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Greek Government Press Briefing, 00-06-27

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 27 Ioynioy 2000



Geia sas.

Akoyw tis erwthseis sas.

KONTOPOYLOS: Qa ginei, shmera, synanthsh toy Prwqypoyrgoy me ton k. Eyqymioy;

REPPAS: Bebaiws, o Prwqypoyrgos qa exei synergasia me ton ypoyrgo Paideias. Sth synergasia ayth, poy qa ginei se mish wra, qa laboyn meros o omilwn kai o k. Xythrhs. Antikeimeno ayths ths syskechs einai to qema twn hmerwn, dhladh, oi sxeseis ths Politeias me thn Ekklhsia ypo to fws twn teleytaiwn ejelijewn.

TAKHS: Htan programmatismenh ayth h syskech h ektakth;

REPPAS: Sth shmerinh prwinh synergasia mas o Prwqypoyrgos anakoinwse me leptomereies, pleon, to programma gia tis epomenes hmeres. Sto programma ayto perilambanontai, ektos apo o,ti sas anakoinwsa xqes, kai h shmerinh syskech, kaqws kai h ayrianh synergasia, stis 10 to prwi, toy Prwqypoyrgoy me thn ypoyrgo Eswterikwn, Dhmosias Dioikhshs kai Apokentrwshs, ton ypoyrgo Dhmosias Tajhs, ton Arxhgo ths EYP k. Apostolidh kai ton Arxhgo ths EL.AS. strathgo Gewrgakopoylo.

TAKHS: Na ypoqesoyme oti kai h ayrianh synanthsh qa exei antikeimeno to idio qema;

REPPAS: Kamia sxesh.

KAPPOS: Ti antikeimeno qa exei h ayrianh synanthsh;

REPPAS: Ta qemata armodiothtas twn ypoyrgwn poy symmetexoyn sth syskech.

GEROPOYLOS: Xqes, o ekproswpos ths Ierarxias eipe oti h Ierarxia dexetai syzhthsh me thn kybernhsh mono gia to qema twn taytothtwn kai malista kalese ton Prwqypoyrgo na kalesei o idios ton Arxiepiskopo Aqhnwn kai Pashs Elladas. Qa hqela to sxolio sas gi` ayto.

REPPAS: Exoyme diatypwsei th qesh mas. Paramenoyme sth qesh ayth. To qema ths mh anagrafhs toy qrhskeymatos sta astynomika deltia anagnwrishs twn politwn, einai qema apokleistikhs armodiothtas ths Politeias. H Politeia, ena qema poy einai ths dikhs ths apokleistikhs armodiothtas, den exei logo na to qesei sthn Ekklhsia. Oi foreis ths Ekklhsias einai aytoi oi opoioi zhtoyn syzhthsh epi toy sygkekrimenoy qematos. Ara, qa prepei na analaboyn mia sxetikh prwtoboylia, an etsi exei to qema. Kata ta alla, emeis epanalambanoyme th qesh, oti to qema ayto exei kleisei oristika kai telesidika gia thn kybernhsh. Einai qema to opoio thn apasxolhse kai gia to opoio exei labei thn apofash ths h kybernhsh. Den antimetwpizetai otidhpote allo.

PITTARAS: Ston ``prwino kafe'' eixame tipote allo;

REPPAS: Eixame, aplws, th syzhthsh gia to programma toy Prwqypoyrgoy tis epomenes hmeres.

PITTARAS: H synanthsh ths Ierarxias me ton ypoyrgo Paideias einai proapaitoymeno gia synanthsh toy Prwqypoyrgoy me ton Arxiepiskopo;

REPPAS: Exoyme milhsei, kat` epanalhch, gia to qema ayto. Gnwrizete poly kala oti anablhqhke me prwtoboylia toy Makariotatoy h antapodosh episkechs toy ston ypoyrgo Paideias. Apo ekei kai pera, qa htan qetiko an ginotan ayth h episkech. Asfalws, efoson diatypwqei aithma gia synanthsh me ton Prwqypoyrgo, qa antimetwpistei analogws kai qetika. Kapoioi prepei na proetoimasoyn, sthn periptwsh ayth, th synanthsh, to plaisio syzhthshs. Omws, ola ayta pisteyw oti exoyn poly mikroterh shmasia. Shmasia exei oti epiqymoyme to dialogo. Epiqymoyme na einai anoiktoi oi diayloi epikoinwnias, sth bash pantote twn diakritwn rolwn poy einai amoibaiws sebastoi.

TAKHS: Ean apo thn pleyra ths Ierarxias zhthqei synanthsh me ton Prwqypoyrgo gia thn epomenh hmera, xwris atzenta, h apanthsh ths kybernhshs poia qa einai;

REPPAS: Giati prokatalambanete ton Makariotato; An ginei ayto, qa eimaste kai emeis etoimoi na dwsoyme sygkekrimenh apanthsh. Alla se ypoqetikh erwthsh, den mporoyme na dwsoyme sygkekrimenh apanthsh.

MOYRTZHS: Ara, dhladh, h kybernhsh perimenei aithma ths Ierarxias gia synanthsh.

REPPAS: H kybernhsh exei labei mia apofash gia sygkekrimeno qema. Hdh, oi sxetikes diadikasies proxwroyn kai h apofash ayth qa teqei se efarmogh. H kybernhsh den antimetwpizei opoiodhpote allo qema. H Ekklhsia, efoson qewrei oti yparxei ena qema, qa prepei na antimetwpisei to qema poy kata th gnwmh ths yparxei kai enapokeitai se ayth na analabei tis sxetikes prwtoboylies.

KAPPOS: Sthn ayrianh syskech qa symperilhfqei kai to qema ths astynomikhs synergasias me tis HPA;

REPPAS: Qa syzhthqoyn qemata armodiothtas twn dyo ypoyrgeiwn. Gia to sygkekrimeno qema poy anafereste, gnwrizete poly kala oti exoyn ginei syzhthseis kai exei kleisei o kyklos ths synennohshs. To keimeno exei symfwnhqei. Menei na apanthsei h kybernhsh twn HPA pote qa einai etoimh na proxwrhsei sthn ypografh aytoy toy keimenoy, sto idio epipedo, bebaiws, me to opoio qa ekproswphqei kai h dikh mas xwra.

KAPPOS: H paroysia toy proistamenoy ths EYP ti rolo paizei;

REPPAS: Gnwrizete poly kala oti h EYP synergazetai me thn Ellhnikh Astynomia. Ara, se orismena qemata ta dyo ypoyrgeia exoyn synarmodiothta. Ths EL.AS. proistatai o ypoyrgos Dhmosias Tajhs, ths EYP proistatai h ypoyrgos Eswterikwn, Dhmosias Dioikhshs kai Apokentrwshs.

Sas eyxaristw.

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