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Greek Government Press Briefing, 04-06-04

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 4 Ioynioy 2004





O Prwqypoyrgos, shmera to prwi, synanthqhke me ton Proedro toy kommatos ths Kyproy ``Dhmokratikos Synagermos'' Niko Anastasiadh. Argotera, synanthqhke me thn Proedro toy ``Aqhna 2004'' Gianna Aggelopoyloy-Daskalakh. Ayth thn wra episkeptetai ta grafeia ths Dioikhshs toy OAED ston Alimo.

H anergia, opws gnwrizete, einai to megalytero koinwniko problhma kai h katapolemhsh ths apotelei prwth proteraiothta ayths ths kybernhshs. Stoxos ths neas anaptyjiakhs oikonomikhs politikhs mas einai na dhmioyrghsoyme nees kai perissoteres eykairies gia toys Ellhnes -kai idiaitera gia toys neoys mas- alla kai staqeres kai kala ameibomenes qeseis doyleias.

O Prwqypoyrgos, stis 13.15, qa synanthqei me ton ypoyrgo Oikonomias kai Oikonomikwn Giwrgo Alogoskoyfh kai ayrio qa metabei sth Qessalonikh, opoy, stis 12 to meshmeri, qa milhsei sto Bellideio Synedriako Kentro.

Meta thn omilia toy, opws sas exw hdh anakoinwsei, qa anaxwrhsei gia th Biennh. Sthn aystriakh prwteyoysa pragmatopoieitai thn Kyriakh to eyrwpaiko Foroym Basaoy, ypo thn aigida ths ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn ths Aystrias, me qema ``H Eyrwph twn 25, nees prooptikes gia perifereiakes synergasies''.

O Prwqypoyrgos metabainei sth Biennh, ws epishmos proskeklhmenos toy Kagkelarioy ths Aystrias k. Soysel kai qa einai o basikos omilhths ths ekdhlwshs, me qema: ``H Eyrwph einai to mellon''.

Parakalw, tis erwthseis sas.

SIDERHS: Kyrie Ekproswpe, exw dyo erwthseis: Eipate oti h anergia apotelei to megalytero koinwniko problhma kai h antimetwpish toy, gia sas, einai prwtos stoxos. Gi@ ayto apolyontai oi symbasioyxoi; Qa ftasoyme se shmeio na proslhfqoyn mono 10.000 apo toys 250.000 poy eixe yposxeqei o Prwqypoyrgos;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Oyden anakribesteron toytoy. Den mporw na katalabw pws prokyptei o ariqmos ton opoio anaferete, poly perissotero poy h prohgoymenh kybernhsh den frontise na katagracei posoi einai oi symbasioyxoi. Oi symbasioyxoi, gia toys opoioys h kybernhsh asxolhqhke, amesws molis anelabe ta kaqhkonta ths -to exw janadhlwsei s@ ayto to xwro- emenan ypo omhria epi pente xronia. Qa proslhfqoyn me bash toys kanones poy exoyn, hdh, orisqei apo thn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh. Qa protaqoyn apo ta Yphresiaka Symboylia, ta opoia qa apofasisoyn poioi kalyptoyn pagies kai diarkeis anagkes, me mia logikh h opoia apadei aytoy poy proanaferate.

SIDERHS: Epitrecte moy, oi idioi oi symbasioyxoi kataggelloyn oti den bgainei twra to sxetiko nomoqethma, prokeimenoy to Symboylio ths Epikrateias na apofanqei. Endexomenws, h ypoqesh mporei na fqasei kai mexri to telos toy kalokairioy. En tw metajy, kosmos apolyetai me th lhjh twn symbasewn, opote tiqetai to erwthma, xanoyn to dikaiwma;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Yparxoyn nomikes diadikasies oi opoies akoloyqoyntai. Den xanoyn to dikaiwma, dioti, opws gnwrizete, h problech einai pws to xroniko diasthma metajy ths ananewshs mias symbashs kai ths lhjhs ths prohgoymenhs, symfwna me tis apofaseis ths kybernhshs, exei parataqei sto trimhno. Sas qymizw oti h prohgoymenh kybernhsh miloyse gia 20 hmeres mono.

SIDERHS: Einai deytereyon qema, isws, alla aptetai twn qesmikwn diadikasiwn kai toy sebasmoy toys. Proxqes, 31 boyleytes toy PASOK perimenan ton k. Abramopoylo na apanthsei sth Boylh se mia erwthsh poy eixe katateqei, me qema ton toyrismo. Ant@ aytoy, esteile ton yfypoyrgo toy o k. Abramopoylos, giati qelhse na emfanistei metajy twn lamperwn akroatwn toy Pabaroti. Einai sebasmos stis diadikasies toy Koinoboylioy ayth;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den gnwrizw to qema. Wstoso, prepei na pw oti, o Kanonismos toy Koinoboylioy problepei na apantwntai erwthseis boyleytwn kai apo yfypoyrgoys.

GKOYTZANHS: Mias kai peri kommatikoy kratoys o logos, to 70% twn stelexwn ths Eqnikhs poy exoyn antikatastaqei, einai sto kommatiko kratos h oxi;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den to gnwrizw ayto poy lete, an exoyn antikatastaqei kai poia stelexh. Menw sth xqesinh apanthsh moy epi twn kathgoriwn poy apeyqynei h antipoliteysh pros thn kybernhsh. Mas kathgorei apo th mia pleyra oti exoyme apolysei kosmo kai apo thn allh oti den exoyme allajei kanenan kai xrhsimopoioyme ta stelexh poy eixe to PASOK. Eipa kai xqes, as jekaqarisei to PASOK th grammh toy. Antilambanomai oti ola ayta entassontai sto plaisio mias prospaqeias dhmioyrgias entypwsewn.

Sas eyxaristw.

Kalo Sabbatokyriako.

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