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Athens News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 97-06-12

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From: "Greek Press & Information Office, Ottawa Canada" <>



  • [2] Anaqewrhsh Syntagmatos
  • [3] Synqhkh Sengken
  • [4] Xreh pros to Dhmosio
  • [5] Kypriako
  • [7] OTE - Dhmosia eggrafh


    AQhna, Ellada, 12/06/1997 (APE)

    H syzhthsh gia thn anaqewrhsh toy Syntagmatos, h epikyrwsh ths Synqhkhs Sengken, oi ellhnotoyrkikes sxeseis kai to Kypriako einai ta basika qemata ths eidhseografias toy shmerinoy typoy.

    ADESMEYTOS TYPOS: Neo... 1-1-4 'rixnei' thn kybernhsh. Mono 114 boyleytes toy PASOK chfisan yper ths Synqhkhs Sengken.

    APOGEYMATINH: Erxetai h eforia gia 573.000 Ellhnes.

    AQHNAIKH: Aytos tinaje thn EL.AS. ston aera.

    H AYGH: 80 dis dolaria mporoyn na "sbhsoyn" thn pagkosmia ftwxeia.

    AYRIANH: Lista-sok. 1000 forofygades xrwstane 1,5 tris.

    EQNOS: Kolafos gia toys politikoys. Pagkosmia ereyna me stoixeia sok gia thn Ellada.

    ELEYQERH WRA: Xeiropedes foresan sthn Sengken me to diko toys tropo oi dyo hrwikoi astyfylakes.

    ELEYQEROS: Apoysies me nohma apo thn chfoforia gia thn synqhkh toy Sengken.

    ELEYQEROS TYPOS: Anoigw ta xartia moy. Ejomologhsh Mhtsotakh.

    ELEYQEROTYPIA: H Boylh twn qaymatwn.

    H EJOYSIA: To fws kai to skotos. Rizospastikes protaseis klhrikwn. Skhnes epikindynoy skotadismoy sth Boylh.

    H ESTIA: Ryqmiseis ofeilwn kai katasxeseis perioysiwn dia thn eisprajin 1,6 tris.

    H KAQHMERINH: Diamaxh gia to Syntagma.

    O LOGOS: Ston eisaggelea forofygades anw twn 50 ekatommyriwn.

    TA NEA: Pyretos 300 dis gia ton OTE. Anarpastes oi metoxes.

    NIKH: Epanastatikh protash klhrikwn:to raso den kanei ton papa.

    RIZOSPASTHS: Akyrh kai typika h epikyrwsh ths synqhkhs Sengken.

    [2] Anaqewrhsh Syntagmatos

    TA NEA sto sxolio toys grafoyn metajy allwn oti "endiaferei amesa oloys kai oxi aplws osoys qa asxolhqoyn sth Boylh me tis allages ston Katastatiko Xarth. Kai asfalws exei shmasia gia ton kaqena an ryqmiseis prostasias twn atomikwn dikaiwmatwn kai twn koinwnikwn eleyqeriwn qa enisxyqoyn. Kai an epiteloys h qewrhtikh isonomia qa katoxyrwqei, wste na mhn anoigokleinoyn paraqyra diakrisewn, opws logoy xarin, symbainei me tis proslhceis ston eyrytero dhmosio tomea".

    H AYRIANH anaferei oti "nhfalio dialogo xwris memcimoiries kai eyreia synainesh gia thn anaqewrhsh toy Syntagmatos zhthse o prwqypoyrgos Kwstas Shmiths, prokeimenoy ,opws eipe, h xwra na ejoplistei kai na metasxei stis anakatatajeis ths neas Dieqnoys pragmatikothtas sthn aygh toy epomenoy aiwna".

    H NIKH epishmainei oti "sthn protash toy PASOK gia na apemplakei to endexomeno ths dialyshs ths Boylhs apo thn eklogh toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias prosxwrei kai o SYN kai diamorfwnetai ap'o,ti fainetai mia eyryterh synainesh, gia na perasei h diatajh ayth sthn anaqewrhsh toy Syntagmatos".

    O RIZOSPASTHS prosqetei oti "thn prosarmogh ths xwras kai syntagmatika sta dedomena ths EE toy Maastrixt kai twn polyeqnikwn epidiwkoyn PASOK, ND kai SYN me tis protaseis toys gia thn anaqewrhsh toy Syntagmatos opws apokalyfqhke sth xtesinh syzhthsh sth Boylh".

    Symfwna me thn AQHNAIKH, "epimelws apefyge o prwqypoyrgos k. Shmiths to skopelo na aposafhnisei pws akribws ennoei h kybernhsh thn eklogh toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias xwris th mesolabhsh eklogwn".

    H EJOYSIA ektima oti "se synainetika plaisia kinhqhke h xqesinobradinh syzhthsh sth Boylh gia thn anaqewrhsh toy Syntagmatos, kaqws PASOK kai ND symfwnhsan stis perissoteres apo tis allages poy apaitoyntai ston katastatiko xarth ths ellhnikhs politeias".

    [3] Synqhkh Sengken

    H ESTIA grafei oti "me thn epideiktikhn apoysian Shmith kai me pollas arnhtikas chfoys kai apoysias boyleytwn kai apo ta dyo megala kommata, echfisqh eis thn Olomeleian ths Boylhs to Nomosxedion poy kyrwnei thn Synqhkhn toy Sengken".

    H AYGH me titlo "Antimetwpoi me ton Mesaiwna Sengken" anaferei oti "monon oi dyo stoys treis boyleytes toy PASOK kai oi misoi ths ND chfisan th Synqhkh toy Sengken xqes kata thn onomastikh chfoforia poy egine sth Boylh meta apo aithma toy SYN, toy KKE kai toy DHKKI".

    O ELEYQEROS prosqetei oti "katw apo to 'agrypno blemma' twn peripoy 200 sygkentrwmenwn opadwn twn qrhskeytikwn organwsewn poy paremeinan kaq'olh th diarkeia ths nyxtas ejw apo th Boylh, alla kai en mesw enstasewn kai entonwn amfisbhthsewn kai me th safh apoxh apo thn chfoforia twn boyleytwn olwn twn kommatwn, chfisthke telika me sxetikh pleiochfia h kyrwsh ths Synqhkhs toy Sengken".

    Kata thn ELEYQERH WRA "dyo hrwikoi andres ths Ellhnikhs Astynomias, o Astyfylakas Gewrgios Triantafyllopoylos kai o synadelfos toy Kwnstantinos Mpoympoylhs (ta onomata toys kai to paradeigma toys, as katagrafoyn stis pio endojes stigmes toy Swmatos) "perasan xeiropedes" sthn epaisxynto "Synqhkh toy Sengken".

    H ELEYQEROTYPIA sto basiko ths sxolio epishmainei metajy allwn oti "oi ektos Boylhs diadhlwtes - ierwmenoi, qrhskolhptoi ktl - asxeta an diafwnei kaneis me tis anaxronistikes toys antilhceis, htan, toylaxiston eilikrineis kai synepeis me ayta poy pisteyoyn gia ta 'satanika' kai alla paromoia. Gia polloys omws apo toys entos Boylhs isxyei plhrws h eyaggelikh rhsis: "Oyai hmin Farisaioi ypokritai". Parameristhkan ideologies - an ypoteqei pws yparxoyn - kommatikes peiqarxies kai synepeies kai kyriarxhse to mikropolitiko pelateiako symferon, poy kaqodhghse th stash toys sthn chfoforia gia thn kyrwsh ths diabohths Synqhkhs toy Sengken".

    To EQNOS ektima oti "me nikh sta shmeia, kybernhsh kai epishmh ND kataferan xtes na kyrwsoyn th Synqhkh toy Sengken, enw ston "aera" ths Boylhs planatai apeilh protashs gia th dienergeia dhmochfismatos gia to opoio hdh sygkentrwqhkan 80 ypografes".

    [4] Xreh pros to Dhmosio

    O LOGOS me titlo "Ston Eisaggelea forofygades anw twn 50 ekat." grafei oti "mayres listes me xiliades forofygades kai ofeiletes toy Dhmosioy exei etoimasei to ypoyrgeio Oikonomikwn kai syntoma qa efarmosei to poinologio enantion toys gia na eisprajei panw apo 1,5 tris draxmes".

    H KAQHMERINH prosqetei oti "sto stoxastro ths eforias mpainoyn kai pali oi megaloi ofeiletes toy Dhmosioy, ligo prin thn anakoinwsh nomosxedioy poy qa problepei pio realistikes forologikes poines kai prostima. Prwtos stoxos qa einai oi 1000 megalyteroi ofeiletes apo thn Aqhna, ton Peiraia kai th Qessalonikh stoys opoioys episeionta oi poines ths fylakishs, ths katasxeshs perioysiwn klp. Taytoxronws to ypoyrgeio Oikonomikwn jekinaei diafhmistikh ekstrateia gia thn probolh twn newn hlektronikwn dynatothtwn poy syntoma qa exei ton elegxo olwn twn forologikwn drasthriothtwn twn politwn".

    O ELEYQEROS TYPOS sto basiko toy sxolio anaferei metajy allwn oti "gia mia akomh fora h kybernhsh epididetai sto kynhgi toy xamenoy forologikoy qhsayroy. Sthn prospaqeia ths na kalycei thn ysterhsh twn forologikwn esodwn, piezei toys eforiakoys na entatikopoihsoyn to foro-kynhghto kai katafeygei se amfibolhs poiothtas ryqmiseis ofeilwn".

    H APOGEYMATINH ektima oti "apofasismenh na 'dagkwsei' gera emfanizetai h Eforia gia na ayjhsei ta esoda toy Dhmosioy. To xtyphma qa ginei taytoxrona se polla metwpa me to 'kynhghto' twn ofeiletwn, tis diastayrwseis gia enoikia, akinhta IX kai timologia alla kai thn apostolh twn ekkaqaristikwn shmeiwmatwn se misqwtoys kai syntajioyxoys".

    [5] Kypriako

    O ADESMEYTOS TYPOS me titlo "Sto... idio ergo prwtagwnistes" grafei oti "oi amerikanobretanoi mesw twn epafwn toys poy eixan me tis dyo pleyres edeijan oti "basikh toys epidiwjh einai h paramonh twn toyrkikwn strateymatwn sthn Kypro kai h mh emplokh - me opoiondhpote tropo - toy rwsikoy paragonta sto Kypriako".


    Aqhna, Ellada, 12/06/1997 (APE)

    H yperkalych ths ekdoshs metoxwn toy OTE, oi ektimhseis gia thn poreia toy plhqwrismoy, oi anamenomenes listes megaloofeiletwn toy Dhmosioy kai h synodos koryfhs twn 15 sto Amsterntam, einai ta basika qemata toy shmerinoy oikonomikoy typoy.

    GENIKH Dhmoprasiwn: "Ofeiles 1,6 tris. drx. pros to Dhmosio - Arxizei to "kynhgi" twn megaloofeiletwn".

    EJPRES: "Poly megalo endiaferon apo toys ependytes gia ton OTE - Apo thn prwth hmera h kalych".

    HMERHSIA: "2 "dwra" gia nees ependyseis: Epidotoymena daneia kai aforologhta kerdh".

    KERDOS: "Apeilhtikes endeijeis apo ton plhqwrismo, den apokleietai na shmeiwqei ayjhsh ton Ioynio".

    NAYTEMPORIKH: "Triplo stoixhma" proklhsh gia toys 15 sto Amsterntam - Pyretos syskecewn gia diarqrwtikes allages".

    [7] OTE - Dhmosia eggrafh

    H HMERHSIA anaferei oti "sxedon yperkalyfqhke h ekdosh toy OTE, symfwna me tis prwtes plhrofories. Oi megales trapezes yposthrizan pws oson afora tis dhmosies eggrafes exoyn kalycei ta 2/3 ths ekdoshs poy toys analogei, enw oi mikroteres trapezes miloysan gia yperkalych toy dikoy toys tmhmatos. Idiaitera qetika htan kai ta mhnymata apo to bookbuilding, enw idiaitera entono einai to ependytiko endiaferon apo tis HPA kai thn Asia".
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