More information on the structure and philosophy of A.H.M.P..
If you have come across any newspaper articles, publications, broadcasts or any other media items that concern Hellenic issues and that you believe are inaccurate, biased or should otherwise be responded to, please forward a copy or transcript of the item to AHMP via e-mail or regular mail. If you want to fax an item, send an e-mail requesting AHMP's fax number, which will be forwarded to you promptly.
It is important that you take the initiative and let our media know you're listening. Individual letters, letter-writing campaigns, telephone calls, and other responses to false, inaccurate, biased or otherwise improper media items are greatly encouraged. Will your individual input make a difference you ask? A BIG difference. For example, only three hundred faxes from concerned individuals made the difference in persuading the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to introduce "Before the Rain" as a film from FYROM rather than one from "Macedonia" during the Academy Awards (source: the GreekAmerican).
To this end, please feel free to download and incorporate any part of AHMP's letters and responses into your own letters. AHMP grants the public express permission to utilize and otherwise incorporate in their own letters any portion of the letters authored by AHMP that are posted on this web site (except, of course, for the AHMP logo or any other part of its letterhead).
American Hellenic Media Project P.O. Box 1150 New York, NY 10028-0008 or e-mail: