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Athens News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 04-02-17

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From: The Athens News Agency at <>


  • [01] EPISKOPHSH TYPOY THS 17/02/2004
  • [02] Titloi efhmeridwn
  • [03] Kakokairia
  • [04] Dhmoskophseis
  • [05] ND
  • [06] Olympiaka erga
  • [07] PASOK
  • [08] Thleoptikes anametrhseis arxhgwn
  • [09] Kypriako
  • [10] Eklogiko swma
  • [12] Asfalish

  • [01] EPISKOPHSH TYPOY THS 17/02/2004

    Oi dhmoskophseis, h proeklogikh ekstrateia twn kommatwn, oi thleoptikes anametrhseis twn politikwn arxhgwn kai oi katastrofes apo thn kakokairia einai apo ta basika qemata ths eidhseografias toy shmerinoy aqhnaikoy Typoy.

    [02] Titloi efhmeridwn:

    ADESMEYTOS TYPOS (Mhtshs): Kaqaros dialogos gia ola. ''Oxi'' sta trik leei h Nea Dhmokratia. Shmera h apofash gia ta ntimpeit.

    ADESMEYTOS TYPOS (Rizos): Sta 65 gia syntajh. Gia Dhmosio, DEKO, Trapezes. Ston aera tinazei to Asfalistiko h protash toy G. Papandreoy.

    APOGEYMATINH: Prwth me diafora h Nea Dhmokratia. Sto keno oi prospaqeies toy G. Papandreoy eikosi meres prin tis ekloges.

    H APOFASH: H ekdikhsh toy Shmith. O... prwqypoyrgeywn Papandreoy omhros toy ''ejafanismenoy'' prwqypoyrgoy.

    H AYGH: Isxyro anaxwma sthn epelash toy neofileleyqerismoy. Ti diakybeyetai stis ekloges.

    AYRIANH: Jypnate, xanontai oi ekloges. Staqera mprosta 3 monades h ND.

    TO BHMA: Epese katw apo to 3% h diafora PASOK-ND. Dyo nees dhmoskophseis kaqistoyn tis probleceis poly dyskoles.

    H BRADYNH: Fobatai ef' olhs ths ylhs o Giwrgos. Thleoptikh anametrhsh sta metra toy epidiwkei o Papandreoy.

    EQNOS: Ntermpi chfo-chfo ews thn ystath wra. Nea gkalop: Katw apo to 3% epese h diafora. Kleidi to 10% twn anapofasistwn.

    ELEYQERH WRA: ''Anergo'' afhnei to PASOK o K. Karamanlhs. Terastia ta Koinwnika Problhmata poy afhnei pisw toy to kybernwn komma, dhlwse o Proedros ths ND apo ton OAED.

    ELEYQEROS: Katargoyn tis prowres syntajiodothseis. Tessera xronia perissoterh doyleia... yposxeqhke o G. Papandreoy.

    ELEYQEROS TYPOS: Mpeton to probadisma ths Neas Dhmokratias. Gkalop: 20 meres prin apo tis ekloges diathreitai h apostash asfaleias.

    ELEYQEROTYPIA: Espase to fragma toy 3%. Gkalop: 2,7% kai 2,9% h diafora se 2 nees metrhseis.

    ESTIA: Kindynos kalponoqeias. 1,5 ekatommyrio prosqetoi chfoforoi.

    Espresso: Erwtika binteo anypociastwn gynaikwn. Me 4 eyrw se binteoklamp. Mploko ekane h Astynomia.

    H KAQHMERINH: Lysh anagkhs gia ta erga toy Kalatraba. Anazhtei shmera h diypoyrgikh epitroph. Ston aera kai o b' qolos toy Kolymbhthrioy.

    O LOGOS: Diafwnia gia ta debates. H maxh twn thleoptikwn anametrhsewn.

    TA NEA: Kerdise... ponto me Synedrio, dieyrynsh. Entypwsiako kleisimo ths calidas.

    NIKH: Kleinei h ''calida''. Katw apo 3 monades h diafora ND-PASOK.

    RIZOSPASTHS: Deka stoxoi palhs gia toys anergoys. Megalh sygkentrwsh toy KKE sto ''Sportigk''.

    The Daily Times: Amerikanikos stratos sthn Kypro. Oyasigkton: Deyterh bash meta to Insirlik gia na elegxoyn Mesh Anatolh kai K. Asia.

    Traffic News: Synnefa sto gamo ths Roylas. Enw apogeiwnetai sthn thleqeash. Qlimmenh sta geneqlia ths.

    H XWRA: Ypogeios polemos sto PASOK. Maxairwmata shmitikwn-papandreikwn ligo prin thn htta.

    City Press: Proeklogikh maxh gia thn apasxolhsh.

    MetroRAMA: H kakokairia menei, oi times ''feygoyn''. Terasties zhmies, elleiceis kai foboi gia anatimhseis logw toy xionia.

    AGGELIOFOROS: Ta panta gia th diadoxikh asfalish. Fws sta mystika olwn twn newn ryqmisewn.

    MAKEDONIA: Enw sthn ypoloiph xwra meiwnetai, h Qessalonikh... prwteyoysa ths... anergias.

    TYPOS QESSALONIKHS: H qeomhnia ''xtyphse'' kai thn kybernhsh. Enw erxetai neo kyma kakokairias.

    [03] Kakokairia

    O RIZOSPASTHS anaferei oti '' tis plhges toys metroyn oi agrotes sto megalytero meros ths xwras, meta to katastrofiko perasma toy xionia kai toy pagetoy poy epakoloyqhse. H katastrofh sth fytikh paragwgh kai se polles periptwseis sto fytiko kefalaio einai poly megalh ews kai olikh, enw sobares zhmies exoyn ypostei kai oi kthnotrofoi''.

    To metroRAMA prosqetei oti ''sobarotata problhmata sthn kaqhmerinh zwh alla kai sthn oikonomia ths xwra prokalei h paratash ths kakokairias, poy epanhlqe apo xqes to brady''.

    [04] Dhmoskophseis

    H ELEYQEROTYPIA yposthrizei oti ''prwth fora meta thn ypoqesh Paxta, to PASOK meiwnei th diafora apo th ND katw apo 3% symfwna me dyo nees dhmoskophseis. Aporrofa toys kradasmoys apo th synergasia me Mano, Andrianopoylo, Androylakh kai Damanakh. O G. Papandreoy qewreitai pali katallhloteros kati sto opoio symfwnoyn kai oi perissoteroi anapofasistoi''.

    TA NEA ektimoyn oti ''shmantikh meiwsh ths diaforas deixnoyn oi dhmoskophseis meta thn eklogh toy Gewrgioy Papandreoy apo ena ekatommyrio chfoforoys kai th dieyrynsh toy PASOK me toys kk Andrianopoylo, Mano, Androylakh kai thn k. Maria Damanakh''.

    H APOGEYMATINH anaferei oti ''para tis kinhseis entypwsiasmoy poy epixeirhse o G. Papandreoy apo thn hmera poy anakoinwqhke h ypochfiothta toy ws proedroy toy PASOK, h calida yper ths ND megalwnei''.

    O ADESMEYTOS TYPOS (Rizos) prosqetei oti ''safes mhnyma gia th nikh ths Neas Dhmokratias edwsan oi dyo nees dhmoskophseis, para ta polla antifatika stoixeia poy aytes paroysiazoyn se polla shmeia toys''.

    O ELEYQEROS TYPOS sto sxolio toy tonizei metajy allwn oti ''opws prokyptei kai apo ta dyo teleytaia gkalop, oi prwhn chfoforoi toy PASOK poy metakinhqhkan pros th ND den epistrefoyn sto kybernwn komma oyte me arxhgo ton Giwrgo Papandreoy. Ta nea gkalop deixnoyn oti oi polites topoqetoyntai me politika krithria sth nea pragmatikothta kai amynontai apotelesmatika stis ''cyxologikes epixeirhseis'' toy systhmatos PASOK gia th diathrhsh toy sthn ejoysia''.

    TO BHMA epishmainei oti ''dyo nees dhmoskophseis poy eidan xqes to brady to fws ths dhmosiothtas apo thleorasews enisxysan thn aisiodojia twn stelexwn toy kybernwntos kommatos gia thn ekbash ths eklogikhs maxhs kaqws h diafora sthn proqesh chfoy metajy PASOK kai ND periorizetai se ligotero apo treis posostiaies monades enw taytoxronws diathreitai h yperoxh ths prwqypoyrgikhs eikonas toy k. G. Papandreoy enanti toy k. K. Karamanlh''.

    H NIKH grafei oti ''ejoxws enqarryntika gia to kybernwn komma einai ta mhnymata poy periexontai se dyo panelladikes dhmoskophseis poy diejhxqhsan tis teleytaies hmeres , enw h sfodrh kakokairia briskotan en ejelijei kai ston apohxo ths anadeijhs toy G. Papandreoy sthn hgesia toy PASOK apo dieyrymeno swma eklektorwn alla kai twn eswkommatikwn antidrasewn poy prokalese h amfipleyrh dieyrynsh''.

    [05] ND

    H TRAFFIC NEWS yposthrizei oti ''konta stoys polites ths triths hlikias breqhke xqes o proedros ths Neas Dhmokratias Kwstas Karamanlhs episkeptomenos ton Oiko Katakoitwn Gerontwn sto lofo Skoyze ths Ekklhsias ths Ellados''.

    [06] Olympiaka erga

    H KAQHMERINH isxyrizetai oti ''agwnia epikratei pleon stoys iqynontes ths Olympiadas, kaqws panqomologoymenes einai pia oi kataskeyastikes ekkremothtes kai oratos o kindynos ths oriakhs paradoshs twn ergwn ligo prin apo thn enarjh twn Agwnwn, me o,ti ayto synepagetai gia thn omalh telesh toys''.

    [07] PASOK

    To EQNOS yposthrizei oti "egkrish apo toys xiliades polites poy sygkentrwqhkan xqes sto Hrakleio ths Krhths gia thn amfipleyrh dieyrynsh zhthse kai phre xqes o proedros toy PASOK G. Papandreoy, enw epiteqhke me sfodrothta kata ths Neas Dhmokratias. Milwntas se sygkentrwsh sthn plateia Eleyqerias, sygkentrwsh poy xarakthristhke kai h megalyterh meta to 1981 kai eixe poly megalo palmo kai enqoysiasmo, o k. Papandreoy edeije amesa antanaklastika kai ejhggeile metra gia toys plhgentes apo thn kakokairia".

    H City Press anaferei oti "prosarmozomenoi plhrws stis ereynes ths koinhs gnwmhs poy deixnoyn oti h anergia einai ena apo ta problhmata poy apasxoloyn perissotero toys chfoforoys, oi kk Papandreoy kai Karamanlhs diastayrwsan xqes ta jifh toys gyrw apo to qema ths apasxolhshs".

    H Espresso grafei oti "toys stoxoys kai tis desmeyseis mias neas kybernhshs toy PASOK, poy qa prostateysei toys adynatoys, qa dwsei emfash sthn ekpaideysh kai thn katartish, qa ayjhsei thn apasxolhsh kai qa pragmatopoihsei tomes sth dhmosia dioikhsh, anelyse xqes bhma-bhma o Giwrgos Papandreoy, milwntas se sygkentrwsh ergazomenwn sthn Eleysina, se mia prospaqeia na ginei pio sygkekrimenos stis omilies toy".

    O ELEYQEROS shmeiwnei oti "thn ayjhsh ths meshs hlikias syntajiodothshs mesw ths katarghshs eynoikwn syntajiodotikwn ryqmisewn proanhggeile, xqes, o proedros toy PASOK, Giwrgos Papandreoy, kata th diarkeia ths omilias toy, stoys ergazomenoys twn Nayphgeiwn Eleysinas".

    H XWRA ektima oti "h emfanhs apoysia toy k. Shmith apo to proskhnio tis hmeres ths kakokairias eixe ws apotelesma na xrewqoyn oles oi eyqynes gia thn oligwria toy kratoys ston k. G. Papandreoy. To gegonos epishmanqhke kai apo ton filokybernhtiko Typo, merida toy opoioy ypainissetai oti h "ejafanish" toy prwqypoyrgoy ypodhlwnei ton ypogeio polemo sto PASOK kai th fagwmara poy exei jespasei stoys kolpoys toy ligo prin apo thn htta".

    H APOFASH prosqetei oti "sto eswteriko toy PASOK hdh exoyn arxisei ta... organa ths eswstrefeias. O prwqypoyrgos kai oi syn aytw stenoi synergates fainetai oti etoimazontai gia thn 8h Martioy. Apo thn pleyra toy, o G. Papandreoy, omhros epi ths oysias twn symfwniwn poy exei synacei prokeimenoy na parei thn hgesia, prospaqei (twra), peran twn proeklogikwn toy ypoxrewsewn, na oxyrwqei pisw apo ena systhma anqrwpwn, gnwrizontas oti oi meteklogikes meres sto htthmeno PASOK den qa einai oi eykoloteres".

    H AYRIANH epishmainei oti "h Dhmokratikh Paratajh kanei o,ti mporei gia na xasei tis ekloges egklwbismenh apo barwnoys baridia kai alles dynameis poy epixeiroyn na akyrwsoyn th gigantiaia prospaqeia toy Giwrgoy Papandreoy gia rizikh ananewsh. Apotelesma ayths ths katastashs poy diamorfwnetai stoys kolpoys toy kybernwntos kommatos kai ekfrazetai se kaqhmerinh bash me swreia laqwn, einai h katagrafh stis dhmoskophseis enos monimoy probadismatos ths Neas Dhmokratias poy ftanei sto 3% liges meres prin ap' thn krisimh eklogikh anametrhsh".

    [08] Thleoptikes anametrhseis arxhgwn

    O LOGOS isxyrizetai oti "h maxh twn thleoptikwn anametrhsewn arxise prin kan jekinhsoyn ta debate. Dialogo xwris periorismoys zhta h Nea Dhmokratia antidrwntas sthn protash toy G. Papandreoy gia qematikes syzhthseis".

    O ADESMEYTOS TYPOS (Mhtsh) ypogrammizei oti "sth shmerinh synanthsh toy ekproswpoy Typoy ths ND k. Q. Roysopoyloy me ton geniko grammatea Enhmerwshs k. N. Aqanasakh sto oydetero... edafos ths Boylhs endexetai na dieykrinistei oristika me poioys oroys dexontai th diejagwgh twn ntimpeit ta dyo megala kommata".

    H AYGH sto sxolio ths tonizei oti "oi protaseis toy G. Papandreoy gia ton thleoptiko dialogo anedeijan tis meqodeyseis toy epikoinwniakoy toy epiteleioy, alla kai epibebaiwsan tis epikriseis gia tis epiloges toy. To koryfaio qema einai h arnhsh toy na syzhthsei proeklogika me ta kommata ths aristeras. Dexetai thleoptiko dialogo monon me ton K. Karamanlh".

    Symfwna me th BRADYNH "oi epiteleis ths ND shmeiwnoyn oti o proedros toy PASOK emmenei sthn arnhsh toy gia syzhthsh ef' olhs ths ylhs dioti epidiwkei na mhn epikentrwqei h syzhthsh se qemata poy "kaine" tis kybernhseis toy PASOK, opws h Ygeia kai h diafqora".

    [09] Kypriako

    H ELEYQERH WRA anaferei oti ''to Eqniko Symboylio ths Kyproy synedriazei shmera, prokeimenoy na enhmerwqei apo ton Tasso Papadopoylo gia tis ejelijeis sxetika me tis synomilies sth N. Yorkh kai en ocei toy neoy gyroy diapragmateysewn gia to Kypriako poy arxizei thn Pempth''.

    H Daily Times yposthrizei oti ''isxyrotath stratiwtikh dynamh meleta na steilei sthn Kypro to amerikaniko Pentagwno, symfwna me apolytws akribeis plhrofories twn ''D.Times'' apo tis HPA kai apo thn Toyrkia. Epiteleis toy Pentagwnoy ferontai na exoyn proseggisei thn hgesia toy ceydokratoys kai kyriws ton ceydoprwqypoyrgo Mexmet Alh Talat, prokeimenoy na dhmioyrghsoyn sto nhsi mia strathgikhs shmasias bash''.

    [10] Eklogiko swma

    H ESTIA anaferei oti "kindynos eyreias kalponoqeias prokyptei apo ta stoixeia twn eklogikwn katalogwn poy edwse sthn dhmosiothta to Ypoyrgeio Eswterikwn. H dynamis toy eklogikoy swmatos ektinaxqhke se 9,8 ekatommyria atoma! Kai toyto, otan basei ths teleytaias apografhs plhqysmoy oi Ellhnes yphkooi einai 10,2 ekatommyria, ek twn opoiwn ta 2,2 ekatommyria einai katw twn 18 etwn".


    Oi prwtoselidoi titloi toy shmerinoy oikonomikoy Typoy einai oi ejhs:

    EJPRES:'' Diplh h zhmia....Apo tis synepeies ths prosfaths kakokairias".

    HMERHSIA:'' Oi 17 allages stis syntajeis. Arxizei h efarmogh twn eynoikwn ryqmisewn toy mini asfalistikoy nomoy".

    KERDOS:'' Ti allazei me to neo nomo sth diadoxikh asfalish. Neo kaqestws sthn aponomh twn syntajewn".

    NAYTEMPORIKH:'' Sto telos ths listas sygklishs sthn EE. Teleytaia h Ellada stis eisroes jenwn ependysewn".

    [12] Asfalish

    TO KERDOS yposthrizei oti "neo kaqestws aponomhs twn syntajewn diadoxikhs asfalishs, 37etia, xwris orio hlikias gia thn syntajiodothsh twn aytoapasxoloymenwn, enswmatwsh ths ATA stis syntajeis oswn apasxoloyntai se DEKO kai trapezes einai oi kyrioteres diatajeis toy N. 3232/2004 (FEK 48/A 12.02.2004) poy xqes teqhke se isxy me th dhmosieysh toy sto Fyllo Efhmeridas ths Kybernhshs".
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