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Greek Government Press Briefing, 01-02-27

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 27 Febroyarioy 2001




Geia sas kai kalh sarakosth.

Na sas enhmerwsw en taxei gia to programma toy Prwqypoyrgoy ayth thn ebdomada.

Shmera to prwi, o Prwqypoyrgos eixe synanthsh me ton ypoyrgo Emporikhs Naytilias Xr. Papoytsh gia qemata ths apeleyqerwshs ths aktoploias. Exei kanei sxetikes dhlwseis o armodios ypoyrgos. Ayth thn wra, einai se ejelijh synanthsh toy Prwqypoyrgoy me ton Kroath omologo toy k. Rakan. Meta th synanthsh qa akoloyqhsei geyma kai oi dyo politikoi qa proboyn se dhlwseis, opws ginetai se aytes tis periptwseis.

Ayrio to prwi, o proedreywn ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs Soyhdos prwqypoyrgos k. Person, sto plaisio toy gyroy twn eyrwpaikwn prwteyoyswn, qa erqei sthn Aqhna kai qa exei synanthsh me ton Prwqypoyrgo. Prin apo ayth th synanthsh, h opoia ypologizetai na ginei meta tis 9 to prwi, qa pragmatopoihqei mia trimerhs synanthsh, peripoy stis 8.45, toy Ellhna Prwqypoyrgoy me toys omologoys toy ths Soyhdias kai ths Kroatias. Ayth einai mia prwtoboylia ths xwra mas.

Stis 13.30, o Prwqypoyrgos qa dexqei thn hgesia toy ypoyrgeioy Ygeias. Qa syzhthqoyn qemata politikhs ston tomea ths koinwnikhs pronoias.

Thn Pempth, stis 10 to prwi, qa synedriasei to Ypoyrgiko Symboylio, me antikeimeno syzhthshs thn agrotikh politikh ths kybernhshs.

Thn Paraskeyh, stis 12.30, qa synedriasei h Diypoyrgikh Epitroph gia toys Olympiakoys Agwnes toy 2004.

Akoyw tis erwthseis sas.

KALARITHS: Yparxoyn kapoia dhmosieymata poy anaferontai sto qema ths ananewshs toy PASOK. Endiafereste gia th qesh toy Genikoy Grammatea toy kommatos;

REPPAS: Exoyme syzhthsei arketa gia ayta ta qemata. Kat` arxas, qa moy epitrecete proswpika na apanthsw sthn erwthsh poy exei enan tetoio xarakthra. Den pisteyw oti tetoia qemata prepei na ta syzhtoyme, dinontas thn entypwsh oti yparxei ena "menoy", mia lista ajiwmatwn poy paratiqentai sth diaqesh stelexwn, ta opoia kaloyntai na epilejoyn. Aytos o tropos proseggishs twn qematwn aytwn, qa moy epitrecete na pw oti einai anorqodojos, antideontologikos kai den exei kamia sxesh me thn politikh. Den yparxei tetoio qema. Ayta ta qemata apofasizontai me tis katastatikes diadikasies poy exei to Kinhma mas. Bebaiws, o Proedros kai ta alla Organa toy Kinhmatos exoyn to logo. Alla, ayta ta qemata exoyn antimetwpistei. To PASOK einai mia anejantlhth dejamenh stelexwn. Yparxoyn polloi kalyteroi, ikanoteroi kai katallhloteroi apo mena gia polles qeseis kai gi` ayth poy katexw shmera.

ANTWNOPOYLOS: H kybernhsh exei kapoio sxolio gia thn ekqesh toy Steit Ntipartment kai eidikotera sthn anafora gia th 17N;

REPPAS: Kat` epanalhch, exoyme pei oti to problhma ths tromokratias poy antimetwpizei h xwra mas afora kyriws emas. Einai kati gia to opoio kanoyme kaqe prospaqeia na to antimetwpisoyme. Zhtoyme th bohqeia kai eimaste se synergasia me tis armodies yphresies allwn xwrwn. Dystyxws, den exoyme ta epiqymhta apotelesmata, toylaxiston mexri twra. Antilambanomaste thn kritikh poy askeitai apo diaforoys foreis sto pedio ayto. Apo thn allh, omws, epanalambanoyme thn ametakinhth boylhsh mas na petyxoyme kai se ayto ton tomea to stoxo poy exoyme qesei. Allwste, sthn kateyqynsh toy na petyxoyme ayto to stoxo, kinoymaste parallhla kai se synergasia me tis armodies yphresies twn allwn xwrwn kai twn HPA. Ara, den yparxei kati poy prepei na kanoyme, poy ofeiloyme na kanoyme kai to exoyme paraleicei, giati ayto einai dhqen h epilogh mas. H epilogh mas einai na ejaleicoyme ayth th mastiga kai se ayth thn kateyqynsh kinoymaste.

Kata ta alla, h ekqesh anaferetai sthn Ellada me tropo, o opoios -mporei na pei kaneis- epanalambanei ayta poy ethsiws grafontai gia th xwra mas. Qewroyme pws exei thn ajia ths, alla ayto poy exei shmasia gia mas einai na kanoyme swsta th doyleia mas, wste kai ston tomea ayto h Ellada na prwtoporei.

MPOTWNHS: Pws sxoliazete tis dhlwseis ths kas Papandreoy, h opoia leei na afhsei h kybernhsh ta ``koyrasmena peristeria'' ektos twn syzhthsewn kai na asxolhqei me ta problhmata twn politwn, giati einai koyrasmenoi oi polites;

REPPAS: H kybernhsh asxoleitai me ta problhmata ths xwras kai toy ellhnikoy laoy. Paragei ergo. Sto telos ths 4etias qa kriqei apo ton ellhniko lao me bash ayto to ergo. Pisteyoyme oti, opws egine kai sto parelqon, etsi kai twra, o ellhnikos laos qa ananewsei thn empistosynh toy pros thn kybernhsh, otan erqei ekeinh h wra, giati to ergo ths kybernhshs qa einai kai pali o aceydhs martyras gia thn epityxhmenh qhteia ths.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Epimenei h kybernhsh na giortasei ta eikosi xronia apo thn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh, stis 31 Martioy;

REPPAS: Ayto to qema exei antimetwpistei kai exei kleisei me synergasia twn armodiwn yphresiwn. Mporei kai h N.D. na labei meros me ekproswpoys ths sthn ekdhlwsh ayth. Den nomizw oti oi apostaseis einai apagoreytikes. Exei apo kairo ginei epilogh ths sygkekrimenhs hmeromhnias, toy sygkekrimenoy topoy kai tropoy ekdhlwshs. Paramenoyme se ayto to programma.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Ma, apo kairo exei apofasistei kai to Synedrio ths N.D. , ap` o,ti qymamai.

REPPAS: Sas lew oti gi` ayto to qema exoyn lhfqei telikes apofaseis.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Dhladh, h kybernhsh epimenei na giortasei monh ths thn entajh;

REPPAS: Ayth einai dikh sas apoch. Egw sas eipa pws exei to qema.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Ekei to paei h kybernhsh. Ayto toylaxiston exw katalabei.

REPPAS: Ayth einai h apoch sas. Afoy sas odhgei se ayto to adiejodo h kybernhsh kai sas anagkazei na grafete pragmata ta opoia den pisteyete, oyte qelete na gracete, lypoymai. Den einai aytes oi proqeseis mas. Sas lew, loipon, oti h ekdhlwsh exei apofasistei na ginei me ayto ton orismeno tropo.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Se allo qema. Epimenete, ws kybernhsh, sto na diagrafei h lejh ``genoktonia'' apo ayto to Proedriko Diatagma, poy prokeitai na dhmosieyqei;

REPPAS: Ayto poy prepei na kanoyme oloi, politika kommata, koinwnikes omades kai polites, einai ayto kai mono ayto: Na deijoyme oti, ws xwra, sebomaste tis symbatikes ypoxrewseis poy exoyme analabei, ws melos toy OHE. Ayto prepei na kanoyme kai sth sygkekrimenh periptwsh. Tipota perissotero, tipota ligotero. H istoria exei grafei, oydeis mporei na thn agnohsei, oyte na th diastreblwsei. Apo kei kai pera, koitame pros to mellon. Oi politikes sxeseis metajy twn xwrwn den mporei na ephreazontai apo istorika gegonota. Apo thn allh, omws, h poreia twn xwrwn qa prepei na einai se plhrh armonia me tis symbatikes ypoxrewseis poy exoyn ws melh mias Dieqnoys Koinothtas.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Apo poia symbatikh ypoxrewsh ejagetai ayto, mporeite na mas peite; Poia einai ayth h symbatikh ypoxrewsh poy sas anagkazei na mhn to balete ayto;

REPPAS: Apo to 1948, loipon -afoy den exete parakoloyqhsei toso stena ayto to qema- prepei na sas pw oti o OHE exei qespisei symbaseis, tis opoies exei ypogracei, exei prosxwrhsei se aytes h Ellada. Aytes oi symbaseis problepoyn me sygkekrimeno tropo, pws mporei kapoios na anaferetai kai na prosdiorizei, ws genoktonia, kapoia istorika gegonota. Emeis, ayto to plaisio dieqnwn symbasewn to lambanoyme ypoch mas kai me bash ayto qa kinhqoyme sto synolo twn epilogwn poy qa kanoyme.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Otan katartizate to Proedriko Diatagma den tis jerate tis ypoxrewseis;

REPPAS: Gnwrizete oti h Boylh twn Ellhnwn exei chfisei ena sygkekrimeno nomo. Malista, aytos o nomos chfisthke apo ola ta kommata. Polloi poy chfisan ayto to nomo sth Boylh, diatypwnoyn apoceis poy fanerwnoyn mia nea proseggish poy epixeiroyn gia to idio qema. Ola ayta prepei na ta laboyme ypoch mas.

ARGYROS: Mias kai enas synadelfos ekane thn arxh gia ta kommatika, qa hqela na rwthsw ean gnwrizete, an o Prwqypoyrgos qa apodexqei thn protash poy toy exei ginei na eklegetai o Proedros toy PASOK apo th bash toy Kinhmatos.

REPPAS: Prwta ap` ola, den apodexqhka kamia syzhthsh gia kommatika zhthmata. Gnwrizete oti ola ta stelexh ekfrazoyn eleyqera tis apoceis toys. Apanthsa se mia erwthsh poy eixe proswpiko xarakthra kai ekrina oti eprepe na apanthsw, dinontas ayton ton proswpiko tono kai sthn apanthsh. Kata ta alla, apantwntas sthn erwthsh toy k. Mpotwnh, den eipa tipota allo, para to oti h kybernhsh kanei ayto gia to opoio exei eklegei: Na paragei ergo, qetiko ergo gia thn Ellada kai toys Ellhnes polites.

ARGYROS: Sthn erwthsh qa apanthsete; Yparxei kai protash toy k. Benizeloy.

REPPAS: Apanthsa se ayto to qema. Qa prepei na apeyqynqeite alloy gia apanthseis epi ths oysias se ena tetoio erwthma. Alloi einai armodioi.

Sas eyxaristw.

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