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HELLENIC LITERATURE SOC. 12/15/95Events DirectoryFrom: GreekBooks@aol.comHELLENIC LITERATURE SOCIETYA newsletter of Greek literature provided bythe H.L.S. A non-profit - P.O. Box 2272, River Vale, NJ 07675Tel. 201-666-7374; Fax 201-664-3402DECEMBER 15, 1995TO SUBSCRIBE TO OUR MAILING LIST PLEASE E-MAIL YOUR FULL NAME AND BOTH YOUR ELECTRONIC & POST OFFICE ADDRESSES (HOME ADDRESS PLEASE). SUBSCRIBERS WILL RECEIVE HARD COPIES OF CATALOGS & BROCHURES OF GREEK LITERATURE, AS WELL AS ELECTRONIC UPDATES. (PLEASE SEND YOUR REQUESTS DIRECTLY TO GREEKBOOKS@AOL.COM; DO NOT POST THEM IN YOUR NEWSGROUP.) ANNOUNCEMENTS* Travel and Study in Greece *The School of Visual Arts in Manhattan will offer a three week tour of ancient Greece through the SVA Department of International Studies in June 1996. Students and travellers throughout the U.S. will have the opportunity to both travel and obtain college credits. For further information about registration contact Joel Garrick, 209 E 23rd Street, New York, NY 10010, 212-592-2011.* Greek Book Exhibit *The Hellenic Literature Society in cooperation with the Hellenic American Educators/UFT announces "GREECE IN PRINT, 1996". This event is the first major Book Exhibit of Greek Literature and Culture in North America. The event will take place on Saturday and Sunday September 21 and 22, 1996 at the United Federation of Teachers Building located at 260 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010."GREECE IN PRINT, 1996" will exhibit a large selection of books (several thousand) printed in both English and Greek. Visitors to the exhibit will have the opportunity to browse and explore a variety of themes such as: art, children's books, classical studies, cookbooks, culture, Greek-American studies, history, language courses, literature & fiction, modern Greek Studies, philosophy, poetry, religion, schoolbooks, travel guides, women's studies, as well as educational and cultural audio and video cassettes and computer software. During the course of this two day exhibition, noted authors and scholars will conduct lectures and workshops on site. This effort will be made a reality through the volunteer efforts of Greeks and philhellenes alike. With the support of all of us the treasures of Greece will be presented for all to share. A lasting gift through the written word. The Board of Directors and the Executive Committee of the Hellenic Literature Society request your support and patronage. We urge you to become part of it. Donations to the Hellenic Literature Society are tax deductible. NEW PUBLICATIONS* English Language *THE GOATHERD AND THE SHEPHERDESS, by L. Hort, illustrated by L. BloomOn an Ancient Greek island, an abandoned boy and girl were raised by two old farm couples. Daphnis peacefully tended his goats, and Chloe quietly cared for the sheep - until romance, pirates, and destiny all intervened. For 2000 years the legend of young Shepherds growing up in harmony with nature and each other has inspired poets and painters, composers and choreographers. Now this magical tale, illustrated with stunning paintings, will inspire new generations of readers. 30 pgs, 9.4x11.3, Cloth, Ages: 4 - 8, $ 16.00 THE GREEK WAY OF DEATH, by Robert Garland NEW VOICES IN THE NATION, by Jane Hart WARFARE IN THE ANCIENT WORLD, by General Sir John Hackett THE WORLD OF ODYSSEUS, by British Museum/BBC * Greek Language *BORORO tou Lenou XrnstidnSto prwto muthistornma tou o Xrnstidns perigrafei ta erga kai hmeres mias pareas tessarwv vearwv filwv. Mia seira apo epeisodia pou ektulissovtai se evav kosmo veaviko, mikroastiko, avtriko. Kevtriko proswpo o Lampros, evas reporter xwris idiaiteres filodoksies, apo tnv optikn gwvia tou opoiou parakolouthoume ta perissotera epeisodia, palaia kai kaivourgia, sth zwh thw pareas. 217 selides, $ 20.25 GAMHLIO DWRO tns Biktwrias Theodorou ENA PAKETO ARWMA tou Gerasimou Devdrivou KAI KSAFNIKA XIONISE XRONIA tou Paulou Kagiou TO KARAMELODENTRO tns Tasoulas D. Tsilmevn BEST SELLERS IN GREECE
GIVE TO YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS, CALENDAR OF EVENTSNovember 5 - January 7 * Baltimore, MD - EXHIBITION. "PANDORA'S BOX:WOMEN IN CLASSICAL GREECE"The first museum show to focus on the lives of women in classical Greece. On display at the Walters Art Gallery, 600 North Charles Street. For further information call (410) 547-9000. November 21 - January 7 * New York, NY - EXHIBITION. "FROM PENTELICON TO THE PARTHENON" Series of drawings by the architect Manolis Korres on display at the Foundation for Hellenic Culture, 7 W 57th Street. For further information call (212) 308-6908. December 16 * New York, NY - POETRY READING Lilly Bita will read excerpts from her latest work at the Cornelia Street Cafe, 6:00 PM. For further information call (212) 989-9318. December 17 * Orange, NJ - MUSICAL PROGRAM Saint Constantine and Helen Church's choir, under the direction of E. James Vardohis, will present a Christmas musical program at 7:00 PM, 510 Linden Place. For more information call (201) 674-6600. January 5-7 * Seattle, WA - SKI RETREAT The Young Adult League Ski Retreat will be held during Epiphany Weekend at Buck Creek Lodge. This year's theme is "Orthodox Christian Stewardship." For more information and registration call Christine or Irene Argue at (206) 232-5905. January 5-22 * Baltimore, MD - TRAVEL-STUDY COURSE ON THE HISTORY OF CRETE. The History department of Towson State University. Involves a trip to Greece. Contact A. Blumfield (410) 830-2911, TSU. Towson MD 21204. January 11 * Cambridge, MA - LECTURE Dr. Guido Magno, author of "The Healing Hand", will speak on "Highlights of Ancient Greek Medicine" at the Greek Institute, 1038 Massachusetts Ave., 8:00 PM, (617)547-4770. January 16 * Cambridge, MA - HELICON SOCIETY LECTURE Professor Ioannis Miaouli, Dean of Engineering, Tufts University, will speak on "Why Girls Shun Science and Math?" at the Greek Institute, 1038, Massachusetts Ave, at 3:30 PM. January 21 * New York, NY - THE HISTORY OF BYZANTINE ART: FROM ICONOCLASM TO THE CRUSADES The Hellenic University Club and Parnassos Greek Cultural Society present Veronica Kalas, Byzantine art historian at NYU Institute of Fine Arts. The Holy Trinity Cathedral 319 E 74th St at 3:30 PM. January 26-February 10 * Boston, MA - CINAMA FESTIVAL The New Greek Cinema Festival will be held at the Museum of Fine Arts, 465 Huntington Ave. For film schedule call (617) 369-3305. February 3-6 * St. Augustine, FL - PILGRIMAGE The 14th annual pilgrimage to St. Photios Greek Orthodox Shrine. For further information and reservations call the St. Photios Foundation at (904) 829-8205. February 8-11 * Silver Creek, CO - CONFERENCE The Denver Diocese Young Adult League Members will host the seventh annual YAL show conference February 8-11, near Rocky Mountain National Park. Keynote speaker will be Rev. Lou Christopoulos dean of Annunciation Cathedral in Houston. His topic will be "Role of the Laity". For more information contact: Diocese of Denver, Office of Youth and Young Adult League Ministries. (303) 333-7794. NOTES* If you would like to contribute feature articles, announce exhibits, events, lectures or any other activities on Greek literature and culture, to be included in this newsletter, please e-mail your material to or mail them to the attention of the H.L.S.* Reviewed books may be purchased through the Greek Book Club of Cosmos Publishing Co., Inc. in cooperation with the Hellenic Literature Society. Members of the G.B. Club are entitled to discounts of 20% to 30% off the publisher's list price without any other obligations. Please send all book purchase requests, or requests for copies of the Greek Book Club's catalog to the H.L.S. * Donations to the Hellenic Literature Society are tax deductible. Funds are used to promote the reading of Greek Literature; to organize Greek literary and cultural events; to endow libraries with books of Greek literature; to create & finance libraries at the schools of the Greek Diaspora; to finance scholarships and fellowships in Greek studies; to assist Greek authors publish their manuscripts; and, award an annual prize for excellence in Greek literature. If we are instructed to direct a donation to the library of a specific institution, books will be inscribed with the name of the donor and will be accompanied by an explanatory letter. * Please advise us if you do not receive the biweekly issues of this newsletter in your private e-mail address, and you wish to continue to do so. We are receiving some "E-mail Undeliverable" notices. We will remove from the mailing list any address for which we receive three consecutive such notices. This newsletter is made possible by the members of the Hellenic Literature Society who have contributed towards its publication, and by the support of: Cosmos Publishing Company - NJ, 201-664-3494: Foundation for Hellenic Culture - NY, 212-308-6908 The GreekAmerican - NY, 718-626-7676: Greek American Women's Network - NJ, 201-944-4127 Hellenic American Educators - NY, 212-777-7502 The Hellenic American Network - NJ, 201-664-3494: HELLENIC LITERATURE SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP - 360 Australia 13 Belgium 1 Brazil 1 Canada 21 Cyprus 1 Denmark 1 Finland 1 France 6 Germany 1 Greece 17 Hungary 2 Ireland 1 Israel 3 Italy 3 Japan 2 Netherlands 1 New Zealand 2 Norway 1 Slovenija 1 Sweden 1 Switzerland 2 Turkey 1 United Kingdom 25 United States 252 |