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Athens News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 01-10-12

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From: The Athens News Agency at <>


  • [01] EPISKOPHSH TYPOY THS 12/10/2001
  • [02] Titloi Efhmeridwn
  • [03] Synedrio PASOK
  • [04] Synenteyjh Miler
  • [05] Afganistan
  • [06] Arafat
  • [07] Tromokratia
  • [09] Sofokleoys

  • [01] EPISKOPHSH TYPOY THS 12/10/2001

    To synedrio toy PASOK, oi aeroporikes epiqeseis sto Afganistan kai oi foboi gia neo tromokratiko xtyphma einai ta basika qemata ths eidhseografias toy shmerinoy typoy.

    [02] Titloi Efhmeridwn

    ADESMEYTOS TYPOS (Mhtshs): YES se HPA kai gia Ellhnes stratiwtes. Qetika apanta h kybernhsh stis diereynhtikes syzhthseis toy Miler.

    ADESMEYTOS TYPOS (Rizos): 500.000 Ellhnes xwris doyleia. H Ellada exei thn ychloterh (11,1%) anergia.

    APOGEYMATINH: Monimoi xiliades symba-sioyxoi. Pros apodoxh ths gnwmodothshs toy Nomikoy Symboylioy.

    H AYGH: Ekatombh aqwwn sto Afganistan. Synexeis oi sfodroi amerikanobretanikoi bombardismoi.

    AYRIANH: Sarwse o Shmiths. Dynath kai jekaqarh entolh apo to Synedrio gia th nea nikh.

    TO BHMA: O fobos toy anqraka skepazei ton kosmo. Meta kai to trito kroysma stis HPA.

    H BRADYNH: Ejasfaliste to kefalaio sas. Ti prosferoyn oi Trapezes.

    EQNOS: Erije to ganti. O Shmiths me "sklhrh grammh" sto synedrio.

    ELEYQERH WRA: Entolh ... "xlwrinh" zhta o K. Shmiths. Xqes, me ton Giaser Arafat na "zwntaneyei" to Synedrio toy PASOK.

    ELEYQEROS: Mpoyrloto sto PASOK ebale me ta dilhmmata kai thn epiqesh stoys eswkom-matikoys antipaloys o K. Shmiths.

    ELEYQEROS TYPOS: Tomas Miler: Eimaste oloi stoxoi tromokratwn. Anazhtoyme baseis ths "Al Kainta" sth Bosnia.

    ELEYQEROTYPIA: Petaje to ganti. Shmiths: "Zhtw mia kaqarh kai dynath entolh".

    ESTIA: Antipalos h Dejia. To mhnyma Shmith pros toys synedroys.

    Espresso: Mysthrio me thn aytoktonia ths gynaikas toy Germanoy presbh sthn Ellada. 30 mhnes meta thn epiqesh ths 17N ston andra ths.

    H KAQHMERINH: Ypo anelehto bombardismo ta krhsfygeta twn Talimpan.

    O LOGOS: Isxyrh entolh zhthse o Shmiths. Apoqewtikh atmosfaira kai synqhmata sto synedrio toy.

    TA NEA: Kaqarh entolh. Mhnyma Shmith me polloys apodektes. Arafat: Plateia Papandreoy sthn Palaistinh.

    NIKH: Sygkroysh politikwn. Sta "marmarenia alwnia" to synedrio.

    RIZOSPASTHS: Na stamathsei h ellhnikh symmetoxh ston polemo. Dynamwnei h laikh antidrash.

    H XWRA: Brhkame toys ypoptoys logaria-smoys. Poy exoyn kataqeseis oi tromokrates.

    AGGELIOFOROS: Apofasismenos gia rhjh o K. Shmiths. O prwqypoyrgos askhse sklhrh kritikh se eswkommatikoys kai mh antipaloys.

    MAKEDONIA: Petaje to ganti o Shmiths sthn eswkommatikh antipoliteysh. Sklhrh maxh gia tis listes sthn KE.

    TYPOS QESSALONIKHS: Efodos sto mellon, eipe o K. Shmiths sto 6o Synedrio toy PASOK.

    [03] Synedrio PASOK

    TO EQNOS yposthrizei oti "anebase aifnidiastika toys tonoys o prwqypoyrgos me thn omilia toy xqes sto 6o Synedrio toy PASOK. O Kwstas Shmiths zhthse kaqarh kai dynath entolh, alla taytoxrona erije kai to ganti sthn eswkommatikh antipoliteyshs kalwntas thn na dhlwsei anoixta me poies politikes kai poia proswpa diafwnei".

    H AYRIANH anaferei oti "apofasismenh na dwsei kaqarh kai dynath entolh ston Kwsta Shmith edeije h syntriptikh pleiochfia twn synedrwn toy PASOK sth diarkeia ths prwths hmeras twn ergasiwn poy katelhjan se proswpiko qriambo toy prwqypoyrgoy kai proedroy toy Kinhmatos".

    H APOGEYMATINH ektima oti "apo 6.353 kommatika stelexh zhthse xqes o prwq-ypoyrgos na toy dwsoyn thn adeia na kybernhsei. Se mia dixastikh omilia toy, o k. Shmiths kathgorhse th ND ws "komma twn oligwn, poy den ekane pote koinwnikh politikh".

    H ELEYQEROTYPIA grafei oti "enwtikos, alla kai sklhros pros "amfisbhties" emfanisthke o K. Shmiths sto synedrio toy PASOK kai petaje to ganti se osoys sthrizoyn "mia mizerh eswstrefeia atekmhriwtwn politikwn diaforopoihsewn". Epeseise ton kindyno, h makra paramonh sthn ejoysia na dhmioyrghsei eikona katesthmenoy kai zhthse "kaqarh kai dynath entolh" gia na proxwrhsei to ergo toy".

    O LOGOS isxyrizetai oti "kaqarh kai dynath entolh zhthse apo to 6o synedrio toy PASOK o prwqypoyrgos Kwstas Shmiths anoigontas xqes to meshmeri tis ergasies toy. En mesw qermwn xeirokrothmatwn ejefrase thn pepoiqhsh oti "to PASOK qa kerdisei kai tis epomenes ekloges, qa synexizei na einai kybernhsh kai meta to 2004".

    O RIZOSPASTHS shmeiwnei oti "apyqmenos neosynthrhtismos kai diaggelma "HPAgwghs" etsi wste h xwra na breqei baqytera ston kyklwna toy eyrwatlantismoy, to stigma ths omilias toy K. Shmith sthn enarjh toy 6oy Synedrioy toy PASOK".

    H ESTIA prosqetei oti "kaqarh entolh ezhthse apo to Synedrio toy PASOK o k. K. Shmiths sthn enarkthria omilia toy, prokeimenoy, opws eipe, na ginh pragmatikothta to orama gia mia isxyrh Ellada".

    [04] Synenteyjh Miler

    Mporei na htan oi Hnwmenes Politeies aytes poy xtyphqhkan apo toys tromokrates, "alla stoxos eimaste oloi, stoxos einai kaqe dhmokratikh koinwnia me ajies, eimaste emeis, einai h Bretania, einai h Gallia, einai h Germania, einai h Ellada". O Tomas Miler, sthn prwth toy synenteyjh sta NEA kai ston ELEYQERO TYPO meta thn paradosh twn diapisteythriwn toy ston proedro ths Dhmo-kratias, tonizei pws "h ypoqesh ayth qa krathsei xronia, einai mia ekstrateia, oxi enas polemos". Gia ton k. Miler, h yposthrijh ths Elladas se ayth thn ekstrateia einai "ekplhktikh" kai ypogrammizei "pws prepei na meinoyme enwmenoi enanti toy koinoy stoxoy dioti o Mpin Lanten ki oi omoioi toy ayto qa hqelan, enan polemo qrhskeiwn kai politismwn". Sthn erwthsh, wstoso, ean oi proteraiothtes twn Hnwmenwn Politeiwn enanti ths tromokratias sthn Ellada exoyn allajei, o presbhs epistrateyei th diplwmatia: "Koitajte, gia oloklhro ton kosmo ayth th stigmh h apeilh toy Mpin Lanten kai twn omoiwn toy einai h megalyterh. Ayto den shmainei oti h 17N den einai apeilh". Kai diabebaiwnontas pws den yparxei kamia endeijh gia sxesh 17N-Mpin Lanten, anaferei pws ean entopisqoyn oi ypeyqynoi ths 17N "aytoi qa syllhfqoyn, qa parapemfqoyn kai qa dikastoyn sthn Ellada".

    [05] Afganistan

    H BRADYNH epishmainei oti '"ola deixnoyn oti oi polemikes epixeirhseis twn Hnwmenwn Politeiwn kata toy Afganistan eiserxontai sto epomeno stadio. Oi bombardismoi ginontai pleon anhleeis kai strefontai epi dikaioys kai adikoys".

    H Espresso tonizei oti "to "arjate pyr" perimenoyn ta amerikanika elikoptera prokeimenoy na arxisoyn tis efodoys toys sto eswteriko toy Afganistan, gia na mpoyn etsi sthn teleytaia toys fash oi epixeirhseis gia thn ptwsh toy kaqestwtos twn Talimpan kai th syllhch toy Osama Mpin Lanten".

    O ADESMEYTOS TYPOS (Mhtsh) ypogram-mizei oti "toys xeiroteroys bombardismoys apo thn enarjh ths stratiwtikhs epixeirhshs kai ejapelysan akomh kai kata th diarkeia ths xqesinhs hmeras oi aeroporikes dynameis twn HPA se diafora shmeia toy Afganistan, xrhsimopoiwntas nea opla kata proswpikoy, me apotelesma na proklhqoyn dekades qymata ston amaxo plhqysmo".

    Symfwna me thn ELEYQERH WRA "akata-paysta synexizontai gia pempth mera shmera oi sfodres aeroporikes epiqeseis twn Ameri-kanwn enantion toy Afganistan, oi opoies den apokleietai na diarkesoyn ews to epomeno kalokairi, opws anakoinwse xqes o epikefalhs toy bretanikoy genikoy epiteleioy, nayarxos Maikl Mpois".

    H KAQHMERINH grafei oti "barea bombardi-stika B-52 kai B-1 eplhjan anhlews, tis teleytaies dyo hmeres, me bombes diasporas kata proswpikoy kai isxyres diatrhtikes bombes, qeseis kai katafygia twn Talimpan sto Afganistan, proetoimazontas to epomeno stadio twn epixeirhsewn me elikoptera. H entash twn bombardismwn htan prwtofanhs kai to afganiko praktoreio eidhsewn ekane logo gia 300 qymata metajy twn amaxwn".

    [06] Arafat

    O ADESMEYTOS TYPOS (Rizoy) shmeiwnei oti "th sthrijh ths ellhnikhs pleyras sto plaisio ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs gia thn prowqhsh ths epilyshs toy Palaistiniakoy zhthmatos, zhthse o Palaistinios hgeths Giaser Arafat, kata th diarkeia twn epafwn toy me toys arxhgoys twn politikwn kommatwn ths xwras mas".

    O ELEYQEROS epishmainei oti "mhnyma stis HPA alla kai stis ypoloipes megales dynameis oti oi Palaistinioi einai qymata ths tromokratias kai qa synexisoyn na agwnizontai gia ta idanika ths eleyqerias kai ths Dikaiosynhs esteile o hgeths twn Palaistiniwn Giaser Arafat apo to 6o synedrio toy PASOK".

    H AYGH tonizei oti "ta paradosiaka aisqhmata filias kai allhleggyhs toy ellhnikoy laoy pros ton agwnizomeno palaistiniako lao ejefrasan kai pali o prwqypoyrgos kai oi politikoi arxhgoi stis synanthseis poy eixan me ton Giaser Arafat, o opoios episkefqhke thn Aqhna proskeklhmenos toy PASOK".

    [07] Tromokratia

    H NIKH isxyrizetai oti "ekdhlh anhsyxia epikratei tis teleytaies hmeres se polla krath toy kosmoy, logw ths emfanishs toy mikrobioy toy anqraka. O panikos gia ton anqraka exei proklhqei stis HPA meta tis epiqeseis ths 11hs Septembrioy kai meta thn anakoinwsh toy Osama Mpin Lanten sto magnhtoskophmeno mhnyma toy, oti oi epiqeseis qa synexistoyn me mia "maxh" h opoia den qa teleiwsei ews otoy oi Hnwmenes Politeies aposyrqoyn apo ta moysoylmanika edafh".

    H XWRA prosqetei oti "enw enteinontai oi foboi stis HPA gia ena neo tromokratiko xtyphma, ayth th fora me biologika opla, ystera apo thn ejakribwsh kai tritoy kroysmatos me to bakthrio toy anqraka, to Steit Ntipartment zhthse apo oles tis amerikanikes presbeies na dhmioyrghsoyn apoqemata toy antibiotikoy Ciprofloxacin prokeimenoy na einai etoimes gia to endexomeno epiqesewn me to bakthrio ayto".

    TO BHMA tonizei oti "den yparxoyn akomh apodeijeis oti oi tromokrates xrhsimopoioyn twra to bakthrio toy anqraka ws oplo prokeimenoy na kataferoyn nea plhgmata stis koinwnies ths Dyshs, alla o fobos kai o panikos ejaplwnontai pleon se oloklhro ton kosmo".


    Oi prwtoselidoi titloi toy shmerinoy oikonomikoy Typoy einai oi ejhs:

    EJPRES: "Zhtw kaqarh entolh". Safes mhnyma Shmith pros toys 6.500 synedroys toy PASOK".

    HMERHSIA: "Nea anodikh antidrash twn agorwn. Ta dieqnh xrhmatisthria antapo-krinontai idiaitera qetika se kaqe "kalh eidhsh".

    KERDOS: "Ola plhn Sofokleoys kalycan tis apwleies. Ena mhna meta ta xrhmatisthria epanhlqan sta pro 11hs epipeda".

    NAYTEMPORIKH: "Oi xrhmatisthriakes byqizontai stis zhmies. enw to XAA den akoloyqei toys dytikoys ryqmoys anakamchs".

    XRHMATISTHRIO: "Prooimio anakamchs. Megaloi paiktes twn Paragwgwn kleinoyn espeysmena qeseis short".

    [09] Sofokleoys

    To XRHMATISTHRIO grafei oti "H qeamatikh anakamch twn dieqnwn agorwn beltiwnei to cyxologiko klima kai dhmioyrgei prosdokies sth Sofokleoys, opoy tis prosexeis meres anamenetai ayjhsh toy hmerhsioy tziroy, kaqws to agorastiko endiaferon ana-qermainetai".
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