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Athens News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 98-10-19

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From: The Athens News Agency at <>



  • [2] Ekloges
  • [3] Kypriako
  • [4] Ellhnotoyrkika
  • [5] Oikonomikh politikh


    O deyteros gyros twn nomarxiakwn kai dhmotikwn eklogwn, oi ellhnotoyrkikes sxeseis kai to Kypriako einai ta basika qemata ths eidhseografias toy shmerinoy aqhnaikoy typoy.

    ADESMEYTOS TYPOS (Mhtsh): H arxh toy teloys. Epesan ta kastra toy PASOK

    ADESMEYTOS TYPOS (Rizoy): Galazia olh h Ellada. H ND phre 29 Nomarxies

    AQHNAIKH: Ekloges: 3 bombes byqoy gia ton Shmith.

    APOGEYMATINH: Anatroph politikhs Shmith. Chfos-katadikh eksygxronistwn

    AYRIANH: Ekloges: Kyriarxos o Shmiths.

    H BRADYNH: Qriambos - Epesan ta kastra toy PASOK.

    EQNOS: Entolh gia allages. "Kampanaki" hxoyn oi kalpes.

    ELEYQERH WRA: Ojeidwmeno proekyce to PASOK apo tis kalpes.

    ELEYQEROS: Ekloges: Kybernhsh meiochfias.

    ELEYQEROS TYPOS: Seismos. Sta galazia Qes. -Peiraias-Ypernomarxia Aqhnwn

    ELEYQEROTYPIA: Bombes meta to telesigrafo. Megales apwleies toy PASOK.

    H EJOYSIA: Trizei twra to imperium toy k. Shmith.

    ESTIA: Kybernhsis xwris nomarxies!To neo stoixeio twn eklogwn.

    TA NEA: Kryo ntoys apo Aristera kai dysaresthmenoys.

    AGGELIOFOROS: Sfragisan to mhnyma me chfo diamartyrias.

    QESSALONIKH: Fteroygise sth nikh o Basilhs Papagewrgopoylos.

    [2] Ekloges

    Ta NEA sto basiko toys sxolio anaferoyn metajy allwn oti "anamenomeno - h oxi to mhnyma toy deyteroy gyroy twn eklogwn oysiastika den apoklinei apo to mhnyma - safws politiko - ths prwths Kyriakhs, me eykrinh - kai ayth th fora - th dysforia twn politwn gia thn kybernhtikh politikh. Akoma omws enargestera diaceysqhkan th fora ayth kai ta oramata gia "kentroaristera" kai oi prosdokies gia syspeirwsh twn "proodeytikwn" dynamewn".

    H AYRIANH shmeiwnei oti "apofasismenos na proxwrhsei tis metarryqmiseis poy apaitoyntai se ola ta epipeda ths oikonomias me strathgiko stoxo thn eisodo ths Elladas sthn ONE einai o prwqypoyrgos kai proedros toy PASOK, K. Shmiths, o opoios paramenei kyriarxos toy paixnidioy, anejarthta apo tis anieres symmaxies poy diamorfwqhkan stis nomarxiakes kai dhmotikes ekloges kai oi opoies eixan ws apotelesma thn plastografhsh toy apotelesmatos me thn ypearaploysteymenh aqroish twn chfwn toy metwpoy Neas Dhmokratias - KKE kai orismenwn allwn antipoliteyomenwn kommatwn".

    H ESTIA yposthrizei oti "oysiwdws diaforopoioyntai prwqypoyrgos kai shmainontai stelexh ths kybernhsews kai toy kybernwntos kommatos kai ws pros to apotelesma twn dhmotikwn - nomarxiakwn eklogwn. Katwtero twn prosdokiwn ths kybernhsews to xarakthrise o prwqypoyrgos se antiqesh me stelexh toy poy to xarakthrisan "dysmenes" gia to kybernwn komma".

    H ELEYQERH WRA grafei oti "o B' gyros twn eklogwn gia thn topikh aytodioikhsh den anedeije pragmatikoys nikhtes se kommatiko epipedo, alla einai bebaion oti traymatise se megalo baqmo thn kybernwsa paratajh. To PASOK peran toy gegonotos oti periorisqhke se mikrotero ariqmo Nomarxiwn apo o, ti oi pleon apaisiodojes probleceis twn stelexwn toy anemenan, exase kai thn koryfaia ypernomarxia ths Attikhs kai toys Dhmoys Peiraiws kai Qessalonikhs".

    H EJOYSIA ypogrammizei oti ``Sta oria ths syntribhs ftanei pleon to PASOK, kaqws to xqesino eklogiko apotelesma edeije oti to kybernwn komma exase poly megalo ariqmo twn nomarxiwn poy eixe kerdisei to 1994, enw den katorqwse na eklejei dhmarxo se Qessalonikh kai Peiraia. H epomenh mera sto PASOK dhmioyrgei ejairetika dysoiwnes prooptikes, kaqws gia prwth fora trizei to imperium toy K. Shmith, ayto poy eixe katoxyrwsei me th qriambeytikh eklogh toy to 1996 kai me thn kyriarxia toy synqhmatos gia eksygxronismo ths xwras``.

    H ELEYQEROTYPIA prosqetei oti ``Hxhrotero apo to telesigrafo toy prwtoy gyroy htan gia thn kybernhsh kai to PASOK to mhnyma toy deyteroy gyroy. To kybernwn komma den petyxe kanenan apo toys stoxoys toy: Exase thn ypernomarxia Aqhnwn-Peiraiws, toys treis megaloys dhmoys, den eftase ton ariqmo twn 30 nomarxiwn kai, gia prwth fora, exase dhmoys me barynoysa shmasia, opws h Patra, h Larisa kai ta Giannina. O k. Shmiths paradexthke oti to apotelesma htan katwtero twn prosdokiwn kai kathggeile synallagh metajy ND kai KKE``.

    TO EQNOS tonizei oti ``Antimetwph me ta apotelesmata toy deyteroy gyroy twn eklogwn kai twn shmantikwn apwleiwn poy eixe, brisketai h kybernhsh. Oi kalpes shmanan ``kampanaki``. To eklogiko swma edwse entolh gia diorqwtikes allages kyriws, s` o, ti afora ton koinwniko tomea. Twra mesa s` aytes tis anatarajeis kai ta problhmata, o Kwstas Shmiths kaleitai na perifroyrhsei thnporeia pros thn ONE.

    Symfwna me ton ADESMEYTO TYPO ``Politiko efialth gia ton prwqypoyrgo kai entono skeptikismo sth Xarilaoy Trikoyph meta thn pasidhlh pleon qriambeytikh epikrathsh twn ypochfiwn poy yposthrije h ND stis mises sxedon nomarxies ths xwras, prokalese to xqesino eklogiko apotelesma. To PASOK apwlese panw apo 10 nomarxies, enw alwqhkan paradosiaka ``kastra`` toy opws ta Dwdekanhsa, h Eyboia, h Boiwtia, h Karditsa, h Zakynqos k. a. ``.

    [3] Kypriako

    H APOGEYMATINH ypogrammizei oti "oydolws exoyn ephreastei oi poly kales sxeseis Aqhnwn - Mosxas, ystera apo thn apofash ths ellhnikhs kybernhshs, me thn opoia epeleje to amerikanikhs proeleyshs antiaeroporiko systhma PATRIOT. Toyto dhlwse sth Mosxa o ypodieyqynths ths rwsikhs etairias Rosboroyzenie poy kataskeyazei toys pyrayloys S-300, Olegk Sitorengko. Tonise, epishs, oti diejagontai diapragmateyseis metajy Rwsias kai Ellados gia thn ejasfalish apo th xwra mas kai allwn stratiwtikwn ejoplismwn rwsikhs kataskeyhs sto ameso mellon".

    [4] Ellhnotoyrkika

    H BRADYNH anaferei oti "dimerh symfwnia ychloy epipedoy me thn Ellada, h opoia qa apotelesei prokrima gia thn en kairw nomimopoihsh twn epidiwjewn ths eis baros ths ellhnikhs kyriarxias, epidiwkei twra h Agkyra, prokeimenoy na efarmostoyn Metra Oikodomhshs Empistosynhs (MOE) sto Aigaio. Symfwna me plhrofories, h proklhtikh ayth ajiwsh ths Toyrkias exei prokalesei sobarh emplokh stis diapragmateyseis poy diejagontai sthn edra toy NATO stis Bryjelles, metajy toy monimoy antiproswpoy ths Elladas presbh G. Sabbaidh kai toy Toyrkoy omologoy toy O. Oimen".

    [5] Oikonomikh politikh

    O ELEYQEROS grafei oti "elaxista ews kai anyparkta einai ta ofelh sto metwpo ths apoklimakwshs toy plhqwrismoy, apo thn yperprospaqeia - opws ayth proballetai apo ta hgetika stelexh toy ypoyrgeioy Anaptyjhs- gia meiwsh twn timwn sthn agora kai kat' epektash apoklimakwsh toy timariqmoy".

    O ADESMEYTOS TYPOS yposthrizei oti "h maxh gia thn apoklimakwsh toy plhqwrismoy exei telika anaxqei se sklhro politiko paixnidi, me stoxo thn ejyphrethsh proswpikwn filodojiwn. H kontra, omws, den periorizetai mono metajy twn koryfaiwn ypoyrgwn ths kybernhshs, me prwtagwnistes ton ypoyrgo eqnikhs Oikonomias kai Oikonomikwn, Gianno Papantwnioy kai thn ypoyrgo Anaptyjhs, Basw Papandreoy".

    O ELEYQEROS TYPOS ypogrammizei oti ``O ryqmos anaptyjhs ths ellhnikhs oikonomias to 1999 apotelei enan apo toys shmantikoteroys paragontes abebaiothtas gia thnporeia ths pros thn ONE, para thnprospaqeia ypobaqmishs ths shmasias toy apo to oikonomiko epiteleio ths kybernhshs. Sto epikairopoihmeno programma sygklishs, to opoio egkriqhke apo to Symboylio Ypoyrgwn Oikonomias ths E. E., thn perasmenh Deytera sto Loyjemboyrgo, h kybernhsh epemeine sthn arxikh ths problech -prin apo thn ekdhlwsh ths dieqnoys oikonomikhs anataraxhs- gia ryqmo ayjhshs toy AEP (Akaqaristoy Egxwrioy Proiontos) 3,7% mesa sto 1999.

    H AQHNA`I`KH ektima oti ``Para ta osa diforoymena akoygontai apo ta pleon epishma kybernhtika xeilh gia ton proypologismo toy 1999, enos krisimoy etoys gia th symmetoxh mas sthn ONE, oi plhrofories anaferoyn oti to oiknomiko programma gia thn epomenh xronia einai etoimo, kai malista qewreitai idiaitera sklhro. Gia to logo ayto, h dhmosiopoihsh metrwn poy qa perilambanontai sto neo proypologismo htan epilektikh kai dioxeteyqhke tmhmatika, wste na proetoimasei to edafos gia ta... xeirotera``.

    (I. P.)

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