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Athens News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 08-05-15Athens News Agency: Press Review in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Athens News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA
[01] EPISKOPHSH TYPOY THS 15/5/2008Poia qemata kyriarxoyn: H idiwtikopoihsh toy OTE me parallhlh ikanopoihsh ths kybernhshs kai sfodres antidraseis ths antipoliteyshs, kaqws kai h lhjh ths apergias twn bytioforewn.Prwtoselidos basikos titlos: ADESMEYTOS TYPOS: "Aptohtoi oi apergoi apodialyoyn thn Ellada. Th synexish ths paraloghs apergias toys apofasisan oi forthgatzhdes". H efhmerida grafei oti "me benzinh anamenetai na gemisoyn meta apo 9 hmeres ta prathria ygrwn kaysimwn, ystera apo thn apofash twn idiokthtwn bytioforwn na anasteiloyn tis kinhtopoihseis toys". APOGEYMATINH: "Sthn A' kathgoria ths Eyrwphs o OTE. Istoriko bhma gia ton ellhniko organismo o synetairismos me thn Deutsche Telecom". H efhmerida anaferei oti "se ikanopoihtikh timh, kai sygkekrimena 29,75 eyrw ana metoxh, qa pwlhsei to Ellhniko Dhmosio sthn Deutsche Telekom to 3% toy OTE, prokeimenoy na energopoihqei h symfwnia gia th strathgikh symmaxia toy germanikoy kolossoy me ton OTE". H AYGH: "Sto eleos ths Ntoitse Telekom oi thlepikoinwnies ths xwras. Symfwnia paradoshs toy manatzment toy OTE me molis 442 ekat. eyrw". Symfwna me thn efhmerida, "h megalyterh ekpoihsh dhmosias perioysias, poy afora malista ton neyralgiko tomea twn thlepikoinwniwn, apofasisthke xqes kai prowqeitai xwris oysiastikh enhmerwsh gia krisimes leptomereies ths symfwnias". AYRIANH: "Fortwse ton OTE stoys Germanoys prin katanthsei san thn... Olympiakh. Terastia epityxia toy Alogoskoyfh h symfwnia me thn Deutsche Telecom poy epiteyxqhke para thn lyssalea antidrash twn symferontwn kai twn ergatopaterwn". H efhmerida tonizei oti "me shmantika oikonomika ofelh kai pleonekthmata gia to ellhniko Dhmosio se meizona zhthmata eqnikhs shmasias, symbasewn kai emporikwn shmatwn, ekleise xqes h symfwnia me thn D.T. gia thn strathgikh symmaxia ston OTE". TO BHMA: "Oi Germanoi janarxontai. H Diypoyrgikh Epitroph enekrine th symfwnia me thn Deutsche Telekom". H efhmerida grafei oti "enanti 442 ekat. eyrw poy qa eisprajei to Dhmosio apo thn pwlhsh toy 3% twn metoxwn toy OTE stoys Germanoys h kybernhsh ton paredwse xqes mazi me to manatzment toy sthn Deutsche Telekom (DT) prokalwntas qyella antidrasewn sthn antipoliteysh kai sta syndikata". H BRADYNH: "OT-Ekleise h symfwnia. Twra h monografh, meta thn kyrwsh apo th Boylh oi ypografes". H efhmerida epishmainei oti "thn egkrish toy ellhnikoy Koinoboylioy anamenei pleon, prokeimenoy na teqei se isxy, h symfwnia toy ellhnikoy Dhmosioy me thn Deutsche Telecom, h opoia oristikopoihqhke xqes kai me bash ayth o germanikos thlepikoinwniakos kolossos eiserxetai, pleon, sto metoxiko kefalaio toy OTE". EQNOS: "Mpoyrloto sthn agora trofimwn. H kybernhsh palinwdei kai rixnei ladi sth fwtia ths apergias". H efhmerida shmeiwnei oti "anesteilan thn apergia oi bytioforeis (me ejairesh ths B. Elladas), synexizoyn omws oi idiokthtes forthgwn, para ta kroysmata diaspashs poy arxisan na emfanizontai". ELEYQERH WRA: "Enw anakoinwqhke epishma h pwlhsh toy Thlepikoinwniakoy Organismoy sthn Ntoytse Telekom, oi ergazomenoi antidroyn me 24wrh apergia giati thn qewroyn ...TipOTEnia symfwnia". Symfwna me thn efhmerida, "se mparaz kinhtopoihsewn proxwroyn oi syndikalistes toy OTE, liges wres meta thn oristikopoihsh ths symfwnias toy ellhnikoy dhmosioy me thn Deutsche Telekom". ELEYQEROS: "Poso meiwnontai oi syntajeis. Analytikoi pinakes kai paradeigmata basei meleths gia ta Tameia". H efhmerida shmeiwnei oti "dramatikh meiwsh twn syntajewn, h opoia qa fqasei se kapoies periptwseis kai to 70% kai ayjhsh toy orioy hlikias syntajiodothshs ews kai deka xronia qa epiferei h efarmogh twn diatajewn toy neoy asfalistikoy nomoy". ELEYQEROS TYPOS: "Kabgas meta th symfwnia. Metwpo antipoliteyshs kai syndikatwn kata ths kybernhshs gia ton OTE. Ola qa kriqoyn sth Boylh". H efhmerida grafei oti "h symfwnia toy ellhnikoy Dhmosioy me thn Deutsche Telekom gia strathgikh symmaxia ston OTE, poy oristikopoihqhke xqes, allazei to skhniko stis thlepikoinwnies kai prokalei politikes antiparaqeseis poy qa koryfwqoyn sth Boylh, otan teqei pros kyrwsh to teliko keimeno". ELEYQEROTYPIA: "Jepoylhma me 442 ekat. eyrw. OTE: Stoys Germanoys o kolossos me th xrhmatisthriakh ajia 10 dis. eyrw". Sto basiko ths qema h efhmerida epishmainei oti "h kybernhsh paradidei anti pinakioy ton OTE sthn Deutsche Telekom kai dhlwnei eytyxhs, xarakthrizei de th symfwnia ypodeigma, enw h antipoliteysh kai oi ergazomenoi ejapolyoyn mydroys. Qetika apotelesmata apo thn prwth kiolas hmera blepei o germanikos kolossos, poy qewrei ton OTE to neo petradi sto stemma toy". ESTIA: "Rexagkel" apokta o OTE. H xwra xreiazetai jeno manatzment". H efhmerida tonizei oti "einai nwris gia na kriqh an h anakoinwqeisa xqes symfwnia me thn Deutsche Telekom einai h kalyterh dynath poy mporoyse na epiteyxqh gia ton OTE. Omws ena einai bebaio. Oti h Kybernhsis orqws ejexwrhse kai to manatzment toy OTE stoys Germanoys". H KAQHMERINH: "Symfwnia gia ton OTE kai me ellhniko beto. Ikanopoihmenh h kybernhsh. Antidrash ths antipoliteyshs". H efhmerida epishmainei oti "h symfwnia me thn Deutsche Telekom (DT) gia ton OTE "ekleise" me toys Germanoys na kerdizoyn to manatzment toy Organismoy, alla kai to Ellhniko Dhmosio na diathrei dikaiwma beto se strathgikhs shmasias apofaseis". O LOGOS: "Anesteilan thn apergia toys oi bytioforeis. Dixasthkan oi apergoi". Symfwna me thn efhmerida, "thn anastolh ths apergias ths apofasise h Omospondia bytioforewn, wstoso sth Qessalonikh oi idiokthtes bytiwn exoyn diaxwrisei th qesh toys. Thn idia wra, oi idiokthtes forthgwn epimenoyn stis kinhtopoihseis". TA NEA: "Alwsh toy OTE me pente oroys ypotaghs. Oloklhrwqhke to jepoylhma". Sto basiko ths qema h efhmerida shmeiwnei oti "symfwno paradoshs toy OTE stoys Germanoys ypegrace xqes h kybernhsh poylwntas to manatzment toy Organismoy". H NIKH: " Gonikh paroxh stoys Germanoys. Karamanlhs, Alogoskoyfhs dwrisan ton OTE." H efhmerida grafei oti "xwris na exei laikh ejoysiodothsh, h kybernhsh Karamanlh proxwrhse xqes sto jepoylhma toy thlepikoinwniakoy kolossoy ths notioanatolikhs Eyrwphs sthn antagwnistria toy germanikh kratikh etaireia". TO PONTIKI:"Ellas to -galazio- megaleio soy. Ypoqesh OTE. Jepoylhsan aron aron to "fileto" ths xwras." Symfwna me thn efhmerida "gia 442,3 ekat. eyrw ayth h kybernhsh jepoylhse ton OTE metatrepontas mesa se liges wres th xwra se pararthma ths germanikhs epikrateias". RIZOSPASTHS: "Apoce sto Syntagma me to KKE sto dromo ths xeirafethshs kai antepiqeshs. H efhmerida anaferei oti "shmera to brady, oi anqrwpoi toy moxqoy ths Aqhnas, toy Peiraia, ths Attikhs symmetexoyn mazika, maxhtika, sth sygkentrwsh twn Kommatikwn Organwsewn toy Lekanopedioy toy KKE, me thn opoia koryfwnetai h nea poreia toy Kommatos sto lao me thn politikh protash symmaxias kai ejoysias". H XWRA: " Epifylakh sthn Aqhna gia Olympiakoys. Seismoi, tyfwnes, Qibet, anqrwpina dikaiwmata problhmatizoyn th DOE". H efhmerida shmeiwnei oti "to endexomeno na analabei h Ellada gia deyterh synexomenh fora th diorganwsh twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn, efoson h Kina den mporesei na toys pragmatopoihsei logw katastrofikoy seismoy, apasxolei entona thn Aqhna. To qema eteqh sto Dhmotiko Symboylio ths Aqhnas, to opoio elabe ypoch to katastatiko ths Dieqnoys Olympiakhs Epitrophs, poy problepei ayto to endexomeno". City Press: "H Ellada caxnei to dromo ths". Symfwna me thn efhmerida, "se kanonikoys ryqmoys epistrefei apo shmera o anefodiasmos ths agoras me ygra kaysima, kaqws oi idiokthtes bytioforwn apofasisan xqes thn anastolh twn apergiakwn toys kinhtopoihsewn". Metro: "Nea epoxh meta to deal toy OTE. Anakoinwqhke h oristikopoihsh ths symfwnias me thn D.T." H efhmerida tonizei oti "nea dedomena gia ton OTE, alla kai mia nea periodo sthn oikonomia kai sto politiko skhniko, dhmioyrgei h oristikopoihsh ths symfwnias toy Dhmosioy me thn Deutsche Telekom". Metropolis: "Benzinh me ypoqhkh thn odikh asfaleia". H efhmerida grafei oti "xwris ayjhseis sta komistra alla me th desmeysh gia katarghsh twn periorismwn poy isxyoyn sthn kykloforia twn barewn oxhmatwn stis eqnikes odoys "bgainoyn" apo thn apergiakh toys kinhtopoihsh oi idiokthtes bytioforwn". AGGELIOFOROS: "Oi Germanoi janarxontai...OTE: Ta dinei ola h kybernhsh sthn Deutsche Telekom". TYPOS QESSALONIKHS: "Synexizetai o apokleismos twn maqhtwn apo ta sxoleia sto nomo Qessalonikhs". [02] OIKONOMIKOS TYPOSEJPRES: " Pwlhsh 3% toy OTE sta 29,75 ana metoxh. H diypoyrgikh epikyrwse xqes th strathgikh symfwnia toy Organismoy me thn Deutsche Telekom".Sto basiko ths qema h efhmerida epishmainei oti "me timh ta 29,75 eyrw ana metoxh, apo thn opoia prokyptei synoliko ofelos gia to Dhmosio 442,3 ekat. eyrw, qa apokthsei h Deutsche Telekom to 3% toy OTE kai qa symmetexei ws strathgikos symmaxos ston Organismo". HMERHSIA: " Istorikh anatroph me risko. Oi leptes isorropies sto deal OTE- DT. Qyella antidrasewn prokalei h symfwnia kybernhshs - Germanwn". H efhmerida shmeiwnei oti "h polykroth symfwnia poy problepei thn ekxwrhsh toy manatzment toy OTE sthn Deutsche Telekom oloklhrwqhke xqes me th monografh toy telikoy keimenoy. To ellhniko Dhmosio qa pwlhsei to 3% sthn timh twn 29,75 eyrw ana metoxh". KERDOS: "Ta mystika ths symfwnias me toys Germanoys gia OTE. Ti problepei h symbash ths pwlhshs sthn Deutsche Telekom". H efhmerida grafei oti "thn oysiastikh ekxwrhsh toy every day management sth germanikh pleyra, mesw twn yperejoysiwn poy paraxwrei ston dieyqynonta symboylo, problepei to sxedio symfwnias metoxwn, to opoio exei monografei apo to ellhniko Dhmosio kai thn Deutsche Telekom kai egkriqhke xqes apo th Diypoyrgikh Epitroph". NAYTEMPORIKH: "Ekleise h symfwnia me Deutsche Telekom gia OTE. Egkriqhke h pwlhsh toy Organismoy meta apo diapragmateysh dyo mhnwn". H efhmerida tonizei oti "o dromos gia thn plhrh idiwtikopoihsh toy OTE anoije me th symfwnia Dhmosioy-Deutsche Telekom, poy egkriqhke xqes sth Diypoyrgikh. To Dhmosio petyxe ikanopoihtiko timhma gia to 3% twn metoxwn (29,75 eyrw ekasth) enw diasfalizei dikaiwmata beto". Athens News Agency: Press Review in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |