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Anadolu Agency: News in English, 98-01-19Anadolu Agency: News in English Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Anadolu Agency Home Page at <>19 JAN 1998CONTENTS
[01] TURKEY-PRESS SCANThese are some of the leading stories in Turkey's press on Jan 19, 1998. Anadolu Agency does not verify these stories and does not vouch for their accuracy. You will find better detailed summaries of major news reports in a few hours.HÜRRÝYET (LIBERAL) PARTNERS DISCUSS SUSURLUK REPORT 1-Bribe given to Tourism Ministry to open a gambling house. 2-Keeping black money flow secret by public banks from Central Bank. 3-Links of police officials and several bureaucrats with Susurluk scandal. MÝLLÝYET (LIBERAL)ANNULMENT THAT DISAPPOINTS WELFAREThe Constitutional Court annuled the second part of Article 103 of the Code on Political Parties in order to harmonize the Code and the Constitution before it closed the Welfare Party. The annulment which has not been disclosed yet will be explained to the public soon. The Welfare Party will not be able to benefit from the article as an internal legal source when it applies to the European Commission of Human Rights. Besides, the discussion regarding closure of political parties has ended by this annulment. SABAH (LIBERAL)STATE SECURITY COURT WAITS FOR ERBAKANAnkara State Security Court Prosecutor Nuh Mete Yuksel opens the file that was brought three years ago against Necmettin Erbakan who had earlier said ''will transition to just order be smooth or bloody?'' Yuksel said ''as the Welfare Party is closed, the file in the parliament will be given to us and the trial process will start.'' CUMHURÝYET (LEFT)NEW KARDAK GAME OF ATHENSGreece aims to set up ''bird watching center'' within the framework of European Union (EU) Environmental Program in 14 islets of Aegean. Turkey warned EU not to take steps that will cause more problems in Aegean. RADÝKAL (LEFT)CHP: ''YILMAZ AIMS NEW FORMATIONS''The Republican Peoples Party (CHP) criticized Prime Minister Mesut Yýlmaz before the Leaders Summit. CHP Deputy Leader Adnan Keskin claimed that Yýlmaz aims new formations which will not neccessiate the support of CHP to the government and he met Erbakan to this end. ''I hope these bargains made behind the close doors to be useful for Turkey,'' said Keskin ironically. ZAMAN (CONSERVATIVE)NEW PERIOD WITH ARABSForeign Minister Ismail Cem, who prepares to open a new page with Arab countries, critized Turkish foreign policy towards Arabic countries. YENÝ YÜZYIL (LIBERAL)SHOW OFFThe Welfare Party members and supporters were all in the streets in Istanbul last night. The crowd which welcomed Erbakan caused traffic jam in airport. Passangers had difficulty to enter the airport due to traffic jam. FINANSAL FORUM (ECONOMY)''BLACK HOLES'' INCREASE INFLATIONPresident Suleyman Demirel gave a statement to Finansal Forum and said ''the budget, costs of State Economic Enterprises (KIT), social security institutions and agricultural insurance increase inflation in Turkey.'' [02] LE MONDE EN BREF- LUNDI 19 JANVIER 1998Irak-ONU BAGDAD - Le chef de la Commission de l'ONU chargée du désarmement de l'Irak (UNSCOM), Richard Butler, entame lundi une mission difficile à Bagdad où il doit notamment discuter de l'inspection des palais présidentiels et de la composition des équipes de l'UNSCOM. Le président Saddam Hussein a menacé de lui fixer un délai de six mois pour en finir avec les inspections et a donné le feu vert à une mobilisation populaire pour mener "une grande guerre sainte (Jihad) pour la levée de l'embargo". USA-Irak-ONU WASHINGTON - Le secrétaire d'Etat américain Madeleine Albright a rejeté dimanche les menaces formulées par le président irakien Saddam Hussein pour obtenir la levée de l'embargo contre son pays, réaffirmant qu'il devait d'abord accepter l'inspection de tous ses sites militaires par les inspecteurs de l'ONU. "Nous sommes parvenus à maintenir ces sanctions pendant sept ans et nous les maintiendrons jusqu'à ce que Saddam Hussein remplisse ses obligations", a-t-elle ajouté sur la chaîne de télévision NBC. Irak-embargo BAGDAD - Un million et demi d'Irakiens, dont 1,2 million d'enfants, sont morts en sept ans du fait de "l'obstination des Etats-Unis" à maintenir l'embargo imposé à l'Irak, selon le ministre irakien de la Santé Oumid Medhat Moubarak. L'embargo a été qualifié dimanche de "génocide programmé" et de "l'arme la plus lâche qui existe au monde" par le président de l'organisation non-gouvernementale française Equilibre. Israël-Palestiniens GAZA - Les Palestiniens ont brandi dimanche la menace d'un nouveau soulèvement populaire à quelques jours des rencontres américano-israélienne et américano-palestinienne à Washington, censées redonner vie au processus de paix bloqué depuis dix mois. Le président de l'Autorité palestinienne Yasser Arafat a averti qu'une nouvelle Intifada (soulèvement) pourrait se déclencher si le processus de paix ne se débloquait pas. USA-Israël-Palestiniens WASHINGTON - Le président américain, Bill Clinton, va tenter cette semaine de convaincre les leaders israélien et palestinien de respecter strictement leurs engagements mutuels, mais la Maison Blanche ne nourrit pas d'espoirs démesurés sur l'issue de ces entrevues. M. Clinton recevra mardi le Premier ministre israélien, Benjamin Netanyahu, puis jeudi le président de l'Autorité palestinienne, Yasser Arafat. Algérie-UE ALGER - L'Algérie doit accueillir lundi une visite de la délégation de la troïka européenne (Grande Bretagne, Luxembourg et Autriche) et devrait s'employer à faire passer le message de la nécessité d'une coopération plus efficace contre le "terrorisme". Cette mission de vingt-quatre heures doit explorer "la question de savoir si et comment l'Europe peut aider à combattre le terrorisme", a expliqué le secrétaire au Foreign Office, Robin Cook, dont le pays préside pour six mois l'UE. Jordanie-Irak AMMAN - Six Irakiens, dont le numéro deux de l'ambassade à Amman, et deux Egyptiens ont été tués à l'arme blanche dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche alors qu'ils se trouvaient dans la villa d'un riche Irakien. Les auteurs de l'attaque seraient "quatre ou cinq Irakiens" selon le témoignage de l'unique rescapée, une domestique hospitalisée dans un état critique. Irak-Jordanie BAGDAD - L'Irak a décidé dimanche de libérer immédiatement tous les prisonniers jordaniens, une mesure susceptible d'améliorer ses relations avec Amman, tendues depuis l'exécution de quatre Jordaniens à Bagdad. L'annonce de la libération des prisonniers jordaniens constitue un facteur d'apaisement après l'assassinat d'un diplomate irakien de haut rang et sept autres personnes dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche à Amman. GB-Irlande-Ulster LONDRES - Le Premier ministre Tony Blair va de nouveau recevoir lundi à Downing Street les responsables de l'aile politique de l'IRA, qui vient de rejeter le plan de paix anglo-irlandais, laissant planer une menace d'obstruction sur les négociations de paix sur l'Irlande du Nord. Cette nouvelle rencontre à Londres entre Gerry Adams, le leader du Sinn Fein et Tony Blair, intervient un mois après leur première entrevue historique à Downing street. Bosnie-Serbes PALE (Bosnie-Herzégovine), 18 jan (AFP) - Les ultranationalistes serbes bosniaques ont rejeté dimanche l'élection, dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche, d'un nouveau gouvernement de la Republika Srpska (RS) par les partisans de la présidente de l'entité serbe Biljana Plavsic. "Une sorte de coup d'état a été commise, un gouvernement a été désigné et élu en vitesse ce qui en aucun cas ne correspond à la volonté politique de l'électorat serbe", a déclaré M. Aleksa Buha, chef du groupe du Parti démocratique (SDS) ultranationaliste. Pape-cardinaux CITE DU VATICAN - Pour la septième fois depuis le début de son pontificat, en 1978, le pape a annoncé dimanche Place Saint- Pierre au Vatican, la convocation d'un consistoire pour le 21 février où seront "créés" 22 nouveaux cardinaux dont deux "en secret". Ces 22 nouveaux cardinaux portent à 124 le nombre de cardinaux âgés de moins de 80 ans et donc susceptibles d'élire le pape lors d'une réunion du Sacré Collège en conclave dans la chapelle Sixtine. Jusqu'à présent, une règle, adoptée par le pape Paul VI, fixait à 120 le nombre maximum de cardinaux pouvant élire un pape. France-UE-Euro PARIS - Plusieurs milliers de personnes ont manifesté dimanche à Paris, à l'appel du parti communiste et du Mouvement des Citoyens (MDC) du ministre de l'Intérieur Jean-Pierre Chevènement, pour réclamer un référendum sur l'euro et le traité d'Amsterdam. France-Chômeurs PARIS - Les chômeurs français ont maintenu la pression dimanche, au lendemain d'une journée d'action nationale, en poursuivant l'occupation de la prestigieuse Ecole normale supérieure (ENS) à Paris ainsi que d'une vingtaine de lieux publics à travers le pays. USA-Clinton WASHINGTON - Bill Clinton a maintenu dimanche un silence total au lendemain d'un extraordinaire face à face de six heures avec la femme qui l'accuse de harcèlement sexuel, Paula Jones, alors que les avocats de celle-ci voyaient dans la déposition sous serment du président des Etats-Unis "un grand jour pour l'Amérique". USA-Cuba-pape WASHINGTON - Les Etats-Unis ont affirmé dimanche compter sur le pape Jean Paul II pour aborder la question des droits de l'homme lors de sa visite historique cette semaine à Cuba, qualifiant celle-ci de "très importante". "Il a visité des pays communistes et les effets ont toujours été très importants", a affirmé Mme Albright, sur la chaîne de télévision NBC. Cuba-pape LA HAVANE - L'Union des jeunes communistes de Cuba (UJC) a appelé dimanche ses 522.186 militants à suivre les déplacements et à "écouter le message" du pape Jean Paul II, attendu sur l'île mercredi. SierraLeone-Kamajors FREETOWN - Quelque 30 personnes ont été tuées samedi lors de violents combats au cours desquels la ville diamantifère de Tongo Field (est) est tombée aux mains d'un millier de Kamajors, chasseurs traditionnels hostiles à la junte au pouvoir en Sierra Leone, a-t-on appris dimanche de sources militaires à Freetown. [03] TURKEY-GERMANY - BAVARIA INTERIOR MINISTER BECKSTEIN: ''PKK IS ABSOLUTELY A TERROR ORGANIZATION'' - STATE MINISTER SAHIN: ''ORGANIZATION WHICH CAN NOT ACT IN TURKEY, TRIES TO ACT ABROAD''BONN, Jan 19 (A.A) - Bavaria State Interior Minister Gunther Becksten said on Sunday that he did not share the views of German Chief Prosecutor Kay Nehm regarding the sparatist terrorist organization, adding that PKK is absolutely a terror organization.State Minister Refaiddin Sahin, who holds contacts in Germany, met Bavaria Interior Minister Gunther Beckstein at Turkish Consulate in Nurnberg. The two ministers took up Turkish-German relations, illegal immigration problem and the statements of German Chief Prosecutor Kay Nehm regarding the separatist terrorist organization. Addressing a statement to the press after the meeting, Beckstein stated that PKK is a terrorist organization, it is not a crime organization. Pointing out that an organization which kills people, kidnaps children and takes money from people in Turkey is a terrorist organization, Beckstein said he did not agree with the statement of Chief Prosecutor in this respect. Beckstein stressed that the terrorist PKK organized the illegal migration, and the PKK ban, which was adopted in 1993 in Germany, will not be lifted in Bavaria state of Germany. State Minister Refaiddin Sahin said in his part that the terror organization is disappearing in Turkey, so it is trying to act abroad and it plans activities in Germany. ''Germany made an agreement with PKK,'' said State Minister Sahin, adding that the organization did not act in Germany for one and a half years. Sahin pointed out that Turkey does not understand why this organization, which is regarded as a terrorist organization by many countries and Turkey, is no longer enlisted as a terrorist organization in Germany. State Minister Sahin, who met representatives of Turkish associations the same day, will return to Turkey on Monday. [04] TURKEY-US-ENERGY - TURKISH SUZER HOLDING AND AMERICAN PACIFICORP SIGN COOPERATION AGREEMENT - ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES MINISTER ERSUMER: ''WE WILL ANNOUNCE THE RESULTS OF GROUP-B ELECTRICITY-DISTRIBUTION TENDER IN NEAR FUTURE''ANKARA, Jan 19 (A.A) - Energy and Natural Resources Minister Cumhur Ersumer said on Sunday that they will announce the results of group-B electricity- distribution tender in near future.Turkish Suzer Holding and American giant energy firm PacifiCorp signed an agreement that foresees a cooperation in the operation of Soma and Orhaneli thermic power plants. Suzer Holding Executive Board Chairman Mustafa Suzer and PacifiCorp Executive Board Chairman Frederick W. Buckman signed the cooperation agreement. Deputy Prime Minister and National Defense Minister Ismet Sezgin, State Minister Isin Celebi, Energy and Natural Resources Minister Cumhur Ersumer and US Secretary of Commerce William Daley also participated in the signing ceremony. Energy and Natural Resources Minister Ersumer said in the signing ceremony that Turkey's energy demand increased ten percent a year, adding that three or 3.5 billion dollars of investment was required for the installation of new energy power plants and 1.5 billion dollars of investment was needed for distribution and reconstruction activities. ''This cooperation agreement again proves that Turkey has a stable and reliable administration,'' Ersumer added. US Secretary of Commerce Daley said in the signing ceremony that the cooperation agreement had a considerable importance as it constituted the first step for Suzer Holding and PacifiCorp's joint investments in future. ''Improvement in economic relations contributes to other relations between two countries'', Daley said. State Minister Isin Celebi before the signing ceremony said that they were open for every kind of economic cooperation with Europe, adding that European Union (EU) had not fulfilled its obligations concerning Turkey in Customs Union (CU) process. Celebi said that they understood that they should consider economic relations in a larger scale, emphasizing that from that perspective, the improvement in relations with the US did not mean that Turkey-EU relations had not been improved. [05] TURKEY-IMF - IMF DELEGATION LED BY TURKISH DESK CHIEF MARTIN HARDY STARTS CONTACTS IN ANKARAANKARA, Jan 19 (A.A) - International Monetary Fund (IMF) Turkish Desk Chief Martin Hardy and the accompanying delegation on Monday started their contacts in Ankara.Treasury Undersecretary Yener Dincmen received Martin Hardy this morning. IMF delegation led by Hardy will hold 15-day contacts in Turkey. IMF delegation came to Ankara after the decision taken during Prime Minister Mesut Yilmaz's official visit to Washington in December 1997. Turkey is expected to call for IMF's and international organizations' support for its programme to struggle against inflation during IMF's contacts in Turkey. A possible agreement concerning IMF's support to the programme is expected to be signed in March. [06] TURKEY-INTERNAL - PRESIDENT DEMIREL: - ''CLOSURE OF POLITICAL PARTY IS NOT A NEW THING'' - ''IT IS IMPOSSIBLE NOT TO FEEL SORRY AT THE CLOSURE OF WELFARE, YET NOBODY HAS THE RIGHT OR PRIVILEGE TO VIOLATE THE LAWS OF TURKISH REPUBLIC''ANKARA, Jan 19 (A.A) - President Suleyman Demirel said on late Saturday on a television programme broadcasted in a private channel that the country is a system of law and ''nobody has the right or privilege to violate the laws of Turkish Republic.''Responding to a question regarding the repercussions of closure of the Welfare Party (RP) in the long run, Demirel said that: ''The closure of a political party is not a new thing neither in Turkey nor in the world. It is possible not to feel sorry at the closure of Welfare Party, yet administrative officials did not shut this political party and there is a court verdict.'' President Suleyman Demirel stressed that if political parties violate the characteristics of secular, democratic, social state which is governed by the rule of law, they can be closed under the Constitution, adding that ''there is no meaning to say that a political party can not be closed, as it is against democracy. The Constitution is binding for everyone. If you wrote Article 68 of the Constitution, the statutes and programmes of political parties can not be in conflict with the independence of state, indivisible integrity of the state with its territory and nation, human rights, equality and principles of state of law, national sovereignty, democratic and secular Republic. Besides, Article 69 of the Constitution foresees that the closure of political parties should be decided by the Constitutional Court after the filing of a suit by the Court of Appeal Chief Public Prosecutor. We have to abide by the Constitution. If Turkish Republic does not implement its laws and its Constitution, this means lack of authority.'' ''We have to respect the verdict of Constitution Court, which is one of the most important institutions of Turkey. The Court will publish its full verdict regarding the closure of Welfare Party soon, and this will clarify the meaning of democracy and the concept of secularism. This will end the discussions regarding the acts that violate secularism. Law develops in other countries by jurisprudence, too,'' said President Demirel. [07] TURKISH PRESS REVIEW (1)These are brief summaries of some of the leading stories in Turkey's press on January 19, 1997. Anadolu Agency does not verify these stories and does not vouch for their accuracy.(Derived from Newsspot of Turkish Directorate of General Press and Information) CONSTITUTIONAL COURT BANS WELFARE PARTY SUMMIT MEETING OF COALITION PARTNERS US TRADE DELEGATION IN TURKEY IMF DELEGATION HOLDS CONTACTS IN ANKARA The delegation is scheduled to hold contacts with Turkish officials by the end of this month. IMF officials will meet Prime Minister Mesut Yilmaz, State Ministers in charge of national economy Gunes Taner and Isin Celebi, and Finance Minister Zekeriya Temizel. /Milliyet/ OIL GIANT AMOCO INVESTS IN ALIAGA, IZMIR PRODI'S STATEMENT (continues) [08] TURKISH PRESS REVIEW (2)These are brief summaries of some of the leading stories in Turkey's press on January 19, 1997. Anadolu Agency does not verify these stories and does not vouch for their accuracy.(Derived from Newsspot of Turkish Directorate of General Press and Information) GERMAN MINISTER: PKK IS A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION ''EVERYTHING CAN BE SOLD IN ISRAEL'' ''WE ARE NOT THE ENEMY OF TURKS'' ''EUROPEAN UNION MUST CHANGE ITS POLICY'' VURAL: ''GERMANY IS IN CONTACT WITH PKK'' Vural added, ''In order to protect its place in Germany, the PKK has decided to act in line with the regulations of the country. However, it should be very well known that the PKK is a terrorist organization. Turkey and Germany need each other and they should protect their mutual interests.'' /Cumhuriyet/ [09] TURKEY IN BRIEF - JANUARY 19, 1998CHICAGO - North American-Canadian Turkish Society Award and Encouragement Committee gave its 1997-awards, it was reported on Monday.Committee gave its ''Medicine Award'' to Dr. Rifat Pamukcu for his discovery of a ''cure for cancer''. The clinics in the US, Israel and France now testing that medicine. Committee gave its ''Promotion Award'' to Turkish businessman Atilla Zindancioglu for his contribution to the promotion of Turkish tourism through commercials brodcasted by CNN and cable-TV channels in Chicago. Committee entitled Golden Horn company with ''Art Award'' on grounds of its contribution to the promotion of Turkish singers in America by putting their CD's into the market. ANKARA - Deputy Prime Minister and National Defense Minister Ismet Sezgin left for Spain on Monday as a guest of Spanish Defense Minister Eduardo Serra Rexach to pay a three-day working visit to this country. Addressing a statement at Esenboga Airport before his departure, Sezgin said that Spain is a country which Turkey is in close cooperation within the framework of NATO, European Union (EU) and bilateral relations. Noting that the lack of political problems between Turkey and Spain constitutes the necessary atmosphere to improve relations, Ismet Sezgin added that this also increases the hopes to further develop the cooperation regarding the joint projects in the field of defense industry. Sezgin pointed out that he will hold contacts with his Spanish counterpart and other high ranking officials to improve the existing cooperation concerning international problems and defense industry field, ''I think this visit will constitute an important starting point before the visit of President Suleyman Demirel to Spain between March 3-5,'' said Sezgin. ANKARA - Parliament Speaker Hikmet Cetin will leave for Crotia on January 20 as the official guest of his Crotian counterpart Vlatko Pavletic, it was reported on Monday. Cetin will then proceed to Bosnia-Herzegovina. Cetin will be received by Pavletic the same day. Cetin will meet Crotian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mate Granic and Prime Minister Zlatko Matesa on January 21. Cetin will be received by Crotian President Franjo Tudjman the same day. Cetin and the accompanying delegation will make observations in Dubrovnik city on January 22. Parliament Speaker Cetin and the accompanying delegation will proceed to Bosnia-Herzegovina the same day. Cetin will visit Turkish Unit in Bosnian Peace Force in Zenica city. Cetin and the accompanying delegation will return to Turkey on January 25. [10] TURKEY-IMF - TREASURY UNDERSECRETARY DINCMEN: - ''WE WILL TAKE UP THE ISSUES OF '1997 AND 1998 BUDGETS' BOTH WITH WORLD BANK AND IMF'' - WORLD BANK DELEGATION IN ANKARAANKARA, Jan 19 (A.A) - Treasury Undersecretary Yener Dincmen said on Monday that they will take up the issues of ''1997-1998 budgets'', ''financial measures'', ''balance and mode of payments'', ''structural reforms'' and ''measures to decrease borrowing'' both with International Monetary Fund (IMF) delegation and World Bank delegation.Dincmen this morning received IMF Turkish Desk Chief Martin Hardy. Dincmen before the meeting said that Hardy and he will draw up the work programme and determine the topics of six-member IMF delegation's 15-day contacts in Ankara. Dincmen said that a five-member World Bank delegation also came to Ankara this morning, adding that they will take up the same issues with World Bank delegation. Martin Hardy before the meeting said that they were pleased with close- relations with IMF member countries. ''Turkish government announced its budget programme. This year's programme foresees a decrease in the inflation by taking it under control. Our contacts in Turkey will have positive effects,'' said Hardy. [11] TURKEY-US - US COMMERCE SECRETARY DALEY IN ANKARA - TURKEY AND US SIGN AGREEMENTS TO DEVELOP TWO INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS - DALEY: ''TURKEY IS A BIG DEVELOPING MARKET''ANKARA, Jan 19 (A.A) - State Minister Isýn Celebi said on Monday that the government and the textile industrialists expect ''abolishment of all textile quotas.''Turkey and US signed agreements to improve two infrastructure projects within the framework of US-Turkish Business Development Council meetings. The first agreement foresees Trade Development Agency to give 345,000 dollars for the feasibility works of railway system that will be constructed in Antalya. The second agreement urges American Eximbank to extend 17,5 million dollars credit for the construction of Ankara Motorway project and Ankara-Gerede Motorway project. Addressing a speech after the signature ceremony, State Minister Celebi said that Turkey has an important strategical status and political effect in the region and also it has rapid economic growth and young population. ''We expect abolishment of textile quotas completely in US markets for Turkish exports and this view is based on the competitive trade policies of Turkey, the customs deal signed with European Union (EU) and limitless trade policies of US with all EU countries including Spain and Portugal,'' said Celebi. Noting that Turkey attributes great importance to privatization programme, Isýn Celebi stated that the value of privatization which will be realized within the coming five years, is approximately 40 billion dollars. Minister Celebi stressed that Southeastern Project creates opportunities for foreign capital in the sectors of hydro-electrical power stations, communication, education, transportation and health. Pointing out that Turkey wishes to develop the existing energy installations, Celebi added that ''new investments are needed in this field and Turkish government has approved the agreement on prevention of reciprocal taxation.'' State Minister Isýn Celebi said that the importation from US in the field of defense industry reached three billion dollars and the two countries should aim a more balanced trade between them. US Commerce Secretary William Daley said in his part that US-Turkish Business Developing Council meetings are important to improve the relations in the field of commerce. Stressing that increasing the living standarts of Turkish people is important to install economic stability and strengthen democracy in Turkey, Daley added that Turkey is an important ally for US. Daley pointed out that the trade volume between the two countries reached five billion dollars last year and American firms attribute importance to Turkey particularly in the field of energy sector. Daley stressed that Turkey is a big developing market, which offers many possibilities for foreign businessmen in the field of energy sector, telecommunication and environmental protection projects. US Commerce Secretary William Daley also visited Transportation Minister Necdet Menzir the same day. Addressing a statement at the meeting, Necdet Menzir stated that he informed the guest minister about transportation and communication projects of Turkey. Menzir stressed that Turkish Telecom will reach its final point in respect of privatization in September at the latest. ''I believe that transportation and communication projects of Turkey will provide benefits both for Turkish and Euroasian people,'' said Daley at the meeting. [12] TURKEY-INTERNAL - PRIME MINISTER YILMAZ, DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER ECEVIT AND DTP LEADER CINDORUK MEET TO EVALUATE ''SUSURLUK REPORT''ANKARA, Jan 19 (A.A) - Prime Minister Mesut Yýlmaz, Deputy Prime Minister and State Minister Bulent Ecevit and Democratic Turkey Party (DTP) leader Husamettin Cindoruk met each other on Monday to evaluate ''Susurluk Report'' which was prepared by Prime Ministry Investigation Council Chairman Kutlu Savas.The three leaders will take up the issue of starting new investigations within the framework of issues which were mentioned in the Susurluk Report and they will also evaluate the recent political developments. The serious dimensions of corruption within the state first came to light in the aftermath of a traffic accident near the town of Susurluk at the end of 1996. [13] TURKEY-US - MEMBERS OF US HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN ANKARA - US DELEGATION VISITS FOREIGN MINISTER CEM AND STATE MINISTER TURKANKARA, Jan 19 (A.A) - Foreign Minister Ismail Cem on Monday received the United States (US) House of Representatives Helsinki Group members.The members of US delegation are John Porter, Steny Hdyer, Ben Cordin and Lourse Slaughter and advisors responsible for human rights issues. The meeting was closed to the press. Following the meeting, the delegation visited State Minister Hikmet Sami Turk responsible for human rights. The delegation will then visit the ex-Democracy Party (DEP) former deputy Leyla Zana in prison. [14] TURKEY-WESTERN THRACE - FOREIGN MINISTRY SPOKESMAN UTKAN: ''GIVING 'HEÝMATLOS' (WITHOUT A COUNTRY) STATUS TO TURKISH ORIGIN PEOPLE CAN NOT BE ACCEPTED'' - ''GREECE IS THE ONLY COUNTRY WHICH DISCRIMINATES AMONG ITS CITIZENS ACCORDING TO THEIR ETHNIC ORIGIN''ANKARA, Jan 19 (A.A) - Foreign Ministry Spokesman Necati Utkan said on Monday that giving ''heimatlos'' (without country) status to Turkish origin people living in Western Thrace, which were earlier deprived of their citizenship by Greece, can not be accepted.Addressing a weekly press briefing, Necati Utkan stated that Greece is the only country which discriminates among its people due to their ethnic origins. ''We think inclusion of such an article on expatriation in Greek law is not suitable for a civilized country,'' said Utkan. Noting that this article is used in order to deprive Turkish origin people from their Greek citizenship, Utkan stressed that ''Turkey wishes Greece to treat Turkish origin people equally with its other citizens without making any discrimination.'' Greece uses a law adopted in the past which gives the state the right to deprive its citizens off citizenship who live abroad for a while by claiming that he/she will not come back anymore. Athens uses this law to deprive Turkish origin people living in Greece off their Greek citizenship when they leave the country for trade, touristic aims or such reasons. [15] TURKEY-GREECE - FOREIGN MINISTRY SPOKESMAN UTKAN: ''INCREASING TERRITORIAL WATERS MORE THAN 6 MILES BY GREECE CAN NOT BE ACCEPTED'' - ''THIS ATTITUTE OF GREECE IS CONTRARY TO BOTH INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND MADRID SUMMIT''ANKARA, Jan 19 (A.A) - Turkey said on Monday that it will never accept Greece to increase its territorial waters more than the legal six miles limit, adding that this is against the international agreements and Madrit Summit that was held between Turkey and Greece.Addressing a press briefing, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Necati Utkan responded to questions regarding the news about the increase of territorial waters from six miles to eight and 10 miles by Greece. Stressing that Greece had earlier determined and declared its territorial waters as six miles, Necati Utkan pointed out that if these news are correct, this can not be accepted. Utkan stressed that implementation of national airspace as 10 miles by Greece is also unacceptable and this implementation is a clear violation of international law. Mentioning the latest statement of US State Department Spokesman James Foley regarding this issue, Necati Utkan said that Foley also said that Greece will violate international law, if it acts like that, adding that national airspace implementation and FIR (Flight Information Region) line are different from each other. Necati Utkan said that the statements of US State Department confirms the views of Turkey and added that ''international law limits national airspace with a line parallel to territorial waters. This means that national airspace of Greece can only be 6 miles. In this respect the implementation of 10 miles airspace by Greece, which is against international law, can be recognized neither by Turkey nor by other states.'' [16] TURKEY-ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS - TURKISH AND ITALIAN OFFICIALS TO CONVENE IN ROME TO TAKE UP THE ISSUE OF ''ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS''ANKARA, Jan 19 (A.A) - Turkish and Italian officials will convene in Rome between January 27-28 to discuss the issue of ''illegal immigrants'', it was reported on Monday.Foreign Ministry Spokesman Necati Utkan said in a press briefing for foreign reporters that representatives of Turkish and Italian security forces will participate in the two-day meetings in which the issues of ''illegal immigrants'', ''bilateral relations'', ''organized crimes'', ''terrorism,'' and ''drug smuggling'' will be taken up. [17] TURKEY IN BRIEF (2) - JANUARY 19, 1998ANKARA - Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Korkmaz Haktanir on Monday received Council of Europe (COE) Deputy Secretary General Christian Kruger.ANKARA - President Suleyman Demirel on Monday received Malawian Ambassador to Nairobi who is also accredited to Turkey Mac Alpine Bywell Mlotha. Mlotha presented his credentials to President Suleyman Demirel in the meeting. ANKARA - Culture Minister Istemihan Talay on Monday returned to Turkey after wrapping up his contacts in Egypt. Pointing out that his contacts in Egypt were very positive, Talay said, ''there is a very effective and important existence of Turkish culture and tradition in Egypt. We are trying to revive and improve this potential by several cultural activities.'' ANKARA - State Minister Hasan Gemici on Monday returned to Turkey after
concluding his official contacts in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
(TRNC). ''TRNC is not alone. Turkey will continue to support TRNC as it has done until today,'' said Gemici, adding that 1998 will be the year during which economic and all social relations between two countries will be further improved. LEFKOSA - Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) President Rauf Denktas on Monday received Canada's Special Representative to Cyprus Michael Bell and Vancouver-Quadrs Region Parliament member and Foreign Affairs Commissionership Secretary Edward Ted McWhinney. [18] TURKEY-US (2) - STATE MINISTER CELEBI: ''IF ECONOMIC STABILITY IS INSTALLED IN TURKEY, POLITICAL ANXIETY WILL ALSO DISAPPEAR'' - US COMMERCE SECRETARY DALEY: ''WE SUPPORT PASSAGE OF OIL PIPELINE VIA TURKEY''ANKARA, Jan 19 (A.A) - State Minister Isýn Celebi said on Monday that if economic stability is installed in Turkey, political anxiety will also disappear.Addressing a speech after the Turkish-US Business Development Council meeting, State Minister Celebi pointed out that the two countries wish to improve their economic and commercial relations. Celebi stressed that Turkey offers perfect opportunities for American businessmen and Turkey comes first among the countries which US has surplus of trade. US Secretary of Commerce William Daley in his part said US extends support to transportation of Caspian oil and natural gas to world markets via Turkey. ''The role of US is not one of mediator, but catalyzer,'' added Daley. Describing European-Asian corridor as a big project, Daley pointed out that this corridor offers new opportunities. ''Turkey is the country which had the highest growth rate among Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries for the last ten years,'' said Daley. Stressing that US likes to play an important role in energy sector of Turkey, Daley said that the energy projects of Turkey will require private and international investment more than eight billion dollars within few years. Daley said that he proposes the models of Build-Operate-Transfer and Build-Operate to Turkey regarding improvement of energy projects. [19] TURKEY-NARCOTICS - VAN NARCOTICS OFFICIALS SEIZE 1.2 TONNES OF HEROIN, 241 KG OF HASHISH, 22 KG OF BASE-MORPHINE, 3 KG OF INDIAN HEMP, 119 KG OF OPHIUM AND 884 LITRES OF ACITANHYDRYDE IN 1997 AND IN FIRST 18 DAYS OF 1998VAN, Jan 19 (A.A) - Security Office and Gendarme Narcotics officials seized 1.6 tonnes of haul and 884 litres of acitanhydryde used to make heroin in 1997 and in first 18 days of this year in Van province, it was reported on Monday.Narcotics officials revealed a drug smuggling link transferring Afghan, Pakistan and Iranian-origin haul to Europe and America in Yuksekova-Baskale- Van triangle called as ''Golden Route''. Afghanistan-Pakistan-Iran triangle is called as ''Golden Crescent'' in drug trafficking. Officials seized totally 1.2 tonnes of heroin, 241 kg of hashish, 22 kg base morphine, three kg of Indian hemp, 119 kg of ophium and 884 litres of acitanhydryde in 1997 and in first 18 days of this year in that route. Security officials arrested 95 people in connection with drug-smuggling after its 16 different operations. Officials said that the haul's domestic market price was 2.5 trillion Turkish Liras (TL) and its foreign market price was eight trillion TL, adding that separatist terrorist PKK organization played an important role in drug-smuggling. [20] TURKEY-US - MEMBERS OF US HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN TURKEY - HEAD OF DELEGATION PORTER: ''IMPROVEMENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN TURKEY IS ENCOURAGING''ANKARA, Jan 19 (A.A) - US House of Representatives Helsinki Group Chairman John Porter said on Monday that the improvement in the field of human rights in Turkey is encouraging.US Helsinki Group delegation met State Minister Sami Turk Responsible from Human Rights. Addressing a statement to the press after the meeting, Porter said that they had the opportunity to examine the progress recorded in human rights by Prime Minister Mesut Yýlmaz during their contacts with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and they support these developments. Describing the meeting as ''constructive and friendly,'' State Minister Turk said that he explained the resolved attitute of the coalition government concerning human rights. Noting that human rights is a universal problem and every country should fulfil its obligations regarding this issue, Turk stated that ''I have explained the delegation the efforts launched by Turkey to be a country where human rights are seriously protected.'' ''For example I told them that we think of annulment of death penalty, but they brought arbitrary execution to the agenda. I submitted the examination report prepared by Interior Ministry regarding these incorrect claims and I told them the realities. They told me that these realities should be heard abroad. In this respect press has an important role, it has also to write about positive developments,'' said Turk. Anadolu Agency: News in English Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |