critic of the Turkish military presence in Cyprus and Rauf Denktash.''

    The motion, which is signed by 43 British MPs, stresses that the cold-blood murders are ''part of a campaign to spread fear among Cypriots on both sides of the dividing line, project a false impression of the two communities being unable to live together in a united Cyprus and to disrupt and damage the accession of Cyprus into full membership of the European Union.''

    Finally, the British MPs call upon their government to demand Turkey's commitment to peace, removal of its troops from the island, and withdrawal of its support ''to the illegal Denktash regime''. It also demands that Turkey ensures that terrorist organisations such as the Grey Wolves do not receive state funds and that those responsible for the killings are brought to justice.

    Meanwhile the National Federation of Cypriots in Great Britain has also condemned last Sunday's murder of Greek Cypriot refugee Petros Kakoullis and continue with their sit-in protest outside the Turkish embassy in London.

    CNA MCH/AP/1996

    [08] Euro-Mediterranean meeting ends

    Larnaca, Oct 16 (CNA) -- The First Meeting of Experts on the Implementation of the Multi-Annual Rolling Work Programme for Maritime Transport in the Mediterranean ended here today.

    The three-day meeting took place within the framework of the Euro-Meditarranean Partnership (MEDA), which received the political approval of the Ministerial Conference in Barcelona, in November 1995. It was organised by the Ministry of Communications and Works and the Cyprus Ports Authority in cooperation with the European Commission.

    The objective of this first meeting was to identify and propose projects for funding under the European Union's (EU) financial instruments accompanying the MEDA Programme.

    The EU Commission will consider these proposals under that part of the MEDA Programme for projects of regional interest.

    Among other proposals was to set up a maritime institute in Cyprus and the estasblishment of a statistics' joint system for which Cyprus, Italy and France are to cooperate, as well as the mapping of south and south-eastern Mediterranean regions.

    The activities of the first meeting were carried out in two working-groups, one on the development of waterborne transport potentialities and the development of ports and the other on maritime safety and pollution prevention and logistics.

    Each group prepared an inventory of proposals, including for each project a summary of the objectives and a list of countries expressing an interest to participate. These will now be further developed to detail in particular the financial and technical aspects.

    Funding for these project proposals will be considered in accordance with EU procedures and decisions are anticipated within the coming months.

    The participants agreed to promote these projects for a speedy adoption through the MEDA decision-making process.

    Among the participants were representatives of the maritime and port administrations of the 15 EU member-states and of 11 third countries of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership.

    Representatives of a number of intergovernmental and non-governmental international and regional organisations such as IMO, INMARSAT, Shipowners Association, and European Sea Ports Organisation also attended the meeting.

    CNA AP/MCH/1996

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