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Athens News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 97-09-08

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  • [2] Olympiakoi Agwnes 2004
  • [3] Kypriako
  • [4] Ellhnotoyrkikes sxeseis
  • [5] D.E.Q.


    Aqhna, Ellada, 08/09/1997 (APE)

    H analhch twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn toy 2004 apo thn Aqhna, h omilia toy prwqypoyrgoy sth D.E.Q., oi ejelijeis sto Kypriako kai h khdeia ths prigkipissas Ntaiana einai ta basika qemata ths eidhseografias toy shmerinoy typoy.

    ADESMEYTOS TYPOS: "Arpaxtes" ektos elegxoy enocei Olympiakwn.

    APOGEYMATINH: Pyretos sto Xrhmatisthrio. H Olympiada anace ta aimata twn kerdoskopwn.

    AQHNAIKH: H epitagh ths Giannas. Arxise to sklhro pazari gia to megalo fagopoti.

    AYRIANH: Akyres apofaseis toy Eklogodikeioy.

    EQNOS: Symfwnia gia 2 nikes. Protash Shmith pros oloys: Eyrwph 2000, Aqhna 2004.

    ELEYQERH WRA: "Gkremisan ta teixh" gia thn presbeira ths Ellados.

    ELEYQEROS: Epelash arpaktikwn.

    ELEYQEROS TYPOS: Eqniko glenti gia to 2004.

    ELEYQEROTYPIA: E, re glentia! Eqniko paralhrhma, me fiestes kai... aisiodojia.

    H EJOYSIA: Ti fobizei toys Ellhnes gia to 2004. Dhmoskophsh ths KAPA RESEARCH meta th nikh ths Lwzannhs.

    H ESTIA: Eis thn aristeran anazhtei kai palin swsibion o arxhgos toy PASOK.

    TA NEA: Pws peisame toys "Aqanatoys" gia to 2004. H Gianna Aggelopoyloy milaei sta "NEA".

    NIKH: Epesan ta teixh. Ypodoxh hrwwn gia toys nikhtes ths "maxhs" ths Lwzannhs.

    [2] Olympiakoi Agwnes 2004

    H NIKH grafei oti "ston pyreto twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn toy 2004 zei apo shmera h Aqhna. H megalh nikh toy Ellhnismoy poy yposthrije sysswmos th diekdikhsh ths diorganwshs qa metatrapei apo dw kai sto ejhs se moxlo gia almata pros to mellon, se doyleia kai erga prokeimenoy na apodeijoyme oti den exoyme mono endojo parelqon alla kai dhmioyrgiko paron".

    H ESTIA anaferetai sthn "panhgyrikh ekdhlwsh logw ths analhcews twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn apo thn Ellada to 2004, poy, egeneto xqes eis to Zappeion Megaron, opoy oi tragoydistai Xaris Alejioy kai G. Ntalaras paroysiasan kallitexnikon programma paroysia toy prwqypoyrgoy k. K. Shmith, melwn ths kybernhsews, toy Dhmarxoy Aqhnaiwn k. D. Abramopoyloy melwn ths Olympiakhs Epitrophs kai ths Epitrophs Diekdikhsews twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn toy 2004 kai plhqoys Aqhnaiwn".

    TA NEA sto sxolio toys epishmainoyn metajy allwn oti "einai bebaiws fysiko qa htan omws kai megalo laqos: giati einai bebaiws fysiko na diatypwnetai apo polles pleyres o fobos. Pws th megalh ayth eqnikh epityxia ths katakthshs twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn gia to 2004. Qa karpwqei apokleistika h prwteyoysa kai pws h perifereia, h ypoloiph dhladh Ellada, qa dei... poroys poy proorismo eixan th dikh ths anaptyjh na phgainoyn sthn, hdh ypertrofika gigantwmenh Aqhna".

    Symfwna me ta apotelesmata dhmoskophshs poy dhmosieyei h EJOYSIA to 84% twn erwthqentwn ektima pws h analhch ths Olympiadas einai gegonos poly h arketa shmantiko gia th xwra mas. To 41% ektima oti qa apoferei polla ofelh sth xwra mas. Epishs to 41% pisteyei oti h analhch ths Olympiadas an kai tima kai ajizei sth xwra mas den qa apoferei shmantika ofelh. To 57% qelei na antimetwpisei h Ellada thn organwsh ths Olympiadas san eykairia gia anaptyjh kai dhmioyrgia ypodomwn kai to 37% gia thn anabiwsh twn idewn toy Olympismoy. Epishs to 60% dhlwnei diateqeimeno na prosferei eqelontika gia thn epityxia ths Olympiadas.

    [3] Kypriako

    H ELEYQERH WRA grafei oti "kaqws to qermometro stis sxeseis Leykwsias-Agkyras anebainei ej aformhs ths programmatismenhs egkatastasews toy rwsikoy antiaeroporikoy systhmatos S-300 to amerikaniko Pentagwno emfanizetai na parakoloyqh apo konta tis ejelijeis sto sygkekrimeno qema, enw h katastasi ginetai perissotero dyskolh apo plhrofories gia endexomena polemika senaria, anaforika me tis ejelijeis sth Megalonhso".

    O ELEYQEROS ektima oti "thn ekrhjh polemoy anamesa sthn Ellada kai thn Toyrkia me aformh thn egkatastash twn S-300 sthn Kypro problepei ena apo ta teleytaia senaria omadas eidikwn analytwn toy ypoyrgeioy Amynas twn HPA. Den apokleietai, malista na symperilambanetai stis meqodeyseis poy apergazontai prokeimenoy na askhsoyn entonoterh piesh sthn kypriakh kybernhsh me ameso stoxo th mataiwsh ths egkatastashs twn S-300 ".

    [4] Ellhnotoyrkikes sxeseis

    H AYRIANH grafei oti "se mia prospaqeia na metaqesei to dieqnes endiaferon apo tis proklhseis ths sthn Kypro, h toyrkikh hgesia qetei zhthma apostratikopoihshs twn nhsiwn toy Aigaioy. H Toyrkia zhthse apo thn EE na askhsei pieseis sthn Ellada gia thn apostratikopoihsh twn nhsiwn, isxyrizomenh oti einai ejoplismenh kata parabash twn dieqnwn synqhkwn".

    To EQNOS me titlo "Aporriptei th Xagh" anaferei oti "sklhrainei th stash ths h Agkyra kai epixeirei na perasei sthn "antepiqesh" anaprosarmozontas thn taktikh ths apenanti sth xwra mas".

    O ELEYQEROS TYPOS ektima oti "thn wra poy o prwqypoyrgos sth Qessalonikh tonize oti h Toyrkia akoloyqei th dikh mas politikh, h kybernhsh ths Agkyras proxwroyse se mia akomh proklhtikh energeia, akyrwnontas sthn prajh th symfwnia ths Madriths".

    [5] D.E.Q.

    H EJOYSIA grafei oti "se mia synenteyjh Typoy opoy kyriarxhse to qema twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn o K. Shmiths perioristhke sth diatypwsh twn genikwn arxwn, qesewn kai stoxwn ths kybernhtikhs politikhs, enw prospaqhse na ypobaqmisei tis endokybernhtikes kai eswkommatikes antiparaqeseis. Antiqeta ypertonise to qema toy dialogoy gia thn Kentroaristera".

    H ELEYQEROTYPIA anaferei oti "dyo meres meta toys panhgyrismoys gia toys Olympiakoys Agwnes toy 2004,o prwqypoyrgos Kwstas Shmiths fronhse na katebasei toys tonoys kai na epanaferei sto proskhnio ta pragmatika problhmata ths xwras, orismena apo ta opoia prepei na exoyn epilyqei ws tote. Xwris na ypobaqmisei th shmasia toy gegonotos, tonise oti "h poreia ths xwras den ejartatai apo ayto" kai eqese ws prwtes proteraiothtes thn isotimh entajh ths sto "eyrw", thn isxyrh paroysia ths sta Balkania kai thn oikonomikh anaptyjh".

    H APOGEYMATINH ektima oti "mia nea sklhrh dietia litothtas prodiegrace apo th Qessalonikh o prwqypoyrgos K. Shmiths, xrhsimopoiwntas omws mia glwssa skopimhs asafeias, poy afhnei anoikto kaqe endexomeno gia ta mesa (kyriws ta forologika) poy qa xrhsimopoihqoyn ws pros thn epiteyjh twn stoxwn".

    H AQHNAIKH sto sxolio ths yposthrizei metajy allwn oti "yparxoyn isws s'ayton ton kosmo hrwes poy mporoyn na antejoyn s'ola ta swmatika kai cyxika martyria. Wstoso, enas laos den mporei na ypomenei ep'aoriston thn oikonomikh toy ptwxeysh kai koinwnikh toy ejaqliwsh. H ikanothta antistashs twn neyrwn toy anqrwpoy exei ta oria ths".

    O ADESMEYTOS TYPOS prosqetei oti "ejontwtika metra gia thn pleiochfia twn forologoymenwn qetei se efarmogh h kybernhsh sthn oikonomikh politikh, gia ta epomena dyo xronia, arxizontas apo ayjhseis se yparxontes foroys".

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