From: hristu@arcadia.harvard.edu (Dimitrios Hristu)
Monday, August 14, l995
Briefer: David Johnson
Lake Trip/Holbrooke Follow Up ............................1-2,5-7,9-11
--Report re: Lake-Kozyrev Mtg. ...........................10
Contact Group Map and Plan as Basis for Negotiations .....2-4,6
--Enforcement of Peace Plan ..............................7
Report of Izetbegovic Rejection of Goradze Proposal ......3
Proposal for International Conference ....................3,10
Situation in Sarajevo ....................................4
--U.S. Embassy Vehicle Fired Upon ........................4-5
Humanitarian Situation
--Refugees from Krijina into Serbia ......................6
--Delay of Airlift to Banja Luka .........................6
--UNHCR Emergency Airlift into Belgrade ..................6-8
--Situation in Bihac .....................................6
--Reports of Plans to Send Krajina Refugees to Kosovo ....8-11
--Reports of Atrocities in Knin area .....................11
--Reports of Serb Authorities Blocking Male Refugees .....11-12
Alleged Disappearances in Turkish Prisons ................9
DPB #120
MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 1995, 1:13 P. M.
MR. JOHNSON: Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome back, Carol. It's
such a pleasure to see you. I don't have any statements to make. Mr.
Schweid, do you wish to open?
Q Sure. Let's try an unusual subject -- the Balkans. You have
now State Department people, etc., in the area. We were told that
basically, fundamentally the plan hadn't changed. Is that still true
and, if it's still true, why do you think you could sell an old plan
where you couldn't before? Is it the atmosphere that's changed?
MR. JOHNSON: I think there are a couple of points that I would
make. The ideas that the United States have been exploring with its
allies and partners in Europe -- and now is taking to the region to talk
to the combatants about -- are based on and proceed from the Contact
Group Plan, but we believe that the change in circumstances on the
ground has provided us with an opportunity that we should seek to take
advantage of, and that is exactly what we're trying to do.
As you alluded, Assistant Secretary for European and Canadian
Affairs Richard Holbrooke is now leading a team which will go to Zagreb,
Sarajevo and Belgrade to build on what we believe was a successful trip
which was headed by National Security Adviser Lake and Under Secretary
Tarnoff. We spoke with our partners and allies that were active in the
Balkan peace process, particularly our Contact Group partners.
Q Have they covered any of that ground yet?
MR. JOHNSON: Have they covered any --
Q Have they made any of those stops yet?
MR. JOHNSON: No. Assistant Secretary Holbrooke arrived in London
only this morning.
Q How is Turkey active in the peace effort?
MR. JOHNSON: Turkey is a NATO ally of the United States, a very
important country. They asked if National Security Adviser Lake could
make a stop on his trip to the region and discuss with them the efforts
that the United States was undertaking to reinvigorate the process of
seeking to find a durable diplomatic solution in the Balkans. We did
have some good discussions, I believe, there, both with the Prime
Minister and with several of her advisers.
Q Do they have plans to talk to the Bosnian Serbs at all?
MR. JOHNSON: I'm unaware of any plans to talk to anyone other than
the leaders of the governments in the three capitals that I mentioned.
Q Are you saying, then, that the Bosnian Serbs are no longer
parties to the negotiations?
MR. JOHNSON: I'm only saying that on this trip, at this time, the
stops that are planned by Assistant Secretary Holbrooke and his team are
in Zagreb, Sarajevo and Belgrade.
Q Is it fair to say that the Map will have to be redrawn?
MR. JOHNSON: I think it's fair to say that the Map, as we have
said over several months, is the basis for the negotiations -- it's not
necessarily the end point -- and so I think that there's always been the
possibility of some changes to the Map that would be negotiated by the
parties, but we continue to believe that the Map and Plan is the basis
and the starting point for those negotiations.
Q And has Lake's team -- and now will Holbrooke's team -- talk
about specific changes, proposed changes?
MR. JOHNSON: I'm not going to be able to get into the details of
what their discussions are going to be and how they're going to see if
they can take advantage of this new dynamic, to see if they can move
this process forward. We have had an opportunity to talk to our
partners and allies, and now we're trying to use that as a springboard
and talk to those who are combatants and try to move the process
forward. But we've been successful so far, I believe, in having those
discussions remain diplomatic ones, and we think that they're more
likely to bear fruit if we deal with the parties rather than through the
Q There's been some reporting that Izetbegovic has rejected
what the reporting suggests is the U.S. proposal to trade Gorazde. Can
you speak to that at all?
MR. JOHNSON: I cannot. I've seen the report that you refer to.
It's our hope to have meetings with all of the combatants, including the
representatives of the Government of Sarajevo, the Bosnian Muslims, and
see if we can come to some next steps in trying to move this process
forward. But I'm not going to be able to get into the details of what
those discussions are going to be.
Q And how about your position on an international conference,
which seems to be gaining some currency? The Germans today came out and
said they would go along with it.
MR. JOHNSON: I think we've been saying for several days now that
an international conference could play a role, but that it's not
something that we're featuring. In terms of what we're pushing
publicly, what we're trying to do is to take advantage of the
opportunities that Mr. Lake's and Tarnoff's meetings have given us and
build on those with the parties in the region, and we don't want to talk
about what specific proposals and what specific methods and tools might
be most effective in bringing this conflict to a close.
Q David, can we, on the Map point -- the map, two senses --
split 51/49 and then, of course, the way things are drawn. Is 51/49
fixed and your reference or your suggestions of flexibility go to within
that arrangement, or is 51/49 also a flexible concept?
MR. JOHNSON: I think we've said all along that the Contact Group
Map and Plan has to be the basis for the negotiations and the starting
point, but we were not and have never, in my correct recollection, said
that what the magic end point would be.
Q So you want your remark to apply to both 51/49 and the
details of those two sectors?
MR. JOHNSON: We want it to apply to the Contact Group Map and
Plan, that it would be the basis for the negotiations, and that the
parties themselves could make other arrangements, building on that as
the starting point.
Q Does the State Department feel the Serbs and now the Bosnian
Serbs are now entitled to more than 49 percent because they've managed
to take over two Muslim enclaves and in the process, of course, killed
thousands of people?
MR. JOHNSON: I'm not going to react directly to your provocations.
Q Well, leave the last part if you want. I mean, is the
reality such that they now have to have a majority of the country,
because 49 is less than a majority.
MR. JOHNSON: The reality is such that, as we have said for months
now, that the Contact Group Map and Plan would be the basis and the
starting point for any negotiations, and the parties themselves would
work out the details and make such changes as they thought appropriate.
Q Let me ask you one thing, and then I'll get off, on Sarajevo,
and to be honest with you it's all because I, too, think you're trying
to swap Gorazde for a firmer Muslim control of Sarajevo.
Could you tell us without addressing that, which you won't, what
the Sarajevo situation is right now? Are the Muslims in control of
Sarajevo? Do they have now enough surrounding territory so that as far
as you folks can figure out, their retention of the capital of whatever
this country remains, is viable?
MR. JOHNSON: I would say that it would be difficult for me to say
what would be viable in terms of situations on the ground. They're very
fluid. They've changed a remarkable amount just over the last eight or
ten days in other parts of the area where this conflict is taking place,
and I'm not in a position to give you a military assessment of whether
or not the current hold that the Bosnian Government has on the territory
in Sarajevo and surrounding it is such that it would be durable.
I would note as an example of the type of things that can happen
that a vehicle that belongs to our Embassy in Sarajevo was fired upon
near the airport today, and it was an armored vehicle, and it was
damaged, but there were no injuries. So I think to assess that holds or
control of territory or anything like that was durable and lasting, in
the absence of a peace agreement which was agreed by all the parties, is
not something I'd be in a position to say.
Q Let's get to the vehicle. Was it occupied?
Q And who by?
MR. JOHNSON: Some employees of our Embassy, including, I believe -
- I'll see if I can get clarification on this one -- one United States
Foreign Service Officer. But there were no injuries. There was some
damage to the vehicle.
Q And who shot it up?
MR. JOHNSON: I'm not sure that we know.
Q Do you know what kind of weaponry was used?
MR. JOHNSON: I do not.
Q It still puzzles me. You said the Holbrooke team is going on
to speak to all the combatants, but they won't be speaking to the
Bosnian Serbs. Are the Bosnian Serbs no longer regarded as --
MR. JOHNSON: I think I said to speak to the combatants, and their
stops would be -- I did not attempt to give you an inclusive listing of
all of them. But it's our belief that the people that we need to talk
to, at least in this round, and to have discussions with and to see if
we can come to terms with, in terms of reinvigorating this process, are
the ones that they are going to be talking to.
Q Where is he going besides the three capitals?
MR. JOHNSON: That's all I've got for you in terms of his stops.
Q But there are possible other stops?
MR. JOHNSON: I don't have an end date for him to return to the
United States. My understanding is he's going to go to these three
capitals. Whether or not he goes to other places in Europe or confers
with others before he returns, I think at this point is a little
Q So you wouldn't rule out a stop in Moscow?
MR. JOHNSON: Neither would I rule it in.
Q Does he plan one stop in each of the capitals, or will he be
shuttling back and forth?
MR. JOHNSON: At this point I think I'll leave it where I have it.
There are obvious security implications to travel around in that area,
and I don't want to be terribly specific about where he's going and the
order in which he's traveling and how long he's going to be, and things
like that.
Q David, there are a number of reports that the United States
is prepared to be more generous with Serbia on lifting sanctions. Can
you tell us what the thinking in this Department is right now on lifting
and easing of sanctions with cooperation with the War Crimes Tribunal?
MR. JOHNSON: I don't believe it's changed. We've been working
over a number of weeks -- excuse me, months -- trying to come up with an
equitable package which would include the suspension of sanctions for
Belgrade in exchange for the recognition of Bosnia-Herzegovina. There
are various aspects of that that are still being worked, but it hasn't
been removed from the table.
Q Is there any linkage any longer with cooperation with the War
Crimes Tribunal?
MR. JOHNSON: I believe this same linkage that there's always been.
I don't believe there's been any change in that.
Q David, could you please give us an update on the humanitarian
MR. JOHNSON: In terms of refugees, is I think where I'll base that
from. The refugees from the Krajina continue to flow into Serbia. An
estimated 60-80,000 are reported to have entered Serbia since August 7.
The ICRC reports that the first airlift to Banja Luka was still being
delayed because the warring factions could not agree on opening the
airport. That airlift is intended to carry emergency supplies.
The UNHCR has begun an emergency airlift into Belgrade to build a
4,000-ton reserve. It began on August 11, and has already flown six
sorties for a total of 180.5 metric tons.
In terms of what's going on in Bihac, Embassy Zagreb personnel have
visited Bihac on August 11. There are currently about 40,000 displaced
persons in the Bihac pocket. Only one convoy has arrived in the area
over the past 13 months, and only a small amount of assistance has
arrived since the liberation of the Bihac area.
An estimated 20,000/30,000 refugees from the Bihac pocket are on
the road in Croatia. UNHCR and ICRC are trying to provide assistance to
these refugees.
Q Do you have any notion of a displacement, the Serbs being --
what sort of displacement? Serb refugees going into Serbia, being given
the homes of non-Serbs -- is this going on? And will this be something
that Holbrooke will take up with your new -- I guess you're not --
consider him more reliable in the past -- Mr. Milovsevic?
MR. JOHNSON: His principal goal when he goes to visit Belgrade is
to talk about trying to take advantage of the new situation to see if we
can create a durable peace. I'm sure he's also going to be talking
about the refugee situation, but I don't have the kind of detail that
you refer to.
Q Given that you can't talk about what the United States is
proposing at this point, could you give us an idea of how the United
States would propose to police or enforce any settlement that is reached
through this new plan?
MR. JOHNSON: Nothing beyond what we've said over several years,
that we would be able and willing to contribute to the enforcement of a
peace plan that would be agreeable among all the parties. But beyond
that, I can't take you.
Q David, would the United States rely on the United Nations, as
they have now, to conduct that peacekeeping operation?
MR. JOHNSON: How that would be organized and what sort of
international organizations we would rely on and how we would work with
our allies and partners is something which is conceivably the subject of
these negotiations, and I'm not going to foreclose any method which
would make sense.
Q How concerned are you that the Serbs might use this
humanitarian stockpile that you're building in Belgrade for their own
purposes? Do you have any special controls on it, given the fact that
they're still under sanctions and obviously hurting?
MR. JOHNSON: It's under the control of the ICRC and other
international organizations. You also have to keep in mind that it is
humanitarian goods; it's not any sort of strategic goods. It's not the
type of material which would be useful for an army except perhaps to
feed it. We believe, given the gravity of the humanitarian situation on
the ground, this is something that should be undertaken.
Q My concern was not so much that it be used for the army, but
even just to relieve the deprivations of the general public. Milosevic
could, if he siphoned off enough of this stuff, I presume, could help
himself politically among his own people.
MR. JOHNSON: You could perhaps infer that if that were done, but
he's also faced with a tremendous refugee stream he has to provide for
and feed as well. I find it hard to think how he would juggle improving
one's lot while dealing with the other.
Q So you think the risk of him using this stuff for his own
purposes is minimal?
MR. JOHNSON: I think the risk is worth it given the humanitarian
challenges that we have to face there.
Q David, there was some concern last week that the Belgrade
Government would send refugees into Kosovo and displace the ethnic
Albanians who are currently living there. Has that, in fact, happening?
MR. JOHNSON: We continue to hear reports about plans to do that.
I don't have anything for you on actual arrival of refugees from the
Krajina or other areas in Kosovo. We made clear before that we believe
that would be unnecessarily provocative, that Kosovo is a very tense
area, as it is. Introducing populations of non-Albanian origin or non-
ethnic Albanian origin is the type of thing which could set off a chain
reaction which we believe is not in the interest of any party.
Q (inaudible)
MR. JOHNSON: Excuse me?
Q But you know there are 60,000/80,000 refugees?
MR. JOHNSON: We know there are 60,000/80,000 refugees --
Q But you don't think any -- but maybe a negligible number is
settling in Kosovo?
MR. JOHNSON: No. I'm only saying that I'm unable to confirm that
any have arrived in Kosovo.
Q I guess my problem is -- I don't want to beat it -- but if
your 60/80 is more than just a figure that appears, of course, in print
and is widely believed --
MR. JOHNSON: It represents human beings.
Q I understand that. If the State Department literally is
clocking refugee movements in any way, it would strike me that you'd not
only know the number, you would know where they're going.
You raised before -- you decided to really put your faith, I guess,
in Milosevic. You see where I'm going here. Last week, the State
Department was aggravated by the possibility that the Serbs had up their
sleeve one more event and that being displacing the people in Kosovo
with Serb refugees.
MR. JOHNSON: We continue to be concerned --
Q Alright. But you say there are 60,000/80,000 people going to
Serbia but you don't know any of them going to Kosovo. I have problems
with that.
MR. JOHNSON: We have heard there's the intention to take some to
Kosovo. What I can't confirm is if any have arrived in appreciable
numbers. That's the distinction I was trying to draw. Forgive me for
being --
Q No, I'm sorry.
Q What is the U.S. position on that movement?
MR. JOHNSON: I just, I thought, made clear that our position was
that would be unnecessarily provocative. It's a very tense area. We do
not believe it helpful to introduce non-Albanian ethnic populations into
Kosovo in an attempt to change the ethnic makeup of the area.
Q When you spoke of Tony Lake's mission to Turkey, maybe you
want to send me to the White House with a question. Do you happen to
know of disappearances in Turkish prisons? Just the other day there
were reports the Turkish Government would make a new effort to make sure
prisoners don't, sort of, vanish from the face of the earth; a better
accounting system.
Do you happen to know if that human rights issue -- I'm looking for
human rights issues even while you folks are involved with your friends
and your new friends. Was that on Tony's agenda, do you know?
MR. JOHNSON: His focus was on the efforts that he was undertaking
to consult with friends and partners and allies about the peace efforts
we're undertaking in the Balkans. He may have talked about other
subjects, but I don't have anything to confirm that for you.
Q When does Davis, Lake, and Tarnoff get back to Washington?
MR. JOHNSON: I believe Mr. Lake arrives sometime today, but I'd
refer you to the White House for an exact itinerary.
Q Is Tarnoff --
MR. JOHNSON: He's already back.
Q Already back?
Q Can I follow on the Lake mission, please?
MR. JOHNSON: Just a minute. Let me clear something up. He
arrived back over the weekend for some previously scheduled engagements.
Q David, there's an AP wire reporting that the Lake-Kozyrev
meeting had narrowed differences between Russia and the United States.
The first question would be, what was narrowed that you can tell us
And, secondly, Kozyrev says that both sides want to put together a
summit of the Presidents of Serbia, Croatia, and Bosnia. Yeltsin wants
to do that, and be the mediator in Moscow. Is that alright with us?
And then the third, back to Jim's question. Why are the Bosnian
Serbs being left out of all of this?
MR. JOHNSON: I'll try to do those in reverse order. I've
addressed that Mr. Holbrooke's trip is going to be to talk to the three
governments in the three cities where he is traveling. I don't have
anything for you beyond that. I don't rule out any meeting with others
at some point in the future, but that's not planned right now.
I've also said that a parley of some sort, a summit, some other
type of convocation could play a role in bringing about a durable,
peaceful settlement to the conflict in the Balkans. But, finally, in
terms of narrowing differences or meeting minds or anything like that,
I'm not going to describe the nature of our interchange with the various
partners and allies with whom Mr. Lake and others have met, until we've
concluded this process and we're in a better position to describe how
we've gotten to where we are.
Q I understand that, but would we support a summit in Moscow
headed or moderated by Mr. Yeltsin?
MR. JOHNSON: I think that falls under the rubric of what I just
said, and I'm not going to get into it.
Q To what extent have you leaned on Milosevic to not transfer
any of these refugees -- thousands, tens of thousands of refugees -- to
MR. JOHNSON: We've made our position very clear to the authorities
in Belgrade. I'm not sure exactly how we've done that. I'll see if I
can get you some more detail on that.
Q Have you told him that lifting the sanctions would in any way
be tied to his behavior in this regard?
MR. JOHNSON: I'll see if I can give you some detail on that, but I
have a feeling that's going to get into the nature of some of the other
things we're talking that we're not going to be able to explore right
Yes, Betsy.
Q Do you all have any reports on atrocities by Croatians in the
Knin area? I've heard rumblings of there may be some mass graves on a
smaller scale than the Serbs did in Srebrenica but that there may be
some incidents.
MR. JOHNSON: I'm unaware of anything that's been described as
"mass graves." I know that there were some absence of civil behavior.
There were some alleged massacres of small numbers of people late last
week. I think on Friday I made clear that we had made our displeasure
know to the Croatians, and our expectation that anyone who had been
involved in those types of activities would be disciplined.
Q Has there been any response to this from the Croatian
MR. JOHNSON: They responded that they would see that they were
dealt with properly, but I don't know anything more concrete than that.
Q David, did Dick Holbrooke have to cut his vacation short for
this new diplomatic initiative?
MR. JOHNSON: I'm unaware of exactly when he was planning to start
work, but I think it's a decent inference to say he might have had to
trim it just a few hours, at the very least.
Q There are reports that the Serbian authorities are blocking
the border for refugees -- male refugees -- coming from Krajina in order
to get them forced to enlist in the Bosnian Serb army. Do you have any
position on that?
MR. JOHNSON: We are in the process of making clear to all
concerned that we believe these displaced persons should be treated like
the refugees that they area, and that that's inconsistent with
international law in terms of treatment of refugees.
Q So they should be treated --
(The briefing concluded at 1:47 p.m.)