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Athens News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 97-11-20

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  • [2] Ejoplismoi
  • [3] Elegktiko Synedrio
  • [4] Kypriako
  • [5] Ellhnotoyrkikes sxeseis
  • [7] Dhmosio - Daneiakes anagkes


    H epitaxynsh toy ejoplistikoy programmatos twn Enoplwn Dynamewn, h ektakth Synodos Koryfhs ths EE gia thn Apasxolhsh, h syzhthsh ston Areio Pago gia ta "panwtokia" twn trapezwn kai h seismikh ejarsh twn teleytaiwn hmerwn, einai ta basika qemata ths eidhseografias toy shmerinoy aqhnaikoy typoy.

    ADESMEYTOS TYPOS: Diplasia telh sta "papakia". Ti qa plhrwsoyn 2.460.000 aytokinhta.

    APOGEYMATINH: "Oxetos" h Xarilaoy Trikoyph. Epistolh bomba sta qemelia toy PASOK.

    H AQHNAIKH: Sygkroysh "Strathgwn" me epistolh-dynamith. G. Panagiwtakopoylos kata Q. Tsoykatoy.

    H AYGH: Kataigida ejoplismwn. Paraggelies 1,5 tris. drx. mesa sto 1998.

    AYRIANH: Laqos k. Shmith h ejagora stelexwn toy SYN.

    BRADYNH: Koboyn tis syntajeis. 10 metra-fwtia sto Asfalistiko.

    EQNOS: Ta agkaqia sto dromo gia mia qesh sto dhmosio. Shmera oi aithseis. Agnwsto pote qa ginoyn oi diorismoi.

    ELEYQERH WRA: H oikonomia... koyrdizei to "jypnhthri" ths N.D.

    ELEYQEROS: Moirazoyn karekles sthn Aristera gia na swqoyn.

    ELEYQEROS TYPOS: Ews 30% panw ta daneia gia mikromesaioys.

    ELEYQEROTYPIA: Poy to paei o k. Egkelados. Kampanaki h diegersh me ta apanwta rixter.

    H EJOYSIA: O megalos exqros ths kybernhshs. "Kakos eaytos" oi kaqysterhseis sthn paragwgh ergoy.

    ESTIA: Orgion parabasewn eis toys Proypologismoys. Katapelths to Elegktikon Synedrion.

    H KAQHMERINH: Amyntikoi ejoplismoi 2,5 tris. Amesh promhqeia antiaeroporikwn pyraylwn kai aeroskafwn.

    O LOGOS: Qwrakizetai san astakos h Ellada.

    TA NEA: O proedros toy idrymatos Wnash: Den peisthka gia to pws peqane h Wnash.

    NIKH: Diglwssia Karamanlh. Ypokritikh h stash toy enanti toy laoy.

    RIZOSPASTHS: Dynamikh "prwth" twn agrotwn ths Karditsas. Maxhtiko syllalhthrio.

    [2] Ejoplismoi

    H KAQHMERINH grafei oti "symbaseis gia thn promhqeia oplikwn systhmatwn synolikoy ycoys 2,5 tris. drx. qa exoyn ypografei mexri to telos toy 1998, enw mexri to telos toy 1997 qa exoyn teqei se efarmogh symbaseis 450 dis. drx. To ycos ayto einai pollaplasio toy ycoys twn symbasewn poy eixan ypografei kata thn trietia 1993-96".

    H AYGH anaferei oti "thn epitaxynsh kai thn pash qysia oloklhrwsh toy ejoplistikoy programmatos twn Enoplwn Dynamewn apofasise xqes to KESEA, anakoinwnontas malista oti kata th diarkeia toy oikonomika sfiktoy 1998 qa ypografoyn programmata kostoys anw twn 800 dis. drx. Metajy twn programmatwn poy qa 'kleisoyn' amesa einai kai ayta me th megalyterh politikh kai oikonomikh shmasia, dhladh ta nea maxhtika aeroskafh kai ta antiaeroporika systhmata makroy belhnekoys, ta dyo "fileta" dhladh me ta opoia h kybernhsh qa eixe th dynatothta na diapragmateyetai me "exqroys" kai "filoys".

    O ELEYQEROS tonizei oti "apofaseis me... ejoplistiko fonto kai gnwmona thn analhch ths proedrias ths Dytikoeyrwpaikhs Enwshs qa labei to KYSEA stis epikeimenes kriseis ths hgesias twn Enoplwn Dynamewn. Ayto diefanh kata th xqesinh synedriash toy Kybernhtikoy Symboylioy, to opoio apofasise omofwna thn paramonh toy A/GEEQA pterarxoy Aqanasioy Tzoganh gia allon ena xrono, opws problepetai apo th nomoqesia, arxhs genomenhs ths neas qhteias toy apo tis 15 Ianoyarioy 1998".

    H APOGEYMATINH shmeiwnei oti "panakriba plhrwnei h Ellada, to terastio ejoplistiko programma poy einai anagkaio gia na qwrakisei tis Enoples Dynameis mas. Mexri kai to 1999, se xroniko diasthma molis dyo xronwn, qa dwsoyme 2,35 tris. drx. gia na metatrecoyme se "astako" th xwra mas".

    O ADESMEYTOS TYPOS ektima oti "thn taxeia ylopoihsh toy ejoplistikoy programmatos apofasise to KYSEA, to opoio synhlqe xqes, sth braxyterh ews shmera synedriash toy kata th diarkeia ths prwqypoyrgias Shmith. Wstoso, megalyterh entypwsh apo thn taxyryqmh aporrofhsh 2,8 tris. ews to telos toy 1999 gia thn promhqeia amyntikoy ylikoy, prokalese h omofwnh apofash toy KYSEA epi ths eishghsews Tsoxatzopoyloy na diathrhsei ton arxhgo GEEQA sth qesh toy gia enan akomh xrono".

    H AQHNAIKH yposthrizei oti "me aixmh to ejoplistiko programma qa proxwrhsoyn oi allages sth domh toy Polemikoy Naytikoy kai ths Polemikhs Aeroporias, sta protypa twn Enoplwn Dynamewn twn xwrwn-melwn toy NATO".

    [3] Elegktiko Synedrio

    H ESTIA grafei oti "ai kybernhseis toy PASOK katartizoyn toys Proypologismoys toy Kratoys di' alxhmeiwn poy yperbainoyn kaqe fantasian, me apotelesma h eikwn twn dhmosiwn oikonomikwn na einai pantelws plasmatikh. To adiamfisbhthton ayto symperasma synagetai apo thn Ekqesin toy Elegktikoy Synedrioy dia ton Proypologismon toy etoys 1995, gegonos to opoion proideazei kai dia ti qa prepei na exei symbh me ton katateqenta Proypologismon toy etoys 1998".

    O RIZOSPASTHS tonizei oti "to mega qema twn kybernhtikwn alxhmeiwn sthn katartish toy kratikoy proypologismoy epanaferei to Elegktiko Synedrio toy kratoys, me aformh ton oloklhrwsh ths ejetashs toy proypologismoy toy 1996. Sthn pragmatikothta, opws oi koinoi forofygades, to dhmosio, me eyqynh twn ekastote kybernwntwn, threi dipla biblia, gnwrizontas ek twn proterwn, oti alla kondylia paroysiazontai ston epishmo proypologismo kai entelws diaforetika posa diaxeirizetai to ypoyrgeio Oikonomikwn".

    To EQNOS anaferei oti "monimo fainomeno apodeiknyetai h diaspaqish toy dhmosioy xrhmatos kai h kakodiaxeirish toy me thn ethsia ekqesh toy Elegktikoy Synedrioy poy paroysiazei gia mia akoma fora stoixeia - sok. Apo thn ekqesh poy paredwse xqes o proedros toy Elegktikoy Synedrioy (ES) Ap. Mpotsos sthn proedro ths Boylhs Ap. Kaklamanh prokyptei oti h kataspatalhsh toy dhmosioy xrhmatos ginetai se ola ta epipeda kai klimakia toy Dhmosioy, apo ta poly ychla mexri ta poly xamhla".

    [4] Kypriako

    Symfwna me thn ELEYQERH WRA "thn dhmioyrgia triwn zwnwn sthn Kypro problepei to sxedio toy Amerikanoy mesolabhtoy R. Xolmproyk, anaferei se xqesino dhmosieyma ths h toyrkikh efhmerida "Gieni Gioyzgil". Symfwna me to dhmosieyma h trith zwnh qa prokych me thn epektash ths "prasinhs grammhs" thn opoia qa epithroyn o OHE kai h polyeqnikh dynamh toy NATO".

    H NIKH grafei oti "kai to toyrkiko ypoyrgeio Ejwterikwn dieceyse se dhmosieymata peri sxedioy Xolmproyk, to opoio problepei dhmioyrgia triwn zwnwn sthn Kypro. O ekproswpos toy, n. Oytkan, tonise oti to pio shmantiko gia thn Agkyra einai h anagnwrish ths yparjhs dyo politika iswn ontothtwn".

    H EJOYSIA yposthrizei oti "proforiko mhnyma toy GG toy OHE metefere sthn Proedro Klhridh kai ton Raoyf Ntenktas, me toys opoioys arxise xwristes epafes, o eidikos symboylos toy genikoy grammatea Ntiegko Korntobez. Symfwna me plhrofories sto mhnyma anaferontai ta ejhs: 1. Ta Hnwmena Eqnh qewroyn oti einai ek twn oyk aney pws h diadikasia twn synomiliwn den diakophke. 2. H epanalhch twn apeyqeias synomiliwn, an einai dynaton apo thn 1h Martioy. 3. Ta Hnwmena Eqnh mexri thn epanalhch twn synomiliwn qa etoimazontai se ola ta epipeda, gegonos poy qa odhghsei kai sthn proetoimasia nomikwn eggrafwn epi twn opoiwn qa ginetai h diapragmateysh".

    Ta NEA anaferoyn oti "tesseris oroys qetoyn h Agkyra kai o Ntenktas gia na egkataleicoyn tis apeiles gia enswmatwsh twn katexomenwn kai na yioqethsoyn "hpioterh" stash sto qema ths enarjhs twn entajiakwn diapragmateysewn Kyproy-Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs".

    [5] Ellhnotoyrkikes sxeseis

    H AYRIANH anaferei oti "apofasismenh na mhn epitrecei ep' oydeni tropo thn anabaqmish twn eyrwtoyrkikwn sxesewn, efoson h Agkyra den proxwrhsei se sygkekrimena bhmata kalhs qelhsews poy n' apodeiknyoyn empraktws thn proqesh ths na sebastei ta yfistamena synora kai toys kanones toy Dieqnoys Dikaioy, feretai h ellhnikh kybernhsh, h opoia anamenetai symfwna me sygklinoyses plhrofories oti qa krathsei "sklhrh" stash kata th diarkeia twn ergasiwn ths dihmerhs atyphs Synodoy Koryfhs poy arxizei shmera sto Loyjemboyrgo".

    H ELEYQEROTYPIA grafei oti "h kybernhsh epiqymei na arxisoyn oi diapragmateyseis gia thn dieyrynsh ths EE kai me tis 11 ypochfies xwres kai epomenws den prokeitai na yposthrijei thn protash gia thn Eyrwpaikh Diaskech sthn opoia qa mporoyse na prosteqei kai h Toyrkia. H Aqhna einai pantws yper ths anabaqmishs twn sxesewn ths Toyrkias me thn EE, an h Agkyra ikanopoiei toys oroys poy ths exoyn teqei pros toyto".

    O LOGOS ektima oti "safh proeidopoihsh pros thn Toyrkia na proxwrhsei se bhmata pros thn kateyqynsh ths ejomalynshs twn ellhnotoyrkikwn sxesewn kai to Kypriako aphyqyne o eidikos syntonisths toy Steit Ntipartment gia to Kypriako T. Miller, ypogrammizontas oti ayth einai h proypoqesh gia thn anabaqmish twn sxesewn EE-Toyrkias".

    O ELEYQEROS TYPOS sto basiko toy sxolio yposthrizei oti "h kybernhsh Shmith strefetai pleon eyqews kata twn eqnikwn symferontwn. Sta plaisia twn desmeysewn poy exei analabei o prwqypoyrgos pros ton jeno paragonta, prospaqei na apallagei apo thn ypoxrewsh toy na askhsei "beto" sth diadikasia proseggishs Toyrkias-Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs".

    H BRADYNH prosqetei oti "bhma-bhma klimakwnontai oi pieseis kai to pazari twn HPA gia thn anabaqmish twn eyrwtoyrkikwn sxesewn. Paramones ths synanthshs toy Ellhna prwqypoyrgoy me toys 14 hgetes twn kratwn-melwn ths EE, sthn ektakth Synodo toy Loyjemboyrgoy, opoy qa teqei epi taphtos to qema twn eyrwtoyrkikwn sxesewn kai ths peribohths Eyrwpaikhs Diaskechs, o Tomas Miller, akoloyqwntas th grammh poy xaraje o Xolmproyk, epixeirei na antallajei to ellhniko beto me merikoys genikoys kai ewloys oroys apo thn Agkyra".


    Oi daneiakes anagkes toy Dhmosioy, h dikh gia to qema toy anatokismoy kaqysteroymenwn tokwn daneiwn, h pistwtikh epektash sto Dhmosio kai idiwtiko tomea kai h megalh ptwsh timwn sto Xrhmatisthrio toy Tokio einai ta basika qemata toy shmerinoy oikonomikoy typoy.

    GENIKH Dhmoprasiwn: "Ta elleimmata toy Dhmosioy piezoyn th xrhmatagora - Anhsyxia apo thn ayjhsh ths pistwtikhs epektashs to Septembrio".

    EJPRES: "To Dhmosio "arpazei" ta daneia apo ton trapeziko xwro".

    HMERHSIA: "H megalh dikh gia toys tokoys sta daneia".

    KERDOS: "Anhsyxia gia tis anagkes daneismoy toy Dhmosioy".

    NAYTEMPORIKH: "Sthn koch toy jyrafioy oi isologismoi twn trapezwn - Prospaqeia ejwraismoy meta thn krish, enw o Areios Pagos apofasizei gia ta panwtokia".

    [7] Dhmosio - Daneiakes anagkes

    TO KERDOS anaferei oti: "Problhmatismos epikratei sto yp. Oikonomikwn sxetika me tis epomenes kinhseis, poy qa prepei na ginoyn sto qema toy daneismoy toy Dhmosioy, dedomenoy oti mexri to telos toy xronoy qa prepei na antlhqoyn peripoy 2,5 tris. drx. Para to gegonos oti h prosfath krish exei ektonwqei, oi synqhkes sthn agora den einai eynoikes gia to daneismo toy Dhmosioy, afoy h reystothta paramenei periorismenh, ta epitokia qa synexisoyn na briskontai se ychla epipeda, enw h agora omologwn den fainetai na shmeiwnei akomh anakamch".
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