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Greek Government Press Briefing, 11-04-12

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Dieyqynsh Plhroforhshs

Tmhma Dhmosiografikwn Kalycewn

Trith, 12 Aprilioy 2011

Ariqmos Deltioy: 326302038

Ekdosh 1



Aqhna, 12.4.2011



Kalo meshmeri.

H xwra brisketai se dyskolo, alla apodotiko dromo gia thn ejodo apo thn krish kai th metabash se ena diaforetiko kratos, me amoibaia empistosynh metajy ths Politeias kai twn politwn, alla kai pros ena neo paragwgiko montelo to opoio htan aparaithto ola ayta ta xronia poy perasan. Fysika, exoyme mprosta mas akomh enan dyskolo dromo, polles fores dysbato, alla h prospaqeia mas synexizetai kai synexizoyme na eimaste se plhrh egrhgorsh.

Exoyme stoxoys, giati exoyme to politiko sqenos kai thn isxyrh boylhsh na apotypwnoyme kai na leme thn alhqeia, se polites kai stoys etairoys mas. Qetoyme ta problhmata. Apo thn arxh anoijame ola ta megala qemata poy eixan na kanoyn me paqogeneies dekaetiwn kai aforoyn thn ellhnikh politikh skhnh, thn oikonomia, alla kai thn koinwnia.

Den afhnoyme tipota gia argotera, opws htan to agaphmeno slogkan ths prohgoymenhs kybernhshs ths N.D. To ``asto gia argotera'' einai akribws ayto poy antikatoptrizei thn apoch, th boylhsh kai thn praktikh ths N.D. poy en pollois eyqynetai gia th shmerinh katastash ths xwras mas.

Mesa apo to mesoproqesmo plaisio dhmosionomikhs strathgikhs orioqetoyme ta dhmosionomika mas qemata, thn anaptyjh, alla kai thn koinwnikh synoxh, etsi wste syntetagmena kai me koinwnikh dikaiosynh na dwsoyme th maxh, oloi mazi, mesa se ena omologoymenws dyskolo topio.

Proxwrame sygkrothmena, me sxedio kai katoxyrwnoyme oles tis mexri twra katakthseis mas. Parallhla, omws, dhmioyrgoyme, thn aparaithth prooptikh kai elpida gia th xwra. Antimetwpizoyme apofasistika oles tis dyskolies kai tis adynamies, lambanontas panta ypoch mas akomh kai astaqmhtoys paragontes, oi opoioi den einai elegxomenoi apo emas.

H kybernhsh apotelei dynamh eyqynhs, dynamh apofasistikothtas, poy prowqei tis megales allages poy exei anagkh h xwra. Th bgazei apo to toynel kai thn odhgei sthn proodo kai thn anaptyjh.

Parakalw tis erwthseis sas.

KEXAGIA: Kyrie Ypoyrge, poioi einai aytoi oi astaqmhtoi paragontes poy den einai elegxomenoi apo thn kybernhsh kai toys antimetwpizei parayta;

PETALWTHS: Einai gnwsto oti briskomaste se ena dyskolo, se ena reysto topio. Den einai ypekfygh kai parakalw na mhn eklhfqei etsi, alla einai mia pragmatikothta kai fysika, oso phgainoyme kalytera, toso periorizontai kai oi astaqmhtoi paragontes, toso beltiwnetai h ikanothta mas na toys elegxoyme kai fysika, na toys antimetwpizoyme. Yparxei ena pagkosmio reysto topio, ena dieqnes reysto topio. H Eyrwpaikh Enwsh caxnei na brei ton bhmatismo ths mesa s' ayth thn krish poy pername. Poly perissotero h xwra mas, h opoia mphke aqwrakisth se mia krish poy apodedeigmena kai maqhmatika erxotan, alla h N.D. thn apekrypte - ekei kolla kai to ``asto gia argotera'' toy k. Karamanlh - gia na fqasoyme s' ayth thn katastash. Oso proxwrame, oso ylopoioyme toys stoxoys mas, oso dynamwnoyme emeis ws xwra, toso aytoi oi astaqmhtoi paragontes poy, oytws h allws, panta qa yparxoyn, periorizoyn thn isxy toys kai thn epidrash toys sta ellhnika pragmata.

KEXAGIA: Nai, alla poioi einai aytoi oi astaqmhtoi paragontes;

PETALWTHS: Sas apanthsa.

BITALHS: Stis eisagwgikes sas parathrhseis epishmainete oti exoyme mprosta mas enan dyskolo kai dysbato dromo. Entajei, oles aytes oi dyskolies yparxoyn kai oti o dromos einai dyskolos kai dysbatos, to lete peripoy apo thn arxh poy analabate ayth thn kybernhsh. Peite moy, sas parakalw, exete prosdiorisei pote o dromos qa ginei pio omalos, pote qa parei mia megalh anasa o kosmos; Dhladh, me alla logia, pote blepete ena stoixeiwdes fws sto telos aytoy toy toynel;

PETALWTHS: Prwta ap' ola, akomh kai s' ayto to ``daimonopoihmeno'' mnhmonio, yparxei mia poreia h opoia einai xronologhmenh, dromologhmenh kai kostologhmenh. Yparxei mia analysh gia to pws paei h anaptyjh, pote qa bgoyme apo thn yfesh, pote qa exoyme qetiko proshmo sthn anaptyjh, pote h oikonomia mas qa parei mprosta. Ayto den einai kati kainoyrgio. To qema einai oti emeis throyme toys stoxoys mas aparegklita kai ekei einai to megalo stoixhma. Kanoyme oles tis kinhseis, etsi wste na megeqynoyme kai na ayjhsoyme thn epidrash aytwn twn kinhsewn panw sta oikonomika pragmata ths xwras mas. Kai fysika, o megalos stoxos, o daneiakos mas stoxos toylaxiston, einai na mporesoyme na bgoyme stis agores, etsi wste na eimaste se qesh na askhsoyme ton programmatiko mas ergo poly kalytera.

Gnwrizoyme para poly kala kai to gnwrizame apo thn prwth stigmh poy eipame oti qa akoloyqhsoyme ena sygkekrimeno sxedio - to opoio en pollois perigrafetai sto mnhmonio symperilambanomenwn twn megalwn programmatikwn stoxwn mas toys opoioys entajame s' ayto - oti h yfesh einai ayth poy programmatizotan na einai, dhladh megalh.

Wstoso, gnwrizoyme ej isoy poly kala oti me thn aparegklith thrhsh twn stoxwn mas, sto deytero ejamhno toy 2011, qa arxisoyme na exoyme mia qetikh poreia ws xwra, qetikoterh apo ayth poy briskomaste shmera. Pragma poy shmainei oti mesa sto 2012 qa mporoyme na milame gia anakamch, qa mporoyme na milame gia meiwsh ths anergias, gia ayjhsh twn qesewn ergasias, poy syndeontai fysika kai me thn anaptyjh. En katakleidi qa mporoyme na milame gia mia koinwnikh synoxh, thn opoia prospaqoyme, mesa stis dyskoles aytes synqhkes, na katoxyrwsoyme, dhmioyrgwntas tis katallhles ekeines proypoqeseis poy qa epitrecoyn thn eyxeresterh pragmatopoihsh ths.

Ej alloy, peran aytwn poy sas eipa, qa hqela na tonisw oti emeis den protiqemeqa na parameinoyme eis to dihnekes pagiws proshlwmenoi s' ena sygkekrimeno sxedio dikhn poreias me aytomato piloto, gi' ayto, allwste, anaferqhka sthn eisagwgh moy se astaqmhtoys paragontes. Einai safes oti me ton aytomato piloto den qa phgainame pote mprosta, etsi opws pame mexri twra, den qa bgainame pote apo to toynel gia na xrhsimopoihsw th lejh-kleidi ths erwthshs sas. Emeis antiqetws pairnoyme megales prwtoboylies. Kai mia ej aytwn einai h dhmioyrgia aytoy toy plaisioy anaforas, dhladh toy mesoproqesmoy strathgikoy plaisioy, to opoio entassetai mesa s' enan eyrytero eqniko sxediasmo. Malista, eimaste h prwth kybernhsh poy se toso dyskoles synqhkes protassei thn prooptikh gia th xwra mas toy sxedioy to opoio ayth th stigmh ylopoioyme.

Otan leme oti exoyme sxedio mexri to 2015 me poly sygkekrimenoys stoxoys - gi' ayto akribws zhthsame kai mia megalyterh eqnikh synainesh ap' aythn poy parexetai shmera, an parexetai, apo tis politikes dynameis - ayto ejyphretei prwtistws to symferon kai thn prooptikh toy Ellhna polith. Gnwmonas mas, loipon, einai na proxwroyme mprosta, gia na exoyme mia eydiakrith prooptikh poy na prohgeitai ths aplhs diaxeirishs ths kaqhmerinothtas, symperilambanomenwn kai twn braxyproqesmwn stoxwn mas. Synepws, to pote kai to pws phgainoyme mprosta einai dromologhmeno kai katoxyrwmeno apo to mesoproqesmo sxedio 2012-2015, to opoio qa apotelesei ton kat' ejoxhn moxlo pieshs, prokeimenoy na antapokriqoyme stoys stoxoys mas.

GARGALAKOS: Kyrie ypoyrge, xqes sth Boylh meta apo erwthsh, milhsate gia kapoion elegxo poy ginetai sto APE, gia diafores proslhceis kai symbaseis. Ti akribws symbainei;

PETALWTHS: Yphrxe deyterh epikairh erwthsh toy boyleyth ths N.D., k. Kedikogloy, sxetika me to Aqhnaiko kai Makedoniko Praktoreio Eidhsewn. Pragmatika, h N.D. anti na siwpa kai sto sygkekrimeno zhthma, erxetai gia allh mia fora, na paijei rolo timhth olwn twn anomiwn kai paranomiwn poy eginan sto parelqon. Erxetai na to paijei timhths twn ergasiakwn dikaiwmatwn twn ergazomenwn sto APE, oi opoioi den xreiazontai prostates. Den qa eprepe na milane, qa eprepe na siwpoyn. H N.D. - kai ayth einai h diafora mas - hrqe kai sygkentrwse ola ta aithmata. O,ti fhmologia yparxei gyrw apo to APE, thn enetaje mesa se deyterh epikairh erwthsh, mh bazontas myalo apo thn prwth apanthsh, alla profanws qelontas na akoysei kai perissotera. Egw ws armodios ypoyrgos poy epopteyei to APE, zhthsa apo ton Epiqewrhth Dhmosias Dioikhshs, k. Rakintzh, na askhsei elegxo, kata tis armodiothtes toy, panw sto APE, gia ena plhqos paranomiwn poy ginontan epi N.D. Otan o k. Kedikogloy miloyse gia proslhceis, me sygkekrimena stoixeia toy edeija oti epi N.D. eginan 141 proslhceis, oti to megalo panhgyri poy ginotan se olo to ellhniko Dhmosio ginotan kai sto APE. Dhladh mia kataspatalhsh, mia pelateiakh logikh sxesewn, h opoia pragmatika htan sto forte epi N.D kai sto APE. Gi` ayto lew oti h N.D. qa prepei na einai pio prosektikh otan milaei.

Bazoyme tajh kai ekei. Einai gnwsto kai qemito oi ergazomenoi na exoyn tis anhsyxies toys, alla opws einai oloi oi ergazomenoi ths Elladas, etsi einai kai oi ergazomenoi sto APE. Diakriseis - kai malista eynoikes- den prokeitai na ginoyn apo kanenan. Den mporoyme na leme oti periorizoyme toys misqoys toy ypoloipoy dhmosioy h toy eyryteroy dhmosioy tomea kai afhnoyme ap` ejw to APE. Kai malista, otan ekei yparxei kai mia diaforetikh klash misqodosias, poy ofeiletai akribws stis pelateiakes sxeseis kai sto teleiws anejelegkto poy epikratoyse epi para polla xronia. Bebaia, epi N.D. efqase sto forte toy. Emeis proxwrame, akomh kai me adynamies, akomh kai me astoxies. Dhlwsa kai xqes oti eimaste diateqeimenoi na kanoyme genikoteres syzhthseis, alla thn anomia kai thn paranomia, ton paragontismo kapoiwn poy nomizoyn oti qa mporoyn na exoyn to panhgyri toy parelqontos, den ta anexomaste pleon. Ayth einai h entolh poy exoyme apo ton ellhniko lao. Ayth einai h apoch mas kai ayto kanoyme.

KEXAGIA: Kyrie ypoyrge, apo thn eisagwgh sas, dierwtwmai mhpws, epeidh eipate oti lete thn alhqeia ston ellhniko lao, alla kai stoys etairoys mas, mhpws me thn anakoinwsh ayth toy mesoproqesmoy programmatos, oi polites ginoyn koinwnoi kai newn metrwn, mporeite na ginete pio safhs;

PETALWTHS: Den yparxei qema newn metrwn. Exoyme koyrastei na to diaceydoyme. Yphrxan dyskoles apofaseis, yphrxan epwdynes apofaseis, oi opoies eprepe na lhfqoyn apo thn kybernhsh, gia na mporoyme akribws na swsoyme th xwra apo to xeilos ths xreokopias. Apo ekei kai pera, ta metra poy lambanoyme emeis, ta opoia dystyxws exoyn mia arnhtikh fortish toy oroy ``metra'', einai apofaseis gia tis megales allages. Einai dedomeno oti sth xwra mas xreiazetai na ginoyn megales allages, giati einai h monh h lysh gia na bgoyme apo to telma kai apo thn krish. Megales allages, mporei na einai h arsh pollwn periorismwn sthn antagwnistikothta, sthn ygih epixeirhmatikothta kai stis ependyseis, etsi wste na yparxei anaptyjh kai na yparxoyn qeseis ergasias. Ekei entassetai kai o megalos agwnas gia tis adeiodothseis poy kanei h kybernhsh. Ekei entassetai kai to one stop shop, opws kai polla alla zhthmata ws pros tis adeiodothseis, poy qa tis aplopoihsoyn. Terastia allagh einai to xtyphma sth grafeiokratia poy o kratikos mhxanismos agkylwmenos kai paqogenhs epi polles dekaeties krataei akomh tis antistaseis toy. Ekei, omws, emeis kanoyme tis parembaseis. Emeis eimaste ypeyqynoi. To ypoyrgeio Eswterikwn apo thn prwth stigmh, kanei sygkekrimenes parembaseis sth grafeiokratia kai sth leitoyrgia ths dhmosias mhxanhs. Akoma, yparxoyn polla periqwria, ta opoia einai epibeblhmena kai ayto kanoyme. Ean milame gia tis megales aytes diarqrwtikes allages kai tis onomazoyme ``metra'', einai metra. Den milame gia orizonties perikopes misqwn. Den milame gia orizonties apofaseis poy qa plhjoyn to eisodhma twn Ellhnwn politwn. Akribws, to antiqeto. Leme oti kanoyme ayta poy eprepe na ginoyn edw kai dekaeties. Pragmata poy einai kai mesa stoys programmatikoys mas stoxoys. Giati, gnwrizoyme poly kala poy einai ta megala elleimmata ths ellhnikhs pragmatikothtas. Ekei einai o stoxos mas, ekei einai ta stoixhmata poy qetoyme: Na mporesoyme na antepejelqoyme se aytoys toys stoxoys.

Sas eyxaristw.

Kalo apogeyma. --1427249692-85170316-1302639304=:30638--

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