Article 13
Financial terms of contracts
1. In adopting rules, regulations and procedures concerning the financial
terms of a contract between the Authority and the entities referred to in
article 153, paragraph 2 (b), and in negotiating those financial terms in
accordance with Part XI and those rules, regulations and procedures, the
Authority shall be guided by the following objectives:
- to ensure optimum revenues for the Authority from the proceeds of
commercial production;
- to attract investments and technology to the exploration and
exploitation of the Area;
- to ensure equality of financial treatment and comparable financial
obligations for contractors;
- to provide incentives on a uniform and non-discriminatory basis for
contractors to undertake joint arrangements with the Enterprise and
developing States or their nationals, to stimulate the transfer of
technology thereto, and to train the personnel of the Authority and
of developing States;
- to enable the Enterprise to engage in sea-bed mining effectively at
the same time as the entities referred to in article 153, paragraph
2(b); and
- to ensure that, as a result of the financial incentives provided to
contractors under paragraph 14, under the terms of contracts reviewed
in accordance with article 19 of this Annex or under the provisions
of article 11 of this Annex with respect to joint ventures,
contractors are not subsidized so as to be given an artificial
competitive advantage with respect to land-based miners.
2. A fee shall be levied for the administrative cost of processing an
application for approval of a plan of work in the form of a contract and
shall be fixed at an amount of $US 500,000 per application. The amount of
the fee shall be reviewed from time to time by the Council in order to
ensure that it covers the administrative cost incurred. If such
administrative cost incurred by the Authority in processing an application
is less than the fixed amount, the Authority shall refund the difference to
the applicant.
3. A contractor shall pay an annual fixed fee of $US 1 million from the
date of entry into force of the contract. If the approved date of
commencement of commercial production is postponed because of a delay in
issuing the production authorization, in accordance with article 151, the
annual fixed fee shall be waived for the period of postponement. From the
date of commencement of commercial production, the contractor shall pay
either the production charge or the annual fixed fee, whichever is greater.
4 Within a year of the date of commencement of commercial production, in
conformity with paragraph 3, a contractor shall choose to make his
financial contribution to the Authority by either:
- paying a production charge only; or
- paying a combination of a production charge and a share of net
5.- If a contractor chooses to make his financial contribution to the
Authority by paying a production charge only, it shall be fixed at a
percentage of the market value of the processed metals produced from
the polymetallic nodules recovered from the area covered by the
contract. This percentage shall be fixed as follows:
- years 1-10 of commercial production: 5 per cent
- years 11 to the end of commercial production: 12 per cent
- The said market value shall be the product of the quantity of the
processed metals produced from the polymetallic nodules extracted
from the area covered by the contract and the average price for those
metals during the relevant accounting year, as defined in paragraphs
7 and 8.
6. If a contractor chooses to make his financial contribution to the
Authority by paying a combination of a production charge and a share of net
proceeds, such payments shall be determined as follows:
The production charge shall be fixed at a percentage of the market
value, determined in accordance with subparagraph (b), of the
processed metals produced from the polymetallic nodules recovered
from the area covered by the contract. This percentage shall be fixed
as follows:
- first period of commercial production: 2 per cent
- second period of commercial production: 4 per cent
If, in the second period of commercial production, as defined in
subparagraph (d), the return on investment in any accounting year as
defined in subparagraph (m) falls below 15 per cent as a result of
the payment of the production charge at 4 per cent, the production
charge shall be 2 per cent instead of 4 per cent in that accounting
- The said market value shall be the product of the quantity of the
processed metals produced from the polymetallic nodules recovered
from the area covered by the contract and the average price for those
metals during the relevant accounting year as defined in paragraphs 7
and 8.
- The Authority's share of net proceeds shall be taken out of that
portion of the contractor's net proceeds which is attributable to the
mining of the resources of the area covered by the contract, referred
to hereinafter as attributable net proceeds.
- The Authority's share of attributable net proceeds shall be
determined in accordance with the following incremental schedule:
Portion of attributable Share of the Authority
net proceeds
First period of Second period of
commercial production commercial production
That portion representing a 35 per cent 40 per cent
return on investment which
is greater than 0 per cent, but
less than 10 per cent
That portion representing a 42.5 per cent 50 per cent
return on investment which
is 10 per cent or greater, but
less than 20 per cent
That portion representing a 50 per cent 70 per cent
return on investment which
is 20 per cent or greater
- The first period of commercial production referred to in
subparagraphs (a) and (c) shall commence in the first accounting year
of commercial production and terminate in the accounting year in
which the contractor's development costs with interest on the
unrecovered portion thereof are fully recovered by his cash surplus,
as follows:
In the first accounting year during which development costs are
incurred, unrecovered development costs shall equal the development
costs less cash surplus in that year. In each subsequent accounting
year, unrecovered development costs shall equal the unrecovered
development costs at the end of the preceding accounting year, plus
interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, plus
development costs incurred in the current accounting year and less
contractor's cash surplus in the current accounting year. The
accounting year in which unrecovered development costs become zero
for the first time shall be the accounting year in which the
contractor's development costs with interest on the unrecovered
portion thereof are fully recovered by his cash surplus. The
contractor's cash surplus in any accounting year shall be his gross
proceeds less his operating costs and less his payments to the
Authority under subparagraph (c).
- The second period of commercial production shall commence in the
accounting year following the termination of the first period of
commercial production and shall continue until the end of the
- "Attributable net proceeds" means the product of the contractor's net
proceeds and the ratio of the development costs in the mining sector
to the contractor's development costs. If the contractor engages in
mining, transporting polymetallic nodules and production primarily of
three processed metals, namely, cobalt, copper and nickel, the amount
of attributable net proceeds shall not be less than 25 per cent of
the contractor's net proceeds. Subject to subparagraph (n), in all
other cases, including those where the contractor engages in mining,
transporting polymetallic nodules, and production primarily of four
processed metals, namely, cobalt, copper, manganese and nickel, the
Authority may, in its rules, regulations and procedures, prescribe
appropriate floors which shall bear the same relationship to each
case as the 25 per cent floor does to the three-metal case.
- "Contractor's net proceeds" means the contractor's gross proceeds
less his operating costs and less the recovery of his development
costs as set out in subparagraph (j).
- If the contractor engages in mining, transporting polymetallic
nodules and production of processed metals, "contractor's gross
proceeds" means the gross revenues from the sale of the processed
metals and any other monies deemed reasonably attributable to
operations under the contract in accordance with the financial rules,
regulations and procedures of the Authority.
- In all cases other than those specified in subparagraphs (g)(i)
and (n)(iii), "contractor's gross proceeds" means the gross revenues
from the sale of the semi-processed metals from the polymetallic
nodules recovered from the area covered by the contract, and any
other monies deemed reasonably attributable to operations under the
contract in accordance with the financial rules, regulations and
procedures of the Authority.
- "Contractor's development costs" means:
- all expenditures incurred prior to the commencement of commercial
production which are directly related to the development of the
productive capacity of the area covered by the contract and the
activities related thereto for operations under the contract in all
cases other than that specified in subparagraph (n), in conformity
with generally recognized accounting principles, including, inter
alia, costs of machinery, equipment, ships, processing plant,
construction, buildings, land, roads, prospecting and exploration of
the area covered by the contract, research and development, interest,
required leases, licences and fees; and
- expenditures similar to those set forth in (i) above incurred
subsequent to the commencement of commercial production and necessary
to carry out the plan of work, except those chargeable to operating
- The proceeds from the disposal of capital assets and the market value
of those capital assets which are no longer required for operations
under the contract and which are not sold shall be deducted from the
contractor's development costs during the relevant accounting year.
When these deductions exceed the contractor's development costs the
excess shall be added to the contractor's gross proceeds.
- The contractor's development costs incurred prior to the commencement
of commercial production referred to in subparagraphs (h) (i) and (n)
(iv) shall be recovered in 10 equal annual instalments from the date
of commencement of commercial production. The contractor's
development costs incurred subsequent to the commencement of
commercial production referred to in subparagraphs (h)(ii) and
(n)(iv) shall be recovered in 10 or fewer equal annual instalments so
as to ensure their complete recovery by the end of the contract.
- "Contractor's operating costs" means all expenditures incurred after
the commencement of commercial production in the operation of the
productive capacity of the area covered by the contract and the
activities related thereto for operations under the contract, in
conformity with generally recognized accounting principles,
including, inter alia, the annual fixed fee or the production charge,
whichever is greater, expenditures for wages, salaries, employee
benefits, materials, services, transporting, processing and marketing
costs, interest, utilities, preservation of the marine environment,
overhead and administrative costs specifically related to operations
under the contract, and any net operating losses carried forward or
backward as specified herein. Net operating losses may be carried
forward for two consecutive years except in the last two years of the
contract in which case they may be carried backward to the two
preceding years.
- If the contractor engages in mining, transporting of polymetallic
nodules, and production of processed and semi-processed metals,
"development costs of the mining sector" means the portion of the
contractor's development costs which is directly related to the
mining of the resources of the area covered by the contract, in
conformity with generally recognized accounting principles, and the
financial rules, regulations and procedures of the Authority,
including, inter alia, application fee, annual fixed fee and, where
applicable, costs of prospecting and exploration of the area covered
by the contract, and a portion of research and development costs.
- "Return on investment" in any accounting year means the ratio of
attributable net proceeds in that year to the development costs of
the mining sector. For the purpose of computing this ratio the
development costs of the mining sector shall include expenditures on
new or replacement equipment in the mining sector less the original
cost of the equipment replaced.
- If the contractor engages in mining only:
- "attributable net proceeds" means the whole of the contractor's
net proceeds;
- "contractor's net proceeds" shall be as defined in subparagraph
- "contractor's gross proceeds" means the gross revenues from the
sale of the polymetallic nodules, and any other monies deemed
reasonably attributable to operations under the contract in
accordance with the financial rules, regulations and procedures of
the Authority;
- "contractor's development costs" means all expenditures incurred
prior to the commencement of commercial production as set forth in
subparagraph (h) (i), and all expenditures incurred subsequent to the
commencement of commercial production as set forth in subparagraph
(h) (ii), which are directly related to the mining of the resources
of the area covered by the contract, in conformity with generally
recognized accounting principles;
- "contractor's operating costs" means the contractor's operating
costs as in subparagraph (k) which are directly related to the mining
of the resources of the area covered by the contract in conformity
with generally recognized accounting principles;
- "return on investment" in any accounting year means the ratio of
the contractor's net proceeds in that year to the contractor's
development costs. For the purpose of computing this ratio, the
contractor's development costs shall include expenditures on new or
replacement equipment less the original cost of the equipment
- The costs referred to in subparagraphs (h), (k), (l) and (n) in
respect of interest paid by the contractor shall be allowed to the
extent that, in all the circumstances, the Authority approves,
pursuant to article 4, paragraph 1, of this Annex, the debt-equity
ratio and the rates of interest as reasonable, having regard to
existing commercial practice.
- The costs referred to in this paragraph shall not be interpreted as
including payments of corporate income taxes or similar charges
levied by States in respect of the operations of the contractor.
7.- "Processed metals", referred to in paragraphs 5 and 6, means the
metals in the most basic form in which they are customarily traded on
international terminal markets. For this purpose, the Authority shall
specify, in its financial rules, regulations and procedures, the
relevant international terminal market. For the metals which are not
traded on such markets, "processed metals" means the metals in the
most basic form in which they are customarily traded in
representative arm's length transactions.
- If the Authority cannot otherwise determine the quantity of the
processed metals produced from the polymetallic nodules recovered
from the area covered by the contract referred to in paragraphs 5 (b)
and 6 (b), the quantity shall be determined on the basis of the metal
content of the nodules, processing recovery efficiency and other
relevant factors, in accordance with the rules, regulations and
procedures of the Authority and in conformity with generally
recognized accounting principles.
8. If an international terminal market provides a representative pricing
mechanism for processed metals, polymetallic nodules and semi-processed
metals from the nodules, the average price on that market shall be used. In
all other cases, the Authority shall, after consulting the contractor,
determine a fair price for the said products in accordance with paragraph
9. - All costs, expenditures, proceeds and revenues and all
determinations of price and value referred to in this article shall
be the result of free market or arm's length transactions. In the
absence thereof, they shall be determined by the Authority, after
consulting the contractor, as though they were the result of free
market or arm's length transactions, taking into account relevant
transactions in other markets.
- In order to ensure compliance with and enforcement of the provisions
of this paragraph, the Authority shall be guided by the principles
adopted for, and the interpretation given to, arm's length
transactions by the Commission on Transnational Corporations of the
United Nations, the Group of Experts on Tax Treaties between
Developing and Developed Countries and other international
organizations, and shall, in its rules, regulations and procedures,
specify uniform and internationally acceptable accounting rules and
procedures, and the means of selection by the contractor of certified
independent accountants acceptable to the Authority for the purpose
of carrying out auditing in compliance with those rules, regulations
and procedures.
10. The contractor shall make available to the accountants, in accordance
with the financial rules, regulations and procedures of the Authority, such
financial data as are required to determine compliance with this article.
11. All costs, expenditures, proceeds and revenues, and all prices and
values referred to in this article, shall be determined in accordance with
generally recognized accounting principles and the financial rules,
regulations and procedures of the Authority.
12. Payments to the Authority under paragraphs 5 and 6 shall be made in
freely usable currencies or currencies which are freely available and
effectively usable on the major foreign exchange markets or, at the
contractor's option, in the equivalents of processed metals at market
value. The market value shall be determined in accordance with paragraph
5(b). The freely usable currencies and currencies which are freely
available and effectively usable on the major foreign exchange markets
shall be defined in the rules, regulations and procedures of the Authority
in accordance with prevailing international monetary practice.
13. All financial obligations of the contractor to the Authority, as well
as all his fees, costs, expenditures, proceeds and revenues referred to in
this article, shall be adjusted by expressing them in constant terms
relative to a base year.
14. The Authority may, taking into account any recommendations of the
Economic Planning Commission and the Legal and Technical Commission, adopt
rules, regulations and procedures that provide for incentives, on a uniform
and non-discriminatory basis, to contractors to further the objectives set
out in paragraph 1.
15. In the event of a dispute between the Authority and a contractor over
the interpretation or application of the financial terms of a contract,
either party may submit the dispute to binding commercial arbitration,
unless both parties agree to settle the dispute by other means, in
accordance with article 188, paragraph 2.
Convention on the Law of the Sea: Index
I -
II -
IV -
V -
VI -
X -
XI -
XV -
I -
II -
IV -
V -
VI -