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MPA NEWS IN BRIEF (06/03/1996)

Macedonian Press Agency Brief News in ASCII Greek Directory

From: Macedonian Press Agency <>


Apo thn politikh kai stratiwtikh hgesia toy Ypoyrgeioy Eqnikhs Amynas enhmerwqhke to meshmeri sto Pentagwno o prwqypoyrgos Kwstas Shmiths. Se dhlwseis o k. Shmiths eqese ws proteraiothta ths kybernhtikhs politikhs thn enisxysh kai to ajiomaxo twn Enoplwn Dynamewn ths xwras kai ypogrammise stoys epiteleis "thn anagkh na paroyn tis prwtoboylies poy prepei kai na anaptyjoyn drasthriothtes gia thn enisxysh ayths ths proteraiothtas kai thn ylopoihsh ths kybernhtikhs politikhs". "H kybernhsh dinei th maxh gia mia isxyrh Ellada ton 21o aiwna. Se ayth thn prospaqeia, apofasistiko rolo diadramatizoyn oi Enoples dynameis oi opoies einai o eggyhths ths akeraiothtas ths xwras kai ths eirhnhs sthn perioxh" epishmane katalhgontas o k. Shmiths.

Allepallhles syskeceis pragmatopoioyntai, symfwna me plhrofories sto Ypoyrgeio Ejwterikwn gia to qema ths telikhs onomasias twn Skopiwn, enocei twn newn ellhnoskopianwn synomiliwn poy qa arxisoyn sth Nea Yorkh ypo ton Sairoys Bans stis arxes Aprilioy. O monimos antiproswpos ths Elladas ston OHE presbhs Xrhstos Zaxarakhs poy brisketai sthn Aqhna apo thn prohgoymenh ebdomada gia diaboyleyseis metefere sthn ellhnikh kybernhsh tis qeseis ths Skopianhs pleyras. Egkyres phges toy M.P.E. anaferoyn oti o k. Zaxarakhs enhmerwse proswpika proxqes kai ton epitimo proedro ths Neas Dhmokratias Kwnstantino Mhtsotakh. To qema syzhthqhke kata thn prosfath synanthsh toy prwqypoyrgoy, toy ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn kai toy Xrhstoy Zaxarakh kaqws kai sth xqesinh synedriash toy KYSEA.

Th syzhthsh toy qematos synqeths onomasias gia ta Skopia sto KYSEA epibebaiwse shmera o kybernhtikos ekproswpos Dhmhtrhs Reppas epishmainontas wstoso oti den exoyn lhfqei telikes apofaseis gia to zhthma. O Ypoyrgos Typoy epibebaiwse tis plhrofories oti o mesolabhths toy OHE Sairoys Bans proteine gia ta Skopia thn onomasia Noba Makentonia shmeiwnontas xarakthristika oti "egine tetoia proseggish". Ejalloy se erwthsh ean epikeitai sygklhsh toy symboylioy twn politikwn arxhgwn o kybernhtikos ekproswpos eipe : "otan ftasoyme se shmeio poy qa prepei na doqei apanthsh h kybernhsh qa ejantlhsei oles tis dynatothtes prokeimenoy na sygkrothqei to megisto dynato eqniko metwpo".

Thn parapomph toy qematos ths Imia kai ths yfalokrhpidas sto dieqnes dikasthrio ths Xaghs prokeimenoy na epelqei ejomalynsh stis ellhnotoyrkikes sxeseis proteinei o Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Qeodwros Pagkalos se synenteyjh toy se toyrkiko thleoptiko kanali poy qa metadoqei thn erxomenh ebdomada. Apospasmata ths synenteyjhs toy k. Pagkaloy dhmosieythkan sthn efhmerida "Sampax" enw symfwna me ton Ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn h Toyrkia h qa paraithqei apo toys isxyrismoys ths gia th braxonhsida Imia h qa prosfygei monh ths sth Xagh opote qa arqoyn kai ta problhmata ths me thn E.E. Anaferomenos sto qema ths yfalokrhpidas o k. Pagkalos dhlwse oti oi dyo xwres mporoyn na prosfygoyn apo koinoy sto dikasthrio ths Xaghs, dieykrinise de oti den yparxei pleon syndesh metajy ths telwneiakhs enwshs ths Toyrkias kai ths diadikasias entajhs ths J}pqou sthn E.E. afoy otan egkriqhke h symfwnia gia thn telwneiakh enwsh den eixe prokycei to qema ths Imia.

"Den apodoqhkan swsta oi dhlwseis toy Ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn" dhlwse shmera o kybernhtikos ekproswpos kai Ypoyrgos Typoy Dhmhtrhs Reppas. Synesthse ejalloy ypomonh mexri na metadoqei h sygkekrimenh ekpomph kai ypogrammise oti "h epishmh qesh ths kybernhshs gia to qema ayto einai oti an aposyrei h Toyrkia thn stratia toy Aigaioy h kybernhsh qa to ektimhsei analogws".

Syskech me antikeimeno ta eqnika mas qemata pragmatopoihqhke to prwi sta grafeia ths Neas Dhmokratias sth Righlhs ypo ton Proedro toy kommatos Miltiadh Ebert. Metajy allwn syzhthqhkan kai oi xqesines dhlwseis toy Kwnstantinoy Mhtsotakh sto Proedriko Megaro oti h Ellada den prepei na askhsei beto gia to xrhmatodotiko prwtokollo apo thn Enwmenh Eyrwph pros thn Toyrkia. Sth syskech ekfrasthke h qesh oti aytes einai proswpikes apoceis toy k. Mhtsotakh poy briskoyn antiqeth th N.D. efoson, opws tonisthke den mporei h Ellada na ejyphretei thn Toyrkia otan pairnei tetoies proklhtikes qeseis.

Pente fylakes ths xwras paramenoyn ypo ton elegxo twn kratoymenwn. Sth Larisa h ejegersh deixnei na bainei pros ektonwsh meta thn oloklhrwsh toy deyteroy gyroy twn diapragmateysewn ths eptameloys epitrophs kratoymenwn me ton perifereiarxh Qessalias o opoios ejefrase aisiodojia. Anastatwsh epikratei stis fylakes Trikalwn kai Komothnhs stis opoies oi kratoymenoi synexizoyn thn katalhch twn fylakwn se endeijh symparastashs stoys kratoymenoys twn ypoloipwn fylakwn. Sthn Kerkyra qetikes qewroyntai oi ejelijeis meta thn anakoinwsh ths antikatastashs toy shmerinoy dieyqynth Iwshf Kolla apo ton mexri twra ypodieyqynth Q. Kafrakh. H apomakrynsh toy dieyqynth htan ena apo ta aithmata twn kratoymenwn. Sthn Alikarnasso oi kratoymenoi paramenoyn ejw apo ta kelia toys kai diekdikoyn synanthsh me ekproswpo toy Ypoyrgeioy Dikaiosynhs. Stis fylakes Agioy Stefanoy Patras kai Diabatwn epikratei ayth th stigmh hremia enw sta Xania kai sth Xio opoy h stash twn kratoymenwn elhje xqes paramenoyn se epifylakh oi astynomikes dynameis.

Thn anagkh cyxraimhs antimetwpishs toy qematos poy exei dhmioyrghqei me tis katalhceis twn fylakwn se oloklhrh th xwra epishmane o ypoyrgos Dikaiosynhs Eyaggelos Benizelos o opoios prosqese oti qa lhfqei kaqe prosforo metro gia thn ektonwsh ths krishs. Dhlwse wstoso xarakthristika oti "cyxraimia den shmainei oyte adraneia, oyte anejantlhth ypomonh" kai katesthse safes oti "h katastash ayth kai idiws h paratash ths dyskoleyei ta metra beltiwshs kai eksygxronismoy toy swfronistikoy mas systhmatos".

Megalh sygkentrwsh kai poreia pros to Ypoyrgeio Makedonias - Qrakhs pragmatopoihsan shmera oi oikodomoi ths Qesssalonikhs. Mazikh htan kai h symmetoxh toys sthn apergiakh kinhtopoihsh toy kladoy. Antiproswpeia twn oikodomwn epedwse chfisma me ta aithmata toys ston Ypoyrgo Makedonias - Qrakhs Filippo Petsalniko. Basika aithmata twn apergwn einai h qesmoqethsh stegastikhs politikhs kai g antimetwpish toy qematos ths paranomhs apasxolhshs allodapwn ergatwn.

Syskech pragmatopoihqhke shmera sto Ypoyrgeio Periballontos ypo ton Ypoyrgo PEXWDE Kwsta Laliwth kai me th symmetoxh toy Genikoy Grammatea toy Ypoyrgeioy, twn Proedrwn twn Dieyrymenwn Nomarxiakwn Aytodioikhsewn kai twn Nomarxwn ths Perifereias Anatolikhs Makedonias kai Qrakhs. Kata th syskech ejetasthkan zhthmata poy aforoyn sthn poreia ylopoihshs twn megalwn ergwn.

Ypoxwroyn stadiaka ta problhmata poy dhmioyrghse tis teleytaies hmeres to kyma kakokairias poy plhttei th xwra. Sth Makedonia kai th Qrakh problhmata sthn kykloforia yparxoyn mono sto nomo Hmaqeias enw me antiolisqhtikes alysides kinoyntai ta oxhmata stoys dromoys Beroias - Kozanhs mesw Kastanias, stis odoys pros ta xionodromika kentra Seli kai Tria Pente Phgadia kaqws kai stoys eqnikoys dromoys Trikalwn - Iwanninwn, Trikalwn - Grebenwn, Elassonas - Katerinhs, Elassonas - Kozanhs, Lamias - Domokoy kai Lamias - Karpenhsioy. Problhmata yparxoyn kai stis aktoploikes sygkoinwnies. Sthn Peloponnhso, th Fqiwtida kai th Sterea Ellada paramenoyn apokleismena polla oreina xwria, wstoso h sygkoinwnia sto eqniko diktyo diejagetai kanonika afoy ta mhxanhmata twn nomarxiwn apomakrynan ta xionia apo to odiko diktyo.

Sygkentrwsh diamartyrias pragmatopoihsan to meshmeri ejw apo th Nomarxia Hmaqeias ekatontades kthnotrofoi. Oi kthnotrofoi adeiasan kadoys me gala se endeijh diamartyrias gia tis xamhles times twn proiontwn toys enw epexeirhsan na mpoyn kai sth nomarxia alla parempodisthkan apo isxyres astynomikes dynameis poy toys apwqhsan. Epitroph twn sygkentrwqentwn epedwse chfisma me ta aithmata toys sto nomarxh.

Kinhtopoihseis gia thn prowqhsh toy qematos twn agnooymenwn sthn Kypro programmatizei h Kypriakh Estia Boreioy Elladas me stoxo thn oso to dynaton megalyterh dhmosiopoihsh toy problhmatos kai thn antimetwpish twn prospaqeiwn toy Raoyf Ntenktas na "kleisei" to qema. Ston programmatismo ths Kypriakhs Estias perilambanetai h apostolh chfismatwn katadikhs toy Toyrkokyprioy hgeth kai ths synexizomenhs epi 22 xronia katoxhs toy Boreioy tmhmatos ths Kyproy, se dieqneis organismoys, h sthrijh kaqe ekdhlwshs poy qa pragmatopoihqei sth B. Ellada kai h diorganwsh poreias diamartyrias pros to Toyrkiko projeneio sth Qessalonikh entos twn hmerwn.

Omala ejelissetai h katastash ths ygeias toy proedroy toy PASOK Andrea Papandreoy poy paroysiazei staqerh beltiwsh. Aytes tis hmeres o asqenhs ypoballetai se iatrika test ta opoia qa dwsoyn thn plhrh eikona ths anapneystikhs kai kardiakhs toy leitoyrgias prin apofasistei telika h ejodos toy k. Papandreoy apo to Wnaseio Kardioxeiroyrgiko Kentro kai h synexish ths noshleias toy sto spiti toy.

Episkech sthn Kwnstantinoypolh qa pragmatopoihsei stis 26 Aprilioy o Arxiepiskopos Boreioy kai Notioy Amerikhs Iakwbos o opoios qa exei sumolik_er me ton Oikoymeniko Patriarxh Barqolomaio. H episkech toy Arxiepiskopoy o opoios qa synodeyetai kai apo melh toy Arxiepiskopikoy Symboylioy anakoinwqhke sth diarkeia ths taktikhs earinhs synedriashs toy symboylioy. Tonisthke akomh oti entos toy Martioy qa ypoblhqei ston k. Barqolomaio oloklhrwmenh ekqesh poy qa periexei safeis protaseis gia thn diadoxh ston arxiepiskopiko qrono ths Boreioy kai Notioy Amerikhs.

Synanthsh me ton Proedro ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias Glayko Klhridh eixe to prwi o presbeyths toy Israhl sthn megalonhso Siemi Tsoyr. O k. Tsoyr zhthse apo thn kypriakh kybernhsh na symballei sth diwjh twn tromokratwn apo to Israhl kai na katadikasei tis epiqeseis toys. Epanelabe de thn apofasistikothta ths israhlinhs kybernhshs na patajei thn tromokratia tonizontas oti h xwra toy de strefetai enantion twn Palaistiniwn alla kata twn tromokratwn opoydhpote ston kosmo.

Ton katalogo twn melwn ths Toyrkikhs kybernhshs synaspismoy qa anakoinwsei entos ths hmeras o entolodoxos prwqypoyrgos ths Toyrkias kai arxhgos toy Kommatos ths Mhteras Patridas Mesoyt Gilmaz. O Gilmaz poy katelhje se symfwnia me thn arxhgo toy Kommatos toy orqoy Dromoy Tansoy Tsiller gia to sxhmatismo kybernhshs synaspismoy to brady qa ginei dektos apo ton Proedro Soyleiman Ntemirel ston opoio qa ypoballei ton katalogo twn melwn toy ypoyrgikoy symboylioy.

Yfesh ths kakokairias anamenetai symfwna me thn Eqnikh Metewrologikh Yphresia apo shmera to brady. Sth Boreia Ellada o kairos qa beltiwqei shmantika enw ayrio sth Qessalonikh oi anemoi qa pneoyn metrioi kai h qermokrasia qa kymanqei apo 2 ews 8 baqmoys Kelsioy.

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