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Athens News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 98-10-29

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From: The Athens News Agency at <>



  • [2] Anasxhmatismos
  • [3] Mini asfalistiko
  • [4] ELAS
  • [5] Eisodhmatikh politikh
  • [6] Ellhnotoyrkika


    Oi pieseis ston prwqypoyrgo gia anasxhmatismo, to nomosxedio gia thn enopoihsh twn tameiwn, h diafqora sthn Astynomia, kai h eisodhmatikh politikh einai ta basika qemata ths eidhseografias toy shmerinoy aqhnaikoy typoy.

    ADESMEYTOS TYPOS (Mhtshs): Poylate eleyqera narkwtika. Proklhtikh apofash Nomarxh toy PASOK. Akyrwsan apofash Dhmoy poy ekleine mpar sto opoio ginotan diakinhsh.

    ADESMEYTOS TYPOS (Rizos): Strathgos.... portofolas. Ola ta eixame, to eidame ki ayto!

    AQHNAIKH: Grafei sbhnei o prwqypoyrgos. Anasxhmatismos epi xartoy: ola ta onomata.

    APOGEYMATINH: Meiwnoyn syntajeis ayjanoyn eisfores. Me dhmioyrgia forea - giganta sto dhmosio. Katargoyn 13 tameia arwghs.

    AYRIANH: Ti allazei sthn ELAS. Ta epimaxa arqra toy Proedrikoy Diatagmatos gia th systash arxhgeioy Astynomias.

    H BRADYNH: Ekrycan 63 epeisodia sta Imia. Opws apokalyptetai apo th "mayrh biblo" toy Pagkaloy. Enenhnta naytikes kai 772 aeroporikes parabiaseis to 1998.

    EQNOS: Arxizoyn diwjeis. Eisaggeleis analambanoyn thn kaqarsh sthn ELAS.

    ELEYQERH WRA: Megaro... moysikhs h Xarilaoy Trikoyph. Meta thn KO ta "biolia" synexizoyn se EG kai KE.

    ELEYQEROS: Ston aera ta tameia. Epikindyna peiramata me thn asfalish dhmosiwn kai idiwtikwn ypallhlwn.

    ELEYQEROS TYPOS: Tekmhrio h gonikh paroxh se xrhma. Oles oi allages stis forologikes dhlwseis gia to 1998.

    ELEYQEROTYPIA: En kryptw. ELAS: yperanw pashs... dhmosiothtas o astynomikos. Prostateysan jana ton diko toys anqrwpo enw an htan poliths...

    H EJOYSIA: Ayjhseis mexri kai 7% stis epikoyrikes syntajeis. Enopoioyntai 11 tameia-Ergodotikh eisfora kai sto Dhmosio.

    ESTIA: Nees asafeies me ta tekmhria. Allazei palin to entypo "E3".

    TA NEA: 27% parapanw foro plhrwnoyn oi misqwtoi. Sok apo ta ekkaqaristika.

    AGGELIOFOROS: 5 allages sto Dhmosio gia 400.000 ypallhloys.

    [2] Anasxhmatismos

    H AQHNAIKH grafei oti "o prwqypoyrgos Kwstas Shmiths "sbhnei kai grafei" ta onomata toy neoy Ypoyrgikoy Symboylioy. Anebale th shmerinh synedriash toy EG toy PASOK kai ayrio to prwi anakoinwnei tis apofaseis toy sta melh ths Kybernhtikhs Epitrophs. Ean den allajei gnwmh thn teleytaia stigmh, qa proxwrhsei se "diorqwtiko enwtiko anaxhmatismo" poy qa anakoinwsei thn Kyriakh to apogeyma. Ektos kybernhshs ferontai toylaxiston oktw me ennea ypoyrgoi kai peripoy dwdeka yfypoyrgoi".

    H ELEYQERH WRA anaferei oti "sto eyloghmeno periballon toy Agioy Oroys kata'dhlwssh toy qa periepipte se periisyllogh o prwqypoygos anaforikws me ta meizonta eswterika problhmata ths xwras, alla kai gia ta terastia eswkommatika problhamta toy PASOK. H perisyllogh synexisqhke kai xqes sto eidylliakotero periballon twn A. Qeodwrwn opoy kai keitai to ejoxiko toy prwqypoyrgoy sto opoio o k. Shmiths aposyrqhke kata thn xqesinh epeteio ths 28hs Oktwbrioy en ocei twn newn dyskoliwn poy arxizoyn apo shmera. Pleon ths sfodrhs polemikhs poy anamenetai na yparjei apo orismena melh toy E. Grafeioy gia ta apotelesmata twn prosfatwn eklogwn qa teqoyn sigoyra ta zhthmata ths poreias toy kybernhtikoy ergoy kai ths anagkhs anasxhmatismoy toy ypoyr. Symboylioy".

    [3] Mini asfalistiko

    " Jekina amesa o dialogos gia thn anadiorganwsh toy asfalistikoy systhmatos, tonizei se synenteyjh toy sthn ELEYQEROTYPIA o ypoyrgos Ergasias k. Papaiwannoy. O k. Papaiwannoy dhlwnei antiqetos se tyxon ayjhsh twn asfalistikwn eisforwn. Anaferei oti qa teqoyn antikinhtra gia thn ergasia syntajioyxwn me ychles apodoxes. Tonizei oti h entajh ths xwras mas sthn ONE einai o megalos eqnikos stoxos. Epishs apodidei se ayqairetes ermhneies thn apodosh eyqynwn se sygkekrimenoys ypoyrgoys me aformh tis anafores toy prwqypoyrgoy sthn KO toy PASOK".

    H EJOYSIA grafei oti "ayjhseis mexri kai 7% stis epikoyrikes syntajeis probleepi to nomosxedio toy ypoyrgeioy Ergasias gia thn enopoihsh 11 tameiwn epikoyrikhs asfalishs. To idio nomosxedio kaqierwnei gia prwth fora ergodotikh eisfora kai sto Dhmosio kai prowqei ryqmiseis poy metaballoyn aisqhta to kaqestws gia 400.000 asfalismenoys kai syntajioyxoys".

    O ELEYQEROS anaferei oti "se... "koyti ths Pandwras" exei metatrapei h asfalistikh metarryqmish poy prowqei h kybernhsh. En mesw diafwniwn apo thn pleyra ergazomenwn kai syntajioyxwn, ypo th skia ths abebaiothtas kai sthrizomenh se enan kybenrhtiko -monologo, o opoios monomerhs baftisthke "koinwnikos dialogos", h kybernhsh epideidomenh se agwna dromoy me ton... eayto ths, prospaqei apegnwsmena na paroysiasei ergo. Etsi, odeyei olotaxws pros th Boylh to "mini" asfalistiko nomosxedio to opoio opws apodeiknyetai -periorizetai sto "fainesqai".

    H APOGEYMATINH shmeiwnei oti "se meiwsh twn epikoyrikwn syntajewn kai ayjhsh twn eisforwn odhgei h dhmioyrgia toy asfalistikoy forea-giganta poy prowqei h kybernhsh gia thn asfalish twn dhmosiwn ypallhlwn. Symfwna me to prosxedio nomoy poy paradoqhke sthn ADEDY, katargoyntai 13 tameia arwghs, gegonos poy anamenetai na prokalesei qyella antidrasewn ek meroys twn dhmosiwn ypallhlwn".

    [4] ELAS

    H AYRIANH grafei oti "bebiasmena kai ypo to kratos panikoy, me stoxo thn amblynsh twn dysmenwn entypwsewn kai ths genikeymenhs katakrayghs ths koinhs gnwmhs, se sxesh me thn aninkanothta ths ELAS, thn katakoryfh ayjhsh ths egklhmatikothtas kai ta anhsyxhtika fainomena parakmhs kai diafqoras stoys kolpoys ths, speyei h politikh hgesia toy ypoyrgeioy Dhmosias Tajews se organwtikh anadiarqrwsh ths ELAS poy fysika den apotelei panakeia, me systash Arxhgeioy Ellhnikhs Astynomias".

    To EQNOS anaferei oti "h Dikaiosynh pairnei sta xeria ths thn ypoqesh ths kaqarshs sthn Astynomia. Oi eisaggelikes arxes xtypoyn th diafqora me diwjeis gia plastografia, parabash kaqhkontos, apath. Polymhnh, alla kai apotelesmatikh htan h ereyan twn eisaggelewn G. Gerakh kai Pl. Panagiwtopoyloy. Anesyran sto proskhnio stoixeia gia tis paranomes adeies allodapwn. Stoys ypo diwjh sygkatalegontai ychlobaqmoi ths ELAS kai dyo synergates toy ypoyrgoy Dhmosias Tajhs".

    TA NEA sto sxolio toys epishmainoyn metajy allwn "kai mporei to megalo elleimma sthn ekpaideysh twn astynomikwn na proballetai ws ejhghsh -pantws oxi ws dikaiologia- twn teleytaiwn tragwdiwn. Poia ejhghsh omws na doqei sto gegonos ths paroxhs - me paraplanhsh ths koinhs gnwmhs -mia idiazoysas ek twn esw prostasias se ypo baria kathgoria astynomikoys. Opws egine sth Qessalonikh me thn texnhentws skhnoqethmenh prosagwgh ston anakrith alloy.. anti toy ypeyqynoy gia ton fono toy Serboy maqhth".

    [5] Eisodhmatikh politikh

    H ESTIA grafei oti "sobares allages ston tropo dhlwsews toy eisodhmatos twn emporwn, twn eleyqerwn epaggelmatiwn kai twn epithdeymatiwn, prowqei to ypoyrgeio Oikonomikwn me skopo thn apotelesmatikwterh hlektronikh diastayrwsh. Hdh exei apofasisqh h metabolh twn gnwstwn entypwn "E3" ta opoia ypoxreoyntai na synypobaloyn me tis dhlwseis toys oi forologoymenoi twn kathgoriwn aytwn".

    O ADESMEYTOS TYPOS (Rizos) anaferei oti "prosqeta oikonomika stoixeia gia thn plhrh "eikona" kai to megeqos toy eisodhmatoso toys kaloyntai na dhlwsoyn apo fetos oloi oi forologoymenoi, kaqws to ypoyrgeio Oikonomikwn kaqierwnei eji allages sta entypa twn forologikwn dhlwsewn".

    O ADESMEYTOS TYPOS (Mhtshs) sto sxolio toy epishmainei metajy allwn oti "sto forologiko pliatsiko skopeyei na epidoqei h adistakth kai xreokophmenh kybernhsh, me ta nea entypa forologikwn dhlwsewn. Gi ayto akriws enw eixe yposxeqei oti qa aplopoihqoyn ta entypa ayta, apofasise aifnidiastika na ta kanei labyrinqwdh kai akatanohta. O skopos profanhs. Epidiwkei na ejasfalisei prosqeta esoda, me thn anhqikh ayth kai hqika aparadekth meqodo".

    O ELEYQEROS TYPOS tonizei oti "tekmhrio qa qewreitai pleon h "gonikh paroxh se xrhma" dhladh ta posa apo 100.000 draxmes kai anw poy xorhgoyn oi goneis sta paidia toys gia na agorasoyn px ena diamerisma h Ix. H kaqierwsh toy neoy tekmhrioy anakoinwqhke apo to ypoyrgeio Oikonomikwn mazi me tis ypoloipes allages poy qa yparxoyn sta entypa twn forologikwn dhlwsewn, oi opoies qa ypoblhqoyn ton prosexh Martio".

    [6] Ellhnotoyrkika

    H BRADYNH grafei oti "anaglyfa apodidei thn epikindynh toyrkikh proklhtikothta sto Aigaio kai sthn Kypro to 50selido mnhmonio poy kateqese, thn perasmenh Deytera, sto Symboylio Genikwn Ypoqesewn ths EE o ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Q. Pagkalos thn wra poy oi Eyrwpaioi etairoi meqodeyoyn thn parakamch toy ellhnikoy beto sth xrhmatodothsh ths Toyrkias".

    (G. P.)

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