Some of the activities of the Hellenic Literature Society are: organizing Greek literary and cultural events; endowing public and parochial libraries with Greek subject matter books, as well as, books by Greek authors; financing scholarships and fellowships in Greek studies; assisting authors publish their manuscripts; and, awards prizes for excellence in Greek literature. In addition, the Society publishes “Greece In Print”, a bimonthly newsletter of Greek literary and cultural activities; provides a forum on the Internet where members from around the world discuss Greek literary subjects; and offers the opportunity to its members to acquire Greek subject matter books at 20% to 30% off the publishers's list price..
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Australia | 18 | . . . . . . . . . | Italy | 3 |
Brazil | 1 | Japan | 2 | |
Canada | 26 | Netherlands | 2 | |
Cyprus | 1 | New Zealand | 2 | |
Denmark | 2 | Norway | 1 | |
Finland | 1 | Singapore | 1 | |
France | 9 | Slovenija | 1 | |
Germany | 4 | Sweden | 1 | |
Greece | 26 | Switzerland | 4 | |
Hong Kong | 1 | Turkey | 2 | |
Hungary | 3 | United Kingdom | 38 | |
Ireland | 2 | United States | 356 | |
Israel | 4 |
His Excellency Loukas Tsilas, Ambassador to Greece
Honorable Charalambos Rocanas, Consul General of Greece
Honorable Michael S. Dukakis, Professor, Northeastern University
Honorable John Brademas, President Emeritus, New York University
Honorable Eugene T. Rossides, President American Hellenic Institute
Ms. Sandra Feldman, President United Federation of Teachers