U.S. Department of State 95/11/09 Daily Press Briefing
From: hristu@arcadia.harvard.edu (Dimitrios Hristu)
Subject: U.S. Department of State 95/11/09 Daily Press Briefing
Thursday, November 9, 1995
Briefer: Nicholas Burns
START Treaty--9/28/95 Initialing of Joint Statement .......1-2
Proximity Peace Talks:
--Statement re: Request for Resumption of
Natural Gas Deliveries .................................2-3,8-18,22
--Secretary Christopher's Participation in Talks/Media ....3-8,21-22
--President Tudjman's Arrival in Dayton ...................5
--Demands for Release of Two French Pilots ................5
--Croatian/Bosnian Federation Talks .......................5-6,25
--Kati Marton Discussion w/Mr. Milosevic re: David Rohde ..18-21
--War Crimes Tribunal: Indictments of Serb Officers .......23-24
Croatian Troops in Bosnia-Herzegovina .....................25-26
Secretary Perry/Minister Grachev Agreement ................32-33
U.S. Support for Turkey's Membership in ECU ...............31-32
DPB #168
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1995. 1:39 P.M.
MR. BURNS: Good afternoon, and welcome to the State Department
briefing. I want to apologize for getting out here so late today. I
can assure you there was a very good reason for it. I was on the phone
with Dick Holbrooke and Wolfgang Ischinger and Jacques Blot from Dayton.
I do have some announcements to make based on those conversations, and
that was the reason for my delay. I'm sorry if I kept you waiting.
What I'd like to do is make four separate announcements, and I hope
you'll have the patience to bear with me while I do that. I think it's
good just to get the information out. Then you'll have an opportunity,
of course, to ask any questions that you'd like.
I'd like to start with some commentary on an article that appeared
in The Washington Times this morning. I hesitated in thinking about
whether I should do this, but I frankly thought that I had to do it,
given the egregious nature of the conclusions reached on a front-page
article in The Washington Times this morning. It's not my practice to
try to go after individual newspapers; but this article concerned the
START Treaty and the obligations that the United States has under the
START Treaty, and this is a vital national interest that the United
States has in trying to preserve a nuclear balance with Russia and in
having some clarity about what our START Treaty commitments are.
There was a serious problem with this article. The front-page
article in today's Washington Times misinterprets and mischaracterizes a
recent action by START Treaty partners.
On September 28 in Geneva, representatives of the START parties
initialed a joint Statement confirming their mutual understanding of
certain existing Treaty provisions that relate to intercontinental
ballistic missiles and submarine-launched ballistic missiles that might
be used as space launch vehicles.
Contrary to the characterization in The Washington Times this
morning, the Joint Statement does not "relax" START Treaty provisions or
allow the export of ICBMs or SLBMs for any purpose. In fact, the Joint
Statement reaffirms a long-held United States interpretation of the
START Treaty's provisions related to ICBMs and SLBMs used as space
launch vehicles, and that is that any space launch vehicle that utilizes
the first stage of an ICMB or an SLBM, as defined by the Treaty, is
itself subject to all provisions of the Treaty.
The START Treaty has, from its inception, recognized the right of
the parties to use ICBMs and SLBMs, or their first stages, in space
launch vehicles. The Treaty provisions are also clear that those ICBMs
and SLBMs remain subject to and accountable under the Treaty, and the
Joint Statement that was signed on September 28 reinforces the START
parties' understanding of that.
The START Treaty prohibits the transfer by any Treaty party of
strategic offensive arms to a third state, and that's the pertinent
point that I want to make about this morning's article. That
prohibition remains. Moreover, the Russian Federation has become a
member of the Missile Technology Control Regime and, as a member, the
Russian Federation must adhere to the rules that the MTCR has on the
export of missile technology, as well as the START prohibitions.
Again, I am reluctant to have to start off the briefing with that
particular announcement; but because it's such a vital concern to our
Treaty commitments and to our understanding of those commitments with
Russia, we wanted to set the record straight.
Secondly, I'd like to
Q Did somebody call the briefing, because I don't see the AP
Q I'm here.
MR. BURNS: Yes; George is right there (indicating). (Laughter)
Thanks for thinking about the Associated Press, Roy. (Laughter)
Second, I'd like to issue a statement; it's a statement in my name
as the Spokesman for the Proximity Peace Talks.
Alija Izetbegovic, the President of Bosnia- Herzegovina, and
Slobodan Milosevic, the President of Serbia, have jointly requested the
immediate resumption of unrestricted natural gas deliveries to both
Bosnia- Herzegovina and Serbia-Montenegro on humanitarian grounds and as
a confidence-building measure.
The United States is working with other Contact Group countries for
action at the United Nations Sanctions Committee under the existing
humanitarian exemption that would allow such deliveries for a two-month
period. During this period, experts will examine the effects of this
step in order to consider what actions would be appropriate after the
initial two-month period and to consider other humanitarian measures
which could be taken in the Balkan region.
In light of unseasonably cold weather and heavy snows, the Contact
Group members have agreed to consider additional actions concerning the
shipment of heating oil and liquefied natural gas during the winter
We can come back to this because I have two other announcements,
but essentially the point to emphasize here is that both Bosnia and
Serbia -- the Presidents of both countries -- have concluded that there
is a humanitarian imperative for all the peoples of the region to have
the ability to heat their homes, essentially, and to have fuel for
cooking during a very hard winter. It's already snowed there; it's very
cold. It's the fourth winter of the war. They both have requested this
action, and I would expect that the United Nations Sanctions Committee
would be meeting soon.
The mechanics are that the U.N. Sanctions Committee would issue a
license to GAZPROM -- which is the Russian national gas company, the
supplier of natural gas to the region -- to permit it to engage in the
activities that I've just described.
I'll be glad to come back to this if you have any questions on it.
Third, let me just say, to follow on what the Secretary told some
of you earlier this morning, Secretary Christopher will be traveling to
Dayton tomorrow, to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. He will be
participating in the Bosnia Proximity Peace Talks.
He's going to have a busy day. He'll have meetings with a variety
of the leaders on a variety of issues. He will be leaving early in the
morning, probably around 8:00,
but I'll let you know later on this afternoon the specific time of
departure. I'm a little bit unsure about the exact time of his return,
and that's going to be dependent upon the meetings that he has tomorrow.
There is a possibility -- I think a strong possibility -- that
there will be one media event during the day. It will be an open media
event at the Hope Conference Center, and I'll let you know some
specifics about that when that event firms up.
The Secretary will be taking a limited number of journalists on his
plane, and I think we have room for about ten. There is a sign-up sheet
that is posted now in the Press Room, and you're welcome to sign up if
you'd like to accompany the Secretary to Dayton. That list closes at
4:00 this afternoon.
We'll be opening the Media Center at Wright-Patterson for those of
you traveling with us and for those of you who will be going to Dayton
by other means. The Media Center -- I think most of you know where that
is on the Base. There will be support from the Wright-Patterson Public
Affairs staff, as well as from Public Affairs here at the State
Department, for you.
I will be available at several junctures during the day to provide
some briefings -- at least, some outline briefings -- on what is
But I do want to be frank in telling you, so that we don't have
undue expectations, that the Secretary plans to follow the same
guidelines that all other participants in these talks have followed
since the opening ceremony on November l. Namely, he's going to be
meeting and discussing a lot of issues with the leaders there. He will
not be available for press opportunities during the day. There will be
this one media event that I'll have some information on at a later point
of time, and I will be available for briefings. But he is going to
conduct himself in the manner that all other people at these talks have
conducted themselves -- namely, that he won't be giving press
conferences and he won't be talking On The Record, except for the
possibility of this one media event.
Now, finally --
Q Nick, just a minute, to clarify some things. So he will not
be doing three television interviews to the exclusion of the print
press, the way that it happened in Dayton last week?
MR. BURNS: He will not be giving any interviews, television or
written interviews.
Q Great, fine.
MR. BURNS: Now, finally --
Q He won't be speaking with Dick Holbrooke's wife, who
apparently was given access to Mr. Milosevic?
MR. BURNS: We can go into that later, Sid, if you'd like to go
into it. I'll be glad to talk about that, but let me just get my final
statement out and then we can talk about anything you all want to talk
The final thing I'd like to tell you is that in my capacity as
Spokesman for all the delegations there, I had conversations this
morning with Wolfgang Ischinger, who is the German Ambassador leading
the German delegation to these talks; with Ambassador Jacques Blot of
France; and with Dick Holbrooke. I understood from them the following:
that President Tudjman arrived back late last evening. He is now
engaged in meetings in Dayton.
Secondly, that the Government of France continues to raise its
very, very strong concerns about the fate of the two French pilots who
were shot down over Bosnia several months ago. Ambassador Jacques Blot
told me that he delivered a letter today from President Jacques Chirac
to President Milosevic. This letter argues very strongly for immediate
information about the welfare of these two pilots and where they may be
being held.
I can also tell you that the United States strongly supports this
request by President Chirac and Ambassador Jacques Blot for the help of
President Milosevic to ascertain where these pilots are, what has
happened to them, and to demand their immediate release.
I can also tell you that all of the other delegations to these
talks -- from the European Union, Carl Bildt, and all the other
delegations: the German, the French, and the Russians -- have made a
similar request to President Milosevic that he use his influence to try
to get to the bottom of this very unfortunate episode. This issue is
being raised on a daily basis by the French Government, by the United
States, and all the other Contact Group members. We will continue doing
that until we have sufficient answers.
Finally, let me say on the issue of the Federation between Croatia
and Bosnia, I know there's a lot of interest in this. I've seen lots of
unnamed sources out of Dayton saying all sorts of things about it.
There is very intense work underway on this issue today. There has
been, I think, for every day of this conference. It's been one of the
issues where the parties have engaged very seriously. We're trying very
hard to make progress; we're working very hard towards that objective.
I cannot confirm for you -- I'm unable to confirm for you some of
the reports that we've seen out of Dayton this morning, but I can tell
you that we'll continue to work hard towards that. I think this will be
an issue that you'll hear more about tomorrow.
Q Nick, are you saying you can't confirm or deny that the
agreement has been initialed?
MR. BURNS: Sid, what I would like to say is that I have nothing
for you on that. I'm not in a position to confirm it; but I certainly
understand your interest in it, and I'll keep you apprised as we proceed
on this. And it certainly, obviously, is going to be an issue that I'm
sure you'll be interested in tomorrow.
Q Can you be more explicit about the reasons behind the
Secretary's visit?
MR. BURNS: Yes, I can. The Secretary decided before the convening
of these talks, when he thought about how the United States should
represent itself, that he would be visiting Dayton from time-to-time,
when it was necessary, when our negotiators there thought he could make
a difference, thought his participation would be important. So he has
decided to visit Dayton tomorrow.
I think he'll spend the great part of the day and perhaps even into
the early evening there. He is going to be engaging with all the heads
of delegations there from the Balkan countries. He will be meeting of
course with all of the Contact Group representatives who are there.
He will be looking at a variety of issues, George. Certainly the
Federation issue will be a focus of his visit, but not an exclusive
focus. There are many other issues that are on the table, that he
believes he can discuss effectively with the leaders there and he
intends to do that.
We have not yet established a specific schedule for him, apart from
the fact that we are going to leave around eight and get home some time
in the evening. But I think it is a fair bet that he will be having
individual meetings with the heads of delegations, and then he will
probably be having some group meetings as well.
Q You said yesterday there were no plans for him to go. Can
you tell us anything about what has changed in the last 24 hours that
made it important for him to go now?
MR. BURNS: I was simply unable to tell you yesterday that there
were plans because I can tell you when the final decision was made. It
was made about l0:20 this morning, about ten minutes before you saw the
Secretary. That is when he made the final decision.
There have been a number of recommendations to him throughout the
past couple of days as to when he should go to Dayton, and he decided
this morning. He made the final decision this morning and he told you
about it about ten minutes after he made the decision.
Q Is there anything you can point to that has changed?
MR. BURNS: Well, I think that the basis for going, the criteria
that he and Dick Holbrooke are using is when can the Secretary most
effectively engage. He had wanted to go back to Dayton at several
junctures; before the convening of the talks, he had that plan. I think
it's fair to say that all the issues are on the table, all the issues
are being negotiated and being debated at Dayton. It's a good time for
him to go down to take stock of the sessions and to have some specific
discussions with the leaders on some of the important issues.
Q Nick, when you indicated that he might not be coming back at
any set time, depending on if something happens or doesn't happen, what
do you expect would happen or would not happen which would delay his
MR. BURNS: Well, I can tell you this: we are not anticipating a
final agreement, a final peace agreement tomorrow. I think that's still
some time in the distance. So I don't want to raise any expectations
that somehow tomorrow is the day when the talks end.
The talks are at a very intensive stage. They certainly are going
to go on for a number of days and perhaps beyond that, perhaps well
beyond that. We just don't know.
Let's just describe this as a visit in mid-session, where the
Secretary wants to take account of what has happened. He wants to use
his presence there obviously to try to advise the parties to make
progress on a number of issues.
He is not just going down to talk about the Federation or Eastern
Slavonia or any of the agreements that have been put on the table. He
is going to talk about a very broad range of these issues in a great
number of meetings that he will be having over the course of the day.
Q Nick, on the meeting on the gas announcement, was that a
direct meeting -- was that the meeting that he was referring to in
direct talks between Milosevic and Izetbegovic? The agreement on the
gas, the natural gas agreement?
MR. BURNS: This agreement was produced over the course of many
days. Of course, there were direct meetings between President
Izetbegovic and President Milosevic, but for the most part I think these
were meetings in which Dick Holbrooke and the European delegates took
part as well.
Q Who is paying for the gas to the Russians?
MR. BURNS: Well, the parties. Serbia-Montenegro and Bosnia-
Herzegovina will pay for as much gas as they can afford, as they can
The outlines of this arrangement are as follows. As you know,
under the existing sanctions regime, the importation of this kind of gas
into Serbia-Montenegro is not allowed. As you also know, the provision
of this kind of gas into Bosnia-Herzegovina has been haphazard,
especially in recent weeks.
You have seen the press reports that there are not -- most of the
homes in Sarajevo are not supplied with natural gas on a daily basis.
It's kind of on an odd basis: one day on and one day off. In winter
time those are really insufferable conditions that have caused great
hardship for average people.
So the two leaders got together and decided that on a humanitarian
basis, for the sake of their own citizens in both countries, they wanted
to request the U.N. Sanctions Committee to issue an exemption --
exception, excuse me -- to GAZPROM. If the U.N. Sanctions Committee
acts positively -- which we expect it will -- it will issue a license to
GAZPROM to extend the friendship pipeline, gas pipeline, from Hungary
into Serbia. This will supply as much natural gas as Serbia can afford.
Serbia will have to pay for this.
It will also, we hope, regularize the flow of gas within the
existing pipeline in Sarajevo and throughout Bosnia-Herzegovina. It's a
humanitarian gesture on the part of the two presidents, and the United
States is supporting this on a humanitarian basis.
I do want to draw attention to the fact that this is for a two-
month period. If it is necessary and desirable to extend that, then of
course that decision would have to be reviewed before the expiration of
the two-month period.
Q Nick, wasn't it going to be that there would be no
suspension, even temporary suspension, of sanctions against Serbia until
there was a final peace agreement; that indeed the U. S. proposal that
had been put forward by Assistant Secretary Holbrooke had gotten beaten
back a couple of weeks ago; and that it was the position of the U.S.
Government that it would not be fair to reward President Milosevic with
some kind of sanctions relief in the absence of a final peace agreement?
MR. BURNS: I can't speak to the bureaucratic part of the question,
but I can certainly speak to the substantive part of it, Elaine.
Our position has been all along that the United States -- and,
indeed, this is the position of the European Union and other countries
in Europe -- the United States would support suspension of sanctions
upon agreement and lift the sanctions upon implementation of the
These two presidents came to the Contact Group countries at Dayton
-- President Izetbegovic and President Milosevic -- and asked for an
exception to the sanctions regime so that the citizens of both countries
could have for home heating use and home cooking use a consistent supply
of energy during the fourth winter of the war.
We considered this request. We have discussed it with all the
Contract Group countries. At least some of those countries, I know, are
still checking with their home governments -- I think that is the
position of one of the Contact Group countries. But the United States
believes that it's very important to support this.
I think it is important to note that the Bosnian Government
supports this, that the Bosnian Government believes this will help the
citizens of its own country, as well, of course, as help the citizens of
Q So, just to follow up, there is a partial suspension of
sanctions on Serbia before a final agreement?
MR. BURNS: I would not describe it like that, because the vast
majority of the sanctions remain in place. We are making an exception
on a humanitarian basis for a two-month period to allow people to have a
warmer winter, to get through the winter more easily than they otherwise
would have.
But it is limited. It is limited to the natural gas deliveries and
also the heating oil and liquefied natural gas that I mentioned. It
does not pertain to the vast majority of sanctions for goods; that still
remains in place.
Q Nick, can you explain how this is going to help the Bosnians
who are not covered by this embargo?
MR. BURNS: Well, the Bosnian Government is supporting it, I think
for the following reason. I think the Bosnian people and the Bosnian
Government are the first to understand the hardships of this war, the
personal hardships of this war. The flow of gas into Bosnia-
Herzegovina, especially since the resumption of gas into Sarajevo in
late September, has been irregular.
There has been some siphoning. There have been irregularities in
the pipeline itself. I think the feeling is that this is not only a
good thing and the proper and right thing to do on a humanitarian basis,
but it might help and we hope it will help to provide for a more regular
and certain flow of natural gas for consumers in Bosnia- Herzegovina.
If the Serbian people have enough gas to heat their homes this
winter, then there won't be the incentive by individuals to try to
siphon gas at any point along the pipeline as it comes into the region
from Hungary. This is the Russian natural gas pipeline, the so-called
"Friendship Pipeline."
So I think, Norm, those are the two basic reasons, as I understand
it, for the Bosnian Government agreement.
Q Can I ask how soon the gas could be flowing? And also, apart
from the incentive the Serbs have, what safeguards will there be that
the Serbs don't do as they have in the past and cut off the supply?
MR. BURNS: Right. Both good questions. The answer to the first
question is the U.N. Sanctions Committee will be meeting this afternoon
to look into this. As I said, again, the procedure would be for
GAZPROM, the Russian natural gas company, to request an exception to the
existing sanctions. The Sanctions Committee would have to positively
agree to that request, issue a license to GAZPROM to resume the flow of
natural gas into Serbia-Montenegro. That's the answer to the first
On the second question, the United Nations will be establishing a
monitoring mechanism. This would be the sanctions committee of the
United Nations. I don't believe that we are aware of all of the details
of how they would do this. But we certainly believe that it should be
sufficient to do the job so we can be assured that this humanitarian
exception is being carried out in a regular way, in a way that's
consistent with the purpose of this agreement today.
Q Could it be a matter of days that the gas is flowing?
MR. BURNS: We would hope that it would be very quick because, as I
mentioned before, there's already been a snowfall in the Balkans;
there's already very cold weather. Average people are under great
personal hardship. It's commendable that both President Izetbegovic and
President Milosevic have not only recognized that -- they surely
recognized it -- but have taken this step and have requested this step
on the part of the international community to do something about it.
Q Nick, what has President Milosevic done to merit this
sanctions relief?
MR. BURNS: I don't think that's the pertinent question to ask. I
don't think that's the way the United States Government looks at it.
We see this as a humanitarian gesture for average people, for the
people who live in Serbia-Montenegro and for the people who live in
Bosnia-Herzegovina; the people who have been victimized by this war.
Two hundred and fifty thousand of their brethren have been killed over
four years; tens of thousands have been forced from their homes. Those
who have their own homes don't have adequate heating supply in a very
cold winter.
I see the motive, Elaine, for the United States agreeing to this as
a humanitarian motive. It's the right thing to do. It's the right
thing to do under very harsh conditions.
Q The Serbian people have been victimized by this, and they
have had 250,000 victims? That doesn't parse.
MR. BURNS: You know our position on the war, Roy. We're not
neutral on the causes of the war or who may be responsible. We've
always believed that the Bosnian Government and the Bosnian people have
been the victims in this war. We've always believed that the Bosnian
Serbs have been the aggressors.
I don't think it's a stretch to say, however, that certainly the
citizens of Serbia have also been victimized by the fact that there is a
war, even if there has been support for that war at certain times, and
especially at the beginning, from Belgrade.
It's also not a stretch to say that many Bosnian Serb civilians
have been victimized. There were certainly Bosnian Serb civilians who
were victimized in the Krajina region in August. On a humanitarian
basis, we've got to have a fairly broad definition of what "human
suffering" is. That was the motivation to look at this -- at this
question -- to make the decision that we did.
There is an unacceptable level of human suffering in the harsh
wintry conditions throughout that region.
At the request of these two governments, including the Bosnian
Government, we've made a decision to try to be helpful to alleviate some
of that suffering.
Q Aren't you saying that the Serbs have been stealing the gas,
and now you're trying to regularize it so that --
MR. BURNS: I can tell you, as someone who used to work full-time
on the former Soviet Union, since the breakup of the former Soviet Union
there has been siphoning of gas in every part of that pipeline
throughout a 5,000 to 6,000 mile area. It's not just happening in the
Balkans. It's happening everywhere. It's a product of the fact that
GAZPROM, which is the major supplier of gas in Eastern Europe and the
former Soviet Union, is not always paid on time by its consumers.
GAZPROM takes initiatives sometimes to shut off gas, and a lot of
times people siphon gas for their own purposes. It is an undeniable
fact of modern life in the Balkans and in Eastern Europe.
In this case, in a situation where these people have had to live
under four years of war, we are now just trying to act on a humanitarian
basis to make their lives easier this winter.
Q Speaking of people freezing in the cold, in Banja Luka the
other day the U.N. High Commission reported that people, during this
conference, have been turned out of their houses and left to sleep in
the snow. I wonder whether Milosevic or anybody else at Dayton has
agreed to do something about it, because they've been ethnically
cleansed homes by Bosnian Serbs.
MR. BURNS: Roy, today's agreement certainly does not mean that we
condone, or anybody condones, the forcible expulsion of people from
their homes. In fact, the United States has spoken out forcefully about
this and consistently about this.
Assistant Secretary of State John Shattuck is in central Bosnia
today trying to get into Banja Luka to look into that particular
question. So we're not only talking about this, Roy, we're doing
something about it.
I think you have to separate those terrible events from the
situation as it exists in the natural gas side for consumers. The fact
is that many, many terrible things have happened. The fact is that we
can do some good for people this winter. We ought to take the
opportunity to do that.
Q So, Nick, Milosevic is being rewarded with some limited
exceptional sanctions relief to relieve the suffering of his people?
MR. BURNS: The people of Serbia-Montenegro and the people of
Bosnia-Herzegovina are going to have a chance to have a better life, an
easier daily life this winter because of the actions that the Bosnian
Government, as well as the Serbian Government, have requested of the
international community. That is the motivation here. That's my
headline. It's my bumper sticker. I wouldn't agree with your
characterization of it.
Q Is that a "yes?" The New York Times doesn't want to get a
headline wrong like we were accused of doing yesterday.
MR. BURNS: That's a good motivation.
Q Right.
MR. BURNS: I don't want to say (Laughter) I don't want to say yes
or no. I want to give you the best answer I can give you. "Yes or no"
are fairly cryptic.
I think I've tried to state this --
Q It's clear, I think -- yes or no?
MR. BURNS: I don't agree with the premise of your question. So I
just choose to characterize it in a different way. This is a
humanitarian gesture for people -- Serbs and Bosnians. It's a good
thing to do. It's the right thing to do.
I'll bet if you ask the American public, "Does this make sense?"
The average person would say, "Absolutely, it does."
Q A follow-up, then. Why wouldn't we make the same
humanitarian gesture to reward another leader who has been characterized
as a thug and a dictator, Saddam Hussein?
MR. BURNS: Actually, the United States was quite willing in the
United Nations, at several junctures over the last six months, to vote
for a humanitarian provision of oil and gas and basic humanitarian
necessities for the people of Iraq. That deal and that offer was turned
down by the Government of Iraq. But we have been absolutely willing to
do that for Iraq, but Iraq won't agree to it. So I think the blame
there lies on the regime in Baghdad.
Yes, Bill.
Q Go ahead.
MR. BURNS: Are you sure?
Q Would be correct to have a sub-headline, or would this be too
cynical, that would read that Serbia is getting gas to guarantee that
the citizens of Bosnia-Herzegovina get gas?
MR. BURNS: I agree with part of it. I can't write your headlines.
Okay? I never write headlines.
I think this agreement will benefit people. It will benefit people
on both sides of this conflict. There's obviously an incentive for
President Izetbegovic and Prime Minister Silajdzic and the Bosnian
The incentive is that their people get a more assured, more regular
flow of natural gas. The incentive for President Milosevic is that his
people get natural gas. It's a good deal for people on both sides, Sid.
Q Didn't you say it came from both Presidents? I just want to
be absolutely clear. One of the Presidents did not come first and ask
for this sanctions relief, and the other one said, okay, if we get it,
MR. BURNS: Excuse me? Is there a question?
Q Yeah. The question is -- you say both Presidents came at the
same time and asked for this sanctions relief.
MR. BURNS: I didn't say "at the same time." I think I said they
both requested it. They came to the Contact Group parties and requested
Q Okay, so they came at separate times. My question is, did
one President -- did the Bosnian President ask for it and the Serbian
President responded, "Yes, if we get it, too."?
MR. BURNS: One of them -- certainly, I mean logically -- would
have had to come first.
Q At the beginning, you said it was --
MR. BURNS: In terms of just initiating a discussion -- that's what
you're really referring to -- I don't know the answer to that question.
I wasn't present during these talks.
Q You said one came first. Who came first?
MR. BURNS: I'm saying it is logical to assume that before this was
ever discussed, somebody probably raised it first. That's logical. I
agree with you. I don't know the answer to the question of which of the
two leaders came first.
Q Nick, you said one of the Contact Group members wasn't so
sure about this idea. Can you say which one?
MR. BURNS: I don't really want to, for reasons of confidentially -
- here's the problem. I'm not trying to hide anything here.
This statement and this agreement were worked out through tens of
hours of discussions. Some of the representatives -- some of our
European colleagues, of course, have to contact their capitals to
describe what it is and to seek authorization to support it. All of
them but one have been able to do that.
I think primarily for just happenstance, one of the representatives
have not been able to get in touch with his home government. He needs a
couple of hours this afternoon to do this, and we're confident that that
country will join the consensus.
If there's a problem on this tomorrow and there's not unity, I will
certainly let you know that. But I firmly expect that after a couple of
phone calls today, there will be unity in the Contact Group.
Nonetheless, the United States is supporting it. Four of the five
Contact Group members are firmly on board. The fifth will be on board
within a couple of hours. The U.N. Sanctions Committee will be meeting
this afternoon to look into this.
Q Nick, if it takes tens of hours of discussions to work out an
agreement to make it so people don't freeze, how long do you think it's
going to be to finish a constitution?
MR. BURNS: I'll tell you. It's been what? -- nine days of
discussions so far, and there certainly have been hundreds of hours of
discussions on all the others issues.
So, you're right, Norm, it's going to take a long time. It's going
to take a lot of effort. This is not easy. That's why I just don't
want to build expectations that tomorrow is the day. That's why the
Secretary is going to Dayton. Tomorrow is not the day that all these
problems are going to be resolved. This will extend beyond tomorrow.
Q What about tomorrow?
Q The Russian Government, when gas is initially turned over to
Sarajevo -- when certain indemnities and certain payment guarantees --
are they asking for the same type of arrangement now?
MR. BURNS: I believe it was GAZPROM, which is a Russian company --
Q I'm sorry, GAZPROM.
MR. BURNS: -- that asked for that in late September. Sid, I don't
know the answer to that question. I know that GAZPROM has been
contacted as part of this, and I know that there is an agreement that
the gas will be provided. I don't know the details of that agreement at
this particular stage. That was absolutely what was asked for, as you
remember, in September.
Q Could I ask --
Q Are they more willing, because perhaps Serbia is getting a
lot of gas this time, to do without --
MR. BURNS: Let me just remind you that GAZPROM and the Russian
Government, working on this problem in September, were willing and have
followed through on the commitment to extend gas supplies to Sarajevo --
to the Bosnian people, to Muslims and Croats in Sarajevo. So I think
the Russian Government has had a very fair and balanced perspective on
I think GAZPROM has done, as a semi-private company, what it should
do to protect its own interests.
Q Anymore on Russian gas?
Q Yes, one more on Russian gas. Presumably, your average
Serbian householder is not able to divert gas from an international
pipeline into his domestic stove.
MR. BURNS: You know what? You'd be surprised. (Laughter) You
would be surprised.
Q Who exactly has been doing this in Serbia --
MR. BURNS: I haven't taken any names.
Q Was the Serbian Government involved?
MR. BURNS: My appreciation of this problem goes back to the early
Nineties, as I say, when I had a different job. This problem is
pervasive and widespread throughout Central and Eastern Europe in the
former Soviet Union. It is not limited to the Serbs or to the Bosnians.
It includes almost everybody who is a customer of the largest gas
company in the world, which is GAZPROM.
Gas, like any other fuel, is fungible. How do you assure that it's
not diverted to purposes for --
MR. BURNS: Say, for industrial use?
Q Industrial or military use?
MR. BURNS: Of course, this is not covered. The type of fuel
that's being provided under this agreement is not the type of fuel that
runs factories, that can be used for industrial purposes. Those types
of fuel are still proscribed for delivery to Serbia-Montenegro under the
current sanctions regime. There has been no exception for that. This
is a humanitarian exception.
Roy, the challenge will be for the United Nations Sanctions
Committee to create a monitoring regime that is effective, that guards
against the problem that you have enunciated, which is a logical problem
for us all to consider. We'll be working on that with the United
Q Even North Korea was able to divert once some of the fuel
that wasn't supposed to be able to be diverted to industrial uses.
MR. BURNS: That is true. This is a problem that I think you're
correct to identify as a problem. That's why there will be a monitoring
mechanism established by the United Nations and put in place.
What I can't tell you now is what the mechanism is, how many
people, how much money, where are the monitors going to be. The U.N.
has to decide that over the course of the next couple of days.
Q It's been reported in a major newspaper here today that Dick
Holbrooke's wife, who is apparently some kind of journalist, has been
given access to Slobodan Milosevic three times. Can you explain how
that fits in with your commitment to keep the press out?
MR. BURNS: Kati Marton is not a working journalist. She's not
filing reports from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. She is married to
Dick Holbrooke. She did visit him for a couple of days over the last
weekend. In the course of visiting him, on some of the social occasions
that were provided by Dick -- the dinners that were held and other
delegations -- she met the heads of delegations of the countries there,
including Mr. Milosevic.
She is president of an organization whose objective is to protect
journalistic freedoms around the world. She raised, as a private
citizen, some concern she had over David Rohde.
I actually think that it's good she did that. It was good for
President Milosevic to hear from a private citizen, someone who is not a
U.S. Government official, that someone who does represent journalists
interest, great concern over the unjustifiable detention of David Rohde.
The fact that she did that, I think, is commendable.
I can assure you that she was not there to file reports; that she
did not file any reports. I have seen nothing under her by-line or
anything else from her participation there that would constitute a press
report on the events in Dayton.
We have made a fundamental commitment to you that we will not let
that happen. We won't let other delegations bring journalists, who may
be listed as officials, in to Dayton. You'll be interested to know that
the day before the talks started, one of the delegations, which will go
unnamed, did try to bring its own camera crew into Wright-Patterson; did
try to set up its own broadcast facility from one of the dorms in the
quadrangle. We found
out about it and we asked those people to leave, and they were sent to a
Motel Six outside the base where they remain.
I understand what your concern is. If our delegation allowed a
journalist in in another guise, and if that person was allowed to report
from Wright-Patterson, it would be unfair to all of you who are not
there. That has not happened in this case.
She is married to Dick Holbrooke. She was there for a couple of
days. I think it's commendable that she said what she did to President
Q Just a follow-up. So the contents of her interview with Mr.
Milosevic will never appear in print?
MR. BURNS: It was not an interview. I believe they were at dinner
together along with Carl Bildt and Dick Holbrooke and President
Izetbegovic. When you have dinner, in a social occasion, you engage in
conversation. She, as a private citizen -- I don't want to speak for
her because I haven't had a conversation with her about this. But I
assume as a private citizen, she felt this was an important enough issue
for her to raise, and I commend her for it.
Q The contents of -- what Mr. Milosevic said to her, you
guarantee will never appear in print anywhere? You have an agreement
with her?
MR. BURNS: Sid, I can't guarantee that. I don't have any right to
ask someone in her position to make that kind of a pledge to us. But I
can guarantee you this: She didn't file any press reports. If she goes
back for any reason, she won't be filing press reports. She's not a
stringer for the New York Times or the Washington Post or Time Magazine
or Newsweek, or a wire service.
Q What's to prevent her from writing a story for the New
Yorker, for Time Magazine? Come on, Nick.
MR. BURNS: When you are a senior official in this government,
people far above my own level, it sometimes happens that spouses end up
at social occasions with their spouses who are government officials.
Do you want us to restrict the freedom of speech of those people
when they meet world leaders? I don't think you do, especially someone
who is as respected as she is and who heads an organization, frankly,
that acts on all of your behalf to protect journalists around the world.
We had an unjustifiable arrest and detention of a young Christian
Science Monitor correspondent, for political
reasons, because he unearthed the war crimes at Srebrenica and Zepa. We
were concerned about it, and she knew we were concerned about it. But
she was concerned about it because of her work in protecting
I have nothing more to say on this. But I just have to say once
again, I think it's commendable what she did.
Q Let me just say, everyone in this room (inaudible) the work
of the Committee to protect journalists. There's no question about
that. The issue is favoritism for the wife of a government official and
whether she, in some fashion, will use that in future press reports.
MR. BURNS: She was shown no favoritism. The fact is, she's
married to Dick Holbrooke. The fact is, she's entitled to speak to him;
she's entitled to visit him if she wants to. She visited him at the
peace talks. There was nothing inappropriate about that at all -- at
all. She wasn't there at government expense. I can assure you
everything was on the up and up. She simply took advantage of a social
occasion to do what any average American would do: Say to a leader of
another country, "You're holding one of our citizens unjustifiably."
Q If she was the Washington Bureau Chief for AP --
MR. BURNS: But she isn't the Washington Bureau Chief for AP, Sid.
She's a private person. I really can't take the conversation any
further than I've taken it. I'm amazed, frankly, at the objections that
are being put forth here. I am amazed.
Q If I might follow --
MR. BURNS: Maybe I'll be further amazed, Bill. (Laughter) Try
Q Sid might be as well. Has she been apprised -- has Mrs.
Holbrooke been apprised of the requirements of the press in this
blackout? Or will she be apprised --
MR. BURNS: Her husband was the author of the rules and regulations
pertaining to press arrangements. Dick Holbrooke was the one who felt
most strongly that we should establish the rules and procedures that we
have for an effective press blackout. He felt it was in his interest as
a negotiator to do this. So, of course, she's been apprised of it. She
did nothing to contravene that.
Q Let me follow just a little further. Then, I take it that
under those rules, Nick, she would not be able to publish any
information that she gains by social contact with the delegates?
MR. BURNS: Listen, you're asking me to basically muzzle her to the
following extent. I don't expect she'll run out and write a piece for
the United Press International next week on her conversations with
President Milosevic. But if 30 years from now, she decides to write a
book about her life and she wants to include this, I am surely not going
to tell her today that she can't do that.
Q Nick, my question -- I've been waiting to ask you -- is about
tomorrow --
Q Just one more issue. (Inaudible) raise this? One of the
issues may be that she is a former correspondent for an American
television network. She has had access to the negotiators and the
negotiations. She is in a position to be able to pass that information
on either to her former employer or to other journalists. She is not
bound by the news blackout.
It is an issue of, to what extent a news blackout actually works.
MR. BURNS: I would like to emphasize one of the words -- an
adjective that you used -- "former," and she is a former employee. She
is not a current employee, as far as I know, of any major -- or any
American news or international or foreign news organization. She does
not report. She does not write. I haven't seen her by-line as a
reporter. She is a writer.
I think we ought to be a little bit broadminded here. She happens
to be the wife of the senior negotiator on the American side. She
wanted to visit him. It was entirely appropriate for her to do that.
She's a very responsible person. I don't think you have to fear that
she's going to go out and scoop you tomorrow.
If she does, then we can have another conversation about it. Okay?
I bet she won't do it. I bet she won't do it.
Q About tomorrow, are you the only fellow that's going to
speak? Are you going to have --
MR. BURNS: There's a very strong possibility of an event that the
media will be invited to cover where people will speak; among them,
Secretary Christopher. But I'll be dealing with the questions and
answers from the press. I'll be briefing you as much as I can.
Q No photo-op, no Holbrooke tomorrow?
MR. BURNS: There might be a photo-op. There might be a media
event open to the networks and the print media. If we can arrange it,
and I'll try to get you some details on that as soon as I can. That's
going to happen tomorrow.
I know that last time, there was some misunderstandings about the
types of media activities that we undertook on November 1. I want to be
very clear today that the Secretary will not be available for interviews
from anybody because he's going to be a participant in these talks and
he wants to follow the guidelines that he and Kati Marton and everyone
else is respecting.
Charlie. Let me just go to Charlie. I can answer other questions.
Q Nick, I'd like to try again on how this agreement came about
in terms of the natural gas supply for both the Serbs and the Bosnian
Muslims. It's not that I -- well, my question is, with all the
telephone calls you get from Mr. Holbrooke and from Mr. Ischinger and
Lord knows who else on whatever day, it's difficult enough for us to try
and piece things together.
But since you are our pipeline, if you don't know now, can you
attempt to find out and let us know --
MR. BURNS: Yes. The answer is yes.
Q -- the answer as to exactly how this came about, and whether
it is, because one came first and the other said, and which one came
MR. BURNS: I think Sid has asked a question, but I have given you
a straight answer. I don't know because I wasn't there.
Q Will you look into it further?
MR. BURNS: And I didn't ask.
Q Will you look into it further?
MR. BURNS: I will look into this further and maybe tomorrow when
we are all together at Wright-Patterson whiling away the hours, we will
talk about this, if I have something to say about it, Roy.
Q Ask Connie, she's got something.
Q Today the Tribunal --
MR. BURNS: I'll come back in just a minute.
Q -- the Tribunal in The Hague has indicted three army
officers, senior officers, in the army that does respond to Mr.
Milosevic's direction.
Has anyone asked him at the talks if he will comply with their
indictment and turn them over?
MR. BURNS: Yes. We saw the statement from the War Crimes Tribunal
this morning that three officers, Serb officers, have been indicted. I
think you know their names. I can attempt to pronounce them, if you
would like me to. We can do that maybe on background to avoid further
embarrassment. (Laughter.)
I can assure you that none of these individuals, and we have
checked, is in Dayton, Ohio, as members of the Serb, Bosnian Serb,
delegation, fortunately for everybody concerned.
Their indictments are based on alleged crimes committed in Vukovar
in November 1991. There was an incident in which the Yugoslav, the so-
called Yugoslav People's Army, the JNA, detained several hundred
Croatians and executed, very deliberately, we believe, 26l people who
were, in effect, prisoners of that war.
The three JNA officers, we believe, were not members of the high
command, but they have now been indicted. Our view on this, Charlie, is
that we support the War Crimes Tribunal in these indictments. The War
Crimes Tribunal should now attempt to work with other countries to
detain these people and to bring them forward for prosecution.
There have now been 46 people indicted, with the addition of these
three today. All of them should be found -- and that may take some time
in some cases -- but all of them should be found, detained, and brought
forward for prosecution by the Tribunal.
Judge Goldstone is going to be here on the l5th and l6th of
November in Washington. I believe that Secretary Christopher will be in
Japan during that time, but Strobe Talbott will be here, and Strobe
Talbott will be seeing him, as well as a number of other senior people -
- John Shattuck who will be back from Bosnia at that point.
Q Apparently there is news today out of India --
Q (Multiple voices.)
MR. BURNS: I have just heard -- I have just seen the press reports
of the statement out of The Hague this morning. I don't know if any of
the delegations at Dayton, including our own delegation, have made a
request to President Milosevic now to actively cooperate with the
Tribunal and turn these people over.
Q It would be natural, the natural thing to do.
MR. BURNS: We call on all parties to the conflict, as well as all
members states of the United Nations, to work with the War Crimes
Tribunal. If that means working to help detain people and turn them
over for prosecution, yes, of course, that is something that we would
Q But did you request, or in fact require, that Mr. Milosevic
and the other participants in Dayton sign some kind of statement as part
of these negotiations that they will cooperate?
MR. BURNS: The United States believes that a peace agreement
should include a commitment by all parties to work with the War Crimes
Tribunal and to be committed to helping the War Crimes Tribunal carry
out its work.
We said that before the talks convened. I remember Dick Holbrooke
said that when he briefed you from this podium one day. That is still
our position.
Q President Izetbegovic has said that the Croatian army needs
to be out of Bosnia-Herzegovina within 30 days of a peace accord. Does
the United States support that position? Would the United States deploy
a NATO implementation force if Croatian troops remain in Bosnia-
Just a process question, can there be a separate Federation
agreement announced in Dayton, separate from a total package?
MR. BURNS: Three questions. On the third question, it is highly
desirable that there would be an agreement to strengthen the Federation.
It would not be separate from the talks, because we think that the
strength of the Federation is a very important ingredient in the ability
of the parties to move forward to an overall peace agreement. That was
your third question.
The second question, if you will remind me -- I'm sorry.
Q Would the United States deploy -- ?
MR. BURNS: I can't imagine that the United States would now lay
down any new conditions, explicit conditions, on the deployment of our
own military forces pertaining to that particular question.
On number one, this is certainly an issue between Bosnia and
Croatia that has got to be worked out within the Federation. The United
States, I don't believe, is intervening on behalf of either side on that
We hope that this question and others like it will be resolved.
Q After the Turkish Parliament changed Article 8 of the Turkish
Penal Code, Turkish justice system released more than l00 prisoners,
which they only give for the freedom of speech. After these events, how
do you ever weigh the Turkish entrance for the European Customs Union?
MR. BURNS: The United States has consistently supported, and still
supports very strongly Turkey's membership in the European Customs
Union. We believe that Turkey, as a significant power in Europe, must
be anchored in Europe and in European institutions. Both the Bush
Administration and the Clinton Administration have consistently
supported Turkey's membership in a number of institutions, including the
Customs Union.
So I think that's just a very clear enunciation of our policy.
Q On Cuba?
Q May I ask you, please? First of all, the NATO agreement
yesterday leaves me, at least, very perplexed. I cannot figure out
whether the Russian general, or the Russian commander, really reports to
the Americans or he has some other chain of command to his own people.
Secondly, it looks like they put half the agreement until later, which
is the question of political direction.
MR. BURNS: Let me just very briefly speak to this because it's
late in the briefing and I know some people want to leave. I'll be glad
to go into this ON BACKGROUND afterwards.
Let me just get it out very quickly, and then I'll be glad to stand
behind in answering further questions.
The agreement reached between Secretary Perry and Minister Grachev
is a very important agreement because it allows us to fulfill our
objective of including Russia in the effort to implement a peace
agreement, if reached, in Bosnia. The plan preserves unity of command,
does not require Russian forces to be placed under NATO command, and
does not include any dual-key provisions. The United States will agree
to no dual-key provisions.
The essential elements are four:
-- The Russian contingent will be under the operational control of
General Joulwan, who will be the Supreme Commander of this organization.
That takes place through a Russian deputy, probably Colonel General
-- Two, the Russian forces will remain under the national command
of Russia.
-- Three, the Russian brigade, which will be two or three
battalions, will be in the geographic area of responsibility of an
American division and under the tactical control of a U.S. division
commander. Tactical control is defined as a detailed, and usually
local, direction for control of movements and maneuvers.
-- General Joulwan and Colonel General Shetsov have also agreed on
common principles which will guide further planning to answer some of
the remaining questions about this.
I know it sounds confusing. I have some very good press guidance
from the Pentagon, which to me is very clear. If I can't answer any
further questions after we turn off the lights I would refer you to my
colleague, Mike Doubleday, at the Pentagon.
Q A question of general interest, which is: What happens if
the Russian commander says no to an order from, I guess, at the tactical
level by his American commander?
MR. BURNS: I can't conceive of that happening. These will be
disciplined troops. They know what they're getting into; they know what
their commitments are.
Let's just remember this essential point, and let's close the
briefing, that the NATO forces will provide the core military functions
for implementation. Russia and the United States have agreed that there
will be a special operations jointly of Russian and American troops --
and this is what we're talking about here -- for other ancillary and
support services to that core operation.
Thanks very much.
(The briefing concluded at 2:46 p.m.)