International Conference for Modern Greek Language in Mexico
From: "News Distribution Manager" <dist@hri.org>
Originally From: Minos Orphanides <minos@logos.cy.net>
The National Autonomous University of Mexico will hold in Mexico City a
conference on Modern Greek language between June 24 and 28, 1996.
The Center for the Teaching of Foreign Languages at the University is
sponsoring the conference, which concerns the teaching and learning of
Modern Greek, in Greece and elsewhere, taking into account recent
advances in teaching methods. The official language of the conference
will be Greek, but English and Spanish contributions will also be welcomed.
The formal close of abstract submission was 30 April. Registration is
$100US ($50 for students). The address for correspondence:
Natalia Moreleon, Apdo. 86-283 Mexico, DF. 14391 Mexico
Fax: 00525-550-3008 - 665-0185
email moreleon@servidor.unam.mx
Inexpensive accommodations are available. Also, Olympic Airways offers
participants a NY-Ath RT fare of 150,000 drx, and Delta offers a fare of
$288 NY-Mexico-NY.