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OMOGENEIAKA NEA (28/05/1996)Macedonian Press Agency Expatriates News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: Macedonian Press Agency <>NEA THS OMOGENEIASQessalonikh 28 Maioy 1996TITLOI EIDHSEWN
OI EIDHSEIS ANALYTIKA[01] SYNEDRIO-STAQMOS GIA TA PENHNTAXRONA THS PAMMAKEDONIKHS H.PA.-KANADAGia prwth fora sta xronika oi dhmarxoi twn polewn apo opoy perase o Megas Alejandros sth diarkeia ths ekstrateias toy, qa synanthqoyn sth Qessalonikh ton Ioynio toy 1997 sto 51o synedrio ths Pammakedonikhs HPA-Kanada. Oi leptomereies gia thn proetoimasia ths megalhs ayths synanthshs, qa syzhthqoyn sto 50o synedrio ths Pammakedonikhs, poy qa pragmatopoihqei apo tis 26-30 Ioynioy sth Flwrida.Sto synedrio qa metasxoyn perissoteroi apo 250 synedroi apo tis HPA kai ton Kanada, enw apo thn Ellada exoyn prosklhqei o Ypoyrgos Makedonias -Qrakhs Filippos Petsalnikos, o Dhmarxos Qessalonikhs Kwnstantinos Kosmopoylos, o arxaiologos Dhmhtrhs Pantermalhs k.a. Epishs problepetai na lhfqei apofash apo toys synedroys gia thn anaqesh se melethtes ths syggrafhs ths istorias twn 50 xronwn ths Pammakedonikhs Enwshs HPA-Kanada. [02] PROEDROS THS AMERIKANIKHS ETAIREIAS DWRHTWN MYELOY TWN OSTWN EJELEGH O ELLHNOAMERIKANOS PHTER PAOYLOYS.Me thn idiothta toy proedroy twn dwrhtwn myeloy twn ostwn ths megalhs omogeneiakhs organwshs AXEPA , o Dr. Phter Paoyloys ejelegei Proedros ths antistoixhs Amerikanikhs Etaireias , h opoia synedriase prosfata sto Orlanto thsFlwrida.Sth synanthsh meteixan oles oi organwseis - melh tgr Etaireias se panamerikaniko epipedo kai me thn epilogh toys gia to ajiwma toy Proedroy ths Etaireias timhsan ton Dr. Phter Paoyloys gia thn polyxronh prosfora toy sto tomea ayto. O k. Paoyloys,o opoios dietelese ypatos proedros ths AXEPA th dietia 1978-79 , apo to 1989 sygkrothse Katalogo Dwrhtwn Myeloy twn Ostwn Ellhnikhs Katagwghs, enw me th synergasia allwn epifanwn Ellhnwn dhmioyrghsan Kentro Syntonismoy Dwrhtwn sto Panepisthmio ths Massaxoyseths. Shmeiwnetai oti h Etaireia exei prosbash se organwseis dwrhtwn 30 xwrwn me 1.5 ekat. melh. [03] TORONTO: OLOI OI DROMOI QA ODHGOYN STHN NTANFORNTThn nea lewforeiakh grammh poy qa syndeei perioxes toy mhtropolitikoy Toronto me thn kardia ths ellhnikhs synoikias poy den einai allh apo thn odo Ntantfornt, qa egkainiasei epishma thn prosexh Tetarth h dhmarxos toy Toronto Mparmpara Xwl .H nea ayth lewforeiakh grammh qa dwsei th dynatothta se ntopioys alla kai toyristes na episkefqoyn th fhmismenh sto Toronto ellhnikh synoikia me ta panemorfa magazia, estiatoria kai thn ellhnikh filojenia. Sto metajy se ekdhlwsh poy pragmatopoihqhke sto ellhniko emporiko epimelhthrio toy Montreal timhqhkan gnwstoi Ellhnes epixeirhmaties gia tis ajiologes drasthriothtes toys kai prwtoboylies sto xwro ths paragwghs kai ths oikonomias. [04] STH MELBOYRNH O PROGRAMMATISMOS DRASHS TWN OMOGENEIAKWN MESWN ENHMERWSHS (toy K. Paibana)Synedrio sto opoio qa syzhthqei to paron kai to mellon twn omogeneiakwn meswn enhmerwshs, qa ejetastei o rolos kai h epirroh toys se oloys toys tomeis, qa analyqoyn ta problhmata toys kai qa ginoyn protaseis gia thn epilysh toys qa pragmatopoihqei se merikes ebdomades sth Melboyrnh.Thn apofash ayth elabe h syneleysh twn omogenwn dhmosiografwn poy ergazontai se omogeneiaka mesa se sygkentrwsh poy pragmatopoihqhke sthn ellhnikh koinothta ths Melboyrnhs meta apo prosklhsh toy dioikhtikoy symboylioy twn OMME. Apo th syneleysh ejelegh Epitroph h opoia qa kwdikopoihsei tis qeseis kai tis apoceis poy akoysthkan kai qa tis paroysiasei sto prwto perifereiako SAE- Wkeanias, to opoio qa pragmatopoihqei to erxomeno Sabbatokyriako sth Melboyrnh. Sthn idia epitroph anateqhke epishs na organwsei se syntomo xroniko diasthma to prwto Panaystraliano synedrio omogeneiakwn meswn enhmerwshs, enw ajizei na shmeiwqei oti oi dhmosiografoi apo thn Politeia ths Biktwria ekdhlwsan thn proqesh toys na dhmioyrghsoyn ellhnikh dhmosiografikh enwsh me skopo na epidiwjoyn th stenh synergasia kai diktywsh toys me toys Ellhnes dhmosiografoys kai ta MME se olo ton kosmo. Sth sygkentrwsh parabreqhke o Proedros toy SAE-Wkeanias Hlias Rallhs kai o Dieyqynths toy Grafeioy Typoy k. Mpamphs Giannakopoylos. Telos sth sygkentrwsh diabasthke xairetismos pros toys ejpqos~pour twn OMME toy Genikoy Dieyqynth toy Makedonikoy Praktoreioy Eidhsewn k. Spyroy Koyzinopoyloy sthn opoia metajy allwn epishmainetai oti to MPE prosdidei idiaiterh barythta sthn amfidromh enhmerwsh metajy ths mhtropolitikhs Elladas kai ths omogeneias kai frontizei na enhmerwnei mesw toy hlektronikoy toy diktyoy, toy Internet, ths Balkanikhs Trapezas Eidhsewn kai toy mhniaioy periodikoy "ELLHNIKH DIASPORA" oxi mono ta diasparta se olo ton kosmo OMME alla kai na metaferei sto eswteriko ths xwras ta nea twn omogenwn. [05] SYNERXETAI TO SABBATOKYRIAKO TO SAE-WKEANIASArxizoyn thn Paraskeyh me deipno pros timhn toy Proedroy toy SAE Antrioy Aqens, poy paraqetei o Proedros ths ellhnikhs koinothtas ths Melboyrnhs- Biktwrias k. Foyntas, oi ergasies toy prwtoy perifereiakoy SAE Aystralias.Sth diarkeia toy trihmeroy oi oxtw omades ergasias toy SAE Aystralias qa kataqesoyn ta porismata ths doyleias toys enw sto telos ths synedriashs ta symperasmata poy qa sygkrothsoyn kai to programmatismo drashs qa anakoinwqoyn sta mesa enhmerwshs. [06] SYNEXIZETAI STO SIDNEY O DIALOGOS ARXIEPISKOPHS- ELLHN. KOIN. NEAS NOTIOY OYALIAS (toy K. Paibana).Sygkrathmenh aisiodojia ejefrazan koinotikoi kykloi gia to endexomeno epiteyjhs symfwnias metajy ths Arxiepiskophs kai ths Koinothtas kaqws , opws dhlwnan, orismenes apo tis apaithseis poy proballei h Arxiepiskoph den prokeitai na ginoyn dektes apo ta melh ths Koinothtas.Hdh, symfwna me plhrofories, o Proedros ths Koinothtas k. X. Danalhs piezetai apo orismena melh toy na strafei pros alles kateyqynseis , diakoptontas to dialogo me thn Arxiepiskoph, enw alloi paragontes ths Omogeneias synistoyn synexish toy dialogoy [07] STH NYREMBERGH PRAGMATOPOIHQHKE TO PRWTO PANEYRWPAIKO FESTIBAL MAKEDONIKWN XORWNMe epityxia kai sygkinhtikh antapokrish apo thn pleyra twn apodhmwn pragmatopoihqhke sth Nyrembergh to prwto Paneyrwpaiko Festibal Makedonikwn Xorwn, ypo thn aigida ths Pammakedonikhs Enwshs Eyrwphs.Apo thn pleyra toy o Ypoyrgos Makedonias- Qrakhs Filippos Petsalnikos, se mhnyma toy, ypogrammise oti " tetoies prwtoboylies sfyrhlatoyn thn enothta toy apodhmoy ellhnismoy, idiaitera tis meres aytes opoy amfisbhtoyntai ta eqnika mas dikaia", enw h Genikh Grammateas toy YMA-Q k. Xrysa Manwlia epeshmane oti stoxos toy Festibal einai h probolh kai h diadosh toy laografikoy ploytoy ths Makedonias kai eyxhqhke to paradeigma twn makedonikwn syllogwn na brei mimhtes giati opws xarakthristika anefere " o politismos proseggizei kai synenwnei toys laoys". Sto plaisio ths episkechs ths Genikhs Grammatews toy YMA-Q sth Nyrembergh pragmatopoihqhke syskech, sth diarkeia ths opoias sufgt^hgjam qemata poy aforoyn sth dhmioyrgia Omospondias Makedonikwn Syllogwn sth Germania, sthn elleich enhmerwtikoy ylikoy, sthn yparjh oikonomikwn kai organwtikwn problhmatwn. Sth syskech phran meros o Episkopos Qermwn Dhmhtrios , o Proedros ths Pammakedonikhs Enwshs Eyrwphs Pasxalhs Papaxristopoylos, o Dieyqynths toy Ellhnikoy Projeneioy Nyremberghs k. B.Zaxarhs kaqws kai Proedroi Syllogwn. 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