U.S. Department of State 95/08/31 Daily Press Briefing
From: hristu@arcadia.harvard.edu (Dimitrios Hristu)
Subject: U.S. Department of State 95/08/31 Daily Press Briefing
Office of the Spokesman
Thursday, August 31, l995
Briefer: Nicholas Burns
NATO-UN Military Operations ........................... 1,3,8-11,16
U.S. Diplomatic Mission led by A/S Holbrooke
--Mtgs. w/President Tudjman, Mr. Sacirbey, Ambs. of
Contact Group Countries, President Milosevic ...... 1-2,4,7,
--Further Diplomatic Discussions ...................... 2,7
Russian Foreign Ministry Statement .................... 6
Acting Secretary Talbott Contacts ..................... 2,10
Serb/Bosnian-Serb Joint Negotiating Team .............. 1-4,6-7,15
--Contact Group Map and Plan .......................... 2-4,10
Deaths of European Union Officials .................... 9
International War Crimes Tribunal ..................... 11-12
Russian Assistance in Negotiations .................... 14
Bosnian-Serb Retaliation .............................. 13,15
Detention of American Reporters ....................... 16-17
Deputy Secretary of Defense White Visit to Department . 12
Closure of Palestinian Offices in Jerusalem ........... 17-18
Israeli-Palestinian Talks ............................. 17-18
Amb. Marc Grossman Letter to Political Party Leaders .. 18-19
Threats to American Citizens .......................... 19-20
DPB #130
THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1995, 1:23 P. M.
MR. BURNS: Good afternoon and welcome to the State Department
The United States is continuing today its determined efforts to
find a peaceful solution to the Bosnian conflict after four years of
war. As we said yesterday, we strongly believe that decisive NATO and
United Nations military action was the only step the West could take to
respond to Monday's brutal attack on the Sarajevo marketplace. There
has been an overwhelming international support for this effort.
We hope now that the Bosnian Serb leadership has taken time to
reflect on a fundamental fact: it is time now to face the
responsibility of peace. It is time to cast aside war in favor of
Today, Assistant Secretary of State Richard Holbrooke continued his
peace mission launched more than two weeks ago by President Clinton and
Secretary of State Christopher. He has been in Zagreb for discussions
with the Croatian and Bosnian Governments.
I had a long discussion with Assistant Secretary Holbrooke earlier
today. He reported to President Tudjman, the Croatian President, on his
meeting yesterday with President Milosevic. President Tudjman
reaffirmed his support for the U.S. peace initiative and the NATO-U.N.
military action. He said he thought both would contribute to peace.
In addition, Mr. Holbrooke is meeting now in Zagreb with the
Bosnian Foreign Minister, Mr. Sacirbey. He reiterated once again the
Bosnian Government's strong support for the NATO and U.N. action.
Earlier this morning Mr. Holbrooke met in Belgrade with the
Ambassadors of Contact Group countries for a briefing on the diplomatic
Based on this series of meetings over the last 24 hours, we now
believe that there has been an important procedural breakthrough for
peace. Yesterday's announcement that the Serbian Government and the
Bosnian Serbs will form a joint negotiating team is a welcome
development. It's a good start. It is encouraging that President
Milosevic is taking full responsibility for this delegation, and that he
and others are accepting as a basis for the negotiations the Contact
Group map and plan, including the 51/49 territorial parameters.
This agreement achieves one of the central objectives we have been
pursuing for many months. As Assistant Secretary Holbrooke said earlier
today, this appears to end a protracted year-long argument concerning
who would speak for the Bosnian Serbs. But let there be no mistake.
The road to peace will be long and difficult. There are many, many more
steps along the way before negotiations among the parties can even begin
or the war finally ended.
The United States is resolved to continue these efforts for peace.
The President and Secretary Christopher are keeping in close touch with
the progress of Mr. Holbrooke's mission.
Accordingly, after concluding his meetings today in Zagreb, he will
return to Belgrade for further discussions with President Milosevic
tomorrow, September 1. On Saturday, September 2, he will travel to Bonn
in Germany for an expanded meeting of the Contact Group and for meetings
with German officials.
On Saturday afternoon, Mr. Holbrooke will brief the North Atlantic
Council in Brussels. He will then remain in Europe for further
diplomatic discussions.
As we have said, the time for waging war has stopped. The West is
united in its determination to find a peaceful end to this tragic
In the Department today, Acting Secretary of State Strobe Talbott
has been up since the early morning hours and on the phone with the NATO
Secretary General, Willy Claes; the U.S. Ambassador to NATO, Bob Hunter;
and with Mr. Talbott's colleagues here in Washington. Acting Secretary
Talbott also had a good conversation with the Bosnian Foreign Minister,
Mr. Sacirbey, this morning. Acting Secretary Talbott and myself and
others have been in close touch with Secretary Christopher in California
throughout the past 24 hours.
With that as an opening statement, I'll be glad to go, George,
directly to your questions.
Q Is 51/49 subject to revision?
MR. BURNS: George, I think it's fair to say that what has been
achieved, as we understand it from Belgrade, is an agreement on the
joint negotiating team, and that that team is willing to enter into
negotiations on the basis of the Contact Group map and plan, including
the territorial parameters, 51/49. "On the basis of that", I think is
an important distinction to make.
Q You say the time for waging war has passed. Are you
suggesting that the current military operations are coming to an end now
because of this procedural breakthrough?
MR. BURNS: No, I'm not at all. The military operations are
ongoing. As NATO and the United Nations have made very clear today,
they are ongoing. As Admiral Leighton Smith said earlier today, it's
really up to the Bosnian Serbs to decide when the military operations
will cease.
The purpose of the statement, Jim, was simply directed at the
Bosnian Serbs. They have been waging war for four years. They have
been waging a bitter and brutal war. It is time for them to elect peace
and end war.
Q And what do they have to do to show good faith in selecting
MR. BURNS: I think it's pretty clear what they have to do in a
very general sense. They have to declare that they're interested in
peace negotiations and they are no longer interested in shelling
innocent civilians in safe areas.
Q You said that there are many, many more steps that need to be
taken before negotiations can begin. Can you elaborate on that?
MR. BURNS: Betsy, I think it's a very important and fundamental
fact that despite the important step that was taken yesterday in
Belgrade in the formation of this joint delegation, we have to resist
the temptation to be a little bit euphoric because there is good news
for a change out of the Bosnian war.
There is no doubt, given the complexity of the situation --
historically, ethnically and politically -- that these negotiations, if
they can begin in the future, will be exceedingly difficult ones. They
will be laborious, and they will probably be very much time consuming,
lengthy negotiations.
So we are simply trying to indicate a reality, and the reality is
that we have taken a few steps this week towards peace. That is very
gratifying, and that's good news; but we have a long, long way to go.
Q What sorts of issues have to be resolved before talks can
begin if you have now resolved the issue of who will represent the
Bosnian Serbs? What other -- I mean, do you need some sort of document
that outlines specifically what points are to be discussed? What else
do you need to do?
MR. BURNS: Dick Holbrooke's mission is to create a common ground
among the parties of the conflict, to the extent that they will agree to
begin negotiations. To make that decision, all of them must conclude
that it's in their interest to do so, that they are ready to do so; and
that is the nature of his conversations in Zagreb today with the
Croatian Government and with the Bosnian Government. They are both
central actors to this drama.
Q What is the -- could you state simply -- I know it's not a
simple issue -- what the Contact Group plan actually is that this would
be based upon, aside from the 41/59 (sic)? It's not meant to be a trick
MR. BURNS: Good. I'm glad. I don't like trick questions, but
I'll be glad to answer your question.
I don't want to immerse ourselves today in all the details that are
obviously being discussed in all these different conversations in
Belgrade and Zagreb and elsewhere. But I can say, Steve, I think you
know that we are seeking a negotiated settlement to a war, and we
certainly have some fundamental principles that are important.
For instance, the territorial integrity of Bosnia-Herzegovina as a
single state within its present international boundaries. For instance,
a single U.N. seat in the future.
Another principle: that all people residing within the borders of
this state have their basic human rights respected, including their
ethnic rights.
There are a vast array of territorial, constitutional, procedural,
substantive political and economic issues that will make up the
substance of any future negotiations. The United States is not trying
to dictate in any fashion what an outcome should be or even what the
complete agenda should be. The parties themselves have to take complete
responsibility for a negotiating process, and they have to define what
the process will lead to.
But I think we have asserted in a helpful way some fundamental
principles to provide a framework for negotiations. That is what
Assistant Secretary Holbrooke has been doing for more than two weeks
now, and he's involved in very serious discussions on these issues,
these principles, and a number of the other issues that I referred to.
But what I'm not really willing to do is to go into some of those
other issues. Those are properly discussed in a confidential
negotiating process, and I think I'd like to keep them there.
Q Nick, how do you respond to the threats of Mr. Karadzic
yesterday that there could be a third world war from there, beginning?
And the second question: Milosevic looked like he is responsive to the
efforts by Holbrooke and the West, and there is a split between
Milosevic and Karadzic, and Karadzic has the military power and the
other guy has the political power. How are you going to correspond this
effort to try to bring about a response by the Serbs there?
MR. BURNS: I can't be an expert analyst of Serbian politics, so I
think I'll refrain from answering your second question, with all due
But on the first question, I would just say it's very important
that the Bosnian Serb leadership reflect on what has happened over the
last month. There has been a Croatian offensive that was highly
effective. There has been a renewed determination on the part of the
international community, led by the United States, to maintain its own
credibility and its commitments to defend safe areas. There is now a
window of opportunity for peace; and after the military action of the
last 48 hours, we would think that they'd be very interested in moving
in that direction.
We've seen the public comments that came from Pale yesterday. I
don't think anybody believes we're anywhere close to a third world war.
That's really nonsensical. But we hope that we are close to the
beginning of a diplomatic process that will lead these parties away from
the war that they have fought for four years and toward some set of very
difficult but we hope promising negotiations.
Q Russia is upset over this whole campaign by the West, and how
are you allaying the fears of Russia that it will not expand or this has
to be done in order to bring peace to that area?
MR. BURNS: Russia is a very important partner of the United States
and of European countries on this issue. The Russian Government has
consistently called for negotiations; and, since we are now heading in
that direction, we're quite confident that the Russian Government will
continue to be an effective partner.
I would also note that there was a statement out of the Russian
Foreign Ministry this morning which seemed to indicate a good deal of
understanding about why the United Nations and NATO took the military
action that it did.
Q Nick, would you tell us, apart from Mr. Milosevic's
assurances, does Mr. Holbrooke or any member of his party have
independent understanding that the Bosnian Serbs will indeed defer to
Mr. Milosevic's leadership, and that he will make the decisions and the
negotiations and not they? And could you describe for us why you think
this procedural breakthrough is so important?
MR. BURNS: David, to begin with the second question, the diplomacy
on Bosnia over the past year or so has focused on one central question:
Who would speak for the Bosnian Serbs -- which will get to your first
question -- at any kind of negotiations, peace conference, and what
would be the substantive basis to begin those negotiations?
It's our belief that with the statement out of Belgrade yesterday,
and with some of the understandings that we received in the private
meetings with Mr. Milosevic, those questions have been answered.
President Milosevic is a respected figure among the Serbian people.
He is the leader of the Serbian people. He has a great deal of
influence, we believe, on the Bosnian Serb leadership and the Bosnian
Serb community in general. He gave us an unequivocal and clear
statement, and he gave it to your publicly, that a negotiating team has
formed and that they do accept as a basis for future negotiations the
Contact Group map and plan. There will be three members of the Serbian
Government on that team and three members of the Bosnian Serb
So we are relying here on clear, unequivocal statements by the
Serbian President, and we have no reason to doubt them.
Q If I could follow. There was a report yesterday and then
again today that three Bosnian Serb leaders were enroute to Belgrade.
From your conversation on the telephone with Dick Holbrooke or from
other knowledge, Nick, are these Bosnian Serbs going to be the ones that
will be represented on this negotiating team that you just mentioned,
that Mr. Milosevic is inviting to come for that particular purpose? I
take it -- have you heard anything from Dick about whether he's going to
return to Belgrade and have the views of the Bosnian Serbs presented to
MR. BURNS: Bill, Dick Holbrooke does intend to return sometime
this evening to Belgrade for meetings tomorrow morning with President
Milosevic. He has an appointment with him early tomorrow morning. That
is the reason for returning to report to President Milosevic and brief
him on the conversations that he's had today in Zagreb with both the
Croatian and Bosnian Governments.
Dick has no scheduled meetings with Bosnian Serbs. I am unaware of
any reports that there are Bosnian Serb leaders on the way to Belgrade.
It could be the case. I just don't know.
I would just note that I believe two of the members of the Bosnian
Serb negotiating part of the joint Serbian team are Dr. Karadzic and Mr.
Mladic. I haven't seen any reports that they are headed for Belgrade.
Dick's focus tomorrow will be in meetings with the Serbian
Government of President Milosevic. Then, as I said, he'll go on to
Germany for meetings with the Contact Group -- that will be an expanded
meeting of the Contact Group so it will include Italy, Spain, and Canada
-- and then a briefing at the North Atlantic Council on Saturday
afternoon in Brussels.
Q I take it then that Dick did not discuss with you on the
phone any meetings with the Bosnian Serbs and the Milosevic people in
Belgrade? That was not --
MR. BURNS: I'm quite sure that Dick does not have any meetings
scheduled with members of the Bosnian Serb leadership at this point.
Q His knowledge of Milosevic meeting the Bosnian leadership.
MR. BURNS: I'm sorry. I misunderstood your question. I
apologize. Dick didn't mention anything to me, and I don't believe that
we have any understanding about any such meetings.
Q Have you seen any evidence that the Bosnian Serb military
leaders are showing some willingness to pull their forces back in the
safe zones?
MR. BURNS: I think that's really a question for the military
experts, those who are leading the NATO and U.N. military operations in
the region. It's difficult for me to be authoritative and confirm any
such movements. I haven't seen such reports.
What we have noted over the past week, however, both before the
military action took place and since, is a willingness to think about
negotiations, to think about the peace process. As we think about the
efforts of the international community over the last four days, it's
important to focus on both the main activities that have been underway.
There has been a very decisive, substantial military response to
the murderous attack on Sarajevo. There is also now the beginnings of a
peace process. We hope very much that the military action might help
persuade the Bosnian Serb leadership that the diplomatic action is where
they should be heading and where they should have their thoughts and
attentions directed.
Q Is your sense, though, that the fighting may be over for a
MR. BURNS: I can't make that assessment. I would just refer you
to statements out of the NATO leadership this morning on the ground that
the NATO military operations are continuing. I think that's been
evident in even the television footage.
Q Can they have successful negotiations, though, if the
fighting is still going on?
MR. BURNS: As we've said yesterday, and I think we've seen this in
several instances in the past -- in Haiti and elsewhere, and certainly
in the Middle East and Iraq -- that sometimes for diplomacy to be
successful, it's got to be supported by and accompanied by a firm
demonstration of military action. I think we have seen that this week,
and I would just prefer to leave my comments there.
Q So it's not enough, in essence, to say we want to negotiate
for the military action to stop? It's not enough to say, we're ready to
negotiate, we accept the plan as a basis for negotiations?
MR. BURNS: I think the best answer to your question, in my view,
came from Admiral Smith this morning in Naples when he said, "The
Bosnian Serbs will determine when the military actions stop," if you get
what I mean. Their actions, their outlook on the situation will
determine when the military actions stop.
This is a question that was begun and will end by the military
people on the ground in both NATO and the U.N. Once a political
decision was made that force had to be used to respond to the outrageous
attack on Monday, then the question of what kind of force was put
squarely in the hands of the military leaders of the United Nations on
the ground and of NATO. They are controlling the operations, and
they're the ones who can best speak to those operations.
Q The Foreign Minister of Spain has issued a statement in which
he said that the five European Union personnel who have disappeared and
are feared to be dead in Bosnian Serb territory yesterday were in fact
killed, not by NATO bombs but it is feared by a Bosnian Serb attack.
Do you know anything independently of the Spanish Foreign Minister?
What can you tell us about that situation?
MR. BURNS: David, I can just tell you that we don't have any
independent judgment, apart from the judgment of the Government of Spain
and of the European Union. We were very distressed to see the reports
and to see the comments by Foreign Minister Solana -- distressed on his
behalf that he believes that the Bosnian Serb authorities, rather than
NATO airstrikes, might have been responsible for the deaths of the
officials of the European Union.
Assistant Secretary Holbrooke called Foreign Minister Solana this
morning to express the condolences of the American people and the United
States Government for what appears to be a great outrage. But I think
it's proper for me to allow the Government of Spain and the European
Union to speak to this in an authoritative way.
Q The U.S. doesn't have any independent intelligence to suggest
that he's right or wrong?
MR. BURNS: I'm not aware of that, David. There have been a series
of very confusing and sometimes contradictory reports over the last 24
hours about these five individuals. I think the best place for you and
me to go is to rely upon the statements of the Spanish Foreign Minister.
Q How soon will negotiations begin?
MR. BURNS: That's very difficult to say. The object now is to
convince all the parties to the conflict that negotiations should begin.
How long that takes is really an open question. I can tell you that is
the focus of American efforts today. It's where the attention of the
American leadership is directed. The Secretary is intensely interested
in what Dick Holbrooke is doing.
I can tell you we'll remain committed to pursuing this. After Dick
Holbrooke's meetings in Bonn and Brussels on Saturday, he will remain in
the region. He doesn't have a set itinerary that I can give to you
today, but he will remain to attempt to answer your question, to get to
the point where we can say that there's been an agreement, that
negotiations will begin, and so forth.
Q At some point early in any negotiating process the question
of who will monitor and enforce the Serb withdrawal from 30 percent or
so of the territory that they now hold, that question will have to be
addressed. Do you know of any discussions or any planning with respect
to this subject?
MR. BURNS: I don't believe there's any detailed planning, George.
You're right, that is one of the questions that ultimately, if
negotiations are to begin and succeed, must be answered. We are
concentrating now on more preliminary issues. I think if we can get to
this particular issue, we'll have done very well. We'll be pleased to
get to that point.
Still on Bosnia?
Q Can I ask a quick question? Could you confirm or deny if
Turkish airplanes participated in this campaign in an escort capacity?
And could you just for the record tell us the nations to which these
NATO planes belong?
MR. BURNS: I'm going to have to refer you to NATO for that
information -- the NATO authorities in AFSOUTH in Naples. They'd be the
ones who can speak authoritatively to that.
Q You said it's up to the Serbs to determine when the fighting
MR. BURNS: That's right.
Q Do they simply have to cease offensive attacks of their own,
or do they have to pull back from safe areas to be free from further
NATO attacks?
MR. BURNS: There's obviously a lot of discussion in the region
about the question that you asked. I would just like to step back and
say, I think it's going to be clear to everybody -- to all of us here in
this room and everybody around the world -- when the Serbs have decided
that they're going to be interested in peace and not war. It will be
very clear. We await that day.
Q How will it be clear? Can you give us some idea?
MR. BURNS: It will be very clear by their actions. Again, we have
said for a couple of days now, there have been some very good words
coming out of Pale, in a certain respect, about the prospect of
Words are sometimes important. They're also sometimes cheaply
said. Actions speak much more loudly. We're looking for actions.
Q Is it to be diplomatic actions, though, rather than military
MR. BURNS: I think both.
Q Nick, I'm going to venture onto hypothetical grounds, and I
know that. But since this issue has been spoken to before and it seems
a little more important now, I want to ask it anyway.
Mr. Mladic and Dr. Karadzic have both been indicted for war crimes.
Now that they're going to be part of a negotiating team, should they
come to the table and try and offer some kind of peace or some kind of
settlement in return for charges being dropped, what is the U.S.
position should that take place?
MR. BURNS: Charlie, there's a reason why we don't like
hypothetical questions because they're often not only hypothetical but
In this respect, let me just say, I don't think many people are
even focusing on that question right now. We're focusing on some of the
very serious issues that are preliminary to the beginning of
negotiations. Your question focuses on an issue that may or may not be
relevant once negotiations have begun.
I think you do know our position pertaining to the international
tribunal. We have supported that tribunal, both financially and
politically. We have people who work on that tribunal. We're
cooperating with it, and we support the activities of the tribunal to
look into the substantial human rights violations that have occurred on
the ground during the last four years. I just want to limit myself to
that for now.
Q There was, I believe, either a Deputy or Assistant Defense
Secretary who stopped by here not long ago. Could you say who that was,
what he was doing here, and with whom he met, or do you know?
MR. BURNS: Of which country, Steve?
Q This country.
MR. BURNS: Yes, I can certainly confirm that the Deputy Secretary
of Defense, Dr. White, paid the State Department a visit today. He
regularly meets and sometimes has lunch with Strobe Talbott along with
other senior officials of our government. It's actually a weekly lunch
that they undertake together, and that's why he was here today.
Q Was it specifically related to what is going on in Bosnia?
MR. BURNS: I'm sure Bosnia will come up in their conversation at
lunch today. They were having -- as I looked, there was baklava, there
was a nice Greek salad. I'm sure they had a nice lunch, and I'm sure
they discussed Bosnia as well as other issues.
Q They had California wine?
Q As far as you know, are the discussions that Mr. Holbrooke is
having in Zagreb and in Belgrade strictly focused on the Bosnia
situation? There are other issues between Croatia and Serbia that might
be involved in a peace process, not necessarily eastern Slavonia --
still occupied the Serbs. Has that been any part of the discussion at
this point? And would they be delinked from other discussions on
MR. BURNS: Dick Holbrooke is focusing on all of the issues that
would pertain to a comprehensive set of negotiations; the ones that we
are pointed towards. He has a very fine and reconstituted team with
After the great tragedy of a week ago Saturday, when three of our
senior and respected colleagues were killed, the team was reconstituted.
He has good people with him from the Department of Defense, the Joint
Chiefs of Staff and from the Department of State. Some of those people
are working very intensively on particular aspects of these
Dick, of course, is supervising the delegation and working on the
leading issues with the heads of state, the Foreign Ministers with whom
he is meeting.
So the answer to your question is, all the most important issues.
Q If eastern Slavonia became a problem between the two leaders
in Belgrade and Zagreb, would that hang up the talks? Or would you have
to delink that problem from Sarajevo?
MR. BURNS: There are many, many issues, both procedural and
substantive that have to be resolved before negotiations can get very
far, and some that have to be resolved before negotiations can even
begin. That's what Dick Holbrooke is working on.
Q Prior to the bombing and artillery campaign underway now,
were assurances obtained from the Bosnians that they would not try to
exploit the situation militarily?
MR. BURNS: David, I don't know if such assurances were sought. I
think one way to answer your question would be to point towards the
actions of the Bosnian Government. They have consistently and strongly
supported the military action. I'm not aware of any reports that they
are engaged in the action. They're certainly not engaged in the action
with NATO or the United Nations. I can't speak to isolated fighting
that may still be going on between the Bosnian Government and Bosnian
But the action that's been taken this week has been a dual action
of both NATO and the United Nations -- with those two institutions
Q On that issue, Nick, is there a decrease or any change in
military engagement throughout Bosnia and in other parts along other
borders, perhaps with Croatia? Has this bombing, in fact -- has the
Bosnian Government -- Bosnian military, Bosnian-Muslim military -- stood
down and away from this action?
MR. BURNS: Again, Bill, some of these questions unfortunately
really can't be answered by the Department of State. They really can
only be answered by military authorities, and that I think is one of
Q Then, I just had a brief follow-up. With the Bosnian Serbs
going to Belgrade to be represented by Milosevic and with Dick Holbrooke
doing the shuttle that he's done, haven't in fact the preliminary
negotiations begun with all parties -- then begun?
MR. BURNS: Certainly, preliminary discussions have been set up
with all the parties. I'm not sure there's a lot of negotiations among
the parties right now. The United States is shuttling back and forth
between some of these capitals, carrying messages and explaining things
and briefing on conversations. So we're not yet at the point, as far as
I understand it, where there's cross-talk in the diplomatic channels.
Q Would you say that Dick Holbrooke then has initiated a
comprehensive contact across the board.
MR. BURNS: Yes. I think, Bill, that's a fair way of describing
it. Betsy.
Q Nick, yesterday, you said that one of the actions that the
U.S. had taken was to ask the Russians to intercede with the Serbian to
try and bring negotiations to fruition. Can you tell us if they, in
fact, have done this and if they have advised us of this action?
MR. BURNS: I can't tell you specifically whether or not that's the
case. We certainly did make that request of the Russian Government
because of Russia's historic long-standing ties with the Serbian
We also have our own relationship with the Serbian Government, and
now a relationship that resulted in six and a half hours of meetings
yesterday. In a certain sense, I think we have jumped over a hurdle.
It was not entirely clear to everybody a couple of days ago what
effect military action would have on diplomatic discussions. I think
when Dick Holbrooke was received cordially, civilly, in Belgrade
yesterday, where he and stayed for lunch and stayed for six and a half
hours, that question was answered.
But let me just take another shot at your question by saying, I do
want to emphasize one fact: The United States and Russia have a close
supportive relationship. We don't have any major problems. We
sometimes disagree on some of the tactics in Bosnia, but we do agree on
the strategic objective of peace negotiations. We are confident that
Russia will be a help to those negotiations as we go through them.
Q Going back to this issue of how one will know when the
Bosnian Serbs are ready to stop all this from happening to them. In
Belgrade, Milosevic said he was speaking for them and that he would go
to talks on the basis that you have demanded. As a result of the
airstrikes, there have been no major cases, as far as I know, of Bosnian
Serb retaliation on civilian targets. So isn't that the answer, or do
you have to have something more blatant from them than those two things?
In other words, what beyond this?
MR. BURNS: Just one minor point. Mr. Milosevic said that the
Bosnian Serbs had agreed to form a joint team and that they would go
with him to those talks, which I think is a significant point.
On your specific question, though, Steve, we have seen some
aggressive and tendentious statements from the Bosnian Serb leadership.
We have heard a declaration to strike back.
I think the citizens of Sarajevo would say that there has been
retaliatory shelling against them since the NATO-U.N. action began. So
we have not yet seen on the ground and by deed, not just word, a
cessation of the military activities that are so important to
establishing some momentum towards peace.
Q Do you at this point any concept of the format of the
negotiations if they take place? The Serbs have set up this negotiating
team, but who will they negotiate with? Clearly, the Bosnian
Government, but would anybody else get involved and would the United
States get involved?
MR. BURNS: I think that is another one of those questions that we
will be very pleased to reach. That's one of those questions that's got
to be answered at some point before any negotiating process can begin,
before a peace conference or any type of discussions can begin. But I
don't believe that's been sorted out yet, Patrick.
Q So, as a minimum, then, to have the bombing halted, do the
Bosnian Serbs have to halt all the shelling for definitive period of
time, and clearly move or redeploy their heavy forces away from Sarajevo
or the other safe havens?
MR. BURNS: Again, I know that General Janvier and others who are
responsible on the ground have a responsibility to determine when it is
that the Bosnian Serbs are in compliance. There's obviously some
communication back and forth between the Bosnian Serbs and the military
people of the United Nations on the ground. They're the ones who are
going to deal with this and they're the ones who will decide it.
But let me just step back and take another shot at maybe trying to
explain what I mean by this. I think it is going to be obvious to
everybody when the Bosnian Serbs get to the point where they have
decided that war is going to stop and peace is going to begin. It's
going to be obvious by the lack of military activity in Sarajevo, in
Gorazde, in Tuzla, in Bihac, and the other safe areas. It will be
obvious to everybody who watches TV and follows the situation.
I don't think we're setting the bar at an Olympian height for them.
We're simply asking that they accept the reality of the war; that the
tide of the war has turned against them. They had some momentum some
years back and even earlier this year. They were running amuck earlier
this summer militarily, responsible for making tens of thousands of
people refugees. Those days are gone. They don't have that kind of
military space anymore, and they've really got to conclude it's in their
own self-interest to go to the negotiating table. We hope that they'll
reflect on this very severe punishment that's been inflicted upon them
over the last two days that it's in their interest to talk peace and
stop war.
Q Nick, do you know of any examples or any information that
might lead to fear that the Bosnian Serbs have taken any hostages or
detained any Western nationals since the bombing started?
MR. BURNS: David, I have not seen any reports of hostages of the
type that we saw, certainly, when many hundreds of hostages were taken
after the initial NATO airstrike in May back then. I do know that two
American reporters have been detained by Bosnian Serb authorities for
the last 24 hours. I unfortunately do not have any specific information
as to where they may be or who is holding them, whether it's local
authorities or whatever.
I can assure you that the Clinton Administration at a very high
level has made representations to the Serbian Government in Belgrade
about these two reporters, and we have called for their immediate
release, and we certainly would expect that to happen shortly.
Q What organizations are they from?
MR. BURNS: I think because of Privacy Act considerations, Jim, I'm
not permitted to reveal their names or organizations. I know there has
been a lot of talk about this in the press, however from this podium, at
least, because of our own laws, I'm not permitted to give that
information out.
Q To follow --
MR. BURNS: Is this to complete Bosnia? Chuck.
Q It's your understanding that they are still being detained,
that they have not yet been released?
MR. BURNS: We've checked with the two news organizations just in
the last hour, who tell us that they are not aware that the two
individuals have been released. I know there have been contradictory
reports about this, so just before coming out here I called the two news
organizations and was told that neither have appeared.
I can tell you that Strobe Talbott, the Acting Secretary of State,
and Dick Holbrooke have both been involved in this very intensively and
will continue to be so, because they are Americans, and we have a
responsibility, obviously, to them, to help them.
Q Does the American commitment to provide troops to help police
a settlement if and when one is reached still stand?
MR. BURNS: Again, that's one of those issues that we would be very
pleased to deal with some time in the future, meaning that we need to go
through many, many steps before we get there. That is a long way off.
If it does appear, if it does materialize that there is a peace
settlement, I think the Clinton Administration has been on record for a
number of years that we would participate in that.
Anymore on Bosnian before we go to the Middle East? The Middle
Q All right. Do you have any ideas about the Israeli-
Palestinian talks regarding the decision by the Israeli Government to
close three Palestinian institutions in East Jerusalem, and what does
the United States Government have on this? What do you -- your thoughts
on that?
MR. BURNS: Let me just take your second question first on the
issue of the closure of some Palestinian offices in Jerusalem. I think,
as you know, our position on Jerusalem is clear. It's a very sensitive
subject, and precisely for that reason the parties have agreed that
Jerusalem is an issue to be addressed in the permanent status
As you also know, since you are, yourself, an expert in this area,
this is a particularly complicated issue with a very long history --
this issue of offices in Jerusalem -- and there really is no purpose
served by the United States involving itself in a public debate on this.
But on your first question, I can perhaps be more helpful. We are
following very closely the negotiations in Elat between the Israelis and
the Palestinians. As you know, on Sunday in Cairo, there was an
agreement signed that transferred eight additional administrative
authorities on the West Bank to the Palestinian Authority.
We are in regular contact with the parties. You know that
Ambassador Dennis Ross took time out from his vacation. This is not
uncharacteristic of him to have several meetings with the Israeli and
Palestinian negotiators and indeed with Mr. Arafat and Foreign Minister
He was encouraged in his meetings with both the Palestinians and
the Israelis. It's very clear to Ambassador Ross that they are working
hard to narrow their differences and to reach agreement on the next
phase of the negotiations.
Should they conclude those negotiations and should they wish to
have some kind of ceremony to mark that conclusion here in the United
States, I think we've said many, many times we'd be most agreeable to
host that, but I don't have any announcement for you today on when that
might occur. That's really up to those who are negotiating these
Q But you could have an answer to the question that who will be
invited from the Middle Eastern leaders to the signing ceremony when it
takes place, in addition to Mr. Arafat, Mr. Rabin and Mr. Peres?
MR. BURNS: Again -- and I'm sorry to do this, to belabor this
point -- but let me just translate something I said on Bosnia to the
Middle East. As diplomats, we're delighted to consider problems like
who's going to come to a signing ceremony for a peace agreement, but
we're not there yet. When it comes, we'll be happy to deal with that.
Q I have a question on Turkey. Recently, Ambassador Grossman
sent a letter to the Speaker of the Turkish Parliament, congratulating
the constitutional changes, and he attached to his letter a statement I
believe you made from this very podium, congratulating Prime Minister
Ciller and talking -- referring to her victory.
I think this created a reaction, and the Speaker of the Parliament,
you know, issued a statement, saying that the victory did not belong to
her alone, and such statements by the Ambassador did not help Turkish-
U.S. relations. Do you have any comments on this small storm created
over this letter?
MR. BURNS: I do have a comment. I can tell you that these reports
have absolutely no substance to them or no truth to them. Ambassador
Marc Grossman, one of our finest Foreign Service Officers, has sent a
congratulatory letter to the leaders of all political parties that
supported the series of constitutional amendments that were approved on
July 23, and which expanded democracy and political participation in
In my July 25th press briefing, I conveyed the Department's
congratulations to the Grand National Assembly and to the leaders of all
the political parties -- and I've looked again at my statement today --
that supported these amendments, in addition to noting the Prime
Minister's role, as is appropriate, of course, in securing the passage
of these amendments.
So my statement was directed to the Grand National Assembly and to
all political parties, and we see passage of these amendments as a
victory for the Turkish people and for all political parties in Turkey.
We have not, nor will we, take sides in internal Turkish politics.
Q What about the timing of this letter? I mean, at the end of
August. Isn't there a problem with the timing of this statement being
sent to the Speaker of the Turkish Parliament at this point in time --
the statement that has been made back in July?
MR. BURNS: I think I've given you a good answer to your question,
with all due respect. I think that we have shown that we are interested
in Turkish democracy; that we are not involving ourselves in the
internal debates within Turkey's democracy; that we are not favoring one
political party over another. We have great respect for the Turkish
political system and the Turkish people. We wouldn't do that.
Everything that Ambassador Gross did was consistent with everything I've
just said.
Q On Syria -- take a question on Syria?
MR. BURNS: Sure.
Q Yesterday, there was a report that the Secretary had sent a
very strongly worded memo to the American Embassy in Damascus,
reflecting Syrian support of terrorism acts and problems at the airports
in New York. Can comment on that?
MR. BURNS: I answered this question yesterday. What I said in
beginning the answer was that I don't think it's a very good practice
for me to comment upon documents that were leaked to the news media, so
I did not comment on it. I did say very, very generally that we do take
seriously any threats to American citizens anywhere.
We have conveyed that message on a variety of occasions to many
different groups, in the Middle East in this case, and that was a good
thing to do, and I have nothing further to say on that particular issue.
(The briefing concluded at 2:13 p.m.)