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Athens News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 98-02-20

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From: "Greek Press & Information Office, Ottawa Canada" <>



  • [2] Synedrio Neolaias PASOK
  • [3] Diagwnismos sto Dhmosio
  • [4] Ellhnotoyrkikes sxeseis
  • [6] Anatokismos - Ryqmish


    To Synedrio ths Neolaias PASOK, oi ellhnotoyrkikes sxeseis, kai o ayrianos diagwnismos gia proslhch sto Dhmosio, einai ta basika qemata ths eidhseografias toy shmerinoy aqhnaikoy Typoy.

    ADESMEYTOS TYPOS: Diaspash sto PASOK. Agria sygkroysh Akh-Shmith... mesw Neolaias.

    APOGEYMATINH: Anoixth rhjh Shmith-Akh gia th Neolaia. Dramatikes ejelijeis sto PASOK.

    H AQHNAIKH: Dramatikes ejelijeis sto PASOK me aformh to Synedrio ths Neolaias. Olonykties diaboyleyseis xwris apotelesma.

    H AYGH: Dixazei to PASOK to Synedrio ths Neolaias. Shmera sto Olympiako Stadio.

    AYRIANH: Antartiko sto PASOK apo th Neolaia. Epideijh dynamhs twn proedrikwn boyleytwn me symmetoxh sto synedrio poy apokhryssei to komma.

    BRADYNH: Mplegmenoi Basw, Shmiths gia ta 60 dis.

    H GNWSH: Qa diwjei ton Akh; Ti qa kanei shmera o Shmiths.

    EQNOS: Amartiai teknwn... H krish sth Neolaia PASOK.

    ELEYQERH WRA: Ta "atakta" paidia problhmatizoyn ton Kaqhghth. Dixasmenh h PASOKikh neolaia, dixazei kai to komma.

    ELEYQEROS: Wra mhden sto PASOK. Se mia klwsth h enothta toy PASOK.

    ELEYQEROS TYPOS: Rhjh Akh-Shmith.

    ELEYQEROTYPIA: Petaje ganti o Akhs. Me gerh kontra stoys "shmitikoys" gia th Neolaia.

    H EJOYSIA: PASOK: Wra jyloy. "Roysfetia" Majimoy-kommatos kai symboyloi toy Akh peftoyn shmera sth maxh.

    ESTIA: Pws blepoyn oi jenoi thn ellhnikhn oikonomian. Draxmh, ergasiaka kai ellhnotoyrkika.

    H KAQHMERINH: Krish koryfhs kai sto PASOK. Antimetwpoi Shmiths-Tsoxatzopoylos me aformh th Neolaia.

    KALHMERA: Proba arxhgoy me th Neolaia. Paroysia 30-50 boyleytwn kai koryfaiwn stelexwn.

    O LOGOS: Synedrio me tis eylogies Akh. Metaferetai sthn Xar. Trikoyph h sygkroysh sthn N. PASOK.

    TA NEA: Tentwnoyn to sxoini gia th Neolaia PASOK. Sklhrh dhlwsh Akh.

    NIKH: Apokhryssei o Shmiths, xairetizei o Akhs. To 3o Synedrio ths Neolaias dixazei to PASOK.

    RIZOSPASTHS: Egklhmata... xwris timwria. Apokalyceis se dihmero ths Epitrophs Ygieinhs kai Asfaleias ths GSEE.

    [2] Synedrio Neolaias PASOK

    H EJOYSIA grafei oti "h shmerinh enarjh toy Synedrioy meridas twn Neolaiwn toy PASOK erxetai na epikyrwsei to baqy kai, ap' o,ti fainetai agefyrwto rhgma sto kybernwn komma. H krish sth Neolaia metaferqhke kai sthn hgesia, kaqws polloi boyleytes kai stelexh dhlwnan mexri arga xqes th nyxta apofasismenoi na parastoyn stis ergasies toy Synedrioy, deixnontas etsi thn entonh diafwnia toys me toys "eksygxronistes".

    H ELEYQERH WRA yposthrizei oti "Me toys misoys "maqhtes", me thn "apoxh" twn allwn miswn kai xwris ton ... Kaqhghth, arxizoyn shmera ta maqhmata eswkommatikhs dhmokratias sto... ekpaideythrio ths Neolaias toy PASOK".

    H ESTIA anaferei oti "Eis klima dialysews kai me eyryteras endokommatikas politikas diastaseis pragmatopoieitai shmeron to synedrion ths Neolaias toy PASOK. Toy synedrioy den metexoyn oi legomenoi "eksygxronistes", kataggeilantes tas meqodeyseis ths aperxomenhs hgesias ths Neolaias, h opoia proskeitai eis ton k. A. Tsoxatzopoylon". Symfwna me ton ELEYQERO "Wra mhden sto PASOK. H krish poy mastizei edw kai mhnes th Neolaia, einai etoimh na metaferqei kai sto komma, kaqws o prwqypoyrgos kai proedros toy PASOK k. K. Shmiths feretai ejorgismenos me thn "anaidh grammatea" kai th "qrasytath" Neolaia".

    H AYGH tonizei oti "Dixase telika to komma to Synedrio ths N. PASOK poy arxizei shmera sto Olympiako Stadio, para thn proeidopoihsh ths politikhs grammateias toy Kinhmatos oti pragmatopoieitai enantia sth boylhsh ths... To Synedrio poy perase apo... saranta kymata mexri na pragmatopoihqei, arxizei xwris ton k. Shmith, ton K. Skandalidh kai thn omada twn 'mikrwn' eksygxronistwn, alla piqanothta me ton A. Tsoxatzopoylo".

    O RIZOSPASTHS ypogrammizei oti "Entones anatarajeis prokalei sto PASOK to synedrio ths Neolaias toy, kaqws to Grafeio Typoy toy kommatos katadikase xtes thn taktikh ths pleiochfias ths organwshs, enw ligo argotera o A. Tsoxatzopoylos kalyce plhrws tis epiloges ths Neolaias".

    TA NEA sto basiko toys sxolio epishmainoyn oti "Otan oi neoi mimoyntai toys megaloys... Kai otan oi megaloi lhsmonoyn oti syxna oi neoi antigrafoyn th dikh toys symperifora... To apotelesma den mporei na einai diaforetiko apo ayto poy hdh symbainei sth Neolaia toy PASOK: H eswterikh antipalothta sto komma metaferetai kai sthn Organwshs ths Neolaias..".

    H ELEYQEROTYPIA prosqetei oti "Th sobaroterh krish toy meta to synedrio toy 1996 dierxetai apo xqes to PASOK, kaqws kineitai se troxia anoixths sygkroyshs kai dixasmoy se epipedo koryfhs me aformh to synedrio ths neolaias".

    H GNWSH shmeiwnei oti "Anoigei shmera o askos toy Aioloy sto PASOK. An o ypoyrgos Eqnikhs Amynas Akhs Tsoxatzopoylos pragmatopoihsei to krisimo bhma me thn paroysia toy sto synedrio ths N. PASOK, ki an fysika o prwqypoyrgos Kwstas Shmiths tolmhsei na toy apanthsei".

    [3] Diagwnismos sto Dhmosio

    H AYRIANH grafei oti "Sthn krish twn ypochfiwn kai oxi sthn aposthqish brisketai to "kleidi" ths epityxias gia ton Panellhnio grapto diagwnismo proslhcewn poy qa diejaxqei to Sabbatokyriako. Opws epishmanan xqes oi proedroi toy ASEP kai ths Kentrikhs Epitrophs Diagwnismoy Mixahl Papadakhs kai Giwrgos Behs antistoixa, h anadeijh toy stoixeioy ths krishs kai ths genikhs gnwshs twn ypochfiwn apotelei th basikh kateyqynsh gia th diamorfwsh twn qematwn sta opoia qa klhqoyn n' apanthsoyn.

    H KAQHMERINH ypogrammizei oti "H agwnia koryfwnetai ayrio kai meqayrio gia 120.225 ypochfioys poy diagwnizontai gia 2.353 qeseis toy Dhmosioy, enw to kleidi ths epityxias, kata toys diorganwtes toy diagwnismoy, einai h diathrhsh ths cyxraimias, kaqws kai h ikanothta synqetikhs kai kritikhs paroysiashs twn qematwn kai oxi apomnhmoneyshs".

    H KALHMERA tonizei oti "Allagh pleysews logw ... kakokairias kai problhmatwn ths teleytaias stigmhs anagkasthke na kanei to ASEP, liges wres prin arxisei h proseleysh twn xiliadwn ypochfiwn sta ejetastika kentra olhs ths xwras gia to diagwnismo gia tis 2.353 qeseis sto Dhmosio".

    Kata thn APOGEYMATINH "Sklhrh maxh gia 2.353 qeseis sto Dhmosio qa dwsoyn ayrio kai thn Kyriakh 120.000 ypochfioi poy qa laboyn meros sto deytero panellhnio grapto diagwnismo, kaqws oi baseis ektinassontai sta ych".

    TO EQNOS prosqetei oti "O entonos antagwnismos adeiazei ta ejetastika kentra toy panellhnioy diagwnismoy. Xiliades ypochfioi epilegoyn "apoxh" apo tis ejetaseis, gnwrizontas oti exoyn mikres piqanothtes na katakthsoyn thn polypoqhth qesh sto Dhmosio".

    O ELEYQEROS TYPOS anaferei oti "Sta telh Aprilioy, to nwritero, anamenetai na ekdoqoyn ta apotelesmata toy panellhnioy diagwnismoy gia tis 2.353 proslhceis sto Dhmosio, poy dienergeitai ayrio Sabbato kai thn Kyriakh, enw einai agnwsto pote qa analaboyn yphresia oi epityxontes".

    [4] Ellhnotoyrkikes sxeseis

    O LOGOS grafei oti "mia proodos sto Kypriako, qa apofortize shmantika to bebarhmeno politiko klima metajy Elladas kai Toyrkias tonizei se synenteyjh toy sthn germanikh efhmerida 'Frankoyrter Royntsaoy', o anaplhrwths ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn, Gewrgios Papandreoy, kalwntas taytoxrona thn toyrkikh kybernhsh kai ton Ntenktas na anaqewrhsoyn thn arnhtikh toys stash sxetika me thn entajh ths Kyproy sthn EE".

    H NIKH anaferei oti "anoixto afhse ton endexomeno anagnwrishs toy "kratoys" toy Ntenktas apo tis HPA o eidikos syntonisths toy Steit Ntipartment T. Miler kai taxqhke yper toy apeyqeias ellhnotoyrkikoy dialogoy prokeimenoy 'na ejetastoyn tropoi gefyrwshs twn diaforwn' kai ths 'aney orwn kai proypoqesewn' symmetoxhs ths Toyrkias sthn Eyrwpaikh Diaskech".

    H AQHNAIKH tonizei oti "emmesws yper twn toyrkikwn qesewn, toso gia thn poreia twn ellhnotoyrkikwn sxesewn oso kai gia to Kypriako, taxqhke me dhlwseis toy pros thn ellhnikh yphresia toy BBC o eidikos apestalmenos toy Steit Ntipartment gia to Kypriako Tomas Miler. Apo thn allh pleyra, o anaplhrwths ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn G. Papandreoy me synenteyjh toy sth germanikh 'Frankoyrter Roynsaoy' kalese thn kybernhsh Gilmaz kai ton Raoyf Ntenktas n' anaqewrhsoyn thn arnhtikh toy stash gia thn entajh ths Kyproy sthn EE".

    O ADESMEYTOS TYPOS prosqetei oti "thn promhqeia prohgmenwn "S-300", me pollaplasies aytwn poy qa promhqeyqei h Kypros, ejetazei twra to ypoyrgeio Eqnikhs Amynas, to opoio ews protinos, fainotan na klinei yper ths agoras twn amerikanwn "Patriot".

    H BRADYNH epishmainei oti "aysthrh glwssa pros thn Agkyra apo ton anaplhrwth ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn, Giwrgo Papandreoy. Katalogizei sthn toyrkikh pleyra adiallajia kai xarakthrizei thn 'protash twn 5 shmeiwn' toy I. Tzem, ws prospaqeia epibolhs enos dialogoy ef' olwn twn ajiwsewn ths, akoma kai ekeinwn poy prosballoyn eyqews to Dieqnes Dikaio h amfisbhtoyn thn kyriarxia ths Elladas".


    H proteinomenh ryqmish gia ta panwtokia, h kataqesh toy anaptyjiakoy nomosxedioy sth Boylh, h ayjhsh ths synolikhs pistwtikhs epektashs, ta kerdh ths Kthmatikhs kai ths Xiosbank, kai h ereyna ths ICAP gia tis metoxopoihseis, einai ta basika qemata toy shmerinoy oikonomikoy Typoy.

    GENIKH Dhmoprasiwn: "Ektos stoxoy h pistwtikh epektash - Kindynos na 'ektrapei" o timariqmos."

    EJPRES: "Pali plhrwnei o pelaths - Katateqhke h tropologia gia ta panwtokia."

    HMERHSIA: "Treis lyseis gia ta panwtokia sta daneia - Ti problepei h ryqmish gia ton anatokismo."

    KERDOS: "Neo kaqestws stoys tokoys twn trapezikwn daneiwn - Katateqhke h tropologia poy katargei ton mhniaio anatokismo."

    NAYTEMPORIKH: "Neo nomoqetiko kaqestws gia ekptwseis kai prosfores - Aysthroteres diatajeis gia tis times twn nerwn kai anacyktikwn."

    [6] Anatokismos - Ryqmish

    H HMERHSIA anaferei oti:"Leptes isorropies anamesa sthn anagkh na doqei lysh sto qema twn panwtokiwn xwris na qigontai oi trapezes krathse h kybernhsh. Sthn tropologia poy kateqese xqes sth Boylh dinei anadromikh isxy stis ryqmiseis mono gia ta palaia daneia, gia ta opoia den yphrxan rhtes symfwnies anatokismoy twn tokwn. Gia osa daneia yphrjan symbaseis metajy trapezwn kai daneiolhptwn den qa yparxei kamia synexeia."
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