Wednesday, 5.3
Arrival Instructors, Chairpersons, Intl. Organisers
20:00 Transfer to Chalkidiki, Porto Carras
22:30 Evening : first meeting for Chairpersons (dinner)
Thursday, 6.3
Teambuilding for Chairpersons and Intl. Organisers Arrival Delegations and Journalists at Thessaloniki Airport (Makedonia) and Railway Station Hostfamilies collect Delegates from German School Journalists are transferred to Porto Carras Teachers are transferred to Capsis Hotel
Friday, 7.3
7:45 Delegates meet at White Tower
8:00 Tranfer to Chalkidiki, Porto Carras for Delegates
10:00-12:00 Meeting for Teachers at Capsis Hotel
11:00 Start Teambuilding for Delegates
13:00-14:30 Lunch for Delegates
15:00-19:00 Continuation Teambuilding for Delegates
16:00 Transfer to Chalkidiki for Teachers
18:00 Arrival at Porto Carras of Teachers
19:30-20:30 Meeting of teachers with Head Instructor
19:30-21:00 Dinner for Delegates
21:00-22:00 Dinner for Teachers
22:30 "European Evening"
Saturday, 8.3
7:30-8:30 Breakfast
8:30-13:00 Continuation Teambuilding for Delegates and start Teambuilding for Teachers
12:00 Transfer of Teachers to Marmaras - Lunch
13:00-14:30 Lunch for Delegates
14:30-15:00 Preparation Presentations
15:00-17:00 Presentations by Delegates and Teachers
17:30 Transfer to Thessaloniki
19:30 Welcome Reception for Delegates and Hostfamilies (Arsakeia Schools)
Evening spent with hostfamilies
Chairpersons, Journalists, Intl. Organisers, Instructors are transferred to Pefka Hotel and Teachers to Capsis hotel - Free Night (Carnival)
Sunday, 9.3
10:00 All participants gather at the Archaeological Museum - Guided visit of the Museum
12:00 Departure Buses for Vergina - Guided Tour
14:30-16:00 Lunch in a Greek Taverna
17:30 Return to White Tower
21:00 Delegation and Teambuilders’ Dinner
Monday 10.3
9:00 Delegates and Teachers gather at Aristotle University Old School of Philosophy, Main Lecture Hall
9:30-11:30 Official opening parliamentary session. Welcome speeches by Guests of Honour Ambassadors present their delegations
11:30 Cocktail for Guests, Teachers and Student Ambassadors
12:00 Delegates are transferred to Anatolia College
12:00 Teachers are transferred to "Flying Kite Festival"
12:30 Committee meetings start (Macedonia Hall)
13:30-14:30 Lunch for Delegates (Ingle Hall)
14:30-18:00 Committee meetings
17:00 Teachers are transferred to Anatolia College
17:00-18:30 First meeting for musicians
18:00-18:30 Teachers meet with their Delegates, Coffee Break
18:30-20:00 Panel sessions "any questions"
21:30 Committee Dinner
Tuesday, 11.3
8:30-13:00 Continuation Lobbying- establish resolutions at Anatolia College (Macedonia Hall)
9:00 Teachers are transferred to College De La Salle - Workshops - Lunch
13:00-14:00 Lunch for Delegates (Ingle Hall)
14:00-15:30 Consensus one resolution per committee
15:30-16:30 Photo Session per committee
16:30-18:30 Continuation committee meetings
17:00-18:30 Rehearsal musicians
18:30 Buses leave for the Governor’s Mansion
19:00 Reception by the Lord Mayor of Thessaloniki
21:30 Greek Evening at "Aegli" (Old Ottoman Baths)
Wednesday, 12.3
8:30-12:30 Committee meetings finalising resolutions at Anatolia College (Stevens & Compton Halls)
9:00 Teachers are transferred to Arsakeion Lykeion - Workshops - Lunch
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-17:00 Typing resolutions/translation
15:00-17:00 Rehearsal musicians
15:00-19:00 Approval Panel in place (English)
17:00-21:00 Approval Panel in place (French)
22:00 Party at "Mylos" (Old Flour Mill)
Thursday, 13.3
9:30 All participants gather at White Tower
10:00-12:00 Guided Tour of Thessaloniki
12:00-15:00 "Treasure Hunt" in the city for committees
15:00 Committees meet at EYP Greece office, resolutions at hand
15:00-17:00 Committee meetings in the city, study resolutions
17:00-19:00 Last rehearsal musicians
17:00-20:00 Evening free for shopping
21:00 "Euroconcert" for all participants and hostfamilies, Hall of Ceremonies, Aristotle University
22:30 Chairpersons Dinner
Friday, 14.3
8:00 All participants gather at Congress Center "Nikolaos Germanos" (Hall A) of Pavilion 8, International Fair Grounds
8:45-9:00 Official Opening Parliamentary Assembly, speeches by Guests of Honour
9:00-10:40 First resolutions
10:40-11:10 Coffee Break
11:10-12:50 Continuation General Assembly
12:50-13:50 Lunch 13:50-16:20 Continuation General Assembly
16:20-16:50 Coffee Break
16:50-18:30 Continuation General Assembly - end of first day GA
20:30 "European Village" at the German School for all participants and hostfamilies
Saturday, 15.3
8:30 All Participants gather at Aristotle University
9:00 Board of National Co-ordinators meeting, Capsis Hotel
9:00-10:40 Start second day General Assembly
10:40-11:10 Coffee Break
11:10-12:50 Continuation GA
12:00 Teachers are transferred to the International Fair Grounds
12:50-13:50 Lunch
13:50-15:30 Continuation GA, final resolutions
15:30-16:00 Break, participants collect photographs
16:00-17:30 Closing Ceremony: Speeches by Guests of Honour, ambassador speeches, diplomas
20:00 Farewell Dinner for Delegates and Teachers at Anatolia College
23:00 Disco Farewell Party for Delegates and Hoststudents
Sunday, 16.3
Departure Delegations
For any changes you will be informed before or during the Session
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